
ATLANTIC SIDE Thi Scout Funeral SATAN EMPIRE FALLING mamma Christmas New Year EMU GIFTS a Color NO 15th Inst.
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99 100 11 Pan. American Export Corporation Seoutrouter WW Troop and osnied by STROLLERS ther Duris Ev. ns, Linda Weboter, STROLLERS Paaums Diret Silver NATURAL LEAF CIGARETTES CIGARETTES IN COLON DECEMBER Sth. Millions Now Living WUT Never Die The md event of the death of Boout Best on the Market Satan. wicked influence has wie Brunell of the Thid Colon Troon, Baden Powell Boy Boute, cured long been felt in every part yesterday morning bir mother ini ASK FOR THEM the world. Together with his druce, sih sud Berete and Hodon Associate doyils he incites people Lane, The members of the Third Colon to hatred, strife. murder and ELIAS PRETO, Agent Troop together with the membcre of the induco war and anarchy, reek other troops in the Colon Lool Alonis ing bomes and driving millions tion rallied around the boy mother and Day School Entertainment caused the fall of man and eto insanity and suicide. Satan assisted in bringing to one o From December Ist to December 3lst 1922, Inclusive, we offer beat conied out Boout Pantal you FREE tha Gillette Safety Razor, in exchange for STROLLERS tablished his with seed in Colon.
The school conducted by Empire. His wicked Influence Direoted by the Distries Commissiner, Empty paper packages at the following rate: Messrs. Rallen Buchner bas overreached the denomina ccord A, Bolt, who beaded he parada.
and Harris, at 24th Street tional churches, causing many me two bundred and fitty boys of the Quantity of Empty Hokage. PREMIUMS: Guachapuli, known as the New cherrymen 10 torsake God ana ee veral troops in the District Started ous 1, 000 Gillette Safety Razors, Milady Decoltee Hope Unity School will have units with profiteers and polifrom the Third Troop bend their regular Lainment Entarticians to control mankind. Bat quarters at p. for the bome of the 1, 000 Aristocrat.
night the the end is here and his empire ceased, where after the weal The children aro leave 800 Bostonian taking the corpo in beste fin covered being thoroughly prepared to si white vu placed on the bier pre 800 pored for it. The fin furiber Tuckaway Silver guardians and the general pubverid with the Unica Jeck, represent 1, 000 Gold. tive Dialogues, and Recitations 250 Beacon Gold be given, as well as some Ne Panamanian Emblem, the coutry in ich we live and the Third Colon 200 Browsie Silver very fine songs Trorp Colore, the troop to which the There will be also an exclting Dz. pkgs, Blades sh deared belonged and amusing Magical perform, Commissioner ance, when boys will be locked Next to the District are the Third Colon Troop File und All Empty Packages to be mailed to Box 1322, Cristobal, op in a box, and escape without Roy one assistance, Dum Bind of which Brunel member, and whieh rendered, under the MANS SMOKE COMBINEED WITH MAN SHAVE The parents, guardians and dureation of Mr. Horbam, Assistant the public in general are invited Beatmaster, several byene duri:g the to come and spend the evening funeral parade in: befitting the with the children, and to enortaion.
courage them Behind the band came the bier headed by Leslie Thompson That Queen Cake Walk of th Third Con Troop and guarded by Assie ont outmaster Jeaner, Fire: Everything is shaping out fine Colon Troop: Fraizer, Third Colon for the Queen Cake Walk and Troop; Williams, Joseph Catholic dance by the Sliver City Asso Falling: and Christ, the rightful Trop and Henriqua. First si va Cty ciation on December 21st, a La leng, taough invisible, is brgincighs Patrol soca Clubbouse. The following sing to reign.
Hence the disare noininees for quit. ledere selected from the several troop!
ir 99 oratione, nw sten Jesus Next in order came th: Third Colin Miss Caseid. Busbauso, La B, z snoke. These troubles will soos and cond Colon Wolf Cubs, preten HEAD OFFICE BRANCH Maud Bennett, Paama ing Splendid Spectac e in their gren reach a climax and disappear, La Boca followed quickly by peace and Colon, foreica and green cups with yellow pining.
Panasa City.
Posts Adeila Wsiker, Then followed the Third Colon Rovere prospe ity, as Jesus assutins Beouts under inetructor Hus Corner of Broadway 11 Street and Bcouts control Dext the St Joeph Cabolic Troop.
