
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25 1922 Only the Best Men Furnishings carried in stock Throw English Woolens HOW TO FIGHT THE DRUG EVIL NEW LIQUE White Linen Drills CARTER CARTER Tak Eraser 24. 08 AT THE PALAIS ROYAL modligen ochtans og gror ENJOYMENT PUFF Birthday Party THE WORKMAN Quito a neat little function took place at the brme of Mr.
and Mrs. Leslie Dickerson on OF Wednesday lsat, when they gave Rates for Advertisement on applies Published on Saturday. by an At Home to their friends VALROND, as the office Central Avotion. Correspondence on all matters od coreer of a Street, Panama, of publie Interest invited.
In honor of their little adopted do daughter ofth birthday All copy for publication munt te Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and It was certainly one of those RATES OF SUBSCRIPTIOX must be sccompanied by the name of tasty little functions from which CARTER exaggerated powd and poppyish One Year the writer, not necessarily for publlos2. 40 S.
Bix Months Aplendont were obliterated, ren1. 20 Hon but as a mark of good faith.
dering it the more worthy of 600.
We do not undertake to return admiration ard comment.
Ooo 35e. erejected orrespondenco SECINIE fine Selection of The rarested illumination gate natting touch to the neal ETUID The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS Is and artist e lly isid cake Sow SA TURDAY NOVEMBER 25, 1922 ble around which eat, qalte an nepreciative number of guesta, AND Among ibose ur sent were Mr.
and Mrs. Parchment and daughter, Master Ast Parchment, Mr. ad Ms. Brathwaite JUST RECEIVED Mr. and Mrs. Mi and Mrs. Maonad. Me URThe attention of the civilized world has been slowly, we Mr. McK139, Mis: but surely, awakened and summoned to the evils of the Boarna Mr. Thompson, Mr.
drug babit. This delayed attention to one of the most ALSO BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY and Mr. Allan Johnson. Nr destructive propensities of degenerates mainly due to the and Ms. C. Brovo. N: SHIRTS fact that, in most quarters, it was thought that the drug TIES COLLARS La ener, Mr. LA. DA 304, and Mrs. Forde habit was confined to the denizens of the underworld. The ETC. ETC. ETC.
Little Miss Dorothy way the practice of segregation was considered sufficient to keep the evil from having contagious effect upon respectable and wishes. 3m lively self respecting peopla speeches full of good will, mirth It is now no longer believed that women of ill repute S, PERREIRA and laughter re given.
CARTER and men of pronouncedly low moral standards are the Teacher A Parchmens (fi NKS. PASTES MUCILAGES patrons of the drug vice. Every day society becom more CENTRAL AVENUE, Corner 9th Street, PANAMA cisted as Toastmaster. Teacher Always in stock at Brathwaite of Paraiso took care and more scandalized by fresh discoveries that in its very of the spiritual side of th func BENEDETTI HERMANOS centre and core the debasing and ruinous habit of dope on, Special mu tio mu also Central Ave a 3rd St.
is present. And it is due to these discoveries that public be med en tbe splendid tonst proposed by Mr. wrence.
PANAMA spirited individuals are joioing with the medical fraternity and the police authorities to queach the fires of the vicious SESE EXSIS Mssrs. Dickenson and Thorp son officiated as supple. of passion: ice cream, cakes, and birthday The drug evil has stamped itself firmly on the list of drinks, wbile Mrs. Dicks kept ho social diseases. In fact, it has become the most prominent nursing the guests. They cater. PRODUCTS social evil of the time. Periodicals of literary prestige ed to masterly to the comforts and happiness of all present.
have revealed the existence of the drug habit amongst people of professedly cultured connections. College men begins with the first bat quite an intellectual toast was proposed in their honour.
and society dames are not missing in the long roll of misDuring the interim cards and Dr, HOFFMANN creants who have become addicted to the evil, other games were indulged in, has reopened his clinic for The absorbing question of the day is how can the evil and the musical side of the be remedied? The first and most premature reply would function was so well suppi a diseases of the blood, rheumathat a few of those with juz tism and urological cases in be Legislation. But there has always been legislation toes went a tripping to the light against this and kindred vices. And legislation has done fantastic. while the gents did the upper floor of Al Place, much to hold the practice in check. But what is not donə and it good to the last puff not fail to show marked appre Santa Ana Plaza, Street in the open for fear of the law can be carried on in secret ciation of Dick large supply ty cliques, confidants and colleagues without detection or No. of Special Cigars. Twas really BECAUSE some time! and was truly enjoyeven suspicion. When the law overtakes the offenders they ed by all.
are punished, but what a small percentage of the lawThe toastmaster in a brilliant NURSE MELOURNE breakers are caught. IT TOASTED and befitting speech brought The most effective way of treating the drug evil is this enjoyable fuaction to its close at 12 MIDWIFE SICK NURSE exactly the same as that adopted in combating the tuberculosis and syphilis evile. The people must be taught the No. 16, 12 Street East Pa dangers and ruinous consequences of the babit. CamBritish Cousulate Notice nama City.
paigns must be inaugurated and lectutes given by eminent (Next Door Eldorado Thestro. authorities on the question. The Churches must teach the The Acting British Consul at DR. SUMMER MEDICAL people, educators must make the matter one of first rank Colon would be glad of informimportance and public organizations must join in advertistion as to the present where TREATMENT ing the borrors of a practice that is fast threatening the abouts of Mre. Theresa Elisabeth FOR WOMEN Jackson, maiden name Brightly security and purity of human society.
who is stated to be resident of Specialized in by Nursa The customs and police authorities are exercising IT TOAST Oolon.
every possible vigilance to detect the illicit introduction of cocaine, morphine and other drugs, and, to an extent, they CHURCH SERVICES Baptist Church are succeeding. Judge Wallingford is putting the wallop on the law breakers, and smugglers and his sentence canColos. 11 am. 7;15 Pastor Theil Baptismal Sarvioo at night not fail to have salutary effect on would be violators. But (Amerions Episcopal Chureb) Chorrillo 11 a. Dencon Smith the dope smugglers are not usually the ones addicted to (Twenty third Sunday After Trinity Coronel Roud ul. mm. Duscon Swart 7:16 Mt. Me VYearwood the babit. They, like the dealers from whom they make the purchases abroad, are the financial traders who profit St. Paul Church, Panama p. Pastor Wito out of the business; but the consumers are the people who am, Holy Communion Empiro 11. 7;15 Doncon Linion 10 nm, Matins Poeblo Nuevo Pastor With suffer through the forbidden traffic.
