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THE COSTA RICA LAND SETTLEMENT QUESTION. ft ember 10 deteras Mr. Subac са ове cne this zone.
Pared pitched battle would counter harbo dopted Puch immediately overded the vessel tboy were given and certain IT HAIG MURDER FURTHER DETAILS OF THE NOT FOCH ALLEGED Genius That Won the War, On Board Schooner While SHOCKING VOODOO CRIME Says New Book.
On High Seas.
Correspondent Says the Situation London, Nov. 30. Another According to advicos received Mother and Step father of Murderbook telling who won the war here a schooner has been deHas Calmed a Bit.
is off the press But this one talned at Grand Cayman and ed Child Held as Accomplices.
by Dewar and Lieut three or four persoas bave been Col. Boraston, entitled Sir placed under arrest on charge The Costa Rican correspon. Everyone had high hopes that Douglas Haig command is of of suspected murder.
Latest advises of the shocking (promised health it would The story as told to a repre: Voodoo crime and seend of sacriice a white child 60, dent to the maica Gleaner or setting the four million dola poeciel becereet to like Britist reports the following in connec lars loan, business or would chiave tonishing statement that it was yesterday, runs chus: well of Workman appear in a late issue her cabin on Novent and on because it makes the as sentative of the Gleaner which was published in last week The boy stated the tion with the land question in brightened up in every direction Baig, and not Foch who planned gentleman who resides in the of the Havana Post as follows. her return six days later confidthat country:but it has been to the contcary Since writing to you the One cannot raite on the best of the counter offense that ended Isles of Pines recentis decided to proceed to Cientugoes, Cuba, son of Anita Lemaclo, Haitian horrible sacrifice which she had Manolo Fils, the nine year ota ed details to her husband of the question of the rental of Mula securities, a thousand dollars in the war.
purchase a He Maritms calmed a bit, but the country, the terms for the contract for the loan are being written with the approval of thin people, and ft is knowa that the court last night that he had The fact that the book was accompanied on board by cars woman who lives near here, told witnessed and participated in.
oro testost race na ve been maali: picked to pleces. Tht latest Earl Baig from Information cup hon hade vi ih bin fully twenty: beard his mother described the title. Cuca was hung up by the According to Manolo story.
the contracts have been modi: bailants are the large ce titao plied by bim adds considerable Give thousand dollars fied. That is the land will not growers, an export tax on which weight to the arguments and allona and murder of. years, except the rental is not commodity being one of the wated in cavour or the British Failon schooner, and whilst by voodoo worshippers on Nor full of blood was drawn from the 10. Anita and her husband, veins every few hours, being paid. Without this modification this loon. It is impossible on securities given in guarantee the vessel was at sea a plot commander however, tbe settlers to was hatched to murder the Polo Lamas, were too mediately sipped by those present and It is stated that Foch wanted gentleman. It is said that two arrested, charged with being ad ministered to the patients mined not to pay anything. Congress, judging from tin krebse loonuda in patrothrouge Haig to attack the Germans of or three men of Spanish decent ccomplices to the infanticide. After each blood letting Hille they contend these lands are the Roye Chaulnes line but the who were on board endeavoured and strong opposition Manolo, an unusually bright Cuca wounds were carefully never given under such condi tions and all the Government can and his Minister of Finance, attack. This was a heated de vo get accomplices, they boting oflen listened to the bight line that she might last the longer Houss. Of course the President British General refused submitted different plan of join them in the plot, but and to get members of the crew to bəy, told Judge Miguel that he dressed and she was led in order Dow do is to pay them for the conversations of his mother and This torture endured for four Improvements and bave the coloy Guell are doing everything beaded to abandon an alterna Red. but also the money ma. Anita told Limas that she had heart extracted when the dow but Foch was finally per murdered the Captain (so it is stepfatherand that on the day days, according to Manolo. the to push forward the matter, but lands. Naturally, this standstill in agriculture alor nothing but speers and sarcasts and to adopt Haig plea pia in all four or fire to on every side can bear live scheme which he had pre There seemed to have on the high besrd the tom. toms beating out of blood became insufficient for Never in the history of Costa as to the reason for the introduc The British then attacked on Rica Weiss there boron such a tion of the Bill. Every enterprise Hindenburg Line despite the most their lives. Owilize the death for blood, and that she was going the purposes of the rite.
persons a calls stagnation in business, as in is being held up, pending the fact that Haig had received a of the Captain and other mem to visit ber Aunt Aorita, who e Anita denled the story told by evidenced here now.
