
PAGE TWOTAB YORKEAN SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1969 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands MAGNUMS LYNTON in Valuable CASH Coupon.
on such a tad THE WORKMAN Book Binding Department then an a fortnight tation both JAMAICA last week a delegation from the Locomotive Department wait on Mr. Dydd, tae Acting West Indian Cricket Director, to protest against the proposed reduction, but were Team for England WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT Informed by that gentleman that he could do nothing in No. 18, New Market Street matter, and that they should put their grievance in writing LOOKS CERTAINTY THAT COM RETAIL DEPARTMENT for submission to the Director BINATION WILL GO OVER on his return to the island, a few EARLY NEXT YEAR.
No, 107, Bolivar Street weeks bence.
On Friday it is reported that MR. MORRISON WORK, THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY the entire body of Etationmasters, through a ciiy slicitor, gave two weeks notice to Invitation from Barbados FULL SUPPLY OF terminate engagement at the Railway, and it is stated that the To Send a Jamalca Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, drivers are also contemplating a Team to Colony.
similar step (Gleaner. Cabbage, Dairymen Butter, AWAITING ON LETTER.
ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES Director of Railway meeting of the Jamaica The Gleaner learns that certain Cricket Council was beld at Call and see us before purchasing of the elected members are now Sabina Park yesterday afternoon in commun cation with There were present Hon. Wilelsewhere.
Government over the honorarium liam Morrison President; Mr.
IN EACH which the Government have paid Burton, Vice President; to Major Lewis Thomas, Diree Messrs. Netherbole, tor of the Jamaica Government Cox, Charlie Morrison, and it is is ucderstood Holt, Aikman, Dr.
that enquiries are also being Cameron, Messrs. F08made as to whether the Director ter, Campbell, Jas. Jaseley got honorarium or commis8. Chisholm, Mercier, sion in connection with the 20 CIGARETTES and Mr. Terrier.
SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR ar pointment of certain officials The President gave a complete on the start of the Railway. utlice of his efforts whilst in Infants, Invalids and the Aged England recently to get an English team to visit the West Every tin contains an Interesting leaflet of the Indies in the coming year but BARBADOS marvellous use of this great Food.
without success, also bis various attemp to ck se arrangements hereby a West Indian combi Purely An English Preparation.
Sad Death of Dr.
nation would visit the Mother Country. This is now almost a Bancroft Children ertainty, and the Council is MANUFACTURED BY Why throw away your bld, but no.
In Barbados awaiting further news of ar.
BENGER FOOD, LTD rangements by the sister colonles The matter of the repreMANCHESTER; ENGLAND doubt interesting, books when you sentation of Jamaica should have FOR SALE AT Says the Barbados Advocate: a team was fully disThe community has been shock can have them neatly bound at cussed, also the transportation facilities in getting the combinaThe American Pharmacy JAVIER MORAN ed at the death of Ralph and Dorothy Bancroft, aged eight tion to England. If things FO and six years old respectively through satisfactorily, it is the children of Dr. G Ban likely that such a West Indian croft and Mrs. Bancroft, which XI will be in to show that its action in making Save That Tooth. the Motherland before next summer.
occurred on 4th ard 5th October.
the grant was justifiable, its action in making the grant in under some wl as mysterious The matter of the visit of an the manner that it did, cannot circumstances. These two chilAll Jamaican XI to Barbados possibly be justified.
dren slung with a smaller early next year was the dis Do not extract an aching tooth, brother were vaccinated at the cussed. The means of transpor: decayed tooth if it has at least same time about CENTRAL AVENUE ways and the cost The Hermitage And two good walls can be saved to before their death; and on 30th were exhaustively gone into and you for It was eventually decided to Sewerage Scheme years.
with convulsions wbich continued and No. G Street await a death.
No post advised sending in their cable Loan If your teeth are loose with until note mortem was held, but a pus seoping around the neck of has been published, signed by received in Kingston some day!
the teeth, giving your breath ap Dr. John Hutson and Dr, but from the effects or results be if the two ran a race of two ago, in which they invited Jamaica to send a team over.
