
vo LOMBARDO into and CIGARETTES declared bonoured RS the magis lite 20 CIGARETTES. 7c. a public taken people abragery of spirit The American Foreign Banking Corporation than the Tower be relied on last must not Wilson sell It was ATE LO PAGU SEK THE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 18 1922.
Rewarded BRINTON WARNER Civil No. 392 (By RICHARD LATHAM. Memories of the welancholy end Notice.
London, October 1922 In 1908 of the late Field Marshali Sie Henry Wilson were revived at Mr. Lloyd George, in his ca.
Box Street Four members of paolty as President of the Board of Trade 83 our Minister of the Metropolitan potice forca To Brinton Warner, Defendant: designated In. You are required to enter your appear Commerce is who were chiefly istrumental in cffcting piloted troduced the arrest of the two ance in the Clerk office of the above through the House of Commons named Court, at Cristobal, in an Action men who assassinated bim st as an Act which established the for Divorce brought against you by erded to receive presentations Port of London Authority. On plaintiff berein, and to antwar complaint licm the reward fund in recog bition of the tenacity of purpose 17th October, 1922, in the midst therein on or before the 10th day of of a first class political crisis. February 1923, and gallantry they displayed on statesman tlo sme Will soon be on sale in every establishment the occasion. The officers thus the beautiful and imposing And you are further totifed that if open were Marco editice which has been erected you fail to appear and stawer said come throughout the Republic Sayer (C. D) Duff, and headquarters erecthe plaint. above required, We plainties will all of the Division. They were take judgement against you by default authority of the introduced to the chi governing port INTRODUCTORY PRICE PER PACKAGE OF trate by Superintendent Bacgreatest in the world. And and demand from the Court the relief when the Prime Minister in the prayed for in her said complaint.
chus. Ia pr 89. ting cheques for evening of his comes to reDated this first day of November 1922 20 eacı to Mirch and Sayer, ew that one that will give his manifold activities, we CAMPBELL and 15 each to Duff and Bush, Sir Chartres roi observed Arst Col District Court m a fooling of mist abiding that th incidents o which he ret busieuon will le the past be hai to refer recalled tragic played in in the creation of a British Consulate Notice mies of an event which authority that bas MANUFACTURED BY in oived not rely th sae ifice ard seems destined to take so of individu 11 fe bit th loss of large a part in The Acting British Consul at The Pan American Tobacco Co one who had beea a great servant of the State, ani whose trade and welfare of the British tish Colon would be glad if Estella We make, therefore, no Roach and Victoria Roach would experience and character would this week to a brief description soon as possible.
apology in devoting our space call at the British Consulate as have been invaluable at the present time. Ia tew countries had the wild of the port and its management.
which inevitably followed great The origin of London as a port war been less in evidence is lost in the mists of antiquity, tut the beginnings of the won than in our own, and that fact derful system of docks which was due largely, not only to the of extended down the River Thames firm administration the law, on either side for more but to the kind and generous twenty miles east of the spirit which was always behind That Bridge are located at the comthat administration. the mencement of last century. The two murderers in the case of great Prime Minister Pitt and Head Office: 56 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CITY bis Cabinet were present at the Bir Henry Wilson were brought to justice was largely due t)
laying in 1800, of the foundation and to the those considerations, stone of the first docks the fact that the polica could always y West India Docks.
ocks. Thereafter DEPOSITORY OF on to do their duty as docks multiplied, culminating at in this instance with a bravery in the construction which mighat, if they had not so.
many other examples of it, b3 bury of the great deck of that called It name for ocean going ships.
Then it would be forgottedonal.
in this case that the seem a pause came, London as a port did not two assassins who were respousible for the death of Sir Henry seem to be keeping abreast of the times.
had The great West not even tha spirit of European ports of Hamburg. of sacrifica which was some Rotterdam, of Antwerp went times pleaded in mitigation by abead, while the various private sentimental inved with the facts was obvious companies which owned the docks in London, owir. to unthat the two two desperadoes, in means to carry out the necesorder to save themselves from wise competition, lacked the justice, were determined to ensary expansion schemes and for kage lo indiscriminate murder.
installation of up to date ous action against the general equipment public as well as against those Perbaps it was the the Boer War that caused an whose special awakening pecial duty it was to arrest them.
bere to shortcomings as it did in other quarters.
At The police who secured the any rate the Government of 1900 men and the members of the puba Royal Commission to fic who assisted, did so at the erquire into the administration imminent risk of their lives, and of the Port: the adequacy of one of the constables now before eccommodation provided suggest bim. March was still maimed PANAMA improvements any as recessary to promote trade, injuries ha sustained, Sir Char.
This Commission reported in tres briefly reviewed the circumfavour of the establishment of stances of murder, and one public authority to acquire described the part taken by and administer all the diferent each of the reny officers in effect sach dock undertakings then under Docks have been ereced the ing the capture of the assassin 45 added private ownership together with largest cold stores in the world, The constables, be the administration Creoline Hair Preparations ved the thanks and gratiand he portion of the Thames.
