
PAGE TWO YORKHAN SATURDAY, DECEM DER 16 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands MAGNUMS LYNTON Valuable CASH Coupon eleven cardiING BEE MAGNUMS They the Rotice at all.
Book Binding Department CENTRAL AVENUE of 10 JAMAICA bip xamination thus: The report of the Examiners on the examination for the Barbados Scholarship for the cur Not Allowed To ent year is, in my opinion a Land WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT serious eft ction on the higher education of the colony on which No. 78, New Market Street o less a sum than 1, 500 a year is spent.
No. 107, Bolivar Street very nice things about a reting he dmaster of one of the first Not very long ago Jamaica was THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY grades schools the criticism con invaded by upwards of 50 poles bulad in this report is a damper some of whom lost no time in t) cur en busiasm and self establishing themselves in King FULL SUPPLY OF udation. Out of ston as copper. smiths lates competing for the echolar. Jave since taken their departure. Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, hp only three one Mathematimajority going to Mexico Pal (he winner) and two Classi They took their departure soon Cabbage, Dairymen Butter, al deserve notice, and all are after an agitation was com past competitors. So that none menced in favour of the Govern ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES of the new men receive any ment legislation preventing uodeeirable aliens entering the While the successful cardiCall and see us before purchasing date work is admitted markAfter the Poles came party edly superior to that of the of Russians. The latter tried elsewhere.
other Mathematical candidates to effect an entry some days ago he is held not to have improved They were not many; but as since last year examinations they were unable to satisfy the bat is nevertheless regarded as port authorities at Kingston up to scholarship standard.
uader the literary test. they bad of the Classical candidates to remain on board the vessel two are markedly better than on which they sailed into any of the rest and these are The Customs reported what bad claimed to have made little prohappened to the Acting GovernSPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR grees during the past year and or, and equited whether of not they are not up to scholarship the order that the Russians Infants, Invalids and the Aged staldara.
should not be permitted to land This does not furnish very abould hold good.
Before a appreciatory reading after the Every tin contains an Interesting leaflet of the reply was received the vessel past record of the scholarship had steamed away and with her marvellous use of this great Fond.
in which it was no uncommon went the Russians. It bas since thing in the past for the winner been learnt that the Government Purely An English Preparation.
at his first attempt to go to one approved of the action of the of the leading English UniyersiCustom Department.
ties and as a fresh man gain MANUFACTURED BY some of the best open scholar Why throw away your old, but no Work Of Building The BENGER FOOD, LTD Clarendon Extension MANCHESTER; ENGLAND doubt interesting, books when you Attempt to Drown Himself FOR SALE AT STARTS NEXT MONTH.
can have them neatly bound at The American Pharmacy JAVIER MORAN In the Inner Basin near the The work of constructing the Chamberland Bridge on Tuesday branch railway from Chapelton morning Benjamin Inniss aged THE WORKMAN 62 a bum boater of Jessamy Lane to Frankfield will it is expected bə started on the 1st proxe a Me shops on the subject of the de: being that the Cricket Committee The Nelson and Admiral of a landsbip called MacDonald, of the Bedford cision to reduce their wages which is handling the English 164 Phillips making an attempt was teen by Construction Company of Heli The conference lasted the fax Nova Scotia, which has been awarded the contract for build urs; and even when the Gor best talent that could be gotly dragged the old man up on ernor intimated that the 25 per together to ing the extension, and who will cent decrease would not be made Further, that Jannica should that there was an iron welgbt go to England. the Wairt and there he found the operations, has arrived in ly instalments, the men were not representative who would dis to the Central Station where. He was hie the island and is carrying satisfied cuss the Cricket Committee com and No. G Street conduct are rise to the suspi through the preliminary ar The Governor promised to this colony position on th ciup tiba ciup tbat he was insame. In con.
place the matter before the English team. It At present camps are being Privy Council and then refer it pointed out that the visit of a sequence et enthoday erected along the lines, the to the Legislature While the Jamaican XI to Barbados would D:4, Bjard comprised of and headquarters for the time being arivers and mechanics have not be of considerabie in terest to Magistrate Seon and amounted to 2278. 50 and the an side visits the West Hutson Chapelton, But as soon as the given notice to quit, it is learnt, West Indian cricket. Herutd. Lieutenant work is in full swing. Crooked that the situation in that departA. Gaddard expenses to 2121. 17 Leaving a Indies in the winter of 1923 24 Inspects of police out to decide applied for touriog sides in the arranged. The prospects of a balance of 158. 33, which will be then other dates will have to be River will become the centre ment is almost as serious as the upon tils mental condition. As from which operations will be traffic branch.