THE KING ASSENT. offensive odor you are suffering Pullips stating that igt widoconsequently tberec On receipt of news from Barfrom Pyhorrea Alveolaris, miles at tbese respective speeds?
bados an emergency meeting can be cured. Do not have them be regarded as above other child There grave and widespread Ono papil returned bis paper will be called. Gleaner. It Is Almost certaln That extracted unless there dien vero at the same time is not dead dissatisfaction over the medical with the query unanswered, This Law Will be Approved bony tissue alveolar and the also.
statement is nen failure to make a clear except that he had written on regarded by many as an insult sta:ement in the matter.
the sheet, refuse to have That Railway HonBy His Majesty, to the intelligence of the comwith borse anything to do The examiners of a certain racing.
If you are interested in savlig!
munity, there being a strong orarium The Gleaner of the 6th instant your teeth see feeling that school alway try to make the mortem states that the Acting Governor (Continued On Paye 3)
should have been held and every papers up to date and interesteffort made to clear up the ing as possible. During a recent has caused a letter to be sent to DR. JOHNSON Commenting Editorially under the Kingston General Commiscause of death. The Agricultural examination one of the questions the above caption the Jamaica sioners in which be informs which is strongly an ti read thus: one borse can Surgeon Dentk Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
vaccinationist, challenges the run a mile in a minute and a hall Times animadverts thus. them that His Majesty the King medical men to controvert the and another is able to do the Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents It has been stated, re stated, has not yet given his assent to 139 Central Avenue and much commented upon that the Law with regard to the statement that the two children distance in two minutes, how the Government bas agreed to raising of a loan with which to Over City Pharmacy. died not only after vaccinati in far ahead would the first horse Incomparable pay to the Director of the Jamai carry out the Hermitage and ca Railway, some 1, 700 as an Sewerage Schemes. It is almost honorarium for work which be certain, however, that the Law has done in supervising certain will be assented to, and that the construction at the Rail works will be put in band early Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 way, this being work that falls Dext year.
outside bis general duties. This The Kingston General Comif fact it fact, ment has allowed to come out as plans and estimates in connec be, the Govern. missions have prepared the it were, casually, and not as a tion with the Hermitage Scheme, straightforward statement duly and they will be forwarded In and officially made.
due course for the approval of is so extraordinary, and so objectionable as it Governor in Privy Council. Head Office: 60 WALL STX, New YORK CITY Owned by THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF New YORK as it stands above atated. that we can hardly beIt has already been announced lieve that all the facts relating to in the Gleaner that it is not as the occurrence have been told, works will be given out by conto whether the and we are willing to await on a watatement from the Government actor whether they wind Depository of the PANAMA CANAL remarking in the mean Staff of the Kingston General carried ont by the Engineering time, that if all the facts have Commissioners. This will be been stated no more objection decided when Sir Leslie Probyn able transaction has occurred in returns from England The Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of this island for a long time. Ix Kingston General CommissionTHE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in the first place the policy for payers have, however, Intimated ing for over time work or for ex that they can start the work in ENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN ITALY BELGIUM tra work has been repudiated by January next.
CHERA JAPAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS the Government on more than PHILLIPINES one cccasion, and at the Railway ARGENTINE BRAZIL CHILE CUBA PERU PORTO RICO con URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA demned by Majer Thomas him: THE RAILWAY self. In the second place we are not aware that the Director has Reported Discontent Among in this case any special expert knowledge to deal with this parEmployees.
Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World ticular work as a supervisor, And in the third place, it The decision of the Railway wine of the Government and management to reduce, by 25 per proper to grant this honorarium. cent. the salaries and wages of ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE the correct course was most the majority of the workers certainly to do the thing in the employed in the various departmost open way possible, and so ments of the service, has INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM 19 not to convey any suggestion aroused a great feeling of disthat there is anything to hide. content among those affected, It Even if the Government is abl is learnt that towards the end of their tooth.
post Reporter, capital International Banking Corporation Son is goes mad ove the it it was


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