From capable de storing 650, 000 carTo these add Positively Superior to all others on earth.
tude of the community this sprang the Act, which we sion of older docks, enlargements felt certain that they would prine have said, created the Port of of dry docks, widening quays.
Try them and be convinced.
any pecuniary reward London Authority for the pur dredging, building and rebuild They are the Master Preparations of the World.
the consciouness of having renpose of administering, preserving warehouses, and equiping Others Different from all dered invaluable servic3 to the ing and improving the Port.
them with the most modern public, aad upheld in the fullest The constitution of this and powerful cranes.
Prices of all goods in the United States of America 30c. degree the best traditions of the Authority is a strange, and it we We have left little space to all Fcreign Countries, 60c, force to which they belonged, may say so, a typically English and to which the country and production, so we venture to speak of the volume and the Creoline Hair Producer the metropolis in particular, rive a few particulars.
Eighteen pature of trade which passes Straightens rough, barsh. kinky hair with or without hot combs, members are elected by the through this great emporium. and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELINE. Contains 10 We are hoping that some oc owed so much percent more oil than is possible to be put into any other preparation casion will bring you to our traders using the docks, one by Suffice it to say that last year the Admirality, four by the of its kind in the world. Patches thin places and prevent baldness, of gcode imported store shortly. And when you In ounce tins, don County Council, two by the through the port reached the Board of Trade, two by the do come be assured that it will Ruth, the Moabite Woman Creolina Day Dandruff Remedy City immense be a pleasure for us to serve of London, and one by the the 10 the same year the Cory thousand million pounds sterling very good scalp treatment positively removes Dandruff, Tetter and Eczema, It is antiseptic. Grows hair. keeps the scalp healthy. you, and that our pleasure in In the days of the Hebrew goods poration of Trinity House, In ounce bottles.
in stored latter body being the authority warehouses of the serving you will make your visit Judges the son of a Hebrew for lighting citibeaconies. This figures, the constant stock being Jackson Manufacturing Co.
and authority exceeded all previous to our store even more enjoy. family who had migrated to the hody of merchants British Manufacturers and Eaporters able for yourself.
land of Moab married Ruth, a All Up to date Drug Stores carry a stock of Creoline.
woman of that land. When her that, husband and father in law died FULLER departmentals and though delayed by the war: though.
Ruth determined to accompany As the Prime Mi perts, there should arise to house the JEWELLER her mother in law, Naomi, to ont bis openingsinted Authority and its staff near the Notice in WILKINSON whom she had become greatly atspeech, scene of their charge a building 122 CENTRAL AVENUE tached, back to Palestina. She representative of the immortalized herself by this loyal of its impressive facade works 80 successfulls theory strength and dignity of London the Contractor decision and by her announce Colon, RP, FOR SALE ment thereof as follows: Eabased upon no particular and Builder Members and friends of the Nov. 8th, 1922 treat me not to leave thee or to or doctrine, has given a good seaborne trade.
following thee: account of its slewardship.
Barbados Overseas Reliet and One Stuvessant Piano for whither thouges Since assuming office it has dis 15th STREET, WEST bursed over ten million pounds Race Riot In New York Travelling Society, are hereby and where thou lodgest will sterling on improvements of all House No. 90 notified that hereinafter this In 1 Condition lodge; thy, people shall be my of these may be Society sball hold its meetings people and thy God my God.
thou will die and enumerated here.
Streets Hudson Lane No. 165, the First stands that fine new dock were injured in a race riot in Lord First meeting takes place Tyesat North Woolwich, the King New York which grew out of the aught but death part thee and to. Gerea by Packet anot long ago moving of colo red families into Plans and Specifications Free long term be on Monday nighet. For particulars apoly at ings shall ma. Io Palestine Ruth attract opened His Then white Although WORKMAN PRINTERY ed attention of her deceased there has GIBSON.
the construction feeling had been strong for some First Class Werkmanshlp Central Ave Street husband kinaman, Buan, and at Tilbury of an ocean quay and time the immediate cause of the Guaranteed.
Cor, Secy.
married him. Son börn to them lor ships to load or dis riot was the entrance of a group charge without entering docks, an innovation which he of white men into a ball where turn became father of Davia.
has negroes were celebrating. Creoline straightens Rent Receipt Books In Spanand Smoke 111 (One Eleven) Rath therefore was great grandproved to be one of the most several white men are under beautifies the hair and pro ish and English for sale at the cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents mother of King David. Hebrew valuable additions to port facili arrest on charges of felonious ties. At the Victoria and Albert assault, duces hair on bald heads. Workman Printry.
Incomparable Psalmist, and ancestor of Jesus.
to The United States Treasury Panama Railroad The Panama Canal Panama Government United States Army and Navy Agents for the Banco Nacional CRISTOBAL the 88 set up of the and to four EWELRY BARGAINS deserved more than the value אייס 455 West Tenth St, Indianapolis Ind.
representative and is kinds.
Some More horen e popla Box 411, Panama, Po bon were. No resasonable offer turned here they die barica been Panama City became father of Jessie who in. Pathanddar,


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