
TO MORROW Sunday, Dec. 10 THE PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB Presents another fine card of Attractive Events RETU CARTE CARTER Tak Eraser FYRIR Always in stock at AFTER COFFEE CANSAR PRODUCTS Lucky Strike Christmus Besar will be held by Paul Onurch under the auspices of St. Agnes Guild Publisbed on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies LROND, the office Central Avotion. Correspondence on all matters a) EL CAMPO. enclosure on a sad sorder of StroolPanama of public interest invited.
private rond between and do All copy for publication mun te Street) eppozita the Box T4, Panana written on one side of paper only, and Church, on Tuesday, December 26th.
LATES OF SUBSCRIPTIOR man be accompanied by the name of CARTER Obe Year 10 B. Oy the writer, not noosarily for publies Music by West Indian Band.
Box Months 20 tlon but as mark of good faith Admission: 25 S Three 000.
We do not undertake to return NUMEROUS ATTRACTIONS BITIN Ooo arejected orrespondence. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS Bocas Notes SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1922 We understand tbat Day School is to be opened Avery shortly in the Tala nanca Village CUBA ATTRACTING WEST IN.
and children from that end will CICO not bave to come al the way to DIAN LABOR.
Catarina to school, Several new horses that have never Rain! Rain! Raip! bas been the cry for thpast week from Bocas Since the days when the moratorium was declared by faced the starter at Juan Franco to the lagoons. Whila thesa the government of Cuba over the tottering banks which sbowers inconvenience us a little had received a terrific shock from the sugar crisis, and will be seen in action to morrow they are much needed when disaster overtook hundreds of West Indian immigrants in that country there has never been such economic Rumour has it that there is to interest exhibited in the various islands as at the present be retrenchment early in the time in which the attraction of the rehabilitated sugar New Year. We hope this is false First Race starts 2:15 rumour as men rannat afford to CARTERS industry is drawing labor from Jamaica, Barbados and bo without be in these days. NKS, PASTES MUCILAGES other places in great numbers.
There is pracite diy little or Regular steamship services between Santiago and no work on the Farm in Chs Bridgetown and Santiago and Kingston have been estabQuirola. Much ut tie kinds there BENEDETTI HERMANOS are turned in pastu. e. for cat Central Ave a 3rd St.
tablished whereby the problem of transportation bas been solved. The Cuban government has offered every possible tle. The cu look for banana PANAMA dekess loper ton in this part of laxoon is facility to the sugar companies, engaging labor from doubtful. We understand that abroad, the custom and deposit regulations being waived private individuals are cultivatin all cases of imported labor, ing extensively at Zegla up the river end there has been some As far as can be ascertained, the Steamship Company talk about putting railway in Kingston which is moving labor between the points mentioned is considering the question of making trips SOURCE there. Tuia however remains to be seen.
between Cristobal and Havaca, The rate is 25, without a deposit. This is cheaper than the rate from Kingston OF PRIDE WHEN Municipal Governto Santiago which is over 40.
Dr, HOFFMANN If laborers in this country could find the passage CRITICAL GUESTS ment bas reopened his clinic; lor money this might be considered a good opportunity for diseases of the blood, rheumathem to get to Cubs where work awaits them. But, of RECEIVES LARGE REVENUE ARE PRESENT tism, and urological cases in course, there will be no contract and they will be free to serve on any plantation they desire. Transportation to the From World Show. the upper floor of Al Place, sugar estates will be provided by the companies for whom Santa Ana Pleza, Street the laborers might elect to work. It is not known how During the last eight days on No. this information will appeal to the hundreds of men who wbich the World Standard Show has been operating at are out of work here, especially when the bitter experithe Standad Oval on the Exposi.
ences of West Indian immigrants a few years ago in Cuba tion grounds the amounts below Shortened Evensong Holy Confirmasare remembered; but it might be a matter of every man were paid to the Municipal tion 7p, taking a chance.
Treasurer from the concession MULCARE. Rootor Most of the men who have been repatriated to Barof running the show.
Seventh Day Adventist Church bados and other West Indian Islands, recently, have alNovember 20 1656 Tiekota 13 STREET CALIDONIA ROAD, 30 2431 ready gone over to Cuba to work on the sugar estates and 48 82 (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
Douber 2003 for the tobacco companies, and they are doing well. If Babbath (Suturday) 45 Sab2 3421 69. 45 they had remained here the certainty is that they would Good to the last Puff bath School; 11. 15 am General Worship still be suffering like those who did not leave. They are now 4085 93 70 30 Spanish Class; 30 pa.
benefited by the stir they made and are grateful that the 2777. 55 44 Young People Moutiag; 30 o.
decision to return back home was followed.
soi se AS 2270 If the sugar companies are in need of so much labor as 1729 Sunday evening at u. Rosding.
34. 88 Claw. Al are welcome b3th young and has been stated in reports coming from Cuba, the news seems favorable to our unemployed force here. But there 120. 82 old. 30 m, Preaching Service.
It is said that this large Church Of God G St Colin is a difficulty. Leaving the West Indian islands of Jaamount is collected by the local 11. 30m 7;39 Gspel rmyn maica and Barbados, the laborers experience no difficultgovernment, and considering the Sunday School p ly in the matter of contracts. It is understood that expenses of operation, land Sis. B, Brewster Pastor Evang should they desire to return bome at the end of the crop lease, and consumption of elecDecember will be the last month tric power, the concern bas season they are sent back at the expense of the companies, Now Providence Here, this cannot be expected, and it is not known wheth in which you can obtain a without doubt taken in thous Goopel Sermon 11. 30 a. in 30 ands of dollars. They have been Sunday School pm er the companies would feel obliged to send laborers having a very profitable season Sis Elliot, Pastor imported from a foreign country to their own native home, in this city.
