
PAGE TWO THB WORKMAN SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1928 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands MAGNUMS LYNTON KINGBEE MAGNUMS CIGAR Extra itd TES He it was a por BENGER FOOD 15 GOLD for 20 CIGARETTES events Book Binding!
Trinity that a rung the fire.
trace meeting the but with th ately Was Book Binding Department water was blocke JAMAICA Rie Bueno. Suation harried m of to the St. Ann Bay hospital, accompanied by Mr. Michelin his GAT where every assista Another Fire Breaks Out medically was given but to no WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT avail. Od sturday morning he breathed his lost His mortal In Spanish Town No. 78, New Market Street remsins were removed to the late home of the deceased by RETAIL DEPARTMENT motor car and there laid in its Valuable ORIGINATES IN CHINAMAN last resting place by bis friends No. 107, Bolivar Street and relatives on Sunday morn CASH SHOP AND DESTROY SEVERAL ling, Much sympathy is felt for BUILDINGS.
THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY the bereaved. It is said that and is Coupon YOUNG MEN ASSIST injured.
FULL SUPPLY OF Celestial and His ParaGroceries, Provisions, Eggs, Dope Fiends Tammour Arrested on Charge Of Arson, Cabbage, Dairymen Butter, pered With Race ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES Horses Spanish Town, Novr. Fire!
Fire. Fire. This was another of the cries that the folk of the Call and see us before purchasing ONE OF BIGGEST RACING STABLES Old Capital are learning to know PREVENTED FROM TAKING Bo well. Only a week has passed since the cry was heard.
the first occasion MALICE THE MOTIVE?
PACKAGE tion of the commercial ares area to the west of the town that was destroyed but on this occasion Gang Of Miscreants Go From it is a chinaman grocery and One Place to the Other On two large dwelling houses to the Evil Mission.
east of the town that are wiped out.
SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR At o clock this morning The Gleaner of the 8th instant whilst the inhabitants of this Infants, Invalids and the Aged states that there was quite a town were peacefully slumbersensation in racing circles yes ing the alarm of fire was given terday over the turn of by a woman named Maud Every tin contains an interesting leaflet of the which has been placed in one of Johnson The bells of the marvellous use of this great Food.
the biggest racing stables in Roman Catholic Church and lower St. Andrew. It appears Holy and Chapel were band of miscreant: were furiously and as is customPurely An English Preparation. tampered with the race horses of a well known owner.
The ary on these occasions a large number of persons got out of result was that not only dia bed MANUFACTURED BY and were soon on the scene of Why throw away your old, but no the horse performed badly The police 18 under BENGER FOOD, LTD the at certain race control of Inspector MANCHESTER; ENGLAND but their condition also dues doubt interesting, books when you Scotter and Sergt. es not warrant their running at were quickly on the Maverley races this week.
scene FOR SALE AT can have them neatly bound at the local are brigade Therefore fully six or seven never come up until some The American Pharmacy JAVIER MORAN borses connected time after and when they stables, which were entered for the Maverley races to morrow dia THE WORKMAN come they were without their appliances. The fire started in have been scratched, Fortunthe shop of a Chinaman named and at noon to day that clever feared that the executive would the matter was discovered Chin Mow Quee and about 15 sleuth Detective Griffiths who have to come to the hel) of the valuable racing stock might have otherwise some minutes after the alarm the was detailed to work up the case people.
building and stock were com arrested China Mow Que the sudered more materially through Matters bad reach such a haring bee tampered with by a wben destroyed. As usualChinaman and Maud Johnson, state that a depustion the fire first broke out no bis paramour, on a charge of was gang of regues. It seems as if!
formed CENTRAL AVENUE to wait on His there were so ne malice against available with which arson.
to fight the fire fiend. A pint bottle of kerosene oil to put befora bim the condition of buildings on the opposite side and a bicycle were found outside ot the people, Owners and trainers of raca and No. G Street of the street owned by They chainly horses have become very appre at the back door of the shop.
