
ottimo. 25 Wa and about Juvenile Bun, STROLLERS.
Brod STROLLERS The Bro. Jesph Council Wiwiwiti nananananananananananananam NATURAL LEAF CIGARETTES CIGARETTES Pan. American Export Export Corporation formed 18 pose or confer1923, for the purBoys Buod to WAS celebrated In spite of many turbulent spirito (who wsited on lentes in this Bodio y during the last two years, and who subquan ly, on leaving ita ranka, malishagsly did all that was bumaaly poni bio to injure its vell being, and derogoto from the high prestige which it be always maintained, the Sucioty, hoverthalom, is found at the prennt in mont boulthy and flourishing condition, puuverically, financially and spiritually It has bren veeded of the undesirables, sad finde within ito tunk, a and womon, with the true pains spirit of Alowship and mutuat forbearador. It membership agregates about 140 strong mprised ol 85cut one budred adulu, juveniles, the juvenilo braach having been recently establiebed.
On the 12th inst. the election ol the officers for the next six month came off with a burmony and satisfaction, Valike many other past ORODI, the Stormy Petrele were abeent, and a calm sa prevailed to the edification of present, and to the general Dame and good will for the Society. The following is the result of the elections: Ero, Peter Martin, re.
elected Pre ident, and Bro. Smith, Vica President; Sister (M10. May Williams, ro elected Secretary, and Bro Wiliams selected Assistant Secretary: Bro.
Cherubim Jean Marie, re elect a Treasu rer; del, mestubal, azd Sister re elected Roach, elected Assistant Mer bal. The Moongement Committee shall bo selected by the President at the first monthly meeting in the month of December.
On the 10 inst, the usual Anni verary came off with unqualid success, and from begioning to end there WAS DOLAN untoward inc nt Ateam the members aszt to bled at their Hull on Tenth Street; thеу pro cession and in a most orderly de mean our, attended by the 8: Jureph Murical dit ec ursing appropalate and animated truins, they warebed the St. Joseph Catbolie Church, wbtre High Masa by the Rev. Faber Burns, CM, assisted by other cele brania, Tbene, forming in processional and orderly style, they headed for the Holy la maculate Cinception Church, on Fifth Cash Street, where Bepedia tion was sung, waisted by three oflicistes.
Finally, the procession returned to the hall, accompabied by the above men tioned Band, and dispersed about 13 o slook.
At o clock in the afternoon the members to united at their Hull wbore there were musical pieces, recitations, speeches, other exercises and a sump conviviality. The President opened the function with the usual prayer, and in a briet aperch, commented upon the past bistory of the Society, ito working, and the object of the occaelon. then requested Bro. Antonio to act Chairman for the occasion, who. on asuming the chair, made a brief addren and wished the the Society. prosperous and enduring career in the in the futuro. The gramme to the then commenced, med went through with every appreciadion, some of the piece having to be fepuated by the urgent encores of the appreciative bearers. Special mention must be made of the stirring address delivered by the Representative of Royal Bbamrock Lodge, Bro. Francis, well those of De W, Carrington and Mr. Joseph Williams, visitors. The following in the Programme of the prooedinga. as rendered: Opening Chorus Anniversary Greeting Address by the Chairman Bong. Ring the Joy bello by Choir Aldroes, by Representative. Loyal Shamrock Anniversary Choral, by Choir Aldrose, by Sister Rose Alexander Bong, Awake by Choir Addrees by Sister Lawrency Bong. Over the River. by Choir Addreta, by Mr. Jusoh Williams Bong Raise Me Jesus by Mre, Luke Address, by Dr. Carrington Song, Hail Golden by Choir Recitation, My Shadow by Mim Lauder, Juvenile Recitation. were a Flower by Mie HClaytonjuvenilo Recitation, Throwing Kissen. by Mias M, Martin, Juvenile Recitation, One, Two, Three by Miss Robinson, Juvenile Recitation, Hurrab, arab by Miss Clayton, juvenila Song, Children by Juveniles Recitation, Love Him, by Mise LS!
