p. 8


(NOSTROLINE IF YOU ARE SMOKING have cared themselves with Lucky Strike Cigarettes INSTANT RELILE OR MONEY BACL Bold by Chemists everywhere Price YOUR NEXT PACK, TOO, WILL BE LUCKY STRIKE That just our experience Kelshall buying IF YOU ARE NOT SMOKING LuckyStrike Cigarettes Would like cup of so an account well THE NEXT TIME YOU START OUT to buy cigarettes As both as teams are weeks ago LUCKY STRIKE view the case.
was committed at Cold Spring Playing Cricket in the parish of Westmoreland.
They had been living apart from each other for some time, and The latest newspapers from Trinidad shows that considerKelley was beard on several Prevents and Cures Oceasions threatening that he able is being would kill his wife.
expressed with le Captain Mr. COLDS CATARRH Betancourt ani J lshall Thunde Indoney On the night of the 1st of manager of the Trinidad Crisket from Nou and Throat dinerler by using Beptem per last, Kelley went to team in the receit Turnament.
golongly You should do the bis wife home and she went Try NOSTID LINE and tell your friends The Sporting Chronicle among out with him, leaving her six children in the house. search other things charges Mr Betin court with being weak kneed was made for her and on the 4th W89 and with kow towing Nared Matheus te, Chess Clitos des to the of Beptember the body was Captain of the Barbados eleven Sold by all Drug Stores found near a pond. The sugges.
Mr. Austin. He is tion of the prosecution was that Kelley said he would pay to kill charged too with being generally inefficient and not fit to lead out and that on the pight when she the Trinidad team again. Mr.
DIED AT JAMAICA left ber residence in his com it is said treated pany. himselt Edwards and Tomlinson planned together and Rogers unfairly in not giving the many frieeds of Mrsi him the 30 in cash he demanded Manuel José Wilson, milliner killed the unfortunate woman by assist him after he bad spent and dress maſter of this city will drowning her in a pond.
all his money in regret to learn of the death of There were no marks of vioment.
Jence, but the medical evidence Chronicle in the interest of the who died at Port Antonio, Jeshowed that the woman was public of of Trinidad is demanding drowned.
an account of expenditure on the sica, on the 25th November The three men were tried on trip to Demerara from last, after a short illness, News Kelshall. The amount collected Mrs Wilson a few days ago and Mr. of the sad cir sustanca reached the charge of murder at the Westroreland Circuit Court hela is in the vicinity of 000 and the must indsed add to ho her present at A: 19. 5ia October last, Sporting Chronicle The Court was presided over by certified bs receipts three months ago, she started to of sorrow, it is jaat about His Honour Mr. Justice made public. Gouvela too, the mourn the death of her husband Browo. Mr. St. John Yates.
umpire, says he would be less Capt, Manuel Jisé Wilson of the Acting Assistant to the than a man If he did not seath Colon Bomberos. We tender sinAttorney General conducted BEAR THAT IN MIND ingly denounce the conduct of cere condolence to Mrs Wilson the prosecution, while Mr. LinMr. Betancourt, in this ber latest bereavement.
coln Reed definded the prison.
CRICKET The defenco was that the Report of Saivation Army evidence was purely circun Unfounded The Pioneer of Red Tank.
stantial and it did not connect the prisoners with the crime.
will journey over to Color, on The Crown; however, convinced Sunday December 10:b to cross To The Editor Of The Workman, the jury that the chain of cirbats with Sussex C, the Idol cumstances was complete and of Colon, to which con Sir. With reference to the the evidence of a conversation tested game, will be witnessed articles in The Workmoon of Nov.
which the prisoners had in their by the fans at the Atlantic end, 25, am plassed to be able to cell in which they discussed bow are equal. Owing inform you that there is not the unfortunate woman was to a business point of view, the word of truth in it. As this same done to death capped the climax Skipper Fitzpatrick, will not report had They were found guilty and be able to lead his troop of pat papers, in oth peared in other parts of the sentenced to death.
clearers on the above date But world, received Oficial intimaGovernor In Privy Council.
our old reliable will lead the tion direct from Wadon over Grand Old Pioneers to Victory. two that it was The matter came up before Bis Excellency the Actiog Gov ASK FOR Blackman, good to luck Sussex absolutely untrue.
and better luck next time. It further proof was needed. error in Privy Council some au sending you, by this post; the weeks ago, and after careful consideration it decided President Porras.
