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SOLDIER DIPLOMAT 10, 000 POUND FIRE IN ISLAND OF JAMAICA (FREEDOM OFT ADDITIONAL STEAMSHIP SERVICE FÓR JAMAICA THE STRAITS is 818 When the had as decided to make King the every by on dealing ability sticking near Is Name Fittingly Applied Should Be Maintained UnTo Sir Charles Harrington. der International Control.
Several Buildings in Commercial Sir Charles Harington, Alted If it is admitted and it would Pacific Steam Navigation Co. To Commander in Chief in the Near be difficult to deny it. that the Area Destroyed At Midnight. East, whose name has recently freedom of the Straits should be Make Kingston Port Of Call.
been on everybody lips, is one maintained under international of the most Army.
Turkish army from Asia into The Jamaica Heralds in a posil. It is known that attention is have meant a to state that arrange pents have being directed in England to the Spanish town, Oct. 30. After Wholesale Grocery and Provi. the Briush Popular senerals in enatrol and that the passagerot a temporary cessation of the fire sion business owned by Massrs. acquaintance he appears just Europe would Eforts un assuming and competent.
epidemic which started here a Meeks and Co.
further outbreak of war in the been made whereby Jamaica is needs of Jamaica and other few months ago, the Old Capital were made by the police to burst During the great war, however.
Balkans than it must now be to be provided with addtional sections of the West Indies in was awain visited by the fire the front door of the Chinaman he earned, and deservedly earn clear that Great Britain was steamship facilties during the the mstier or regular passenger fiend last night, resulting in the shop, bat owing to the fire the ed, a reputation for being one of Wise in making her stand in the coming tourist season. and cargo connection to and complete destruction of a portion attempts had to be abandoned, the most brilliant officers on any at all events acting alone; but the held in London during detober reason to believe that the. for a from the Mother Country There of the commercial centre.
Moeks Bulding Doomod. Obief of Staff to come ha was At eleven forty five whilst General Plumer independent nature of her acting Attention was next turned to and it was during this period was not due to any departure on the which His Excellency Sir Colonial Ofice is ready to sup.
Constables Kerr and Hill were Leslie Probyn. Governor of the stated that some of the the her the port the movement, and it can be from allied policy bat colony, and a representative of celebrated on duty in Adelaide and French the Meek building but here that he completed because nothing could be done. staff work which made such an she alone remained to all the Colonial Office were present representative in the grocery and provision shop of Seeing that any further attempt overpowering success of the Batmaintain a policy to which the Pacific Steam Navigation Council are interesting They saw a blaze in the too.
three great Allied powers selves in the matter. It is under. Thompson, China man to save these already completely tle of Messines. This work was had subscribed. Had she with company, which is a subsidiary stood that at conference of as did the French and Co. has of the Royal They quiekis gave the alarm anveloped buildings was haeless of such a nature that, who Mail Steam Packet elected members the Police Bugle sounded, and firefighters started to demolish forward German positions were Italians. from Chanak, had she ston a port of call for its splen logic question will be dis.
to be held in of the bell old buildings on the opposite blown sky high and when the body the market rung. Io side on the 20th Inst. this jess time than it takes to tell a barning buildings. tremendous British barrage ten not announceed quite firmly and dian pa Mr. Cornelius donse crowd congregated from Bennett larga simultaneously very clearly would did which three gible proposal being submitted all sections of the town to the bakery buildings adjacent to enemy, gan emplaenant, res the Turks cussed Company had spot where the fire was then the freedom of America. The service is to be advancing British troops were the would ord weekly one; and it has been dirst to the Logislature, and latto penetrats deeply intold police and the local Fire Brigade, partially destroyed to save the German territory with incredi. and the Balkande exist no more arranged that six of the vessels ter to the Colonial office would have such as situation. Osher places have been will under the leadership of Mr.
visit Kingston between deputation from the Council Mr. and During the last in etaption. Why, one wanders, December and March both on which; as was decided by resolably small loss.
Maclarlane, were quickly. an Groeery store opposite Meeks tew works Harington has proved det fra Albese are the defenblish the outward and on the home. tione come me on this consigo aboalde did the to the. but unfortunatelyas and Co. and asual B0 Water was available. Brewery caught fire, bat. willing also. The British Government the Straits it those zones were to ward voyage. One boat will call Secretary of Stats for the B, Athias himself something of a diplomat the of visit London to discuss with the The shop premises of Thompson, put entire faich in his ba abandoned so soon as their here in December. one in Colonies the proposed changed in and was now in the entire grip of hands secured buckets of water discretion in the purpose was seriously threaten January, two in February and the colony political constitufierce fire, which 15 minutes and put out the flames.
