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PRESIDENT NEW AERIAL PORRAS TERROR NEGRO BANK TO BE Celebrated His 66th Birth Now In Possession Of The day Last Tuesday. United States Army STARTED IN HARLEM Cable Latest Suggestion Recently Made Tuesday last. the 25th ulto: was the sixty sixth anh trom Washington dated Nor is in 300, 000 Building and With In the Motherland By Sir Ar versary of the birth of Dr. Beli states that the pilotless army sario Porras Titular President aeroplane equipped with an thur Conan Doyle.
of this Republic a Working Capital of Haif a automatic control device said to brilliant jurist warrior, be more accurate and depend.
writer, diplomat and statesman. able than any buman pilot has Million Dollars.
was born on that day; and it is been developed to a point where Lloyds Weekly News of the of her own, and therefore. looks superduous to add, that Dr. It has de successful flights of 22nd October publishes the fol to the Baltish West Indian Porras has more than justified more than 90 miles, it was an New York, to cast 300 000. up 30 Nugro board to work with us: The Globe National Bank of doidad, therefore, to have lowingIslands as her nearest source of the most profound and accurate nouneed to day by the air service, which construction is to be Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, supply of Britisha tropical pro anticipations of those who were Toe announcement declared the begun immediately at Saventh Full Rocognition Planned discussing the problem of the ducts. Looking ahead, it is ably payment of war debts outstand. certain that the time interested in him from the date results produced after a long avenue and One Hundred and series of experiments constitut Thirty fth street will be Our innovation in having ing betbeen the Allies in a recentCanada will bave increased to come when the population of of his birth to the present day.
article in Lloyd Sunday such an exteat that it will greatest delight to meet thivelopement of tne many nore! to giya recogaition of financa to day American booking. As Fall of the vim and enthusiasm led the mast important post war first beak in the United stue Negro board of directors is an of a well conducted life, its ones outstanding feature in presen News, asked of new engines of war. It the business and social status of larga number of our clients will require all tropical produce How about the cession by the tha Beitisha mpenst Indies to Pardial and Panama. Stoically interested in bad shown it to be possible to Board of directors as well as a la basiness and the professions France and Great Britain of all ofer it.
their West Indian possessions the future or a his country and hoot bomb laden planes without white board, and a working it is only proper that they Incidentally, Sir as one asset which they hold end pöyle is mistaken in saying Arthur Conan the poss possibilities of bis pilots of the capital of nearly 500, 000.
presence, ground with astounding acthat have fall recognition which America might desire!
in the United States gave Danmark despite opposition and Celticism, curacy. three story structure on the proposal has met with a ive million pounds for the be has forged ahent with his This the affairs of the now bunk site is to be entirely bank strong protest from Mr. Alger single tiny island of Saint plans and won for Panama JOSEPH BONDAGE AT main floor will have ceiling African elameat in our ia rebuilt and ramodeled and the tha a believers, ecɔnomic development of the non Aspinal. Secretary Thomas. They paid that sum leading place among the nations of the West India Committee, not for Saint Thomas alone, but of the world.
VARIEDADES wenty tive feet high and a hand among whom are nu nbərad ia population who writes; for the neighbouring and more some general banking room. It Now It is grievous to find Sir Wealthy islands of St. Croix and improvements of public utility the Variedades Theatre, the Patronage of both white and many very well educated and Aunong the many progressive On Wednesday night last, at is expected to command the Sad splendid people. The price Arthur Conan Doyle, whom one and St. John also.
has always regarded as an imPorras perialist, advocating the transfer But Sir Arthur is gracions ministration are the lacation cantata en titled Joseph Bond black customers in an area hav waalthy Nagro families in Har ing 300, 000 population. Prepara lem who are public spirited and of the French and British Wes Majesty subjects in the Britisbl which of the Republiclage was by special requestions for such a bank have been anxious to advance the general enough to concede to His Indian Islands to the United West Indies the right to self improvement and is a justifying 83 crowded as was anticipate under way for the last year or welfare of their race.
showa wonderful repeated. The theatre was not. a Nagro biak in Harlem we will have besides lane Baile more, two previous efforts to. Harlem Bink debt.
far would the islands themselves the finances, under the particu santation of the social life of having been unsuccessful very repre Unlike otber publicists who sanction the lar have raised this question. Bir Let me reply emphatically that Euseblo Morales, parsimoaious eare of Dr.