to very latest American was War Cry, extend clemency to Tomlinson in (be Official paper of the Aray of his youth, but in the case (Continued from Page 1)
there. and you will see there is of Kelly and Edwards it was not even the least suspicion of decided that they should be the right undeniable spirit of a of such a thing, but many things true patriot, in the future wel. in it to prove that the opposito is executed yesterday morning IT fare of his country, at 80, and their death warrants THE WORKMAN joins unreser These kind of stories erept up were accordiogly signed, vedly with those who have ex every now and again, but no Yesterday all arrangements pressed their admiration for and body ever knows where they were complete for the execution congratulations to Dr. Porras originate. It is like big tlaking of the condemed men. Goslio, and do sincerely wishes for hita notices published all over the bangman, being at hie post continued and prosperous life England twelve years ago, Toe As usual. and was in no way of usefulness to this country. Salvation. army breaking up perturbed at having to execute men at one and the same time.
urse. it didnt, neither was After the usual preparation by XMAS GOOD the Chaplain the CHRIST Army, so the next week, the men having partaken of their last breakfast were pipioned and Editor of the paper, to make his march out to the gallows, where previous announcement good, ED INDIANS And the Personality of the In the presence of Mr. Bernard brought out big headlines, Toole, Director of Prisons, the Bro. Jacob Thomas who Thanksgiving Day was fitting.
Holy Spirit.
new Salvation Army died November 22, 1922, was a there had been no change, Prison Surgcon, the Chaplain beloved member of the Edith Ly celebrated in this city by the and other officials of the prison, we are still the Good Old Army, The Rev. Kissock Braham, the world over. should be Carel Friendly society, from its Westegardianshe ho literal states will preach in the Wesleyan much obliged it sou would pat men paid the penalty with Big Bargains for you in Jewelorganization, to United their lives.
national holidays, as part of of Methodist Church on Sunday Death was instantaneous apd ry and other items suitable as service as President, he was their diversions. It is almost night 3rd inst. on the subject of this in a prominent plac: in your on the Surgeon pronouncing that Gifts for the coming Senson.
elected as Secretary, which office impossible to hold any other the Deity of Jesus Christ from next issue.
he hilied for the past two years Yours very truly life was extinct, the black flag Special selection of Ladies unul the time of his affliction.
successful holiday in these parts John 1st In the beginning was at Wrist in of EDWARD BAX other than those arrange is was the Word and the Word was near which the usual morbid cases, Bro, Thomas was a loyal mem. accordance with the activities with God, and the Word was Major.
crowd assembled.
At noon His Honour Mr. Figure which will close them willing to do anything he was thorities will not permitany Personality of the Holy Spirit. which the TV orlemın elsins 10 on the following Sun The Article referred to. was the called to do.
taken from an exchange for Leach, Coroner for the parish out in a Jiffy. Guarantee held an inquest into the death of Watches for Men, that fit any memory of Bro: Thomas the operations of the great water. Holy Ghost hath never forgive As a token of respect to the fere or impede the traffic or outside arrangements to loter.
from Mark III and 29th. Bat both prisoners and the usuel ver Wrist or Pooket, also any Pocket Edith Cavel Friendly Society way.
he that blaspheme against the responsibility. Ed. W)
dict that death was due to hang Book.
bas adopted the following resones but is in danger of eternal RESOLUTION OF SYMPATHY ing in compliance with a sentence Our supply is limited, So. lation:It will be conceded, that of the law was returned. Gleuner)
it damnation.
WHEREAS, It has pleased our would be almost impossible to Heavenly Father to remove from pay any regards to the holidays of the various nationalities en ing the rim and then fell.
WHEREAS it has plensed Sugar Export Cor FULLER Dar midst our beloved Brother, ployed the JEWELER Jacob the Canal Zone Batiste won this race in a most Almighty God the Great Onnineporation 122 Central Ave.
BE IT RESOLVED, that we ranged by the United States said for biobeisa. coming and Gittens who was a Therefore national holidays ar fortunate manner. It must be tent to remove from our midst, our dearly and beloved Brother bumbiy bow to the will of Al Congress is sufficient for all. dangerous contestant, in loyal and tance. He is a good sprinter: Star Lodge No 28, and as we are any mighty God, who thus has energetic member of Triumphant RESULT OF FIRST YEAR broken our ranks for the On Thursday last, there was and has some endurance.
the special excursion train from present he lacks proper judge in session now assembled be is.
