
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18 1922, Governor Morrow THE WORKMAN ON THE SALE OF TOBACCO Only the Best Men Furnishings carried in stock de Thro 250.
English Woolens tip White Linen Drills It is CARTERT tob. eco CARTER Eraser SHAYRISER Always in stock at رفاه SMOOTH AS VELVET THE PANAMA CANAL Rates for Advertisement on applica OF Published on Saturdays by Canal Zona VALROND, the once Central Avotion. Correspondence on all matters Executive Office gue and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
Balbos Heights, Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must te November 1922 written on one side of paper only, scd TO ALL CONCERNED: RATES OP SUBSCRIPTIOX must be sccompanied by the name of CARTERS 40 8. y. the writer, not Becessarily for publieb.
Oce Year Attention is called to the fact 20 Six Months tion but as a mark of good faith that imported tibero carried in 600. We do not underske tortura commissaries, clutbots08. res One erejected orrespondence.
taurants, Amy arid Nars fine Selection of and puss xhanges 10 uberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS en cly be sold to rerons in the service of the United States Guvernut lucing Panama SATURDAY NOT MEER 18, 1922 Canal aadis Railroad emAND Ivyees rsonnel of the TOURIST AND Army a. vs) or to THE TURF, THE persuns ENEW LIQUES laius pec antho zilions.
such as dilona ie vilio JUST RECEIVED Government contractors.
Is and the duty of those reconsible for these activities That the economic future of Panama deperds on the ALSO BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY taisu action to see that sales of are absola ely practical development of the natural resources is a fact cestric ed to SHIRTS those entitled to TIES COLLARS that has now passed the stage of controversy and is receive make purchases, and all sales ETC. etc. ing the attention of the law making body of the nation.
pe la must be curefuly in structed on this subject. This week the Hon. Deputy Alvarado introduced a bill violation of instructions shou b.
asking for the appropriation of ten thousand balboas, AT THE PALAIS ROYAL Cluse for inndi di dis.
equivalent to the same number of American dollars, for the missal irun the service CARTER development of the tourist trade to be expended by CarniJ. PERREIRA In the case of thos? activities not under a maistrative control val and Turf committee properly selected for the purposes,. NKS. PASTES MUCILAGES CENTRAL AVENUE, Corner 9th Street, PANAMA of th. Govaruor as to personnel, The bill is far sighted, practical and business like. It It will be necessary to withdraw takes money to make money, and to make money people the free entry privilege on toBENEDETTI HERMANOS mnet advertise. This is as true of the nation as it is of the coo it safes. ce hit propeily Central Ave 3rd St.
regulated ju tha manter outlin.
individual investor or the corporation. At a casual glance PANAMA the proposal might appear to be wanton and frivolous, and JAY MORROW, there might be those who would dismies it as being a silly Governor.
suggestion for the dissipation of national func But this is a question which must be considered beneath the surface.
The turf is one of the most prominent and attractive PRODUCTS NURSE MELBOURNE interest in Panama to day. Thoroughbred borses have been imported from Jamaica and elsewhere, and the track MIDWIFE SICK NURSE has been remade completely. But the local horse dealers No. 16, 12 Street East Paare in need of something from the outside to stimulate nama City.
Dr, HOFFMANN interest and infuse livelier competiveness in the sport.
Judging from the number of persons who frequent the AND (Next Door Eldorado Theatre) has reopened his clinic for diseases of the blood, rheumarace course it cannot be denied that the populace of this DR. SUMMER MEDICAL tism and urological cases in country is not yet aroused to the attractiveness of the past TREATMENT Women are conspicuously absent from the races Good time.
to the last Puff the upper floor of Al Place, FOR WOMEN and the rush of men, when the population of Panama and Santa Ana Plazı, Street the Zone is taken into consideration, is far from being Specialized in by Nurse No. Melbourne.
appreciable. This does not mean that the races are not BECAUSE well attended, but that there ought to be tremendously more people patronizing the diversion than there are at Seventh Day Adventist Church present.
Cricket IT TOASTED STREET CALIDONIA ROAD It has been suggested that the race meets be be less (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
EXCURSION AT STANDARD frequently, about four times a year, on occasions of the Sabbath (at urday) 45. to, Sab big Panamanian and American holidays. Washington OVAL.
bath School; 11. 15 um Goueral Worshi Birthday in February, Decoration Day in May, the Fourth 3, 30 Spanish Class; 30 pro of July and Independence Day in November, This seems One of the attractions at the Young People Meeting: 30 Standard Oval in connection Vespers, practicable and would not be too much of a strain on a with the Excursion from Colon Sunday evening at Reading patronizing public. During the tourist season extra meets on Thankgiving Day, Nov. 3rd, Clao. All are welcome both young and could be arranged for to accommodate the visitors some of will be a cricket match between old. 30 m, Rich Musical Programa wbom might be induced to make entries with foreign team from Christ Church, Colon, and one from St. Paul Colon. 11 an Dascoa Elwardo; Baptist Church horses.
The countries of Central and South America as well 7;15 Pastor Torift IT TOASTED The match promises to be a Chorrill 11 am. Dalen Linton as the West Incies have all along depended for much of very interesting one. Mr. 7;15 Pastor Witt their economic prosperity upon the tourist trade which Bamuols, Organist at Christ streams from North America and Europe each winter. The Charcb, wil captain the Colon Coronel Rond 11 a. Pastor Witt team, while the Rev.