Tickets for the public to take Telephone, Colon No. 468, Calle 12 Esto.
in this wonderful pageant are study and the feltilment oi If you are icterested in Bible the std the First also going as fast as the pro prophecy, you should hear the Colon while the First Catun Troope City Bor, No. 1322, Thes Troop farmed a guard of honour to the Natural verbial hot loat Everybody Telephone, Panama No. 726, Cristobal, c, lecture by entire appears to be Cake Walk Mad pararlo cstributing their bit in Nellow What is bothering the pro Evangelist BOYCE.
keeping (ff the crowd which was very Box, No. 156, Colon, Smoke, Box, No. 397, Ancon much in evidenes.
At Court Wallace, 24th Street, moters right now will the la Boca Clabbouse be large enough Gaachapali. to morrow. Sunday.
From the residence the corpse was to hold the crowd on the night of December 10. at 30 pm taken to the Church of the Immaculate the 21st.
Seats Free, No Collection.
Conception where the Requiem was sung Auspices International Bible and thence to Mount Hope Cemetery Where the body Consisted by the Bap? ist Church Activities Students Associstion.
Distriet Commissioner.
fl: Oa returning the District Commie Rev. George Stone, missionary GRAND SECULAR CANdober on behalf of local Asociation, to enter the ope he als madom up to: a MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMS ry Society, who is on his way to of TATA parade and enjoined them to continue Corn Island, will preach twice in to work in harmony with each other.
Panama on Sunday. At the night At La Boca Clubhouse The Pirn Gaton Troop doorvon scouts 25c by the various Scout Canal Zone Notes CHILD SACRIFICED. service be will preach at the special mention for journoying ist to officers, and many ladies of the Chorrillo Church and at p, their bit.
community who are placing their Next Thursday night, the 14th at the Corozal Road Church. Conlinued from page 1)
the To the bystander the demonstration services at the disposal of Harvest thanksgividg inst. GRAND SECULAR GATUN service prevented evidences of the good the Troop.
Cuca in bis arms and ran in will be beld at the Corczu Rond SANTATA, entitled the opposite direction towards Baptist Church on Sunday. and ad at La Boca Clubhouse under HOUSEMAKERS will be stagBoy Seout Movement has done; the Song Service, some fields Beparating good it is doing and the that it the public meeting on Monday beads Dices an and had sult to do, and bespeaks the Harvest Festival buildings from the colony. night Atilla m, Mr. Taylor Peter of the Christian Mission will be Cantata Church Sunday och co operation and of the entire The regular Song Service wae led by our genial Secretary Mr. tion Yeral Haitians were questbe presco suope will community but more especially the by sub Inspector Delane, be preceded by on Sunday at Drilla. Solos, Daets and Resita AND CHAPEL ANNIVERSARY. parents and guardians of members of the walhar mees gevoer bekeer words by helene of the practors movement.
grasping Fils had not been absent from oneal will occupy the The Choir and members of the Interesting talk on and scholars.
of admission Hising during the whole morning will be held a Chorrillo church showing your interest in Colon Wesleyan Church are Sunday School Class rally bave another opportundbildren was taken froun SECOND COLON TROOP buey preparing for their an 78062rtunities for service. His the place where they were work as usual, and you of Manuela Chapter of Matthew.
bus? Harvest Festival Service. Werbtesters from the best audience them, assuring the secret police on Tuesday 12th. This promises show the resouciante rett inte bilder de CONCERT which takes place on Sunday who volunteered to belp making agent she had seen is, first on vbet and was uskly interesting object in staging a Cantata is to 17th December inst.
the progress a succ388, and tae road between her home and should be there.
all Baptist The Second Colon Troop of The Chapel Anniversary also also to remind our resident that the sugar house, and latar near ok and rolly the so raller mange or give the children and their teach.
The purpose to make it financially possible to Baden Powell Boy Scouts bas comes off on that day and the the service will be held as usual the former. is another of Anully concluded arrangements occasion promise to eclipse all on Sunday (to morrow) at the serious contradiction ers an outing on New Year Day the Sunday School, between for the concert it has been former ones.
usual hour 30 the testimony given by the The Chorrillo Junior Chris advised on time to expect nothing You are coming, and you are negotie ting to come off on Sun The Superintendent of the Haitian, workers and that of Fistian Endeavours are planning an short of real enjoyment that day afternoon, December 171b. Circult, Rev. Ktssocks Braham who said he had been away from locution contest to come od on night the 14th Inst. Remember the Cristobal Silver Clubhouse. will conduct the service Children Plc nic Success the spot where he had been the 19. inst. This is an annua! the date. Doors open at 7:30 Some real interesting items tems at 11 a. and 30 and working all that morning, but atfair and is always an event of are being prepared for this at pm. a sacred Cantate wil Not to bel out done by the added he had been working ereat interest. Miss Gal sharp.
limore takes a keen interest in otber children of the Sunday Grand Concert among which are, pe rendered by the Choir assistthe Juniors and is doing a splena obe act Humcurous Boy Scout by local artister.
or Creoline tralghtens and Play entitled: COUPLE OF No. charge of admission win Schools along the lines the little Benefit Concert, among them. Prizes beautifies the hair and probe given to the best reciters: duces hair on bald heads.