DEAF AND DUMB Colon, with its nine cars of ment: bul, of course, time and RESOLVED that our members will be rembered that at RESOLVED, that in the death human burden, all in holiday experience will it he cares him stand with bowed heads for (2)
the close of last year there was of Bro. Thomos the society has attire, and without a shadow of self, vipen him into a first class two minutes paying respect to ennsiderable animation in sogar Opens at the Art and Craft lost a worthy brother, and we a doubt, those who remained at contestant on the wheels. our honoured dead, and ba ib of the United States in connec. school, 12th St. Panama City on cherished the memory of one the Standard Oval enjoyed them tion of the formation of a com December 1st. 1, 30 to p. m, who was loved by all.
selves to the limit.
Hollis won the halt mile event further.
in a dashing style, He is without between United States every afternoon except Batur RESOLVED: that we extend RESOLVED. that our Chapter bine retiners and Cuban producers; days, Sundngs and holidays, At the Isthmian Park, there doubt the best all round cyclist be drapad for a period of 6) days, for the purpose of refining sugar to the bereaved family onr heart was the big athletic events with on the Isthmus.
Everything free to all deat and felt sympathy, and Commend sixteen items. There was an durance. strength, experience spread on the minutes of our Plenty of en and that these Rasolution be on toll in bond for export dumb pupils.
tiem to God, who doeth all for excellently arranged program and an excellent judgement. The Lodge Book, a copy forwarded purposes, special Act the LASSO de la VEGA, the best.
Webb Aci being passed for the and the contestants from Colon February meeting is looked for to bis beloved relatives, and a purpose of enabling the bonding RESOLVED, that a copy of and Paraiso were in a fine spirit ward to with keen interest as copy forwarded to the Workman.
wanufacture to be carried out.
these resolutions, be placed upon of sportmanship; and although the Jamaica Boys will have some for publication.
Much apprehension was feit Caban producers, which was for tho Pecords to blbe Society, the elements threatened to play at the time in the West Indies as 230 000 tons, was completed on copy be sent to the printery for the truant of bad fortune, it was public congratulations the early part of the day, very sharp competition.
Tha Unique Club deserve the to the extent of the operations, it December 24th, 1921, the entire publication and a copy be sent beautifully cleared up and they which NOVEMBER THE.
being feared that the large quantity being refined and sold to the bereaved family.
are receiving comparatively cheap by May 1st. 1922. The gross pleasant and enjoyable BLACKETT, Past Pres.
day brought out an excellent crowd spent.
to receipts from the sales WAR (Continued from Page 1)
witness and appreciate the ed on The Bugar FITZ H, BOWEN, President sports. The prizes were loveHollis was again the Champion ly and valuable. Mr, Tom Booza, illumination of the President At p. there was general seriously prejudice the market shipped fifty seven countries. HEYWOOD, Secty. Actg. Cyclist, carrying of all the of the Canal Zone Clubhouses Palace, the Municipal Building toere for West Indian produc The largest amount (53 800 tone)
events in which he was entered, who distributed the prizas said and Gobernacioa.
The Sagar Export Corporation, purchased 36, 500 tons. Germany British Consulate Notice in which his bicyelo bebaved encouragement, and we join in and Santa Ana Parks, which was sent to England, France except the three miles bandicap some timely words of advice and bind concerts at the Cathedral 28 the combined was termed. 10, 600 tons, India 11, 300 tons, badly fa the eſthteeth and last the congratulations to the suc brought a gala day to happy har says the Lousiana Plant China 10 300 tons, and the West aow issued its report, The cor Indies 790 tons. The report lap, throwing him to the ground. cassfel contestants, and the Club close.
The Acting British Consul a on rearing the finishing goal for for their well merited success.
poration come into existence by states that the net results ob Colon would beg ud of informa: tue last sprint, Schloss in a joint co operation on the part of tained for the producers tion as to the present where doubled effort to outsprint Hollis Beveral sugat refiners in Creoline the correspond to that obtained by abouts of one Joseph Grant, ſell, and be looking bebind to traightens and Smoke 111 (One Eleven United states on October 15th. other sellers of Cubon sugars for whose last address18 Paraiso, see what bad ocorrad lost beautifles the hair and pro Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cent)
1921; and the contract with the the same period.
Pedro Miguel Post Office; control of bis machine, dastros eucos hair on bald heads.
Incomparable GOOD TO THE LAST PUFF week. SEARLY In Memory of Bro. Thanksgiving Day THE DEITY OF JESUS BUYERS Jacob Thomas. WAS FITTINGLY CELEBRATDopp and the After day nig They quantity of sugar thus resulting and might 516. 000. 000, was There were re


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