Mr. Gallicore migratory instinct of the monied man throws him on these Nightengule will be skipper of Respiro am u Mr. Brows shores during the long cold days, when those behind seek the Panama eleven. which team cativa Dolcon Poster 7;15 Mr. Ef Cummings warmth before stoves and fire places and under wraps and will win? The line up of each Now Providence 11 Pastor Theilt, over coate.
team will be given in the next Pooblo Nuovo, Me V, Yearwood great part of the tourist trade which runs through issue of the Workman.
NewGatua Thursday 7, 30 Pastor Thrift the tropics strikes Panamna with calculable regularity, and Church Of God G St Colon it is the opportunity offered by this annual invasion that CHURCH SERVICES 11, 30 7;30 Gospel Sormon prompted the bonorable member of the National Assembly Sunday School to introduce the bill. The tourists are always business men (Ameriosa Episoopal Churab)
Bie Brewster Pastor Evang whose speculative insight is never dim and who look (Twenty third Sunday, Afler Trinity) Goupil Berm yn 11. 30 am 30 Now Providence around for chances of investment as well as pleasure and recreation.
He will wrestle with your old worn out St. Paul Church, Panama Bunday School pm am, Holy Communion Sis Elliol, Pastor, The tourist season always brings business to Panama back number stove for about five minutes 10 am, Matine through the hotels, stores and curiosity houses. But the 10 30 in Holy Eucharist and sermon Gatun business gains of Panama in this way is but a small fracand then he will rush to the Gas Office and The Rt. Rev. C, Morris, Gospel Sermon 11, 30 a. 7, 30 tion of what it could be under systematic boosting and ask how quick we can install Holy Baptism, Bunday School pm Cuba gets a tremendous part 8pm. Sunday School.
organized advertisement.
George Griffith 30 Evensong Sermon, of the tourist trade because the national recognition of Panama San Miguel St NIGHTENGALE Vicar business interests places the government in close touch St. Alban s, Paraiso.
building 18 with advertising programme of local industrialists.
Gospel Sermons 11, 30 a. 7, 30 The Annual Harvest Festival Service Sunday School pm In Cuba there are many diversions and amusements will be held to morrow as follows: to attract tourists. Once there, the business possibilities Bailey Pastor 11. Am, Holy Eucharist and sermon and advantages tell their own story to them. The tourists Musical Service Wesleyan Methodist do not leave home with their minds flooded with cold The Right Way is the GAS Way 7:30 Evensong address Panama 11 a. Rev. Kissock Braham business propositions: they come away full of anticipation NIGHIENGALE Priest in chargo of a good time in the countries of perpetual summer, and Las Sabanas Mission 30 Rev Kissock Braham BD Chapie Ansivaraary they will go to these places that offer the best attraction.
Sunday Sabool pm 15 Evensong address PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY Cobo. Rov. Surgeon Panama can enjoy just as much of tourist trade as Nightongale Priest in charge WZ Boca 11. Mr. Johnson 7:30 Surgeon Cuba or anywhere else. Why should not this be so? And PANAMA OFFICE. AT COLON OFFICE: St. Peter Church La Boca. pm Mr. SK Walters if the government of Panama can do anything to enhance the economic possibilities of the country what objection Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bolivar St. 11. om. Matins Holy Communion New Providence 11. Me, Rhoden Hay Baptison m.
Paraiso 11 a. Mr Waltera should there be to the measure? Deputy Alvarado bill is Tel. 798 SERVICE Tel 364 30 Sunday School, Eapire 11. a. Mr. Layne timely and sane In the long run it will turn back into 7:30 pm Evensong and sermon Christian Mission Of Panama, the national revenue one hundred times the amount called MULCARE Rector Panama 11 am Brewster 7:30 A!
for. The Carnival season in Panama is now a recognized St. Barnabas Church, Empire Chorillo 11. m, Bello 7:30 WilCragwell combination of business and fun. People in the United To morrfwis Harvest Home Day at States make reservations in our local hotels months ahead 81. Barnabas. The mrvices for the day La Boca 11. J. Yard 7:30 of the Carnival. The Chamber of Commerce works single boosting the sport and advertising the economic advantages will be as follows:banded in advertising the business advantages of Panama, of the country. An increased race patronage means in Matias, sermont, de Holy Communion at Praiso 11. 7:30 J, Burko Taylor but it takes more than they can do to open the eyes of the creased sales and business. An increased tourist trade Graad Flower Service at p. Mr. Gatan 11 am Josh Boyos 7, 30 ML Supt.
foreign investors to the opportunities offered here. means an increased activity in economic life. Tourists she business aspect of the whole proposition is so clear come to Panama to see things and to spend a good time, Evening Prayer and addres 7p. Mr. Calon Miller. Bro, Grant 7:30 Sien Hanter)
that no considerable amount of argument is necessary to and if there is something attractive and interesting they A, portray to the merchants the role they ought to play in will open their purses without hesitation.
JT MULCARE, Priost in charge Burke Sup LUCKY STRIKE 7:16 Me.
Make Papa Cook the Dinner GAS STOVE eon 11 am, Thorpe


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