
SERVATA VAM WORKMAN SATURDAY. DECEMBER 1922 TAE 2013 PAGE THREE CHRISTMAS IS FAST APPROACHING Only the Best Men Furnishings English Woolens 29 AND White Linen Drills Walk Over Shoes that American BazaarStores societies was REAL ECONOMY Protest against News When you buy a package of West Indian News. Continued from page 9)
fuse to accept molasses in pun cheons. The letter went on to stato that this action WAB OF necessary because the expert ence of the Railways was that the puncheons was too fralla container for handling such a heavy commodity and had resulted in numerous claims for loss and damage. It was carried in stock felt that it molasses came forward in barrels and tierces Do your shopping early and you will get containing from 40 to 50 gallons it would stand the steamsbip fine Selection of the best Bargains could Inded in earts more economically, the barrel or barrels to be placed on end instead of on their side, thus eliminating the peces was the view of the railways sity of extensive blocking. It with the long notice hereby given to the trade, there should JUST RECEIVED be no dificulty to shippers to substitute the barrels or tierces, ARE THE BEST MADE on or before January 1, 1925.
for the puncheons now in use.
ALSO BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY It was decided, as the ques.
SHIRTS tion was a very big one to have TIES COLLARS Then why be satisfied taily discussed with the AgriETC. ETC. BTC.
cultural Society before arriving with less than the best at any decision.
AT THE PALAIS ROYAL The Report of the Registrar of Friendly Societies for the half PERREIRA year January to June 1922 states that there were 237 societies on CENTRAL AVENUE, Corner 9th Street, PANAMA the register on the 20th June, nine sccieties having been struck of during the half year. No Dew registered for the period under review.
Panama Colon The number of societies on the register has been reduced by Creoline Hair Preparations 50 since 1915, the higeest nomPositively Superior to all others on earth.
ber et any time being 287, which was at end of 1914.
Try them and be convinced.
They are the Master Preparations of the World.
TRINIDAD Different from all Others Prices of all goods in the United States of America 50c. all Foreign countries, 60c.
Creoline Hair Producer Straighteps rough, harsh, kinky bair with or without hot combs, and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELINE. Contains 10 paper Caption percent more oil than is possible to be put into any other preparation of its kind in the world. Patches thin places and prevent baldness, In ounce tins. SHOCKING MURDER DOWN Creoline Day Dandruff Remedy SOUTH. very good scalp treatment positively removes Dandruff, Tetter and Eczema. It is antiseptic. Grows bair. koeps the scalp healthy At last week sitting of the In ounce bottles.
FOR Criminal Assize Court ia PortJackson Manufacturing Co.
FIFTEEN of Spain. Trinidad, Gaston John 5s West Tenth et. Manufacturers and Exporters Indianapolis Ind.
10 CENTS ston, one of the counsel All Up to date Drug Stores carry a stock of Creoline.
for the defence in a murder trial, entered a strenuous protest at a bead line which appeared in the football Port of Spain Gazzett over the Criminal Assizes by Justice team CIGARETTES arrived in report first day proceed G, Deane, A, to pay the Trinidad on the 20th instant inge of the case. The head line extreme penalty the law for from Brnish Guiana, to contest a was. Shocking Murder Down murder of Ella Fraser at Mon: series of games with the local Poath, and these words.
Mr. key Town, Junction Road, on the Club and the Colony eleven.
6th last os to prejudice the fair trial of the ancien Present were: Capt. Fraser, The Legislative Council of defendent, and were unwarrant. Superintendent of Pelson. Rev. Trinidad approved on the 2015 able comment on the and Fc. Kuan, 8p. Mr. Gan instant of the likely to create an unfavourable saumes Carte and Marshall Committee) 6, 330 for improving expenditure (Registrar of the recommended by the Finance impression on the miods of Supreme salona andet undoubtedly at the cabayo rin bood Dr Tsola would make Sue, the local Wireless Station by the of Peis: consider the ecquiry teel that on. and prison otticars. at the Port of Spain Station the paper at least expected them The deceased was, spiritually take the view at it that it was attended up to end by Rov.