ratification of this loan. telegram from the Cabinet repribers of the crew the boat drifted was a consumptive, and bad been (Continued on page 5)
manding him for his controveray in the direction of Grand Caywith Foch and informing him man, eveatually entered the in DEFALCATION OF FUNDS OF that if he falled his harbour of the the Dependency. JAMAICANS WANT SIR LESLIE have to the Custom authorities resign When DIVISION No. 3, When the attack succeeded, the boarder UPROBYN RECALLED particulars of what transand thereby the war was of Haig proposals pired, although the story was EX TREASURER, MINGO ON TRIAL WAS MAKING FOR REPITITION OF 1865 The amazing error that it was The master was reported to the won incomplete in many respects.
ed, says the book, has parties on board the and not Haig plan that Commissioner, At a public meeting held at to have so many human lives ia Tuesday of this in schooner the sixth clrcuit Court of the Queen Cake Walk George should have given credit thriven ever since and Lloyd were placed uuder arrest.
the Cinem: Nave in Kingsta their bands was appalling. Boys Ion Thursday, Nov. 30h, a large whom. according to law, could Province the public bearing of It is understood that investigs and enthusiastic public meeting to contract with tailor for to Haig and not to Foch when he tions are now being carried out, por ciszins endorse the action of suit of clothes, ware entrusted the charge of Abuse of Confidence against Mingo, was LAST NIGHT RESULTS made the speech in behalf of the and the Caban authorities bave she irteen elected members with the lives of so many human called for hearing before Mr. OF VOTING.
Army Commanders in Parlia been communicated with Gleaner in deciding to forward a mano baings.
Justice P. Guardia, with Senior ment.
Reyers Prosecuting Attorney.
Voting for queen of the cake Few books of recent time have The Salvation Army rlal to His Majesty Govero ment praying for the recall of Mr. Simpson went on to tell of The accused was represented by walks bas been progressing fine. attracted so much attention and Sir Lallie Brobyn, Governor of the decision to refer the matter Snc Fabrega.
As per previous advertisement naturally it is being cordially 70 QUEEN CAKE WALK to be received by the British Public mandant Morris resumos After a short furlough Com Jamaica Maj Bryan Colonial to Board of conciliation of It is alleged that Mingo was beld at La Boca Clubhouse on his secretary and jør Thomas which there would be five elected the duly elected Treasurer from Dacember 21st. 1922, submit work to night, and he will con Director of the Jamaica Govern members beside him sell, The the foundation of what was the following as third count of Fifth Anniversary duct the service la the Hall to ment Railway.
ere to return formerly known as the Charter votee:morrow at 11 a, and 7:30 ed Amoog those present at the Whitbout. and the Universal Negro Improve.
Miss Mary DoDonald 1, 780 Toto nemingo Star Juvenile. ordine tarpation is extended pasting wore me. Caleb Campes to this and the son and work uatil Vice Obairman of the loyall Lodge No 2341 Order of to the general public bell, meat Association. That on auditF. 8, will Celebrate their properly adjusted. Ha excuse1 14ege Services.
fi th Parocbial Board of St. Andrew, the absence of his colleagues at ing the accounts for which he His Worship Mr. Bryant, was responsible from February Anniversary on Sunday, Dec.
Casilda Buchanan NOTICE 17th at pm at the Droids June of the present year, Mayor of Kingston Hon the meeting as most of them had deficit of over 500, 00 was disLodge Hall 20th Street Cennal Correspondents are requested Simpson, B. E, Mr. Lancelot too long åstancas to look ofrer Ambrosia, McKay covered in the Banking account Avenue Brethren of Kiodred to send in their contributions Sherwood, Dr. Oswali Ander their business Mr Campall again spöka and and for which Mingo could not Society and Friends are Cordialiy not later than Thursday evening son, Mr. Robert Thomas, and to ensure publication.
Mr. R Campbell. Tae moved a resolution, seconded by produce any voucher of expendi The final count will be taken Invited Admission free meeting was opened by Mr. Dr. Andersoa:ture, por any order of withdraw on Monday, 18th inst, The Pull Campbell, who requested Mayor at the WORKMAN Printery will meeting It is further alleged, that the club house pandals Boca ENGLIS: MEN MUST WAKE UP Bexhat to do ad report the needing of citizens of the Parths or kung Clubhouse given several votes in time. Toe Şilver City at 10 After the Mayor Dr. Oswaldston cordial m, so gab your Anderson followed and in a approval of the action of the opportunities to offer a reason. Band will be in attendance at the TO THE POSSIBILITIES OF FOREIGN TRADE very powerful speech fall of Elected able satisfaction or compromise counting of votes at the Club rbatoric he dealt with the incive Council in introducing and biected members of the Lagisla for the refunding of the amount Soun and this he contended and con house pre.
competence of Sir Leslie Probyn unanimously supporting the From the West Indian Cir The above is pare to boost your candidate, sistently refused to do which are tool to administer the affairs of resolation expressing an absoluta resulted in his arrest and The following gentlemen are cular of vember 9, we repos generally known, and it is Jamaica.
in the Govern pres the Managing Committee for duce an article in which it is most damaging blow to British ent indictment.
