
THE WORKWAN, RATTRDAY DECEMBER 1922 PAGR SEVEN Interesting West Indlan bers.
The best Tonic In the World VIGOR TONIC This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend.
ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution.
It promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or times a day. Continued from page 6)
ing in the future, do so now avoid yuany inconvenience Ister. As told you yesterday am very dissatisfied with tha decision arrived at by your Judge in the Davson Bacourage ment plate. It was so obviously wrong that need not comment any further than to associate it with the incident of Planet and Royal Divorce, which is still very green in any memory. should like to place on record that it is most improper and against all racing rules to have more than one Judge in the box during a race.
You will no doubt ag ee with me that taking every thing in consideration, am beaten out.
of it all. Yours faithfully, CANNON kg đau Only the choicest Turkish and finest American tobaccos are used in Chesterfield cigarettes.
JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
JUST OPEN They Satisfy Chesterfield The Lindo Bargain flouse AT JOB PRINTING Ciao WORKMAN PRINTERY You Can Lose It! KOLYNOS ALONE Way HAS THE Intercolonial Foot en bewaren. Do not have them Arrangements are being made il Demerara for the celebration of Education Day on the 27th of December next, to be followed by the bolding of Annual Conference of Teachers on the 29th, CIGARETTES No. 105 Bolivar Street, Colon The total estimated expendi.
Where you can secura at the lowest of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended ture of the Georgetowu Town Council for 1923 is 492, 535;34 or possible prices everything to solve an increase o: 39. 964. 82 over the your millinery needs corrent year expenditure. The the largeet increase occurs in the Ciy Engineer Department Ladies Hats in the Latest Modes whose estimated expenditure for next year is 245, 318, 52, as 10, 02, as from 50 to 10. 00 against 82 531. 66 the approved LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
expenditure for the prosent year.
Tbera is a new item for tha pur FLOWERS, BRAIDS, NETS, WIRE, CREPE, chase of a steam roller. 8;500)
and 25, 000 has been estimated STOCKINGS OF PURE ITALIAN SILKS, for building a new abattoir.
THREAD THE BEST FOR HEMSTITCHING. Chronicles to the Demerara le the BG. Cricket bos decided to embark on a YOUR INSPECTION INVITED scheme tor the enlargement of Open from am. to 12 noon and from 2p. to p.
the present pavilion and the imNEATLY AND QUICKLY DONE proiement of the ground gener the two adjoining stands will be pavilion LOUIS LINDO, Proprietor.
AT THE shifted backwards to the western paling The pavilion will be considerably en arged and a top colony. The land available after Save That Tooth!
story added. When completed the shirting of the present build.
it will be the largest in the ing will be taken in and made up.
thus increasing the present cricket Do not extract an aching tooth, ground. An oval cyclo track, well banked, will also be decayed tooth if it has at least prepared and it is expected that two good walls can be saved to when all the works contemplated give you good service for many by the Committee responsible years.
have been completed, the It your teeth are loose with ground will be by far the best in pus seeping around the neck of Opens ihe Colory.
the teeth, giving your breath au This offensive odor you are suffering from Pyhorrea Alveolaris extracted unless there is ball little connection between tho bony tissue alveolar and the tooth.
BARBADOS AGREES TO SEND If you are interested in saving TEAM TO DEMERARA your teeth see DR. JOHNSON FIXES APRIL 1922 Surgeon Dentist 139 Central Avenue With reference to the efforts Over City Pharmacy wbich are being made by the executive body of the Football Association to arrange an payers and householders of the Intercolonial Football tourna city, With reference to the ment same time next year resolution said to have been car.
between Demerara Association ried at the recent public meet as received communication from ing of the Association, by 22 22 Barbados concerning there. votes to 19 the petitioners quest to send a team next year. submit that even it the resolu Barbados fixed April as the most tion was carried (which they suitable time and ask for infor dens. only 41 one persons being SAVE you ever lost the cap from your tube of mation as to the length of the present, the carrying of the team stay in the Colony. In an resolution was by no means an with Mr.
away in the sleeping car or hid under the washCaptain of the tes dex of the views of the gener al of ratepayers and housestand at home?
which recently visited Trinidad. holders.
Mr. King stated that it was The petitioners are in favour Then you will appreciate the cap that is held caplikely that a team from Trinidad of the two schemes and concur tive and which holds the properties of Kolynos secure would visit the colony anext. Feb: wish the resolution recently by until you have enjoyed the last bit of cream from the ruary the Town visit of the Trinidad team until to the urgent need of sewerage can be made to postpone the mously agree that having regard We now furnish you with a package of the same April so as to fall in line with system and the permanent conhigh standard as its contents.
the proposed Tournament.
struction of the roads and the presence of financiers and con THE KOLYNOS CO. New Haven, Conn.
tractors in the colony, both schemes should be undertaken together and with the utmost despatch.
Scheme The petition has been signed by the Mayor and several other influential citizens.
PROTEST AGAINST DELAY, Oh Sir Said tte Iady to the Tickat petition is being circulated Seller at the Railway Station. When in Georgetown. Demerara, for does the Toating train starts sigpatares among ratepayers Clerk Two to two to Tooting and house holders for presenta Maml!
tion to the Governor supporting the idea that the sewerage and to two to Tooting train, too late for us She to her hubby Oh Ton, the two road schemes be undertaken and without delay.
The Now, said the Judge to the witapetitioners, many of whom are Did you see tho Peissner and what members of the Ratepayers did ho de?
Association desire to dissociate Witness Lot me tell you Sir raw themselves from the attitude Esau kissing Kate and the fact is wa taken up by certain members all three saw For saw Beau, he saw of the Association which was me; and she saw saw Esau.
Inot a representative body of the A, D, VINCH ON ROBES CAPTIVE CAP er interview King ΚΟΙ body tube.
Georgetown Improvement KOLYNOS DENTAL. CREAM together


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