p. 1


NEW LAW OF COSTA RICA THE STEAMER COSTA RICAN GERMANY IS RETRIEVING FAVORITE LABOURERS WILL HIT JAMAICANS HARD HER LOST TRADE BY SEA Will lose All Their Lands And The immigration question at Merchant Marine to Soon EstabCultivation In Next Four Years. Whicho left terecen the 10thn diast. Costa Rica is giving much conlish with 2, 000, 000 Tonnage Returns From Trip To Prohibited by Government West Indies.
To Emigrate.
proeveniet te doen Maar geleden ampte Germany is business placed Financial from Dons The chartered ship Favorite with a batch of West F, sent home by the Panama Canaltaking several men to HonA special correspondent at for such improvements. All day last making the round trip roads and plantations there, Port Limon. Costa Rica, to the persons who may own cultivato Barbados and Antigui in but the Costa Rican Govern Empire from Washington, dated her carrying trade as well says special cable to the Mail and creased her tonnaga vastly and Jannica Glaner under date tions on these Government Exactly thirteen days, We went has prohibited the emi October states that the Nation the association, but she has reOctober to states that of er recent har Ediet Minister Finance Coasi by with respet to a Tax on cultiva the Guard Office and Rive all arrived at Barbados eight stow Rica under certain conditions announced tonight that Gar war shipping routes. As causing great alarm and very class of improvements. Name of owner, name of farm, all of whom had their passports to the company, so they have chant marine at a rate that bids and in order but who did not register decided to try West Indian fair to restore it before long to re entering sea trade, the reof anxious moments to the settlers quantity of land occupied, and at Balboa Heights.
labour in spite of the obstacle its prewar position, when it was is illuminating. Australia trat.
Australian in this Region, who are mainly sigo a contract therefor. Those The steamer stayed about West Indians and principally who do not comply with this re twenty four hours in each of tło second only to that of Great ing with the Enemy Act expired by the Honduras in the way of getting in Britain.
at mid night. July 31, last. With Jamaicans.
will colou Stripped of all its desirable in a few minutes signals came This latest decree enforces a to the The voyage over was said to be a mina monthly tax of Gifty cents Hmit be punished. Baeklel very pleasant one and tothine Novas despatched on 2nd steam sea going tonnage by the from a German Australian liner of the Gutlerez Rosa will be in charge uz toward transpired.
with for some point in Honduras. Germany off the port of Sydney and at currency per Hectares of land 108 West Indian Labourers agachade managed to Yassemble daybreak? August 1, she had Occupied by each individual from of these collections and is emand it is said if the Honduras slightls more than 600, 000 gross made the barbour.
the border of Panams to the powered to make the contracts Government sanction it that tons.
with each occupier.
St. Agnes Guild to Sing 1, 000 will be taken from here is close to 000. 000 tons, and the German shipping companies To day German toonage border of Nicaragua (see Transstatements of all portation of Decree below. San Jose; and 1, 000 from Colon, well on the way toward the pre for 1921 bave substantial profits.
Office of the Secretary of State 15th October, 1922.
To morrow. at St. Paul war figure of 5, 000 000 tons. The companies have in banks for Finance To the occupiers Sub Secretary of Finance Church, the young ladies of St.
amounts more of the one nile strip of the non And Commercel Agnes Guild will augment the Rich Musical Programme. During the calendar year 1919 tetr capitale stocks and more Titleable choir in the Musical Programune one of the Atlantic (8gd. THOMAS SOBY GUELL, at 3p. in connection with the the value of imports and exA Success.
ports carried in German Ships than two and a half billion inarka Coast between Panama and Nie entering and clearing American true that just now many of Gerare available for new ships. It is Now these lands have been Harvest Fastival Services. The ragua, notice is hereby given will collect given to these settlers as far programme will be as. The Rich Musical porte. For monthly rental of no canta baoke ces 1872 whero teamaicaa Processional Hymn 383 (a m) which hashreddered program the calendarear 1920 the value thing trade serviciile de valea by old was 9, 685, 000 for recruited from per land occu labour night last the 19th instant at the dar year 1921 it exceeded the arinisties but the ship build Versicles Prayers the war, or bought since pled and at the expiration of four Jamaica and Calon for the conSeventh Day Adventist Church 517, 000, 000. For the fiscal year iog programme fostered by the years, the lands will be taken struction of the Costa Rica Rail. Hymn 339 (A M)
Hogo Over by the government with ailway by Mr. Minor Keith Address, the Rev. Meredith on behalf of the new Churca 1922 German ships carried in Government and by Sts cultivations and improve Taese concessions of colonizz Hymn 573 (A M) Presentation success. Long Was a great ports and exports valued at Suinnes, Germany commercial before the hour 44, 119, 000.
