p. 8


you have not YOU certainly have missed the KEY TO ECONOMY If 16 OF THE BEST FOR 10C. GOLD No Premiums No Samples VICTOR NOTHING BUT GOOD mons TOBACCO CIGARETTES MADE IN THE CIGARETTE WITHOUT FAULT or O: Be on Catarrh Victims to try Thousands have used it with everything else: tarth can be cured and we cladly guarantee that Nortroline will do it in your car for failures are extremely rare, Al Matthews, Cliftom, ratel feel a little community make that go on almost demonmeet the Another Big Race DIED AT JAMAICA. British Parliam ant. thiol that as far as Great New Republic.
Britain is concerned, we shall baya nothing to give as an ex Meeting The many friends of Mr. Continued from page 1)cuse to going back that (Continued from Page 1) Smith of Paraiso, Canal Zone, themselves with firmness and a Treaty, and will not only say persuaded TOMORROW AT JUAN FRANCo. will regret to learn of the death tone which shocked the veterans. that we wish it to succeed but in turn, are appealing for the right Nostroline of his father Mr. Joseph Smith. Wita the result that there was the interest of both Ireland and to contract out of the South Nasal Specific.
Seven Interesting Events. ter, Jamaica, on the 22ad day with frequent cries for ordar.
who died at Porus Manches laughter, also gibes and jeers, this country from our hearts, we African Mandare and place complete succes. Never mind if you have tried of November, 1922, after a short above all others. Ireland reason themselves under the direct illness, news reached Mr. Smith Intąrruptions, retorts and cla baen an enemy of this country mandate of Great Britain.
second main request the by After several weeks of inter a few days ago. We tander our mours from the banches produce in spirit, for don know how Barghers in that they may mission the Panama Jocke sincere condolence to Mr. Smith wast ridica, anaiangal. and long, but Irish men and Eaglish allowed to import munitions, for, will family sad that radically changedmen when they meet interesting raca meeting to bereavement.
the Government repeatedly was beau enemies. With the they observe, the restriction ap. importation of arms aplies only Nasal Specito sorrow at the Juan Franco raca warned that there will be no proval of the house, which uncivilized people, track. Allariangements for the tranquility, sure it will give, inove that the the Burghers of Rəhoboth have whereas Sold by all Drug Stores events have been completed and British Consulate Notice we do not get satisfaction, debate on the address shall con all the marks and adjuncts of a although there has been a we shall have to deal with you tinue to day and to morrow and civilizad Cromwell dealt with his pre that Monday we will begin witte peal to King George tails and the herds, Ashton (Unlty, Friends a scussion among boree owners If the ap Loyal Order of: Ancient Shepas to weights it is anticipated The British Consulate at Colon decessors. There is plenty of the first of the two Irish Bills Government of the Raad no untoward circumstance would be glad if Mr. Kerr. Trunk precedent for revolution in this and wih with them their appeal either to the League ly Seelet will mar the possibilities of an maker at Colon would call at the country, dramatically declared uatil they are through of Nations or to the international ideal day for the Sport of Consulate as soou as possible, T, Newbold, the Communist cannon tix the date for the Court of Justice the least that Kings.
He came to his feet conclusion, but hope might bappen would be ia enterNOTICE The Feijoles, Sam. and persisted his astonishing that it will be Wednesday. We national recogoition of the bring out a couple of new con Fabotenia, gorgoblo Matachex: case with the fearlessness of an will be resumo debate on the political statute of this well order. All Shepherd Lodges, are here testants, which should greatly and Obispo. Catch old The for address and the amount of time ed and progressive titila nation. by notitied that Bro. 8, Paisley enhance the deep interest and Cattle Industry borsas.
weights. lower of the doctrine of Lənine required for it will be fairly Revolt Agalnst Control.
Cor, Socretary of the above, has enthusiasm commonly was a subject of curiousity and considered by me as far as been removed from sald office, strated at Juan Franco, It is 3rd Race; The Panama Han interest as he faced the House can wishes of the House.
