p. 8


If You Pay for a Gallon Vou des with Corg TO Specia handy and we are at Couleur CASAD pention destroyed Sour fers in the more and protect the same time mu rane frem further intetlen Use this special every form of afecties chudren or calls. Remem moto che common infecties die are the lathe nostrils, that is the archiploma COK TOTROLINE pretesh best protection last this poin, convenient, afe.
De No Naval Brette for Catarrh, Indiana, cela to the Ret Sore Throal, and liay Perer.
dal Cheb fra HAROLD MATTHEWS Sco Nosirolles Laboratories, Cute BE SURE YOU GET FOUR QUARTS NOSTROLINE New York Cigarettes management of the Otherwise you are paying a full price and getting a appointment SHORTAGE 16 Good Cigarettes Way bow out.
of care 16 CIGARETTES FULL OF VALUE NO SHORTAGE SUPRISINGLY GOOD og since PAGE LIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1922 Wanted Let Justice Prevail COLD IN THE HEAD General Servant by December THOUGH THE HEAVENS 1st. Good wages and home to SHALL FALL right PERSON Middle aged woman preferred one willing (By WINTER)
and able to work, mustlive in. magnificent app raciation to No other need apply, cbardson 20 2nd Avenue Bella Vista.
foreign nation is the French Memorial Park, con siructed at the southern part of this city ad joining the Chiriqal Prison.
The ideal of the conception is Bocas Del Toro one to be commended. It is Notes.
ethically just that infant nations sbould remember and show to those who assisted From Central American Express)
life. aking possible, their nation political, social and economical NJ. MEETING ENDplads developing the nation.
ED IN DISPUTE BUY The secession of Panama from Sold by all Drug Stores Colombia gave birth to the fact Members Dissatisfied with that there was a Canal to be Administration bullt across the Isthmus and NEW LAW AT.
that the French Dation led Count De Lesseps, was the by It was on the street that a hot pioneer nation of this construc. Continued from page 1)
time was experienced among the tion, Tomas Guardia, the President officers and members of the The park is very impressive of the Republic to the labourers A, of this city a few nights and will go down with credit coning in, and if understand son Disentraction about tha on history as the imperishable righuy, a law was framed sancaffairs of the gratitude of the Panamanian tioning the authority given by association has caused some of people Don Thomas Guardia: Thousands the most desist. The removal of High sanguine followers to But unfortunately, there is an of settlers then went out on Commissioner West, since the almost upardonable injustice in these lands one mile inland from close of the last Annual Conventhe narrative inscribed on the the branch, and to day the cultion in New York City beld by cold marble tablets and which ivable lands frem the Sixaola River (border of the honorable Marcus Garvey in writing is intended to go down to Panams) to August last and the posterity. On the tɔwer, with Limon 40 miles are under cultiva cock announcing tha morning tion coconut, banaus, fruits of of Mr. Bryan of Port Limon, Costa Rica as Commissioner for of light which had broken over all kinds, plants imported from the isthmus, there is the pick Jamaica as well as minor cropsthe Republic of Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama have not and the shovel; but there is not with Villages grown up by the shown any sign of improvement one word inscribed on any of the colonizars Guahuita, old Barin this division of the work. Ex ten pages of marble, to dis bour Sixalja, Bananito. which Commissioner Saunders wbo cribe or state who were the villages are connected to Limon was appointed to the office of persons that opened the sleep. bý gasolene launches running Divisional President and Orgacourse of the isthmian water plies on the Nothern side of ing sod through which the bi weekly. The same thing ap.
nizer for the Republic of Nicaracourse way Limon towards Nicaragua gua somelmonths ago did not runs.
accept that post, for reason best In admiration of all this Causes consternation known to himself, and has not stupendous work and ethics of The constarvation identified himself with the moveAt a Reasonable Price gratitude, the visitor is of these alarmed ment since that time nor has he and astounded why so settlers therefore can readily be import attended any of its meetings at page in the constructiou imagined when this degree was to.
recently beld in this city. To the of the Canal should have been published in Tribunu intelligent public this has bepurposely or unwittingly be left wards the end of October, not come a questionable matter.
of even getting a month notice, Dr. Octavio Mendez Perrera substantial appeal has been made Was this an oversight of Protests have been made, but no Mr. Gordon who collects funds bope so. One would not for the I. on the lines to believe it was intended, as it ly stat d, are nearly all Jamalby these people who; as previous on Panama territory previous to Mr. West departure for the would stamp with an indelible cans. It is hoped that as soon as United Btates, to attend the stain of injustice the France late Negro Convention has Memorial Park, and would can meeting is called, the Consul un will be asked to represent the been making his remittances the direct to the Parent Body of Ferdinand De Lesseps protest matter to the President.
the Association in the United become non appreciative States and not through of what has been done to im Grins and Chuckles regular channel as has been mortalised bis memory. Remem.
The West Indians were by Commissioner West the men with the pick and the Say Sony Can go from here when present, owing to the disshovel, For them ask justice straight to th) railway ta ioa, sid.
rinte arieing between he and Mr.
Geo. Atkinson the authorized Panama owes them an obligation ragged barefcot manandit is also national sin to for Nol Bat you osa straight to Hell here. This with other matget this obligation. it looks more in your line, ters have caused a rupture in the bouse which lasted until a late Now, wid the Schoolmaster. Did Thanksgiving Day tour is that night. Unity the children of Larael ova ia the strength we stand, deserl, divided we fall!
WILL BE RECORD BREAKING DAY Tommy 05, no Sirt AT ISTHMIAN PARK Schoolunastar. Why did they act case is before Ponton starve, in the dert?