ti ments without any remuneration were granted by Don. of Flowers Offetory to begin, people could be seen giant, calls for only tha most whatsoever by the government (Continued on Page 8) Organ Solo, Mr. 0. Smith their way Not only has Germany in economial and up to date craft.
Soprano Solo, My Prayers by lorth there was not even stand.
Church and at the hour set Miss Irene Glaize ine room to be found.
CHEAPER The Anthem, If Ye Love Me by log MOTORING.
the Choir program which was tastefully Soprano Solo, Cantate Domino got op consisted of Songs, Reci.
tations and Dialogues were well The following excerpt by a London Correspondent by Miss Gittens rendered by each indvidual Our London eorrespondent writes that the Commisshould be read with much interest by motor car dealers Organ Solo, Mr. Dodgings wbo took part. Much credit sioners of British Prisons have just issued a very sensible especially and the public generally:Clarinet Solo. Mr; Murray must be given to Bro. Laws the and broad minded report. The authorities disclaim any Over 500 firms representing Great Britain, France, Soprano Solo o, Blest Redeem Cholrmaster and those from La intention or desire to hamper criminals but they do not Belgium, America and Italy show their rroducts at the er by Mrs, W, Sband Boca, and the others who help to look upon prison confinement as a means of taking a great motor exhibition at Olympia and White City, and Quartette. San of My Soul by make the program a success. communal revenge upon the oflender but as a method of the annual event brought this year more visitors than Misses Downes and Lynch To the general public we give reforming him. It is our duty they say as custodians Messrs. Clarke and Elcock.
usual to London, The cult of the motor is extending tre Soprao 10, Jerusalem. Miss thanks for the great part in of those who are for a time forcibly separated from life mendously for the simple reason that it is now a pastime Arstrong which they acted, in giving us in the civic community to restore them to it at least or a commercial aid not only to the wealthy but also to Anthem, Hallelujah. the Choir their help of being present, as fit as when we received them. To this end we should the comparatively poor man. The motor industry here is Silver Collection will be knowing that the cause is a good feed and exercise their minds as well as their bodies. In a very live industry, and it has specialised upon reducing taken at the door.
the last few years many reforms have been introduced running costs and in producing efficient light cars at a into Brio prison administration. Among them are the comparatively.
hair, all hair now aking police the neotomodelis becoming WATER SERVICE AND ELECTRIC being cut as in ordinary life, broad arrows are being ra cheaper in fact, beyond doubt British manufacturers in any offering better value for money than ever before, while LIGHTING FOR BOCAS DEL TORO moved from the outside of prison clothing, and a new style of prison clothing, which will give a better chance greater mileage is obtainable from tyres than was ever to self respect, is being devised; prisoners on being transexpected a few years ago. You caa now get farther with With gratifying pleasure we years a crying necessity in that ferred from one prison to another wear civilian clothes to these new cars 03 a gallon of petrol and oil than was ever report the unanlmous passing province. With light, water, avoid exposure to the public; wires and bars are being before possible, and all these things help to popularise of the second reading of the improved streets, and the pro removed as far as possible from the compartments in motoring and, incidentally, to improve industry. Hitherto, National Assembly by Honor ed by Di. Alfred Vaz oficial hour exercise is given daily to mea under close confine.
