
THE WORKHAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1922, PA FIVB Christmas New Year GIFTS 19 92 21 God 91 be was Impianampananaman magmamannannmannnnnnnnnnnnn Pan American Export Corporation STROLLERS wielbimo bring of this STROLLERS revealed Loyal NATURAI, LEAF CIGARETTES present for ATLANTIC SIDES Canal Zone Notes Address And Purse 03 GATUN Tropical Gem Wins From TO ARCHDBACON R. CARSOS Dance at Clubhouse a Success!
St. Petar Church La Bres, Csasi Zan On Tuesday night the 14th The Venerable Arebdeso HR instant a grand dance was given The frierely game of cricket Carson, of the Ameriosa checu ed to be played between at the Silver Clubhouse. Mar Episcopal Charsh, In Th Los al Perseverance Lodge No, tins Band was in attendance, Mission District of the Pan 10103. and Tropical Gem age and in spite of the Inclement ms Canal Zoos, No. 8718, of the Grand United weather quite a large number of Reverend and Dear Ste: Order of Oddiellows, came off dancers were present and enjoy.
We, the Rector, Wardens and ed themselves immensely. The Sunday, November 12, at Sussexs Oval. Colon, and resultBacretary carried through all Committee Men of this Charch din a victory for the latter by From Decembe Ist to December 31st 1922, inclusive, we offer the arrangements satisfactorily. bebelt of suresives members, Parochisi Societies and Sunday School, bring uns.
You FREE the Gillette Safety Razor, in exchange for STROLLERS loart of your recent election to the The Tropical Genn skipper, Song Servics Well Attended Empty paper packages at the following rate. Episoopate, and of your expered George Phillips, having won secration, desire, to horoby ass upon the tose, sent in Loyal Perse.
Quantity of Empty Packages PREMIUMS The Song Service on Sunday record our pleasure for the promotion.
Serance to bat and disposed of last was an unqualified success. our appreciation of your ten years of ibem for 45 runs, The chief 000 Gillette Safety Razor, lady Delcotee The proceedings were conducted faitbul and fruitful service in the scorers are as follow: Cher 000 Aristocrat by Mrs. O. Laurie. She gave Church in this pirt of the world, y 11, Guy 10, Pierre 7, a very interesting talk and those our regrt in having to love in your Baurders and 800 Bostonian who were prosent were very able and business like an administra Belfour 800 Tuckaway Silver much impressed with the spirit tor, and so hopeful and sympitberio Tropical Gem began to bat at of sincere instruction demon Liritual leador.
2:10 add opened their innings 1, 000 Gold strated by the lady. Her subWo are deply im r01 byn with Hall and Harding. The 250 ject was The Glory of Beacon Gold shall be taken from Psalm xix. There interest you have displayed towards ever mindful of, baken latter being cl aned bowled in 250 first over before he had Brownie Silver were many songs and recitations St. Peter Church. You were instru: Scored. Young partnered Hall 100 which were richly rendered and mental in obtaining the site from the Dz. pkgs, Blades and the former only Eucceeded given to the audience. very Government, in having the building in making run when njoyable evening was spent. removed from Gatua and re erected Lowled by Seunders. Baker All Empty Packages to be malled to Box 1322, Cristobal, bere. You laid the cornet stove, and and Carew stopped the rot and Plans For Christmas. you have time and again preached pede 32 and 14 respectively, bers to the motitas is of all, The innings closed for b2 runs. MANS SMOKE IS COMBINEED WITH MAN SHAVE Committee of arrangement. Your work is coral bu been Alter the game which was a desling with the activities for picturesque that the temptation to very interesting and splendid the coming Christmas met and make a few beibl remarks thorets can one, the members of both lodges decided what were the exercises not be registed. The good that men do slong with their friends wended and entertainments for the sea is not always forgotten when they are Ineir way to the Flower the son. The public is asked to gone. In y ur care there are many sthmus Lodgeroom and sat watch the bulletins for further things you have done by which you around the banquet table eninformations in connection with will always be remembered. Building jylla ihemselves immensely the festivities.
the new St. Peter Church in Pans will ihe goods things provided.
m, funding the Children Hone Allman was toastmaster The Globe Trotters concert Kiteben in. Bella Vista, establishing. Soup and performed the duty admirGuchapsli for ind She ent ably.
has been Several speeches were postponed as di the West Indi a88, getting two men into the made and two bouquets were previous notice was too shortly Ministry. these toa standing presented to Messrs. E and would not have secured that of yw untiring effets; and your Cherry and Baker, being to patronage anticated for the seen interes: showa in the buma scorers for their respective HEAD OFFICE BRANCH being perfected to in th ne Treaurer, und parformera. Arrangements are Mary Dariot Areh deacon is teams.
