
RM WILKINSON Treat Yourself TO DR. SANGER CAPSULES 15 days LOMBARDO would market by te to to and other local CIGARETTES approval ear 20 CIGARETTES. C. LONDON CORRESPONDENCE. Interesting West Indian News. DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CANAL ZONE AT (Continted from page 3)
CRISTOBAL Commercial Traffic For Contractor BERTHA WARNER First Half of November, the competition which some Estate Proprietors offered BY TAKING and Builder through keeping sbops on their BRINTON WARNER From November to close of estates, largely contribute to the Civil No. 392.
15th STREET, WEST business November 16, 1922, crltical condition of which the Balde House No. 90 made the transit of the Canal, or complaining, but that this upnow Notice. WONDERFUL CURE FOR Eox 411, Panama, RP an average of 10 27 vessels per fair trafic in Kingstown is also day of the above 80 were threatening the vitality of the Dorinbound and 74 southbound. important places livelihood for you are required to enter your appear To. Defendant: BLADDER IRRITATION Plans and Specifications Free Toll the provide 654 582, 53, of which 837, 136 many and whose Stock ic Trade ance in the Clerk office of the above It Contains East dian Oll of Sandal Wocd First class Workmanship was pald by vessels transiting taxes are a very important con named Court, at Cristobal, in an Action the Canal northbound and 317. tribution to the revenue of for Divorce brought against you by and other gredients Guarantetu.
446 17 by southbound vessels.
plaintiff herein, and t) snewer complaint They therefore Should the traffic for the last Itinerant trading in e last pealed to the Board to restrict therein on or before the 19th day of dry half of the calendar month equal by February 1923, goods promotion from 8t, Lucia.
Gives Positive Relief in 24 hours If there is any truth in the that for the first half, Tast by increasing the bucksters And you are further notified that it rumeur, the world has lost.
month record figures for both license from 103. to per you fail to appear and answer maid com famous surgeon.
number of vessels transiting annum. This appeal was pre plaint as above required, plaintiff will BUY BOX TO AY the Canal and tolls collected wilt sented in the form of a resolution tako judgement agritet you by default be exceeded by the present signed by all the dry goods and demand from the Court the reliel AT THE Dr. Kidd holds the record of being the best Surgeon that Lonth traffic, notwithstarding merchants in Kingstown; with prayed for in het zuid emplaint.
Dated this first day of November 1922 CHORRILLO DRUG STORE ever set foot in St. Lucia and that November has but 30 days the exception of McDowall as against 31 for 31 for October. CAMPBELL No: 48 Street Corner Ancon Ave.
there are many persons living in the Island on whom be had The average number of com The Board gave sympathetic Asst. Clerk U, District Court successiully operated, who must mercial shine modny through consideration to the representabut be exceedingly grieved at bear.
the tapai daring October was tions of the merchants, ng the sad news 948, and the average daily tolls considered that so bigh a tax as 40, 500. 26 For the the 15 per annum on vendors of of November, the average num. would be unwarrantable in stree:s It is worthy of note that the ber of commercial vessels tran.
and only reason for Dr. Kidd sever.
sitting the Canal was 10. 27 oppressive. The Board however ing his connection with St Lucia vessels per day, as stated above appreciated the merchant conwas the ability of St Lucia to and the averaga daily tolls tention that illicit tradiog should keep him after baving raised his 43, 639. 47, or 139. 21 more per be checked and tha: as the sale stipend to the highest degree day than last month record of large quantities of increased possible.
dry goods by unlicensed vendors We have as his successor Dr.
considerable hampered the trade Cuc, a splendid Surgeon also.
of the stores, such sale should who bas performed successfully Creoline straightens and be restricted. The Board thought some difficult operations and as beautifies the hair and pro that the probibition of the sale of tlme goes on we hope he may merchandise in the bear the reputation of his preduces halr on bald heads. be allowed cedessor trade with cooked 11 food, vegetable Mr.
produce, and the levy of a tax of Laborde, who Music En Route. per aneum to be paid by acted here recently as Adminis trator during the absence on One motorina friend of mine would gº itinerant verdor of merchandise, leave of our good Way towards Administrator. has had an interesting experience checking the growing evil como resigned his substantive appointment as Treasurer of Grenada.
this week. He set out from the plained ot. This proposal of the heart of London to the country Board is subject Will soon be on sale in every establishment Born in 1863, he entered the to the overnment Service in Tobago in a closed Daimler which bad a Government throughout the Republic at an early ago, and he earned a wireless receiving set tixed to of the Government before it well merited pension, and rest.
its roof. He sat with his com came into operation.
