
THE WORKMAN, BATURDAY NOVEMBER 18 19 PAGR. SEVEN was kg đau case They Satisfy Chesterfield The Lindo Bargain House AT be did not because Interesting West Indian News.
The best Tonic in the World (Continued from page 5)
in the various parishes: Grand VIGOR TONIC bay, Mabaut. St. Joseph, Vieille Gaise, and Portsmouth (at which This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend ls:ter plac sermon delivered la Eaglish) they knew, ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, through the Confessional that Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up the general trend of their sera run down constitution.
rons was understool, which would not have bean the It promotes digestion, improves the appe1 English was used. Catechisms tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
were being taught in French, and other religious instructioas DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or land as the sermons redected on times a day. these instructions, the people You can match Chesterfield quality in any wsre thus able to Izrasp what was being preached, especially JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
other Turkish Blend cigaas they contained simple French rette selling at the price.
wird, bearing a similarity to the And remember patois.
The very revd. Fatber then give an illus ra ion of his persoual experience as follows: JUST OPEN When he was acting Parish Priest at St. Joseph, a few years ago, he was paid a visit by the Rev. Father McGuire, an Irish Priest, during which stay he was asked to preach. He proposed that his discourse would occupy twenty minutes, but in about five minutes he had closed No. 105 Bolivar Street, Colon his sermon, and CIGARETTES afterwards that, why, be explained to him Where you can secura at the lowest continue any longer was of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended he knew from the expression on possible prices everything to solve the faces of the congregation your millinery needs that he was not being under stood, and he (Father DeVos)
was of the opinion that the Ladies Hats in the Latest Modes peopla in the country, districts were not any further advanced from 50 to 10. 00 to day in their knowledge of the LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
English language.
The fault for this, said the FLOWERS, BRAIDS, NETS, WIRE, CREPE, preacher, lles somewhere, but STOCKINGS OF PURE ITALIAN SILKS, not with the priests. It has been said that the priests are opposed THREAD THE BEST FOR HEMSTITCHING to the educations of the that has nev hee. 80. It was quith e masses; trae that in certain instances, YOUR INSPECTION INVITED JOB PRINTING where the soul of tae child was threatned by being taught by Open from a. to 12 noon and from p. to p.
NEATLY AND QUICKLY DONE rected teachers, the priest diLOUIS LINDO, Proprietor.
who were likely to be affected AT THE by such iniluenca.
Dealing with home influence, the vicar charged the parents and also for the neglect to have with a large share of the respon their children sent to school He ST. VINCENT sibility for the patois speaking: also reproached the Government for that Compulsory Education was not suttolently rigidly en Trade Of St. Vincent with the result that less than one half of the children of wchool ago failed to attend the LAST YEAR GLOOMY CONDIpublic schools. Here De Vos quoted some figures in TION support of this statement) And Opens he brought his interesting discourse to a close by repeating to the West India Committee Cars Mr. Hutchinson writing This that it was not the duty of the cular gives inter alia; gloon, y priests to teach the Way language or any other. They account of St. Vincent to his were not sent here for that pur. He states that the general disreport on that colony for 1921.
pobe. They owed obedience to the Pope and their Bishop, and the unremunerative prices for pression in the colony owing to would take orders only from them, and submit to no dictation which obtained in 1920, continu. and whatsoever, be it from Govera ed throughout the year.
ors. Administrators, newspaper high prices for foodstutts men, or who else.
cluded by tilling them that it clothing were also maintained, profits a man nothing to gain and this; added to the burricane the whole world and to loss his which visited the island on the soul thereby.
Bth. September, 1921, and did extensive damage to property and widespread damage to staple and native food crops, entailed DEMERARA considerable hardship on the The hurricane which struck the island destroyed 729 and damaged 292 dwelling bauRum Restriction In ses in St. Vincent and the ola British Guiana. Grenadines. churches and schools were also materially 090 AVE you ever lost the cap from your tube of The agreement regarding the pbone system damaged and the entire teleexportation of rum was discuss vessels were wrecked, with the collapsed. Nine away in the sleeping car or hid under the washed at Council Meeting of the loss of many lives. Measures of British Guiana Sugar Planters reliet were immedately Instituted stand at home?
Association on September 11th, free lesue of food and grants of Then you will appreciate the cap that is held capSome of the swoimum price the value of 3, 295, were made to are of of money, lumber and material, to that the tive and which holds the properties of Kolynos secure for rum as fixed might with those who suffered by the storm.
until you have enjoyed the last bit of cream from the advantage be reduced, whilst tube.
the Council was of the opinion Wo now furnish you with a package of the same that there was some likelihood of rum being bought by outA Successful Jamaican high standard as its contents.
siders locally at lower prices for shipment to London, it being THE KOLYNOS CO. New Haven, Conn.
accordingly suggested that steps Mr. Eccleston, formerly should be taken in the home a tailor at Paraiso and a native country to prevent leakage in of Jamaica has graduated in this direction Dentistry and now has his office at 108 Spring Street, Grenville, He first went to Tuskegee then Benedict rich find of diamonds is reported (according to the Daily the sophomore Class, College Columbia passing in Chronicle of September 16th) by teered in the Corpes and on Volunprospectors working from the Potaro Landing to the mouth of returning from the war, entered Mebarry.
bill has also been discovered in Tennessee, and graduated with the degree of took the the same locality state examination with 25 others and obtained the highest average Mr. Nelson Cannon has de success, of marks, We wish the Doctor clined an offer of 62, 000 from the British Guiana Turf Club for the Bel Air Park, with For Sale.
stands, etc. complete.
For sala one room cottage Creoline Halr Producer is the with 2000 Sq, M, of land located world best hair toric and will on the Sabanas Main road at reasonable price, Apply at this not soll or stain clothes, office or call phone 438, Balboa WORKMAN PRINTERY You Can Lose It! KOLYNOS ALONE HAS THE the English syrup The ETTE CAPTIVE CAP INCH ONT Many KOV opinion the to KOLYNOS DENTAL CREAM


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