p. 8


CHRISTMAS Catarrh Victims persuaded to try Nostroline Nasal Specific.
Thousands have used it with completo. Never mind if you have tried othing: catarrhwn be cured and we your use for failures are extremely rare AB will do it to Chemists 113 or by postiis frog NOSTROLINE DEE Walk Over Shoes Choral ARE THE BEST MADE would 14 y Boottwhich delighted to goodbye.
hison, made opportunity.
and American Bazaar Stores easily انا any ones sold After the the building KROY WEN At the saved.
was road and This is not a Code Word PASE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1922 Last Sunday Race Successful Harvest Meeting Festival.
The race meeting last Sunday, Ls Sunday, the 12th instant, at Juan Franco Park was fairly Harvest Festival Das St. Peter attended. Quite a large numChurch, La Boca ir other prober of the fairer sex from Papema and the Canal Zone graced IS FAST APPROACHING vailed throughout the day, and all the services were onsetnily well attended the occasion, and the color of their beautiful dresses against Ho y Communion comarily the the dazzling sunshine lenta opening service, the He or being the celebrant, Atli. there was matine charm and fairy like vision to followed with a second celebration of the the scene.
Holy Communion (Preacher and celeNasal Specific Although the track was in a Do your shopping early and you will get brant, the Rector. The next movies Sold by all Drug Stores very muddy condition, due to the at 3:30 pm great down pour of rain wblcb (Rev. Merdith. vicar o had fallen the day before, the the best Bargains Luke Anoon. when be took for Luis fine program of races, was run text the whole of the 100 Paalm, and 10, 000 Pound fire.
off with clock like precision, delivered sirring sermon. At this due very much to the indefatig.
servise large clase of girls of the ab e erergy of Mr. Charles Sunday School rendered in most (Conlinued from page 1)
Allen, official starter.
effective beautiful song entitled Gathering Sheaves, It was encouraging to witness small shop owned The by the enthusiasm manifested on Church Choir aleo rendered two anthpun)
Toompson, and whish adj ined every bard, Excellent weather Respeto and Hills in Beau Ver the erocary, the deg gods store prevailed throughout the day, Del.
that Erensone was the last and furio trader named Zacca, service. It having been announced were all completely wiped out.
and there were no expressions of dissatisfaction as to the starts.
that the Ven. Archdeacon H, Car. A provision shop owned by The Municipal Band rendered son, Bishop eleet of Haiti, dy preach bis at. a a very pleasant and enjoyable farewell sermon goods shop of Mr. Gusay COLcott Then why be satisfied service, the ascevd edifice was pºcked to cher were broken into by the be doors with the turtites, anxious worshippers crow long before the service began. From saurt time the entire stock of crowl and in a comparatively with the ladies very often making movements as if to trip the with less than the best Panama, Chorrillo and La Boca hun both places were renoved by light fantastic toe.
dreds of young and old folks turned loot. rs out 100 to hear the Archdeacon and Mr. De Le Per stable was say Among the At a. water was turned the champion winners of the day musical numbers rendered at but at this time the flames Matters went all his own way, service was Ave Maris which we having burnt themselves out, it and he good use of the Sonrisa sung by Mrs. Mulcare, the Rector was of little or no avail. Mt.
wile. Il we will difficulty that the con: Joseph Glegg, in charge of the Chileno ou iclassed all the other West Indies contestants Cnemical Works in their gregation subdued their customary Fire Brigade was on the scane.
field; appreciation of song well sung. The Sonrisas two engagements were antheme sung by the choir were o and rendered valuable services.
she could bave passed the Judge won, and as for Chileno Panama Colon bighly appreciated, especially by the Fortuately on these occasions of box Archdeacon who in his opening remarks are, no wiad is ever blowing several lengths abead of the others, but Medina rode with poke in glowing terms of the music for The Comercial Area tbe evening. The Archdeacon did ot the excellent judgement. In take a text, but in usually master at last, bas been saved. The gasparses in which those borses room of Messrs.