Trelos ven juvenile Recitation, The Old Story. by Mise Booth, Juvenile Beng, Beautiful Land by Choir Recitation, The Grandfather Story by Alexander, juvenilo Recitarion, Little Girl. by Min PANAMA DISTRICT BOOST Loyal Order of Anvelont Shepherds, Ashton Unity, Friend EMU ly Society CIGARETTES NOTICE Best on the Market An Shepberd Lodges, are bere by notided, that Bro. Paisley Cor. Socretary of the above, bas ASK FOR THEM been removed from sald office, at an Executive meeting on the ELIAS PRETO, Agent 22nd of Nov, 1922 All communications for wald Pammore, Ser. R to a Providing District must be forwarded to 8, Daughter, Is the Biggest Value you can obtain for your Money Ragless, Asst. Seetry, B, No.
1061 Ancon Z. who has been duo honours and after the trunction of The Graad Officers were received with Appointed to act COR general businew, installed the following RESPONDING SECRETARY.
who form the present administration, efective from the above date.
Bros. Batehelor, Wortby Chief; A, Chubb, Viao Cbiet; FOR SALE EVERYWHERE Taylor, juvenile Cole, Rec. Soety; Broth, Resitation. The Best of all, by Four Fie. Sooty; Laidlace, There Girl Conductor; Christian, Resitation, The Parting Love by Mr. Thompoan, Wortby Prola o; Bratt.
YOU Victor Williams, juvenile weite. Scny. o er Greenland ley Mountains Outside Sentinel Sisters F, Morris, May also obtain one gratis by mailing 250 empty packages of by Min Myrah Johnsan, juvenile Presiding Daughter; Samue D of Recitation, The Old Little Town of Pouot; Thomas, D, of Reards. Betblebem by Min Myrah John Grier, Dol Piosnoe; Robinson, of Trust; Klybert, Con fuetree; Song, R stia Thy Love by Choir. Grover of Par; Lumbley, After the e ose of the Programme and at Keys.
the festivities, the evening wh brought to dose with prayer, all feeling that and Sitry. Morris, Presiding Daughter Bro. Batohelor, Chief most enjoyable and inspiring time had been opent, and pledging themelyee to were daly elevated to Post Offiosta honours. At the clone of the exercise, labour more salous. for the continued which were conducted with becoming welfare of the institution.
dignity, in the presence of a largo punaber of visitors from the Sister Lodgor, The Household and the company repaired to the banquet bali and clexaat repost enthusiastically discused, and where Nellor Smoke Meets tolbing the order in general and this procrossive young dga were liceard to.
During the six months of its existen se There was a conjoined meet 14 were adoit edt) membership ing of Naomi Lodge No. 61 The mem ership s:ands a: 43 and it is and the Past Grand Masters hope that the bail 4 y wil by Council No. 9879 of the Grand reached by theal of Dcember Ualud Order of Oddfellows the Flower of the Isthmus Lada Colon Boys Institution emb. on Saturday nigbt!
Receives Donations.
of degrees on a deserving members.
After the usual preliminaries First Colon Boy League InstiCommander Watson of the BEAD OFFICE BRANCH had been gone through the tution is pleased to report that Colon, lodge was declared ready for Miss Linda Smart of the British Panama City.
Consulate has contributed 3, 00 Corner of Broadway 11 Street The Naomi Lodge started its C, to the fund of the Instiwork first and conferred the tution Messrs. Fidsrques, HenTelephone, Colon No. 468, Calle 12 Este.
Degree of Ruth and the three riquez Co 58 khaki caps. Bor, No. 1322, Progressive Degrees dative Oa Dec, 16 a grand boxing members. Cristóbal, C, Polephant; Panama No. 726, exhibition will be given by the After the members bad ex boys, Bor, No. 156, Color, Bor, No. 397, Ancon pressed their pleasure on receiv ing the degrees and refreshment Nr. Neely, Secretary of the baving been served; the officers Cristobal Silver Clabhouss, is maana mammamunanamannannamannaand members of the Naom arranging a benefit show which will take Lodge bade good night and Tue proceeds will be devoted foc place on the 10th. inst retired e the Past Grand Masters Council Rev. Fisher, of the Cristobal The officers and members of the purpose of providing tha boys with a Christmas Dinner tben arranged the lodge room Union Courch has kindly coafor the purpose of conferring sent :d to be on the program for this grand and noble degree song and an address.