Colon, It is hoped that these games unique entertainment on th gratally recogazd 23. inst.
The Secretary re atpreciated.
and gratefully Panama City.
will continue between the yari. Corner of Broadway 11 Street ous fraternal organizations.
quests that the residents in Gatun will turn out in large num which you disebarged your many dutico The quiet, unostintatious meaner in Mr. Balfour, skipper for Telephone, Colon No. 468, Calle 12 Este.
bers as the success of this conPerseverance in a few The Box, No. 1322, Cristobal remarkable strength of cert will help to swell the funds caraster. We consider your promotion brief remarks expressed the Watural Telephone, Panama No. 726, for the Christmas entertaic to the highest position in th Church as satisfaction it gave him in being CZ.
Mellow ments, Instrumental in getting the two Smoke Bor, No. 397, Ancon beinz well merited and as a wise dedilodges together, and thanked all Box, No. 156, Colon, sion of your Clerical brethren acting the behaviour Song Service Tomorrow.
under Divine guidance.
exhibited during the entire pro We ask you to accept this small purse He concluded by adding that he would accept Song Service tomorow evening simple token of our appreciation of will be conducted by Mrs your work, and request that you purchallenges from any of the Ophelia Smith, Mr. chuo with it some little memento by fraternal bodies, atd proposed Neely, the popular Club Sec which you may always remember we.
the toast of the Order.
retary at Cristobal, and well May the blessing of Almighty God known as a deep thinker and rest upon you richly, aod may health ammamanamamman mama DIAMIRAAMAT briliant orator will deliver an and long life be yours, and way you be Isthmian District address. large attendance adued with nersary wisdom to dis is looked for as an appreciation charge properly the duties of the bigh Grand Lodge.
Wanted to the visitor.
ffice to which He has oalled you.
We would welcome the pleasure to see Harvest Festival At St. Georges Bishop; but abould God order it otheryou after you shall have become As was announced in our last General Servant issue, the Executive Officers of by, December Church, 1st. Good wages and home to wion, we hope to meet you in heaven.
the Isthmien District Grand BY TAKING right PERSON Middle aged Signed and delivered in 86. Poler Lodge No. 4, of the Independent woman preferred, one willing Harvest Festival Services will Churoh this night the 19th of Norom United Order of Mechanics, paid an oficial visit to the Flower of and able to work, must live in. take place tomorrow at St. ber, 1922. 7, Mulaars. Restor.
the Isthmus Lodge No. 1, work 20 2nd Avenue Bella Vista.
ander its jurisdiction, on Rov Nigbtengale, Vloar of B, Hunter, Secretary log WONDERFUL CURE FOR St. Paul Chutch will be one of Roberta, Allen. War Monday night, November 18, 1922 the preachers for the day, and a dane) Prince, Alvarang.
BLADDER IRRITATION Smoke 111 (One Eleven) special program is being pre Dunkley. Committee men. The Grand Master and his pared for the occasion, Staff arrived at o clock and Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents sonounced their presence. After It Contains East Indian Oil of Sandal Wood Incomparable Mr. and Mrs. William Irving the usual formalities, they were Cricket Contest Postponed Arrive In Guayaqull, Ecuador admitted and granted all the and other ingredients honours due, them through the the following for general informa tion The undersign bog to Inform Due to the fact that Mr, and After taking their seats, the Gives Positive Relief in 24 hours The Rev. Tylerbest and all concerned, that the Cricket Mrs. Irving who are well Illustrated Grand of the Lodge.
the writer, left this country in Match that was to be played on known in the Baptist circle, and requested the Grand Master to June last, to visit the United the 30th Instant between the among the employees of Ancon sonduct the meeting, but the BUY BOX TO Y of America, in order to Oddfellows at the Pacific end. Hospital, where he had last Grand Master politely begged fourth the severed to be excused and added that he AT THE sion of the Afro Christian Con Atlantic is postponed for some tiende will be glad to lears that would rather watch the proCHORRILLO DRUG STORE vention, which was held at Vaux Luture date to be named later, they have arrived safely, and Mr ceedings Hall, New Jersey, of which the when we shall expect to have a Irving has taken up work, at an Rev. Howell, DD, of New.