Turks and although he was rally ed? Many people were at some two in March. Continued on Page 7)
after had spread to the large empowered tion and some other matters, to take drastic to prove Britain by measures, he handled a delicate to her word was auimatobvious desire to avoid hostilities. Straits. The suggestion situation with great skill and ed by some desire to maintain for verself the control THIS IS IDLE TALK of the WEBSTER STEAMSHIP COMPANY Rich Musical Programme policy throughout has been that malicious. Britain At Church the Strait should be controlled The Barbados Advocate of a recent date states that Washington despatch dated November 6th states by the League of Nations in the the inauguration of the Webster Steamship Line whose that negotiations for the purchase of the Bahamas Islands interests of all nationa and by steamers leave this port every fifteen days for Cuba, is a frəm Great Britain are favoured by prohibition officials as the staging of the Rich Musical of the Turk she did work of movement which is calculated to meet a long felt want a means of checking the rum smuggling evil along the Programme which is to take inestimable value to the cause Everything is in readiness for refusing to scuttle at the behest in the direction of speedy and regular communication with of Atlantic coast. This suggestion has come up since the place to morrov (Sunday) 19th peace that country, concentration of 10, 000, 000 worth of liquor there for at the above named Church on Recognising the necessities of the situation, the Webshipment to the United States under the assumption that Street and Esthmian Pawlidonia Road eter Line has stepped into the breach and now proposes to the chances of getting it in are enbanced by the three left anturne no stone is CYCLONE MINSTREL AND substitute for the ill equipped and over crowded schooners unturned to mile limit enforcement orders. Great Britain might be satisfaction so don fail to attend give the public COMEDY COMPANY without proper sanitary convenience on which the Cuban induced to part with the islands and have the price and bring your friends along emigrant has hitherto been forced to travel, an up to date deducted from her debt to this country. according to the with you. bumper house is At La Boca Clubhouse anticipated so be on time, rain line of steamers with reasonable fares going and returning view of officials interested in prohibition.
or shine. Dɔors open at 30 The Cyclone Minstrel and supplied with all necessary facilities for the convenience of programma commences at Comedy Co. which is scheduled passengers, and making the trip in six days.
William Jennings Bryan Blackwood Sent to Corozal 30 usual popular prices.
appear at Le Boca Clubbouse to to in For Observation.
In Panama.
Concert at The Excelsior every phase of minstrelse that Reception And Welcome Cruel Assault.
Theatre Service La Boca Clubhouse has offered.
The investigation into the case According to reports received from the Atlantic Bide it conveys On Thursday this week a very of attempted murder and crimi.
There will be a grand recep. of Bamuel Fernandez, and claims man who goes by the namo distinguished American jurist Ash tos saule brought against to be held last Sunday at the ha inpelligence stone thing artist ton and welcome service held it to ben colombian anda dalawang Statesman and Diplomat visited Ashton Black wood on the Excelsior Theatre by the Pom portray something in the. on the 23rd tried this city. We refer to the Sil person of Elfreds Sylvester rose Choral Union, the Lills Somedy Dever shown to the La situated in Calidonia Road Pana sentenced in the Colon southero ver longue Orator, William a 21 year old West Indian girl, Choir and others was, owing to it is expected that there will Bunday evening. commencing at district police court for woundBoca community in the past, ma, on the 19th of month, was called at Cristobal on the lunt Jennings Bryan; who unforeseen circumstances, post ing a a child with a hatchet to Secrteary of State in President 15th instant.
28. bumper bouse to take in 730 precisely, in honour of the oned and will be held on Mon he show which starts at Rev. Wilkins, who bas late serve 40 days imprisonment Wilson Cabinet It is astounding the manner day night next the 20th inst, Al clock, so don miss it.