The usual formalities were obnumber of Contribution served and the Council declared Cards have been printed and Commander Watson will be journeyed by rail to link up with those who are desirous of giving shows that the public keows when they are getting the right kind of thote at the Atlantic end to be a monthly donation, medicine, the pure, unadulterated ACETLY SALICYLIC ACID induced into the mysteries of this degree, La Boca Athenaeum.
which is a German discovery, as the original formula was first The work of induction wae discovered by the German chemist, and the manufacture of creditably performed by Bro.
The third regular meeting of the same is protected by patent.
MacOormack, G, assisted by Allman, Boon An honneum was held at the Best, G8; Belton, Clubhouse last Tusday night. The Lewis, Bourne, President Mr. Reynolds, called R, Millington, G; the meeting to order at 8:15 and A, Baira, Bro (At the first regular na reting hold on Isaacs 1rom Council 263 also the 7th instant, the Constitution of the is the original German preparation and only the purest Acetyl Salicylic assisted.
Society, got up by Committo of Acid is used in its composition, therefore, if you are suffering from The candidates for the above manship of Mr. Hunter, was Foundation Member under the chair mentioned degrees were. Chas opened.
Headache. Toothache. Neuralgia Ascarr the items rendereil wu. Babb. No. 10135.
Rheumatism Cold Influenza Stephens, Buchner and piano solo by Min Susie Jump, a read.
J, Clarke. No. 10106;9 Cardig by Mr. King and a song by gill and A, Badmore (Ne Mr. Reynolds. Mis Jump, who is a Grippe Alcoholic Intoxication 10107. junior member, displayed much la her This degree was conferred on becoming an artist.
playing and showed marked ability of Mr, King read Menstrual Colic Gout Etc.
seven brothers and they all testi Booker Washington famous spero fied to be solemnly impressed before the Atlanta (U. Exposition with the ceremony.
in 1895, when Wshingtoa was acluoted All present repaired to the na the speaker for the purpose of It is to your benefit, for the protection and banquet hall and were refreshed introducing Negro exhibits, the conservation of your health to use only with the fine Menu placed before very healthy tone and attitude is them, being displayed by the members of the 66 99 The Council meets the first new organisation, which we trust, will Saturday in each month. be a permaneat feature of the Athe nasum and refuse all other substitutes INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS Canada Is Rival To Great Britain In West Indian Market. Peaceful Retreat Lodge No.
KAL MOL GEHE 49, of CANADA bids fair to oust United Kingdom cement manuis put up in tubes of 20 tablets and is retailed at a price of 40c. per tube delegation from the Right Worthy facturers from the Jamaica result of an INSIST ON GETTING THE ORIGINAL Grand Lodge of the Central American market. As the Dietrict No. 7, invited the above Lodge, aggressive sales campaign, ona ON SALE AT ALL DRUG STORES on Tuesday last 28th inst. for the pur Canadian concern is reported to pose of installing into oflise the adminis have sold more cement in the FREE SAMPLES GIVEN AWAY tration for the current term, Colony in the last five months than was shipped there from the The delegation consisted of following: United Kingdom during the EUSTACE LBE, Sole Agent Broe. Kilbey. RW Chief; whole of 1921 (11 500 barrels of COLON, R, Jos, eking, RW Seriba; 400 lbs. The total arroant of Ricketts, W Advocate; Chns. Har cement used in Jamaica is in the vey, W Conductor; Harvey neighbourhood of 20, 000 barrels SSS SESEOVE Part W Chioli and sister Josephino annually.
LOUS The phenomenal success we have had in the sale of KAL MOL GEHE o podem bera from the Pacife side contera de mantenere names of o evening Die pro KAL. MOL GEHE Among Negro KAL. MOL GEHE


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