The origin of these interesting at an Executive meeting on the reported that the thoroughbreds die sp. Four Furlongs 180. 00 to in bis needy, Iilfitting clothes, people is the very reason for 22nd of Nov. 1922.
are hot time makers and that the winner and 1500 to the but he quickly work up to the As regards the time of this their present appeal to King session we have at present little Gorge: namely, a rooted de In All communications for sald some grand racing in store, by their entrance there will be Becond horse, Avispa 125 lbs, most philosophical, and bad to businusa do on, and hope with termination to free themselves District must be forwarded to 8, Jockey, Murray, Nagara 118 lbs warned by the Speaker. As he The Jockey Club is doing all Medina, Chombi Loca 112 lbs, said the workers were not satis ti may be able to rise not long control. Their litla State was 1061 n. com e who has been Valencia, Long Shut 118 lbs, launched his attack because he the good will of the House we from South African political Roggless. Asst. Sectry, No, ta CORracing attractive and interesting 98 163.
their power and makes the Pedro, No Se 105 lbs, Chagres ed with the attitude regarding after the sixth of December. founded about itty years ago by appointed to act as RESPONDING SECRETARY.
They desire the assistance and unemployment.
a company of bastard colour lefactive from the above date, support of the horseowners 4th Race: The American Han. Mr. Bonar Law in his address CRICKET sib peable, who finding it impos live with and the public so as to placa the dicap Fıva Furlongs 125. 00 to make it plain that the Busfoeds Doris short session game on a solid footing, and to the Morton of the present certain white men Bucourage aad attract people 129 lbs, Lady Peerline 115 lbs should be the passage of the War declared on the Mt. Hope Africa, decided to trek toward Give Square Deal. from abroad to this country. Tio Caiman 112 lbs, Delia 80 lbs Irish Bill and fractional Base Ball Park Sunday Dec. the West. In small but well.
companies they It is anticipated, that to morro (Continued from page 1) Race: Tha Lilipatiaa Han opposition developed, making it 10th, when the Pioneers, the organised wili witness a record crowd and dicap Five Furlongs. 60, 00 to plaid that the Bill would be Pata Clearers, will clash against crosaed the Orange River, eren that given in the events for the day. The first horse and 2500 to the supported ucoes a falras about the Sussex cc, the idol of group removing a water hole defense of the country in which by Mr.
second. May Ba 112 lbs, short strongly endorsed it.
Asquith. Colon. It is predicted to be the journey at a time, but always they reside, or, are governed; Saven races are on the pro cake 103 ibs, Morita 95 lbs.
best and most exciting game, sending a scout back to inform and to fight for its sacred pria.
that will ever be witnessed on the next party where the water ciples and ideale. But in spite Mr. Bonar Law Speech.
the day. In the of all those virtues they are malis 6th Race: The Juan Franco first race seven, borses will face The text in part of Mr. Bonar the Atlantte end. There will be bole was to be found.
ligned, hunted, hatad, and out lots of fans, who will journey the starter and with the handi Handicap, Five furlongo 170 00 At one period of the trek the of consideration when the rights apping and previous perform to the winner and 30. 00 to the Law speech follows. The seg over to Colon to boost the Grand whole of the emigrants appear to of other paoples are being con ance of the native horses, there (capitana 122 lbs Super Gloria press parpose of giving adhesion never seen, will be able to see the Londoa Missionary Society Negroes ba given a square daal.
will be a very exciting contest 115 lbs, First American 108 lbs to the Bill enforcing the Irish to morrow some real old Eoglish for a year, in order to in this race. The purse will be grow a Treaty. Whatever be the views Cricket Race:Arango Handi of of us with regard to 50. 00 to the winner and 20 00 have been led to these uosupply of for to the second horse. Wild Lite leap of six furlonge 200. 09 to the Irenys there was one thing that is Following are the names of the long trek. Uitimately they remeh happy anretteations from the 99 lbs, Pegaso 97 lbs. Trapichito Scat horse and 50. 00 hore not in doubt, That is, it was border rowho will face the battle ed a land 400 miles from any treatment of the Germans to that 89. secɔnd Murray: to. small 38 ibs, Dainty Blibs and Chepodstrella f12 1os. Blaak; Chomoa elections that the British people Blackman. Skippar. Government, then multiplied reported on another page of their Let me ask Loca. 112 lbs. Pedro; Quien sabe are determined to give the Treaty Blackman, Blackman, Wilt and replenished tiny this pagher races no longer.
2nd Race: Tae Red Cross 11191b9 Ohagres 95 tbs.
a fair trial in spirit and letter. shire, Abswell, Clarke, Kingdom, now called the that the Archer, public of Boboth areal nighted Negroes to adopt their drive the unfortunate and be Ssdepstate of Four Furlong. First Baca to start at 15 in. or that there is no doubt what weatherhead. 50. 00 to Savoury. Pinder, Burnes, Herald th, wlaner, Bahio, Ba on time.
ed South winner.
Eramme for next 31 lbs.


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