Eq. His Britannic Majesty There have been wars and Tomay Bause of the Sand which Vice Consul for this Province, for investigation is that of the rumours of wars. but if the is there. rumours afloat of the coming Schoolmatar How came the Sand.
deeth of Anthony Garr a Ja maicau who resided at Dury, San Athletio Meet be true, the pub wichas there?
Ban, and was mysteriously mislic is going to view the most Tommy B010 it ww Sharo Ham, sing from his home some months DESPATCH botly contested war ever staged Bred, and Mustered.
in Panama on November 30th, Sobolmuster. Ayo, that is indsed ago and is supposed to be dead between the greatest assortment good answer, his property was confiscated by of sturdy athletes ever seen.
a government oficial, and since It is said that McNeil in a other day, and beg you to explain it Tommy Yes Sit but this happened then no account has been given to those concerned, quiet ride on the track one even for me. was at the cricket match 108 this week had Hollig solmot Sunday, and Walker made a splendid fagged that he bad Greaves bad developed such to el ser him, to while hit; ovary body jumped up and began he has already Then a fellow behind started to lay the field.
Agard and Carist sak. Sit dow. arta me cried out Sit down, Sit down for Schloss on the other hand are Tast night went to the earvio) at the Wo ail did.
By order of the Municipality doing some dark horse stunts Church and I eaterad thaay began to of this city a special Commission Good Assortment and it we are to believe all that sing Stand up for Josus. What wa w29 authorized to visit all comwe hear, Sborty. Baptiste. to do?
mercial houses throughout the Jack Allen and the Summersales lagoon. The commission which leit this port by launch for AlTO SELECT FROM AT THE have the gans of the New Mexico looking like a toy pistol PRINCE OF WALES. mirante was composed of the the hands of a year old kid; following gentlemen. Messrs We hope no one gets winded. Conlinued from page 1)
Felix Icaza. Alcalde of Di It is also claimed that no less We hope that you, who are nobly Paul Haals, J. Reid. proprietor than 30 flat men can be seen on following in the footsteps of of the Silver Store; Simon Lopez the Lis Sabacas road morning your ancestors, will appreciate Secretary of the Alcalde: Valand evenings and it is thrilling to the full the importance of the lamoro and Eudaldo Bravo both to see some of them go through high ofice for which you have depart if they utilize the been selected.
ment. On their arrival at Guabito DEATH OF JACOB frule Bag of the price che abbia represents the store le monde he same efforts ion Thanksgiving THOMAS truly English game he upheld representatives of the lodges to Day there will be new Worle The Prince of Wales, who was the traditions of his island home wbich the deceased associated recorde hung up.
special motor cars were granted evidently deeply moved, replied by the United Fruit Company SO in this Republic, He was a keen himself in this country.
as to enable them to We regret to record the death impartial sportsman as far as The Workmaa tenders its There are Medals and Medals as follows: the work suscessfully up to the of Jacob Thomas of St, Isthmus. and due very much to family and relaltves in this hour UNIQUE CYCLE ASSOCIA Sincere and greatful thanks for the game was played on the condolence to but none so much like Medals as the bereaved Most Worshiptal Grand Mas.
those to be distributed by the ter. ask you to accept my border of Jerkin Mouth which is Phillips, Barbados, which sad bis tenacity and determined of their sad ness.
the end of Panama terrltory. At event took place on Wednesday moral influence that the Surrey TION and don forget the Lov the high Masonic honour with some places it was discovered commissson that the The deceased was an English at present one of the strongest last at the Santo Tomas Hospital Co, being kept together and is by ing Cups and Frnit Baskets are which your Royal Highness has Death Of Kala Singh.
the best ever seen in Panama invested me.
merchants were too heavily tax private school teacher here for clubs on the Isthmus.
hop around to the Panama Hardware and be inconved. May also thank you for the many a were paying practically little or successful school with a large On Thursday bis last remains words of your address, and exThere died at the Panama no tariff. Adjaatments praes my sincere gratitude for were cumber of West Indian children were followed by members of however made to suit the present Thomas was popular and with several friendly societies of Hospital on Thursday last Kala was discovered that his case was the manner in which have been Singh, well known Indian mer a hopeless one, as be bad received.
condition of trade.
very unassuming which he was a member, his chant at Central Avenue, after remained too long before opera out doubt Mr. Diego Pardo, clerk of the and peaceable in bis general con ber of sorrowing friends. The an operation for apendicitis. on. Singh is of the Rindu teibe Ampthill, Pro Grani and a At the close of the Lodge, Lord Oo, merchandise depart duct and deportment, He was a meni accompanied the comunis sincere friend and Singh had apparently been ailing and had Very funeral service at St. Paul 15 sion in the interest of the com respectable resident of the West Church was conducted by for some time and had consulted about had been on the Isthmus unveiled a painting of the Duke His body was of Connaught which has been og metr tack returned to Bocas 1y to the children under his care; the graveside the body was com the Panama Hospital a few days Charge of by his conatrymon, to loyalty and devotion to the Oraid.
pany. The party after complet Indian colony, was very father Nightengale. Vicar, and at several doctors obat getting no cremated at the Ancon drama presented to his Royal Highnesia reliet he had decided to enter tory yeaterday ani will be taken as a perpetuul nenor al to his Wednesday afternoon, and was also an ardent cricket mitted very solemnly and ago where after examination it be dispused of. Lloyds Yeekly.
and the redirected United JOB PRINTING of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Cards 69 Special Commission speed that in WORKMAN PRINTERY.
Di trict: their paces.
carry out


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