Now is the Time to Have 10 30. Holy Eucharist and sermon Cativa Docoon Foster If there are no consumers of any articie there will be Bishop Morria, Now Providenos 11 am Doon Browo no trade, because there will be no purchases. This is the. Holy Baptiem, NowGatun Thursday 7, 30 Pastor Tones crux of the argument in favor of educative opposition to p Flower Service and Musical Church Of God G St Colors the drug habit. Let the public learn that the use of drugs Programome, Preneber, the Rev is deleterious to mind and body; that crime, and vice are 11. 30 7;30 Gospel Sarmyn Meredith. An augmented choir will redder the REPAIRED Sunday Sebool p music, the inevitable products of the babit; that society steps Sis. B, Brewster Pastor Evang backward where the use of drugs is practised; that tuberArchdeacon Carson Bishop elected of 30 Choral Evensong and Bermon Now Providence culosis and syphilis are no less to bo dreaded than dope; We have just received a new con Haiti, will dreach his farewell sermon Cowpel Sermon 11. 30. 30 10: on the termination of his official conneo Sunday School p to that it is the duty of each member of zociety to help in the extinction of this social scourge.
signment of Repair Parts tion with the parish. The Archdeacon Sis Elliot, Pastor, leaves the lathmus next week for the The direct appeal to individual reason is the best United States where be will be recained Gatun Conseeration.
ineans of propagating facts and implanting practical Gospel Sermon 11, 30 7, 30 kuowledge against the evils of society. The soldiers, NIGHTENGALE Vicar Sunday Schol 3pm We Guarantee All Work Done sailors and inexperienced youths are the chief victims of.
St. Alban s, Paraiso.
Georgo Griffith the disease. They are lured into the practice by ill famed Morning Prayer, and address, 11 am, Panama San Miguel SE women and degenerate thugs who possess no scruple Sunday Sobool pm building 18 30 Evensong address against blighting the future of promising you rgsters for Gospel Serm ns 11, 30 a. 7:30 whom parents and friends have done so much to help NIGHIENGALE Priest in charge Sunday School pm them on in life.
St. Peter Church La Boca. Bailey Pastor The dope dealers are usually people without families Holy Communion 6;30a.
Wesleyan Methodist of their cwn. It is similar to ite brothel business. No PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY Matida nd add eu 11 am.
Panams 11 a. in Mt. Walters woman, unless absolutely deprived of motherly instinct Sergice for the Young d PANAMA OFFICE. AT COLON OFFICE: 7:30 Rev. Burgaon would il veigle Ler daughter (if she had cne) into the reChoral Evenson and setton 7:30 pm Colon. 11. Rav. JKisrock Braho stricted area altbough she may be there herself. Neither Thursdrr next 81 Addrew Day. Tiere Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bo ivar St. will be parish Communion at 11 a, 30 Rey Kierook Brabam BD will a man, however debased, introduce his son to the Tel. 798 SERVICE Tel. 364 vice of the under world or tolerate the presence of bis At 8, o clock the St Andrew Brotherhood La Boca 11 au Me, Louis Lindo Men and Boys will make their Corperate p Mi, Alfred Harris daughter there as a traffikcer, if even he himself is one of Communion New Providence 11. a. Geo. Layne the most regular patrons. MULCARE Rector Paraiso 11 am Rev. Surgea It is because of the lack of family consciousness that the underworld and depe dealers thrive so successfully, and Seventh Day Adventist Church Christian Mission of Panama Friendly Game. interval of twenty minutes the STREET CALIDONIA ROAD, Paasma 11 am 7:30 J, Burke it is only when the questions of social evils become the Gamboa o. facing the terrible On Sunday last 18th inst. bowling of the War Ofice near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
problem of organized society that anything savoring of a friendly game of cricket was were all dismissed for 63 runs.
Chorillo 11. a Brewster 7:30 Sabbath (Saturday) 45 am, Babpermanent eradication will be accomplished. These prob played at Isthmian Park be Brathwaite 22, and Pinder bath School; 11. 15 am General Worship La Boes 11 a. Trotman Rawlins lems are not the concern of the police alone, they are iween the War Office and 19 were the principal scorers. 30 Spanish Class; 30 pm.
everybody problems, and there can be no more reason Gamboa Coc. Batting earst this we hope for a continuation of Young Peopio Moeting; 30 Gatun ilm 7:30Wn, Jumer Cragwel for waging a campaign against tuberculosis and other inpiss for G6 runs Dankley these friendly games, wishing Sunday evening at Reading, Colon 11 am Bro, Graat 7:30 Sk closed Vespers, Paraiso 11. 7:30 Mosley dreaded and physical diseases than for a concerted move making 24 rans, were the top Gamboa 0, better luck next Cluso. All are welcome both young and against the horrors and evils of drugs, scorer for his side. After an time.
old, 30 m, Proaching Sarvioo, Thorpe Burke Sapt LUCKY STRIKE to YOUR OLD STOVE By Our Repair Department


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