Negrozs to Cooperate No on boards of directors, as.
Mr. West Indians here.
bogorary board and a committe Arthur makes no exception in they would not, and that There very many well.
The founder directors of the ot trus teas.
We will taka his sweeing proposals.
There deeply resent the streste sche, Adison Ruan, Panaina word fore, if his policy were to be made from time to time that tions is as good as that of United the musicalmente infused into Globa National ara Henry special care of handling legacies suggestion fulfilling her ber monetary obliga come adopted, Trinidad presumably they should be scrapped so far States. or of any the nations Cantata. There was a splendid Vaa Tayl, Jr. No, renjoyments per the Blowa. Mas Broadway Core home barely be even beooblached Nagroes white. p233.
would be thrown overboard with as the British is concerned. in those countries in Earope with and very eficient orchestra. The way; Eistmənd, 357 ing on the legality of the rest of the islands and the Not For Sale the best financial standing, sceneries were much improved Fourth Avenu. Montgomery. funds and administering tas Royal Navy would be be deprived and philag This, as Sir Arthur rightly The National Bank has been of one of its few sources of oil were seen to better advan Lewis: 115 Broad Street, benefactions of such supply under the British flag says is a delicata question; but pe organized, and is to day an tage. Overcrowding on the stage and Prillip Freeman, No. 94 thropists.
There are many Nagro landwboin mind one had hoped that it had been institution worthy of the name was avoided as there was qaite Bowery, Mr. Black said yester sufficient amount of space; and day: lords, lawyers, shopkeepers and for British oil, would venture to settled definitely once and for all of parkinprogressive and itself the voices of those who took part support the assertion that that by the Prince of Wales in Barba. question, its business policy and were heard with more pleasure boghall elect our Negroſ business m90 faali lines in emphatic statement country.
of directors to cooperate Manhattan who bava island is of no particular use in dos in our huge Empire?
1920 the King management 18 as sound and and enjoyment. The entertain with us at once after our formalamassed comfortably fortugas Canada Needs subjects, wbite ths are expected to be patrons of Sir Arthur says that the West Otherwise, are not for sale ios ipstitutions operating in and we are pleased to report that prosparous clasy anons have the bank, and there are even was no tinancial loss on the colored raca in other Governments, and that this couary.
Indian Islands are of great destiny Ige to America. Let me rezuind their desde handled random, the gradually a renula uremain roads bank, bas two or three reputed million loaz wanted sushi freedomis in There completed anture.
We congratulate the promɔtars thay wers anxiou. to have it aires. The bank is expected to him that they are also of very Prime Minister equally which will ba a credit to this Messrs.
Didier and Harris, in founded and bac xed primarily by obtain the handling of trust and great use to Canada, and that unequivocal refutation of the country: their endeavour to place before waite tlaciers to give it a solid endowment funds from Negro there will be of still greater use policy of dismemberment of the The improvement at the Santo the public, an high class enter standing and fall contidence, but colleges and other institutions to that Dominion in the future. Expire which Sir Arthur now Tomas Hospital. under the able tainment demonstrative of West wit Negro representation on throughout the United States.
Canada has no tropical territory appears to support.
guidance of Major Edgar Bocock Also the board of directors, Wal (Exchange. and the excellent state of com those who took part and assistpetent physicians and nurses, ed ia making the entertainment Sir Leslie Probyn Leslie November the Most 68th birthday of Dr. Belisario is having are signs of the wisdom and such an uaqualidad success, Porras, actaal President of this some very hard time, with deep interest of De. Belisario the Legislators, are Porras, who is guiding the des British Cousulate Notice Memorable Month Republic, and also the 35:anni versary of the founding of tha RETURNS TO JAMAICA bighly incensed and disatisfied of this Republic. The new toital Fire Brigade in this city.
over the payment of an honor on the Exposition arium to the Director of the grounds will be another mark Colon would be glad of informaThe Acting British Consul at FOR THE ISTHMUS.