manner dealt with the object and olene store were entered the largest number of tickets ever registered on meaning of the Fes ival. In bis olosing Meeks and Co. remained intact, one borse at the rewarko ho referred touchingly to hs thanks to the foresight of Mr. Pari Mutuel on that occasion. The association with the Pastor and people of Athias, who utilized his supply race won by Chileno, 1089 tickets Bt, Peter Churob. For many long of water for domestic purposes were on the winner. 328 on day bir parting words will linger in the in keeping the fire from the root minds of the members Cortez, and on Quien Sabe 92.
making a total of 1504.
presentation of the offerings, To Deum With the assistance of Corporal Laudamus ww chanted by Choir and Bloomfield and Mr. LaudThe meeting was an unqualitcongregation, after which the closing ley, the iron chest and some of ed succes, but the opinion is prayers were anid and the Blessing pro. the books of Meeks and Co. were expressed that considering West by the Archdeacon.
Indians are ardent supporters of close of service an addrew The lost is estimated at over racing and in view of the strenous financial conditions presented to the Archdeacon by Mr. 10, 000 but it cannot be ascertain. of bas here, the price to the grand Church Committee, which the Arch. been covered by insurance stand should be reduced both deacon replied to in a befeting mapher, for the ladies and gentlemen.
The places destroyed are The address will be found elsewhere in Messrs. Meeks and Co. whole The surprise of the meeting these columns.
was when Pegaso romped bome sale provision and grocery, wlaner in a most exciting Taompson provision and gro(SO FAR AS WE KNOW)
Anish. It was hardly possible made a bold challenge passed son; dry, goods store of Mr.
cery, rum bar of Thomp.
for the judge to decide the win.
Plaudellia and got on even terms DePass; dry goods store of Mr.
Der, there was some doubt but with Sonrisa who was going com Zacca and a portion of Mr. Cora fortably. Estrella made kam nelius Bennet. bakery premisthe public gamely accepted the decision.
struggle, and Sonrisa bad es in French Street, The first race was the Maiden relax a while, at this time she left Estrella the fire is shrouded in mystery.
Handicap of furlongs of IT IS MERELY customary, Pony the origin of 40. 00 to the winner. Pegaso 94 11 length. On reaching the th lbs. Lead Us 96 lbs, Wild Life One furlong, man named Henry Williams ed Sonrisa and made 98 lbs, Lion Wood paid forfeit.
the is now in custody, charged with edort seen at Juan Franco; but also attempted to msim Sergt.
the loothing. It is alleged that he At made the pace, Medina knew his mount and just closely rier followed by Lead Us.
came home winner at the mo Major Burey with a stylou bottle. ment he wanted to. Sonrisa first of liquor They in doubtful struggle until the 21 furlongs Estrella second, and Long. The staged by the Unique Cyclo Shot was reached and Pegaso had it third. Pool paid 60, wil his own way. After passing SPELT BACKWAYS Seventh Race The Panama Association at Isthmain Park on the three furlongs pole Wild Life Handicap of one mile. Chileno November 30. will be sutli atent got even with Pegaso who com125 lbs. Medina; Cortez 120 lbs. to excite ali those who see it for ing down the straight was leadMurray; Quien sabe 110 lbs. ono wbolt week.
ing all the time, quite an excitBlank. 225 500 to the first horse may give you an idea of was witnessed beand 25. 00 to the second. The some of the things which will tween these two contestants horses were well off at the lift cause the excitement You rePegaso crossed the tape by ing of the barrier Quien Sabe member Harold Hollis who just point of the nose. Wild Life led the pace followed by Chileno led the field on Septembar 4, and second. Pool paid 50, Time well under control. At the end carried of the airst pris, for 09 of the first 24 fu long durar Well: is uvers cycle event he Race Red Oross saw that. Quien Sabe had over war path again; Sweepstake. Catch weights, and be rushed His physical condition is better borses faced the barrier for a down with Cortez showing very than it ever was, but his three furlong dash. There was excellent judgement in the man of They smoke just as of whipping the crowd 80m is quite a deal of excitement to Der be covered his field. He then doubulul because wbat the winner but after a very gave Chileno a little work for a even te (but one) are haadi.