The Hon.
passod the Queen Cake Walk to beheld reported that a Patrol Paraffin commercial can always find out was given a most entusiaste them our sincere cautada for enterprises. Here in on Thursday, the Simpson 18inst. and hereby tender to and all at Boca Severedhaudieporterpreteered of coll icon tod to Engine has been selected for ine Panama Clubhouse as he to speak. In acelor of the Island and support the contention there is Thursday, Decembe 21, 1922, at says:a deficit of the amount charged. 7:30 till midnight. on the cause their French, German, quent and forceful speech, be its people 3d assure them of Italian or inquiries the goversiog question In the cross examination made manufactur dea our support in all proper measby Mr. Justice Guardia, no Mr. E Squires, Mr. Davis, finu that there were several ed goods are sold. or by whon patriotism. They have coine to malice was established as the Bouet. Thomas, Mr. G electric lighting plants on the or through who one can make a stage when they meant to lintures on our behalt prices equal, and in importation. Butia o problet Goreroor time and again that with acclamation.
The at was carried brought against Mingo. These other gentlemen will some cases lower, than those representation it is a problem unless there Mingo in his defence was given ceremonies Mr. B Thompson, of a similar nature, and one can tells act as Judges and Master of asked for American apparatus to know where you can buy Cheers ware given for Mr.
genuine manufactured the would bave for his recall, a wide latitude to cross examine Me, A Grant; Boyke, Mr. only conclude that the reason British goods.
He bad never Simpson for all the elected the witnesses and every possible Clan McKenzie, wby so many houses in the West regarded him at any time as a members, for the Mayor, Mr.
chance of consideration given by Previous to the Europaan War man who would do anything of the Cinema Nave and one of Indies are lighted by plant from Great Britain was by Germany for that he may the Judge 80 establish bis innocence. Mingo Financial Secretary, the United States the country. He and so few They had the biggest and most enthusiasand Connor were parties to the Decretary bad large sums of Benedicte manufacturers do not she was sufering from a sterility thay might full by lanprudence with the laging of the National, made out, that, Grant, Graham. that the ex President and the sets from England, is because and the United States. character. perfect failure.
when tic pablic meeting terminated iz decadent nation. That Anthem. Gleaner.
payment of the sum of 9500 to money for which they had a man for beating up Pilgrim acounted. All these statements not appoint agents overseas and and had long become inse or succeed by co peration.
The war demonstrated bor Council had deWilkins some months ago; and were not supported by evidence the American manufacturers do. that conclusion nounced the Governɔpas that be received no order nor and failed to establish any sub Moreover, American manufac an error of a very They had convict Community Night Will Bs Ob.
voucher for this amount, that stantial başls for the allegation or and exporters pay much magnitude. What Enel mio ed and it was left for various sums of money were lot dishonesty against tha other face to Press and reaily suffered from was a cold sentence to be passed.
more attention drawn from him for which he officers.
be got no voucher, and that he gave Tne court has ordered another reneral publicity than English ladifference to possibilities are stated that a mamorial would Thursday 28tn They believed prepared for the removal of the Community receipts for money which he auditing of the books by two manulacturers do, and conse, opportunities.
never received, but which was Panamanians who will report quently their name and manu that because of the superiority Governor, and he hoped they night with free movies and a of the British manufactured would all sign it. The action of good programe, a special sponier alleged to have been expended when the case will be continued factures are known throughout the Government in appointiog will be in our midst so ba sura by the General Secretary and on a future date, the islands. Continued On Page 5) bəys to take charge of station to be there and hear him.
men who were out were with 44. Duris Evan Tlorenos Bathune 1, 100 1, 000 100 100 80 40 Maud Bennett Lindo Webster al for the amount. house.
Come, come. com fact Want of confidence in heat, leg Trinidad. The report American, mediums of Japanese people to the 89 crucial time out The Legislativa them with spare parts as tive, this was failure a bim turers Served 29


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