All the acdvities in connection No Expected Change la Pro This Jamaica Government Railway. of the progress of civilization tion as to the present where During the course of the last carried out according to with that memorial day, were posed Constitution This amount is charged up for in this place, and with what abouts of Mrs. Theresa Elizabeth month, events of historical and program arranged previously.
the supervision of works of improve rapidity events move along. Jackson maiden name Brigbtly, transcendental importance were Toe children of the Public ment at the railway, Dr. Porras has demonstrated who is stated to be a resident of celebrated with very much en Scoools, the students of the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL IN census of opinion that Sir (Continued on page 7)
thusiasm and befitting interest; Natidaal Institute and the NorSESSION Proby must be reMajor Beyan.
in Panama and on the Canal mal Institute, met at their classe Zone.
heleder for Kingston. Bilar piton. ALFRED KELLEY AND ADOLPHUS His Excellency Sir Leslie November has been truly he way the singing of the Panama rooms and did honour to to the. and. by flag and Probyn Governor of Jamaica Smith, month of holidays, and the his returned to the Island after Clarendon are doing team work member for EDWARDS HANGED. recording of anniversaries Anthem and other National airs.
a brief vacation in England. In which beneficial great national events, also the At a. the Fire Brigade Corps the early part of his stay he was resuit in the island administra birthday of distinguished Rulers the National Police Corps led troubled with a very bad cold. tion.
but has been abie to report his country that these two It is the request of the PAY EXTEME PENALTY OF THE commute his sentence from and Statesmen. First there was by the Republican Bayd mar march LAW FOR MURDER OF WIFE death to one of imprisonment that great day which shall never ed to the Frenca Plaza, there complete recovery.
end most experienced of the OF FORMER for the term of his mortal life. be forgotten the 3rd of Novem patriotic addresses com namoSir Leslie arrived on the 14th Jamaica legislators should pull The two condemned men went seceeded from Colombia and were delivered by orators ap: ber, the day or which Panama rative of the national sentiments of Nov. last, and in the afternoon together and work in harmony.
he issued an extraordinary proquietly and without a murmur became a free and independent pointed The proposed change in the THE STORY OF CRIME.
by tha Magicipal clamation that he has resumed Constitution will come up for to the gallows, They bad, it is nation. It was undoubtedly an Council.
said, con lessed their guilt dur act for the World benefit, as the the Administration of the discusston, then, it will be decid Execution Takes Pince Within ing the period of incarceration great and stupendous plan of After leaving the Plaz, the Colony affairs, ed whether it is necessary to The Walls of St. Catherine which followed their conviction constructing the Panama Canal residence procession marched to the official In an interview by a Gleaner send deputation to Eagland District Prison.
on the capital charge, Teporter: His Excellency bas and who the deputation should of the President has been tha suscassful issue and paid their respects and stated or given the assurance des At will Edwards made a clean breast of this secession. be discongratulations expressed to that he is of opinion that the cussed also the amalgamation of Then came the day when the For the wilful murder of his of bow the gruesome itagedy President land would not have any material 100e civic body and the extension Edwards, who assisted bim in the man whose life was spared buman destruction and sutter During the afternoon, there was change of Govetouient in Bag, ble site bond St Andrew into wife, Alfred Kelly and Adolphus was enacted by Kelley and him white dove of Peace appeared on pieniment Dernis est encom of 66th Birthday.
self. and cloudy horizon of change of the Constitution in the Kingston. In brief this will be a within the walls Colony. Especially in view of the short, but very warm session several branches of the Fire St. Council, from blame in the mat gaged in the dreadful catelyam Dapartmani Lad by Catherine District Prison yester ter.
that Major Ormsby Gore, day morning which inundated Earopelor aquad act of the Canal Z69, one of the Imperial CommissionNOTICE Joseph Thomlinson who was ministered nun won by the Kerber relieved the world of the in the procession making The condemned men were four years. The 11th of Novemang nine Gira cars foliowad ers to Jamaica last year bas also convicted for murder being, Canon L 20 Jones and showed mental strain and worry occa magaificent deraonstration succeeded Major F: Wood was slso alleged, a party to the their appreciation of his etɔrts. sioned by that sickening and one of the most perfect departet es Under Secretary of the Colo Correspondents are requested deed, is now in the General nies, to sead in their contributions Penitentiary serving a sentence The crime for which the two shocking event. That date was the Foanurablo Legislative poslatar than Tauraday evenings for life, the Acting Governor in men paid the extrema penalig followed by Nov. 28th the 101 mists of the Administration in.
anniversary of the separation Gouncil is in sessiga aad Sir to ensure puoligation, Palvy Council having decided to (Continue on Page 8) of Panama from Spain, also the (Continued On Page that whether or there Probyn who It is the Colonial of must have stalwart be.
this Session the fire fact Pana acd


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