law presented to the gressive sanitation being follow. which visits are paid by relatives and friends; and an the six cylinder engine has been as ociate with big powerables Deputies Eusebio Herrera, port medico will be a el cars but this year much interest has been aroused by and Frederick Rose, for the place suitable for buman hab. ment. Periodical lectures are now a regular feature of tha small sixes. Apart from the engines, however, British Electric Lighting and introductation. We congratulate Setor prison system, and evening debates, oa subjects selected coachbuilders have producad some beautiful desigas and tion of Water Works for the Eusebio Herrera and his col by the convicts with the approval of the authorities, are the all weather models which enable an open touring car discussion over the bill when it have achieved to their threx being extended. Concerts and a weekly summary of chief to be changed in a few seconds into a cosy drafc proof appeared on the order of the coming to the National Assem. events of rublic interest (given by the Governor or Chapearriage are particularly popular in this changeable day.
biy. It is officially rumoured lain) are obetr humane features which have been found to climate.
Señor Hererra who has made that Dr. Belisario Porras will have a good result. Discipline is firm, but not har 78 himselt very popular the other Deputies, secured appoint Señor Herrora Gɔvernor Prosperity Of The keeps dropping ont in the wall he bill is now an accomplished this will be in the right direcand loss surplus rumoar their unanimous support, and his Bocah in this coming year Prince of Wales Worshipful Master of the Navy Lodge United Fruit Co. Fruit company iutenda shortly aThese two items have been for very progressive.
Street district that United tion as he is young active, and New Office Io reply to a message sent to him by the Duke of Connaught ts declare a substantial stock the King telegraphed. INVESTED AS SENIOR GRAND dividend. In this there is not Boston despatch dated shred of probability. The 100 Anti capitalistic; Gives Up) Sir George was the founder of I am touched by the message Nov. 4th states that the manner years old and management as WARDEN OF ENGLISH FREE you have sent to me in the name In which earnings of the United conservative as that of the UnitFortune, the Bourneville Model Village, of 000 Freemasons assembled where his plant is situated. His in Pruit Co. have been holding up ed Fruit would naturally look the Albert Hall to invest my daughter in renouncing her son as Senior Grand Warden of for the past few weeks makes with disfavour upon e stock reasonable an estimate of over dividend for some time to come. Cadbury Boeke, daughter of Sir Bourneville Village Councils of all parts of the kingdom wera England.
London, Oct. 31 Mrs. Beatrice taheritance directs that Nearly 000 Freemasons from the United Grand Lidge of 000. 000 possibly 6, 000, 000 for de quarter.
George Cadbury, the wealtby men and women sball administer present at the Albert Hall when of loyalty and a total earning for the year British Consulate Notice cost week, de toute beliete ind tied the patate hea further education ehe Prince of Wales Warpeeste and devotion art another proof last does and public health to ed as Grand of association between of between 200. 000 and spell a balance after Colon would be glad o in forma ing her share of her father for. Ito help any labour disputes.
The Aeting British Consul a capitalistic system. She is giv ter industrial relationebips and the United Grand Lodge of Freemasonry and any House. 000 000 tax reserves of 16tion as to the present where tune to the employees in his England the Grand by the and heartily thank you for your S17 a share on the 1, 000, 000 out abouts of one Joseph Grant, factories to correct the evils at Mrs. Boeke and her husband Master of Duke of of the Order Represen Grand good wishes.
hoe last na dress wis Paraiso, the systeun under which thu for live dine kolmeaa Sbo sasa Batleetatives from the Grand Lodges the contendo Nina editing the standing sbares.
Prior Prince, As a matter of fact spury for Pedro Miguel Post Office; tune was accumulated. aproves of her diaposition of her of Scotland few weeks could easily tesul Mrs. Boeke, one of six chil the root of all evil. if it is in overseas were also present.
fortune. Both believe money is distinguished Freemasons from Worshipful Sir. permit me, in in showing of 18 a share as Correspondents are requested dren, inherits orer 30, 000 shares the name of every Mason, to compared with 16. 97 share in to send in thair contributions of one stoek in her father busi. wrong hands, and that the pre The Prince is Worshipful welcome you on this great.
abt later than Thursday eveningsnese. These shares are estimat sent economic system usually Master of the Household Brigade Masonic occasion of your life.
Escause o? Its 36. 800. 000 profitſ to ensure publloation.
ed to worth 100, 000 dollars. puts Its there.
Lodge, while the Duke (Continued On Page 8)
with MASONS the a is


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