BARBADOS carried out.
the result of their deliberations Cores.
The next Intercolonial West Indian Team going to Eag.
innises was ordered bo detained Matches will take place in land are being discussed by the The plant consisting of steam at Jebkinsville for a week for the uively fixed for July 1923. This sides. Weekly Illustrated. both shovels, etc. was shipped from purpose of observation.
date depends, however, on two shortly be here. Mr. Donald The Barbados factors, for if an side expects to employ from 200 to We learn from a communica does not visit the West Indies in Commerce on Thursday discuss.
The Barbados Chamber of 1, 500 labourers as the construc FOR VISIT OF WEST INDIAN TEAM Scholarship tion made to the press by Mr. the winter of 1923 24 the ed a letter from the Canadian tion gang, exclusive of mechanTO THE MOTHER COUNTRY George Challenor, Honorary matches will be played ics, Masons, carpenters etc, NEXT SUMMER, Secretary of the Barbados in Freight Association advising There will be one tunnel and Strolling Scribbler in the Oricket Committee. that the January 1924. whilst if a West that after December 81st, 1924, seven bridges on the line, the Weekly Illus rated bewails the total subscriptions towards the Indian side goes to England in the Canadian Railways will relatter including a viaduct 19 feet Everything polnts to the fact result of the Barbados Scholar recent Demerara tournament the summer of the noxt year and (Continued On Pays 3) inches high and 600 feet long, that West Indian cricket team This is near Crooked River, and will visit England during the will be the heaviest plece of summer of next year. Advlogs work, received here state that the The builders calculate upon invitation from the cc. has Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 finishing the railway between been accepted by Barbados, Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 eight months and a year from Trinidad British Guiana the start of operations.
The Jamaica Cricket Council, a fortnight ago decided to participate in the tour as soon as it is The Railway Situation certain that this colony will se: at least three places; on the team. It is more than likely that Jamaica will secure the three Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York City Owned by The NATIONAL CITY BANK OF New YORK GOVERNOR MEETS DEPUTATION places; and so it is more than OP DISSATISFIED WORKERS probable that within a week or 80 practice matches will be The Herald in its issue of the commenced in Kingston.
Depository of the PANAMA CANAL 18th November says: The Jamaica Cricket Council As many of the railway sta will soon be summoned to contions will be without agents sider the invitation from the from to day consequent upon 80 Barbados Cricket Committee employees of this branch of the that Jamaica should send a team Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of service having decided to quit, to that island early next year.
THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in the management of the depart Barbados has not been able, as ment has decided to close the previously stated in this journal, ERLAND IP TRANCE SPAIN ITALY stations at New Works, Suttons, to accept the invitation from BELGIUM Maggotty and Anchovy. Trains Samaica that either. Barbadian CHINA JAPAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES will stop at the stations to enable team or a West Indian deven ARCTINE BRAZIL CHILE CUBA PORTO RICO entrain and should visit us a a few months detrain. No tickets will be sold; hence. The reason was that URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA Payment of fares will be made Barbados was recently engaged to guards on such trains. in the West Indian Cricket It is understood that almost Tournament in Demerara; and the entire staff of station agents as the English coar comes Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World oft will not be at this moraing, next year, it would be impossible even those who have not given to get together a side to visit notice.
It is claimed that they Jamaica, Barbados, however, are entitled to leave the Govern desires to try conclusions with ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR VINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE ment having broken its contract Jamaica; and, therefore the with them Cricket Committee at a meeting Yesterday afternoon the Gov. held during October at Bridge INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM ernor attended at the Director town, extended an invitation to office and received a deputation Jamaica to send a team across from workers in the machine learly in 1923, the special objact with rangements.
Arrangements Closed.
and International Banking Corporation care PERU passengers to work


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