The bucksters and itinerant Mr. Laborde was at one time 3h in the car each of them telephones Chief of Police in St. Lucia, and INTRODUCTORY PRICE PER PACKAGE OF their vendors have presented a petion heads. While they passed tion in opposition to the views of subsequently Treasurer, and during his two appointments through London traffic and the dry goods merchaats, Mr, De here he had acied as Adminisraced away into the country Bique, as spokesman, explaining trator, they listened to speeches and the situation to the Town Board musical selections which were as follows, according to St.
being broadcasted by the ex Vincent Times, It was whilst he was Chiet of perts at Marconi House in the Mr. DeBique, speaking on the Police in St. Lucia we had the speed of car made matter said that the imposing of MANUFACTURED BY great riot, which compelled us Do difference to the clearness of tax of would certalily make to call upon Barbados Police for words and sounds transmitted a good many of the bucksters The Pan American Tobacco Co the beip, when Barbados immediateand journey passed very pleas to go out of business, for y sent 100 men per EMS.
ant. How long will it be. won reason that many at present, Eden to our assistance, der, beftre we shall regard this found it dificult to raise the lee sort of a thing as regular of 10s. and had to be prosecuted method of beguiling the bours for non payment.
The hard It was during this riot that of railway and motor travel.
ships would be much greater eater business there would not be suggested that bucksters store. This he thought demolish, our present manager of the for them to raise the sum of that demand for local stuffs as sters sold dry, goods in St. ed the merchants arguments. Colonial Bank. Mr. Howell, who There was no improved accom there are at present, This he Vincent at a price much below The situation is still acute and is came over as a voluateer with modation in the market, there submitted would be determined the price at which the same yet to be settled.
the Barbados Police, got injured. London Spreads Itself With goods could be sold need for to peasant proprietors.
for at the fore there was no whicb injury he will sustain increase of license. It the regard to the charges made by stores in Bridgetown. Barbados, through life.
During the business hours of Board have been insisted on the imposing the merchants that bucksters there they must ST. LUCIA the day, the City which is the of a tax of it stood the chance carry on illicit trade, that is stolen: The real reason for this Speaking of linking Trinidad hub of London commercial of losing the present fee of 108 smuggling goods through the could be explained. he said.
with St. Lucia, if the authorities the purchasing At Barbados and Trinidad, activities is a closely packed hive for hucisters would be driven Custom and General Notes in England would only give the ut bumanity, At night time it is to rent small rooms and there of stolen goods at Barbudas. stores bad periodical cheap sales, matter a serious thougut they much of sell their goods, the value of He did not doubt that one or They then sacrificed most sparsely would find that there are no part of greater London. its which would not be taxable. He two isolated cases might have their goods for reason of their two British Colonies that could of human contents are drained laters did not only trade in the bappened, but he was in a own. The hucksters then present island that Dr. Kidd, late benetit of both Islands than emphasize It is rumoured all over the be linked together for the mutual the fact that huck into the suburbs every simi made purchases and 80 were able Surgeon of the Victoria Hospital. Barbados and St. Lucie.
and suburban railways and the local produce to outside markets, lar thing happened to a firm to resell the goods at prices be Castries, has committed suicide tendency is to extend these and if they were put out of considered of repute. It was low the retail prices of the said in Ceylon whither be proceeded We are within easy access of dormitories even further into the Barbados and in the event of country around London. The danger, she would run to our statistics now published of this rescue in a jiffy as she ran to it year census are when called upon for help during manifestation of this. The pothe riot. pulation of Greater London, as it is called, is By weekly Stesmship Serhighest on record. As a result vice between Barbados and St.
the war the preponderance of of females has become Lucia, is all that can be desired more marked particularly in the age Head Office: 56 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CITY and some enterprising Steamship Co. should only give the groups 20 to 29 and 30 to 89, and sad number of those women suggestion a trial.
are war windowt.
DEPOSITORY OF With such a service in existe ence, our fruit, rotting on the Sea Monster ground here, and spoiling in long sailing passages from St. Lucia to Barbados would reach thas The London Times Biarritz Island in sound condition, and correspondent writes: shippers from St. Lucia would An enormous deep sea mornot sustain that terrible loss in ster, resembling a tortoise. was the fruit trade that is sustained barpooned by fishermen and through sailing craft.
brovgbt into Biarritz on the 1st October.
Its weight is nine hundred DEMERARA pounds and it measures six feet eight inches in length. Two smell fishes, apparently pilot Mr. Cannon Bans fish, had fastened themselves on each side and brought Berbice Races ashore with the monster, which is of a blue black colour, The tongue and roof of the south are OBJECTION TO TWO JUDGES, covered witn sharp, borny projections. It is proposed to preThe Tribune of Demerara published the following letter which serve it and place it in the Mr. Cannon has addressed to Borneaux museum Mr. M, B, Shields, Chairman of the Berbice Turf Club, Ltd.:Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
Dear Mr. Shields. It is with CRISTOBAL PANAMA regret that have to formaliy Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents inform you that bave decided not to support your race meet Incomparable Strand.
The the populated a clear is now 7:480 201 the The American Foreign Banking Corporation.
The United States Treasury Panama Railroad The Panama Canal Panama Government United States Army and Navy Agents for the Banco Nacional were (Continued on page


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