On arriving at Balbɔa; pro Sylvester allowed bis ant nal those persons who have bought ly returned from the states, and the 9th inst. having obtained his is visiting all that section of the ment as an Independence day liberty from the Panama govern gram was drawn up and pre passion of association to have tickets or otherwise contemplat sented for the approval of Mr. Worked him up to a bit of mad. ed attending are hereby asked British Consulate Notice won with the Church to which work is clemency. cruelly assaulted Bryan. visit was paid to the ness, a President the Republic, state of desperation. He became ace rdingly. As was previously The British Consul in this city be is connected, and of which he young Wilkins the son of he Pilgrim what visits to the Institute and almost inhuman and has not announced every effort has been would like to know of the where to connected and her whichba appeared a steel knuckled fisca Normal School, as well Union Club, visit to Governor man.
most enjoyable one.
Jarnaica as West Indies Morrow and a visit to the Nawill be occupied by several over from the Zone where he is Judge Wallingford acted disAt tional Assembly at p.
ministers, and other prominent employed as assistant dentist to nama, such as the kev. Dr. Doten when he was attacked to opozul aspium top oberoe. Dramatic Cantata at The Variedades. 1Phorbourne, Rev. e. by Fernandez all those places the distinguish creatly in sending Blackwood ed Statesman was received with tion.
the dignity, respect and honour this man could have been in a It is inconceivable that.
befitting his position as a private settled state of mind.
Burke, De M Anderson, and It appears that the former had citizen of the United States.
The dramatic Cantata entitled first occasion to patronize the others, along with the Pastor of seen when the latter wounded Mr, Bryan is one of those This is indeed a lesson to fool Joseph Bondage which was Cantata on the 29;h inst. and be the Church, Rev A, Olle, and the child Smith referred to distinguished characters for who ish and idle people who allow. successfully staged at the convinced of the rich musical last but not the least the Rev, F, above and had given testimony the entire civilized world enter their affection to be overridden Excelsior Theatre on Oct. 28th talent bere awaiting develop R, Wilkins, Thers will also be to the fact and that Fernandez musical programme in connechad been awaiting his chance to tain respect. man of firm by their intellect, leading them last will be agalu rendered at the ment: convictions and honest inten very often to criminal coaclu Variedades Theatre on the evenThe Variedades will give a tion with this service, which will take his revenge, making much He has ing of the 29th inst.
not yet beensions.
more convenient opportunity in help to add to the merriment of of the Liberty be so liberally made President of the United It was a splendid prodaction displaying all of the good merits the hour, a bright time is enti got.
States, because in that country In the Court of Judge political intrigue is afraid of local talent. The scenic effect there are in the drama, and for cipated, Taere will also be a of Select Site For Negro the and the costumes blended in these and other reasons a buan representative of Rad Tank sec Wade bowever, on the 13th insta purity of government he will School.
very satisfactory manner. Some per house is anticipated. The tion of that work also, whose Fernandes was dealt sentence bring into his administration.
performers fexcelled performers will not fail to give We extend most hearty wel fine of one hundred dollars of the name meationed later. of one month imprisonment and Mr. Bryan is the greatest living themselves and were deserving satisfaction.
Two hundred acres of land of the tremendous outburst of exponent in the United States come to one and ail, which it is hoped will teach the of the coinage of the silver near Ridge, Md. was selected applauses given at the end of British Consulate Notice latter a good lesson.
by the trustees of the Cardinal each act.
Mrs. Bryan accompanied ber Gibbons institute for the site Baptist Church Activities husband on the trip.
of an agricultural and industrial The young lad who acted The Chorrillo Society will training school for the education Joseph part in the early part British Consulate General Baptismal service will be hold a Debate on Tuesday night NOTICE of colored boys. Among the of the drama deserves to be would like to get in communica held at 7:15 at the Colon at the Chorrillo Baptist Church Correspondents are requested sponsors of the school are such commended for the brighe and tion with Joha Adolphus Baptist Onurch on the 26th instawealth or education which is to send in their contributions prominent men as Admiral Ben lucid interpretation be gave to mot later than Tbursday eveniogs Senator Walsh. Pathfinder son, Archbishop Curley and his part.
It will be a gala to Anderson who was known to when Pastor Thrift expects to better. All are invited to attend thosa who were absent on the reside in Calldonia ap to 1920. immerde a number of candidates. this intereselog meeting, to enagre publication, to be this to of. Jancheon at the demonstrated the reason of a put forward to take the evening bouts of Alfred Urian Eaglish of a hele were the best platform Mr. Wilkins jar. was croring men of Panama, Rev. Neil, Rəv. Barclay, tous,


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