Gatun c, z, if the demand were made.
The situation is clear before the laborers on the IsthSmoke 111 (One Eleven) Gospel Sermon 11, 30 a, 7, 30 Bunday School pm mus. If they wish to take the chance and can raise From and after January Ist, we will reCigarettes 15 For 10 Cents the passage money, arrangements be made with Georga Griffith the Jamaica Steamship Company. This company is sume making our regular charges for Incomparable Panama San Miguel St now refitting its steamship, Wanderer to accommodate Stoves and Installations.
building 18 250 steerage passengers, and, as the crop season commenWEEK OF PRAYER Gospel Bermans 11, 30 a. 7:30 Sunday School pm oes this month, the first call at Cristobal might be made in Do not Miss the Opportunity the next few weeks.
The annual Week of Prayer services Bailey Pastor We are taking no responsibibility in commending the will be held at the S, Church in OF OBTAINING Panama beginning to day, Sabbath Dec. Colon 11 am. Mrs. Thrift Baptist Church suggestion to the laborers here who are in need of work to 16, every morning at am, and while there is plenty of is in Cuba. It would be dangerous, GAS STOVE OR GAS INSTALLATION FREE 30 m. All are invited to attend Chorrillo 11 am. Dason Sewart 7:15 R:v J, Toraft riskful and indiscreet for us to advise anyone to go; but it there service.
7:15 Rev George Ston is our opinion that it would prove profitable for them to do so, in as much as repariated labor to the West Indies has CHURCH SERVICES Corossl Rond 11am. Mr Taylor PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY 3p. Ruv Garge Stone floated over to Cuba and is doing well.
7:15. Flder Oracal (American Episoopal Church)
The situation is put in its simplicity. People are PANAMA OFFICE. AT COLON OFFICE: Cativa Don 11 cm Pastor Thrift strarving here while work is in Cuba. But there are the (Second Sunday In Advent) Empire 11 a. Pastor Witt Cathedral Plaza YOUR questions of status and rights which enter into any con93 Bo ivar St. St. Paul Church, Panama Now Providence 11 a. Daca Edwarde Pablo Nuevo 11 am Discon Lioton sideration of the matter. Should these questions stand in Tel. 798 SERVICE Tel. 364 a. m, Holy Communion NowGston Thursday 7, 30 Pastor Thrift the way of decision. The answer might be yes or 20, 10 m, Matias it being dependent on the view point from which the 10 39 an Holy Eucharist and sermon Panama ll. Alfred Harris Wesleyan Methodist Holy Baptism, questions are considered.
If the companies are willing to make contracts with Nir. Chas. Hays Family kindness of this journal to be the Sunday School 30 Rev Kivock Braham 30 Evensong and Sermon Colon. 11. Mr. 8, Brathwaite people (and they are not) it might be well for the laborers to 7;30 Mr. High Jones hesitate till such preparatory features are settled. If, howLeave for Trinidad, medium through which they. NIGHTENGALE Vicar La Boss 11. Rev. Kissock Braham have the pleasure of expressing St. Alban s, Paraiso. D, p Rold ever, the getting to Cuba is a matter for the labor seekers thele sincere regret in having 11 Mating and address.
New Providence 11. a. Rar.
and bread winners to decide on as a venture like the walk Mr. and Mrs, Charles Hays, Surgeon ing to the various military reservations or the decks on old residents of this city sailed to part with the friends who Sanday Sobool pm 30 pm Ereunong address Paraiso p. Rev. O Surgeon the Zone in quest of work with more probability in the Iron Cristobal on the 7th inst. have been so kind during their P. NIGHTENGALE Priest in chargo Christian Mission of Panama Entre 11 am Mr. Layne former instance, reason would dictate the trial without with destination to Trinidad residence on the Isthmus; and so trom whence they will go to St. say good bye with the expectaLa Sabanas Mission much hesitation.
Lucia their home.
Panama 11 am Supplied 7:30 Wilson Besides, it is almost guaranteed that work will beThe above parties have resided homeland.
tions to meet some of them in the 3p. Church School 4;15 Eventong and address Chorillo 11. a Barke 7, 30 C, found by the majority of laborers when the crop season is on the Isthmus for over twenty A, NIGATENGALE Priest in charge Bres 11 am Trotmas 7, 30 J, over. Those who wish to return bome will be carried, years and were extremely poor St. Peter Church La Boca.
and if the immigrants from Panama might not be included lar among a large circle of West Smoke 111. One Eleven Holy Baptism sm sharp in the fortunate lot to procure repatriation they will still being impossible for them to Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cent) Moralng Prayer and address 11 8, (M? Colo 11 am Miller 7:30 wIndian, and Panamanian friends, Paraiso 11. a 7:30 Raw ins Gatun 11 mod 7:30 Josh Buyoo be able to pull through with some sort of off season em have said a personal farewell to A, B, Huster ployment Ne blett Incomparable all their friends, request the p. Sunday School Rov JW BURKE Supt.
IT 0 11 431 28.
00 10 10 45. 45 Vaspers, 02 10 LAST CALL Gas Stove or Gas Installation Free Moseley Burke


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