
I like em! qanuity They Satisfy Chesterfield The Lindo Bargain House with a You Can Lose It!
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 25 1522 PAGE SEVEN TA Interesting West Indlar liews.
The best Tonic in the World (Continued from page 3)
a fortnightly service by that VIGOR TONIC line next year with fasier and ger ships equipped to carry This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend troit fron Dominics and St.
Lucia to Canada, He required a od in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, guarantee from local planters Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up that they would supply from a run down constitution.
April next on ward 20. 000 bunches of bananas fortoight, It promotes digestion, improves the appeThe Society decided to request tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
the Administrator to obtain from the Department of Agri DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or culture a report on the possibili times a day.
ty of obtaining suficient ot fruit. The oppor JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
tunity seems so good that it is to be boped that the islands wil be able to fulfil their It the way the good share of the bargain. On the Turkish and American toother hand they will look for baccos are blended in Chestersome sort of guarantee tha: they will fure better than did JUST OPEN fields that makes them so Jamaica which the other day different. That whysent a cargo of banadas to Crnada only to find the market glutted with bananas sent from the United States.
Co operation in Trinidad.
AT Bearing in mind what cooperation has done for fruit No. 105 Bolivar Street, Colon CIGARETTES growers in Canada, we learn Pays the Barbados Sandard, Where you can secura at the lowest of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended with interest that the campaign begun some time ago in Trinidad possible prices everything to solve for increased production for your millinery needs export of bananas, citrus fruit pineapples, etc. through co operation has not been in vain. Ladies Hats in the Latest Modes Che West Indian Co operative Fruit and Produce Coporation from 50 to 10. 00 is to be registered in Trinidad a capital of 250, 000 to LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
18sist in the development of the FLOWERS, BRAIDS, NETS, WIRE, CREPE, fruit industry in that colony. It STOCKINGS OF PURE ITALIAN SILKS, satisfactory to be able to add hat the capital of the corpora TAREAD THE BEST FOR HEMSTITCHING top is largely English YOUR INSPECTION INVITED JOB PRINTING ST. VINCENT Open from am. to 12 noon and from 2pm to p.
NEATLY AND QUICKLY DONE At an audience given the LOUIS LINDO, Proprietor.
AT THE Es cutive Committe of St.
Vincent Repre entative Govern nent Associ tion by His Excel.
WORKMAN PRINTERY ency the vernor, the oppor welcome presented to His Ex Save That Tooth!
sanity was sezid by the cellency in answering the Gov Deputatioa and an address of ernor said. He would warn against elect Do not extract an aching tooth, ed members of the Council pro decayed tooth if it has at least ceeding to extremes wbilst fear two good walls can be saved to questions before the most, low step Fearso expressing their views on give you good service for many now being taken was only a Il your teeth are loose with beginning, and it was only for pus seeping around the neck of the association and the people to tha teeth, giving your breath an Opens make good use of the concession offensive odor you are suffering This made to them and so proceeded from Pyhorrea Alveolaris. Tais on to full Representative Goybe cured. Do not have them ernment.
extracted unless there is very His Excellency outlined the little connection between tho charges to be affected and asked bony tissue alveolar and the the Committee to appoint of tooth.
their number to form a special If you are interested in saviog Committee to which he would your teeth see appoint members to decide the whole question.
DR. JOHNSON Surgeon Dentist 139 Central Avenue In answering a letter from the Over City Pharmacy President of the St. Vir cent Representative Government Association welcoming him back, TRINIDAD His Honour, Fopham Lobb, Administrator said:have always been in favour At the last meeting of the or the representative system. Trinidad Legislative Council, the is some years now made following became law: recommendations, for its introduction and it is a source of It shall be lawful for the Govermuch satisfaction to me that bort to grant to the child or this step forward should have children of any deceased publice TAVE been taken while am still a860 servant free admission to the dental cream? Has it ever dropped and rolled ciated with the local Govern afiliated Secondary School, and Queen Royal College or to any away in the sleeping car or hid under the washthe fees payable stand at home?
On a deputation of Dry Goods such pupils sball be paid out of in respect of merchants waiting on the King General revenue.
Then you will appreciate the cap that is held capstown Town Board asking that tive and which holds the properties of Kolynos secure Traders and Hawkers of Dry Goods Groceries in the market until you have enjoyed the last bit of cream from the and around the City be taxed on Marcus Hinds Affair the as the Boara decided to approach the We now furnish you with a package of the same Government with the view of taken certain statements in conWe learn that the Police have high standard as its contents.
amerding the regulations 10nection with a charge of receivmake Traders and Hawkers who ing money by false pretences THE KOLYNOS CO. New Haven, Conn. do a business of 200 to 300 per which is to be preferrad against annum pay a half yearly tax Marcus Hicds who is now serv The Vincentian comment ing a sentence of imprisonment ing said: The Kingstown board in the Ganeral Penitentiary and have very rightly considered the Joselyn Davis who is now in situation and in recommending a custody at Chapelton on another tax of per six months trading charge.
simply places the small as well It is alleged that the two meu as the large trader (merchants by means of the confidence c) on the same footing. Theretrick representing that they is nothing iniquitous about this were able to unearth buried proposition. Everybody who treasure obtaiced a large sum trades in the towos, as well as of money from a man in Upper throughout the island should Clarendon.
contribute towards the Trader Tax in some form or other.
Il is stated that two other men were mixed up with the matter Now that we are pressing for but they have since left the IsRepresentation, let us not be land. It is expected that the silly as to want Representation case against Hinds and Davis without Taxation, will soon come before the Court at Chapelton during the next couple of weeks.
Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents If you like beautiful halr uso Incomparable Creoline hair producer.
KOV DF tube.


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