The following are the Execuup to date, Sanitary Hospital for No: 489 Street Corner Ancon Ave.
Te better competition, port News, the F, H, BOWEN.
American tive Officers: Brog. Nelson, Development The Afro diginiai M; Allman, G, M; Convention is Manager Company. Ward, S; Allman, an organization having for its T; and James, object the where they were served with un nimous voting of the house, off vapor more readily, it is Tbe District Master cal Church (colored) of evangeli and refreshments.
The rerulia were as follows: one common mre Canal Zone Fires easily ignited.
delivered name; District Secretary Re elected Officers In one case the fire was caused (Christian Church) at the same short addressee on the object of by using a lantern to see if Chas, their visit and exhorted the St, Anns Friendly Society Underwood, President: time, not destroying by any there was gasolene in the tank.
Frederick Mederick, ARE PREVENTABLE McILmembers to strive to live up to Vice Provident; means the local Elect Officers.
any In another case gasolene was VAINE SAYS.
the teachings of the Order.
Gerald Cadet, Secretary; Edward ChurchCbu Soverignty of used to burn in a kerosene stove.
Quinland, Aut. Secretary; Maycock, South America, and the After this they examined the In another gasolene blow Treasurer; Gillard, Augustin and ladies have already fallen in line.
torch exploded. The torch was books of the Secretary Treasurer The members of the St. Anns Catbo. Edward Pivaty, Trustees; Stephanie The Rev. Dr. Howell is expected Balbos Heights, in bad condition, and if the user and Senior Deacon of the Lodge, lio Triendly Society of St. Joseph Criteblow, Marshall; Activille Cherman, to visit the Isthmus in the near November 11, 1922. had not taken a chance he would and expressed the satisfaction it Church, Cristobal, mat in the church Deputy Marshall, gave them in finding the books hall on the evening of Sunday November futare. then full publicity These officere will be installed in their results of our visit to the Canal Zone during the month bé lamp made a spark that ignited will be given explarding the out Canal Zone firemen in the of the seven fires that called not have used the torch.
In another the bursting of an so weil kept. They also instruct 5, to elect officers to manage their ordinary Incandescent electric ed them relative to a few slight society for the ensuing term of six terpective effions on Doosober, After spending four months in October, five were caused by omissions.
After a few complementary remarks months, the Several thankThe meeting was called to order at by the members to the officers elected, Visiting Churches in many States, careless handling of keposene or Ing the Grand Master and statt loaded our work, your humble servant in an oil and paint for the honor it gave them in wood in the chair. largo Attendance of the Vice President.
has returned special grade of protected with renewed oil may be said to be, so that with gasoline in drums.
been the welcoming them on this most members were present.
strength and vigor to electric light bulb with a guard memorable night of the present After the uual preliminaries the where the master directs. The base of the fire.
is provided for illumina Administration president clearly explained both in Correspondence An official of the Police over Rev, Mr. Tylerbest has remained Fifon Division to the Panama tion in such conditions, but was goodly number of members Boglish and French, the purpose of the to enjoy a little more of the cool Canal calls attention to this not belog used.
graced the meeting with their meeting. Ho further expressed the wish November, 16th, 1922, and balmy climate of the great striking fact, and further adds Flames from the burner of an presence, and the behaviour that a new candidate be found to relieve Rev. Wilkins, country that all of these fires were due to oil stove ignited the kerosene throughout the meeting was him of the post, bo was now about to wületi bad collected on the pan preventable causes.
exemplary, relinguish.
Box 712, Cristobal, cz.
Thanking you in anticipation, Everybody knows that kero at the bottom of thọ stove, to At the close of the meeting The nomination and election were To the Editor of The Workman. am dear Sir, Sir: Be good enough to pubthe Grand Master and Stait then rapidly but smoothly conducted Your obedient servant, sene and gasolene are highly cause the fifth fire.
inflammable Gasolene is the MEILVAINE, were invited to the banquet h:11 All the retiring officers were returned by blish in your valuable columns WILKINS. more dangerous because, giving Executive Secretary: ceedit gs.
States acis president where in North and West serve


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