It is estimated that the Trini.
a shocking murder. for that Father Kuan, and death was dad Wireless Station will yield a reason he brought it to the instantaneous.
recenue of about 3000 during notice of the Court and he The usual post mortem ex: the next year. This estimate is thought the Editor of the paper amloation subsequently based upon the increased volume should at least be warned held and the body interred at of work performed during this against publications of the kind the cemetery at Terres Bralé year.
AND WE WANT YOU TO KNOW IT in the future if no more serious steps be taken against him.
ang His Honour, Mr. Justice Deane. Arrival OF American ST. VINCENT in reply said at present he did not think of expressing any Thoroughbred Mare strong views in the Court. The THEY ARE INCOMPARABLE proper procedure in these cases The Dry Goods Merchants he though was it the defence felt The thoroughbred mare Pamly that they had been in Mature from New York. As vs. the Hucksters against the person alleged to be previously ancounced in the ve oftending and bring bim before spesepiania odunette. this phare of Portthe Court to be dealt with. Prima operasionalis At present there is a bito of faese wa purchased by a sports a trade war on in St. Vincent question as to whether a murder man down south was taken between the dry goods mere CIGARETTES bad been committed which was delivery of yesterday by Mr. chants and the bucksters and now being considered before the Field who will have charge of itinerant traders, and the former jury abad teed prejudged, there her for the forthcoming races have already approached the be no question that it had is been described a as a bay mare three years old by for assistance by legislation. The murder; at the same Horron out of Palms by Himyar, dry goods merchants are suffertime he did not feel how he and the deal for her was made ing from an unprecedented could consider it very much in bp the Thoroughbred Racing Co. stagnation in trade and claim ORDER BOOKS the absence of the person who she was landed good condithas the situation is being intenwas alleged to be offending. The tipa although somewhat thin on sified as a result of the underFOR FRIENDLY SOCETIES defence, if they dought their account of heavy blanket that mining, operations of a growing rights and privileges had been bad been placed on her and kept army of specalators and itinerprejudiced in any had their right through the journey. The wat vendors who are importing Kept in stock at the remedy and they could use it. mare otherwise seemed in the cheap remnants and other mer best of Mr. Johnston: That being so been able to dəäivitely ascertain fortnightly from neigabsuring sp rits.
We have not chandise in large quantities may it please Your Honour, will a little later on have this understand that she came con disposing of same in the streets, the owner of Pamly, but we colonies chiefly Barbados and gentleman committed to contempt and will give bim the signed to Mr. Ralph Sammy of and by house to house visits in NOTICE NOTICE necessary notice.
San Fernando, and is an Class the town. It is further claimed JUAN ILLUECA animal. She was sent up to that these persons are enjoying Arima by the afternoon train.
the advantag spy of trading withAll members of the Royal Execution At Royout taxe to Attorney. at. Law Correspondents are requsted Primrose Lodge No, 10106, GU.
City revenue, the only tax paid to send in their contributions 0, F, are asked to attend meet NEWS NOTES.
No. 44 Central Avenue al Goal.
being one of 103. per annum by the hucksters who daily spread TELEPHONE NO. 64. BOX No. 76 (bot nister than Thursday evening ing on Tuesday evening 14th most, publication as very important business will The strength of the Boy Scout their bags in the market, MerPractices in all Courts of be traneacted, The execution took place at movement ia Port of Spain. chanta admitted to the Boa Panama If you like beautiful hair use A, E, RALLU BUCHNER tha Royal Goal yesterday morn Trinidad, at tae annual meeting that general depression in ti ing at o clock of Hubert Brown held last week was reported at the fall of labourers wages, and English Spoken Fluently Creoline Hair Producer.
Per, Secy. who was sentenced at the last 300 (Contintsed Os Paje?
111 of the You are making a wise investment You are getting the biggest and best Cigarette value on the Isthmus.
case, and other the We know the Quality was BUY PACKAGE TO DAY any way to issue piojured in was landed yesterday by the 15 111 for 10c.
Gazatte the shocking WORKMAN PRINTERY


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