good start, No. came in first.
furlong and a well from either end but Pool paid 20. 80. Time 53 secs.
saw caps, and the crowd demands clearly that he was up against a that this Hollis be given all th Third Race The Colon Handi superior horse and he did not handicaps he indict deserves Toa any cap, furlongs, 182 50 to punishment on Cortez. question at issue can be the Wia winner, 1750 to the second Chileno first, Cortez second under such circumstances from Quien Sabe third. Pool paid 40 borse. Sonrisa, 124 lbs. ridden such aa Schloss, Omphroy by Medina, Chombo Loca 110 lbs After the races there was a Abra and others? Just wait lbs Pedro up. Avispa 124 102 Murray cessation of current and the until the starter Mr. Barham orton 100 lbs tram cars were not on the spot pistol, Jaines. The horses were not to remove the public. The jitney got to do is to be there. doat long at the barrier before they busses plying for 10 cents fare move just hold your breath it were sent away, Chombo Loca AND to the city, secured the entire you are sitting near a young lady and Avispa jam ped to the front trade for the evening.
just bold her hand and squeez.
with Sonrisa following closely, it when the bell rings for the after two furlongs last lap. for there will be was Sonrisa and Chombo Loca led sufficient excitement to last for a the field for victory, but Sonrisa Sufficient Excite week. There will be so many thrilis in the flat events that the being the superior horse she secured an easy victory over ment least said them is the bett the others. Sonrisa first, Chom er. One thing m sure is coma ot bo Loca second, Avispa third.
ON NOV. 30 TO LAST these speed bugs will be Pool paid 30. Time 12.
faster than the shot from the WHOLE WEEK pistol. There an excited mob.
Fourth Race The Lilliputian of spectators on Central Ave.
Handicap, of 54. 00 to the wins that there is still muob of the respectively.
Dow near the branch Panana ner. Three horses were entered uld feetiness left in him. Pool the barrier First American was dicap of furlongs. 203 to the many ATHLETIC performances of the Unique has just deposit Sixth Race The Press Han It makes no diterence bow Hardware, because the secretary in this race Shortcake. Meg and Checkers. Meg was scratch paid 00.
left standing, ridden by Browo. winner, and 20. 00 to the second you have seen, it makes no number of Silver Loving Caps ed to the race was between took the lead and horse. Sonrisa 128 lbs, ridden by di erence bow many athletic in the show window of that store.
Fifth Race The Nursery Capitana Shortcaire and Checkers.
At Sweepstake of furlongs. 160 maintalned it to the finish. Medins. Estrella 129 lbs Valan shows you have aliended, it no time was she in any danger cia, Long Shot 122 los Murray, makes no diderence how roman to be deposited in the window Bome ot these cups ware too tall the Oylag of she barrier Short to the winner and 16. 00 to the baving serious competicioa. and Plaudellia 105 lbs Schultz tie your life have bean, the per. and the Uaique branch are cake with Pedro up, took the second boree. Capitana. Devo Capitana sesto na supepo Gloria The horses were sent away at for min des of those athletios were bailding a large. glassra casera Checkerised ridden bestion) Super Gloria, and First second. and First American la perfect start, with Plaudellia are working out every morning make the display. The medals Schaliz made desperate edorts American faced the starter coming last some lengths bebind. challenging Sonrisa. After the and evening (for ihst Grand will go on display next week. Get to wie, but Sbortcake proved carrýing 122 lbs, 122 lbs, 125 lbs, Pool paid 10. Time 57 mins. 2nd furlong was made Estrella Athletic and Cyolo M501 to be ready Boys bridle Asia Se the liſting of bar NEW YORK But the Cigarettes are better than the name They have no RIGHT OR WRONG entered: is on the war Second worked himselt spot hall, win boys Abraha ns SUPRISINGLY GOOD all shoots that Morton you have op, and Doris passed THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY about that


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