Monagban was quickly caught Several young gentlemen of at the present juncture.
need all the help they could get hensive over the gang of dopers in the grip of the flames the town including Messrs who go from race track to race but there was nothing to be Ramsay Blair, Arnold Issac A, Wiis explained in the done but to watch them burn Alfred Fleming, Tragic Accident.
articly by the Man on the does a remarkable gallop at the fis one in which the pozice shoula.
themselves out. Willing bands Ralph Magnus, St eet yesterday these men trial heats is stony cold in the assist.
rescue the furniture Lucius Hamilton and other effects of the in: rendered valuable service in is with much regret we chronicle trainers)
Dry Harbour October 25 Cunknown the living by doping actual race. to the Ti The time has come when some Was keeping the fire under control people horses It is steps should be taken to preRailway Employees adjoins the doomed Mes. Mona The field op on which usess Qua Calabar, Rio Bueno This young given to stable hands who, in horses!
er dwelling house which closely The shop in which Mow Que the death of young Ferguson of Whown that the stuff bave been vent this tampering with race cas Khan In a short time the two side was madijbined usbyese toned man who was in the bloom of turn, administer same to the referred the above furnishes Men Of Locomotive BRANCH fine buildings were raad to the ment house was owned by Mr. Where Mr. Michelin and understand, however, that in it is that those peripat atic RESPECT to wAGE REDUCTOS at the Bengal River horses. The foolish lads cannot ample proof of how necessary SEE ACTING GOVERNOR IN ground leaving only the bare Storkes Soares, and it is under others were shooting fish. It is most cases the stuff which is dopers should be watched and walls to tell the tale. During stood carried on insurance.
this time the fire bad leaped over alleged that the rifle of Mr. given to them is not to accelerate excluded from all race tracksand to the Spanish Town Club and Michelin aceldentally went the speed of the horse but to enclosures. There is Law on of the The agitation among the man Mr.
Delaperba residence and passed through interfere of the cn the opposite side of the Pedro Plains In Grip the unfortunate young man, chances in favour of other rivals the Siatute Book maklog it a Jamaica Government Raiban street.
causing his brain to protrude. in the race. It is no wonder criminal offence for horses to be since they have been informed and bucketer Of a Long Drought the corporal in charge of the now a days thai a borse which tampered with and the matter formed and om thel (Continued On Paye 3)
baths of householders around was secured and the roots of these buildings saturated to INHABITANTS ARE REDUCED TO keep the fire under contrel MISERABLE CONDITIONS Sparks began to fly in all direc BORDERING ON FAMINE, Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 tions, Fortunately there was no high wind, and to the sparks do RELIEF NECESSARY.
one time the root of the Saint Joseph Catholic Church fire but Fr. Wennenberg with Things Reach Such State the help of one or two handy That Appeal to Governor youngsters, managed to prevent any material damages by pour Will be Made.
Head Office: 60 WALL Semes, Now York City Owned by The NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK ing buckets full of water on the roof. Water was availabe about an hour after the alarm, Had THE LAND NOW BARE.
there been water at the outset, and had the brigade not been The Gleaner learns that ther Depository of the PANAMA CANAL without some of the fire appli. has been an abnormal spell of ances the two dwelling bouses ary weather in the Pedro Plus Would no doubt have been saved, of St. Elizabeth, and the people The police under control there are suffering great hard.
Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of of Sgt. Major Burey are to be ships.
THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in commended the way in which During the past few days they kept of the crowd thus beavy showers of rain have ITALY BELGIUM preventing the usual wholesale fallen at Nain, but the Pede One of the dwelling ro IRAN lootiog INDIA Plains very dry.
JAVA STRAITS. SETTLEMENTS houses. was owned by ARGETENE Eva Thompson, who Tell Miss There is not a blade of anything PORTO RICO New York. Mr. Edwin Ellis, ficult that some of the residents in green, and it is with much dif.
URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA a Cabinet maker was the agent are existing. It is learnt that and lost furniture to the extent it things continue as they are of 40. The building is valued there will be a famine in the at 300 but carried no insurance. district.
Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World It is understood that Mrs.
Monagban building was insur given to a reporter of the Glean The above information was ed for er by a prominent gentleman The stock of the Celestial, of St. Elizabeth who happened ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE China Mow Que, was insured it to be in Kingston yesterday.
is said io the Jamaica Co opera He said few people in the me.
tive Fire Insurance Company for tropolis could realize the miser.
able existence which many of The police took statement in the inbabitants of the Pedro connection with the catastrophe Plains are eking out, and it was Mrs.
track Flemhad to ings, mates. Then in. Fleming anoth keepi there youth was from At caught International Banking Corporation ENGLAND PRANCE SPAIN CHINA are PHILLIPINES BRAZIL CHILE CUBA PERU 400.


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