8CĂMFS, which is rehearsed be made to the Cantata, but a ones of this town and their by local talents, elocutionary silver collection will be taken Superintendent Mr. Ieaac Taylor benefit concert la aid of the The Chorrillo Church is reday enjoyed wonderful all items, and some ertistic musical up as well as a collection at tbe pic nic between the schoolbouse will be held Saturday, December expects to use it for the first XMAS GOODS 1st La Boca Troop, P, s, modelling its Mission House and Items.
other services.
The total proceeds go towards Soth ulto, there were lots of fun bouse. Ad mission 85, 25. and 15 and the Silver Clubhouse Mach interest is being display. the Cba pel Building Fund.
SEARLY h, 1922, at the La Boca Club time on Dec, 24th. Burial aid society has been for little school.
ed by sympathizers of the BUYERS Second Colon Troop towards this Am Harvest bel et stew insbe sold Mr. Laurie, obr Catechist cents. 80, respectively Compli. inaugurated among the Baptist Concart, and all Troops on the on Monday night whith these and sbly assisted in rope skipping as scout in uniform 15 cente and will bold its first meeting as mentary on the Strand ende are rending their ini anticipated that these the well as Dady Grant the bell Dont miss this show. Chorrillo on the 16th at 30, be liberal so keep up little while bearted the Instrumentality of their reputation of this active Church. ones. most enjoyable day support through Scoutmasters and otber Officers, came to a close at 30 when the guardians and friends of the Holy Confirmation At St.
and Lothing but a grand success Lodge Notice parents and guardians gathered little ones are reminded once Peter La Boca Big Eargains for you in Sewa ein be assured in this connec and cook their children to their again that any child who do not ry and other items suitable as boro.
take part in the big time which is anticipated coming off on Dee.
Gifts for the conting Season, This is the first attempt of the All members of the Loyal Star At 7:30 on Sunday Dext, Spocial selection of Ladlos 28 th will not receive any present. the 10ih inst. the Apostolic Rite Secer. Colon Troop at steging a of Hope District Lodge No. 632 Children Christmas Treat in of Holy Confirmation will be Wrist Watches, in a varlety of Coocan as the troop is in much of the Improved Independent Preparation.
performed at St. Peter Church cases, that are priced at a Initiation of Girls Reserves. La Boca, by Bishop Morris. This figure which will close them need of funds, and efforts are Order of Oddfellows belog exerted towards raising Unity, are hereby reminded to The children Christmas pracmoney to open a standing Troop attend their regular quarterly will be the second time for the out in a jifty.
Saturday night 2nd inst. five current year the Bishop will be watches for Men, that fit any Guaranteed Acanitercary of the Troop for Progrese Lodge Hall. Calidonia) Sanday and Monday, and with Caroline Anderson Club, and Peter Last June he confirmed Wrist or Pocket, also any Pocket account, and also to resist in the meeting to night in the Loyal tice is taking place daily except girls were initiated into the laying hands on candidates at St Christmas Eve, December 24tb, at 7:80 sharp; as matters the energetic part which our elevon into the Mary Terrell and this time possibly Book.
efforts of the Scoutmaster and Axenda, including the Loyal secretary and his ever willing ceremony was very interesting sented to him. Through this Our supply is limited, SCCubmaster of the Troop, promis. Star of Colon.
wife, it is expected that this Miss Jones from the Balboa medium the Rector extends a HURRY. HURRY. es to be another grand Gala day It is hoped a large gathering year Xmas Cantata will out class was present to stamp cordial invitation to bls aumerous in Scouting will be in attendance. Branch all that were ever pulled oft by the final impression as to what friends and acquaintances, as FULLER Tickets are at present on sale Lodges, are also asked to have the little tots of the day schoo! It mean to belong to the great well as to all the members of the JEWELER in this town.
adults 50c and children and their Delegates to hand, The parents organization of the Girl Reserves. Church, 122 Central Ave. BUSY School. The on pulpit the 5on did wil be on tion.


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