
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16 132 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands MAGNUMS LYNTON o uu dargely Valuable CASH Coupon VING BEE MACNUMS line and CIGAR Extraid TES 15 GOLD BENGER FOOD is adoptoi xon said on behalf of Book Binding!
eh it was an action their Book Binding Department More JAMAICA plant of British make and as a result an order bas been placed with the firm of Petters, Ltd. of Yeovil, for the requisite apparaElectives Unanitas for lighting the college mous Vote ApWHOLESALE DEPARTMENT builcing and residences.
No. 78, New Market Street It was found that the English proved.
prices compared very favourbly wish those quoted RETAIL DEPARTMENT American plant, advertise and used throughout THE ST. ANDREW PAROCHIAL No. 107, Bolivar Street the West indte, and it is claim BOARD ENDORSE WANT OF ed for the British apparatus CONFIDENCE RESOLUTION THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY that its figlsband durability is fs better than are those crits for MOTION PASSED cun, et tors.
FULL SUPPLY OF Tae Patter plant row to be (From Gleaner of 2nd Dec. in lied couples One Petier Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, At the yesterday meeting of Junior direc cupled doctric ishtiro the St. Andrew Parochial Board lant consist of Mr. Caleb Campbell obtained the Cabbage, Dairymen Butter, Petise Junior petrolsuspension of the standing orders tulin engine, and k 110 and moved the following resolu ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES vol: shuat wound dycamo, both tion: The Parochial Bar Board of St.
machines mounted on cast iron Andrew bereby send their cor: base late with large cipacity dial appreciation of the action of Call and see us before purchasing water tank. battery changing the elected members of the switch board, 25 amperes capaci Legislative Live Council in introducelsewhere.
ty, cumplete with shunt regula IN EACH the resolution expressing as tor is also applied, together with a 175 ampere hour Fulier dat absolute want of confidence in tery 60 cells, complete with PACKAGE the Government passed on Thurs: wood ards, bus without acid.
day, Nov. 28. 1922, and here tender to them our sincere The plant is compact. The gratitude for their united action engite, which is vertical, works io the interest of the welfare of on the two storke principle, which gives a power stroke for 20 CIGARETTES our island and its people.
Mr. W: Brynes seconded SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR every revolution of the fly. wheel the motion and it was unanimousIt is a nighly sensitive governor Infants, Invalids and the Aged which should ensure steady ruoning. The provision of mag.
Major bis colleagues and himselt he Every tin contains an Interesting feafiet of the neto iguition enables the engine desired to thank the Board for to start instantly on a small the resolution passed by them.
marvellous use of this great Food, quantity of petrol, after which They had only done their duty it runs on kerosene, the change even though unpleasant Purely An English Preparation.
over belug automatic.
la tho curse of their inquir. Hlear, bear. They felt that the matter was one which ies the guverniog body tiad inat ce warranted united MANUFACTURED BY there were several electric Why throw away your old, but no The Chairman Mr. GP. BENGER FOOD, LTD lighting plants ou the tusket Myers, said he thought they at picas tqasl, and in some MANCHESTER; ENGLAND those asked should express doubt interesting, books when you cases lower than satisfaction for American aparatus of a especially with regard to the FOR SALE AT attitude of their member, Major similar nature, and one can only can have them neatly bound at Dixor. It must have been with The American Pharmacy JAVIER MORAN conclude that the reason why so some hesitaney that he support?
many houses in the West Indies ed the resolution, but he felt it are lighted by plant from the was bis duty to do so.
Voited States and so few sets THE WORKMAN from England is because EogWiles, Justices of the Peace. to draw up the condition along lisb manufacturers do not send The Railway As a result of the Board with the Board Solicitors. out their travellers and do not examinations the following were appoint agents overseas and declared The Gleaner of the 2nd inst. Simeoo Straker, Herbert Greenlunatics. Joshua supply them with spare parts TRINIDAD states that in consequence of the idge, Cepbas Arthur, Sauley As the American manufacturers uo. eover, American ex CENTRAL AVENUE announcement by bis Excellency Horton, Albert Lewis, Pitagerala the Governor in the An English Electric than Englisa manufacturers do, porters pay much more attention to Press, general Conciliation Rearlernoon liam Alloyne, Evan Morrison, Thursday and No. G Street that had Rufus Thomas, John Richards, been appointed to settle the wage otherwise Clement, Isiah Austin, Plant.
and maquiactures are known at the Rall Mr Solicitor 1, McMillan, who has cent Squires, Lavinia Forde. 12 males: Helena Milli throughou. the islands. WI. For West Indian Agriculare requested to communicate (recognised American trained been acting on behalf of the Sta Lydia Harding, Elvira Deloios tural College at Trinidad.
sion Masters and clerks with the Secretary.
who Elisabeth Cumberbatch.
Universities, sball or sball not guit the service a fortnight ago, Boyce, Winifred Weeks. feGRENADA be permitted to assist in the We hope that many persons improvement of health condi.
themselves at the Railway with males. The following were de hiss advised his clients to present will be present to give evidence, tipas in the colony: it no, why?
In th: equip the object of resuming work as Sla go There been no end of and it yeson what beSedes to Blackman, John Johnson. Alex and residences for the West public in connection with the local Medical Board. 3)
as far as could be learne, he ander Hamblin, Joseph Leslie, Indian Agricultural Society, A Government Notice pub. This is the time for one to speak Public Health Service, as la force Medical Sarvice in Grenada, Formulating means for a real official announcement of the ipe Sydney Sargeant males; has been the policy of the gora pointment of the Conciliation Josephine Sealey. females.
Alma Toppin, orning body to write a preference lished states that the Committee or hold his peace.
to British materials and apparaia all ciyilized places, according Board bad not been received by tus wherever this has been conditions of the Windward The supposed lunatics were practical, There are two or thre ma to our capacity. This involves the Railway authorities, but it is sent up under the care of Dr Islands Medical Service will be ters which we hope will be con. the creation of Public Health.
expected that the board, which Io pursuance of this policy held at the Legislative Council sidered by the Committee (1) Nurse to visit the homes of the bis Excellency bas announced. of of has been appointed will meet and Lunatics Asylum Corozal, Pana they recently invited tender Chamber on th: 10h November Laying it down once and for all poor, with special attention to an early date.
Indians, as ma, two one or more British next. wishing give male attendants. Reporler.
facturers for an electric lighting evidence before the Committee American trained doctors, from Continued on Page 3)
BARBADOS Laying Pipe Line to Convey ou Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 Deportation of Destitute At a special meeting of the Barbadians From Commissioners of Highways oi the parish of St Michaels reid on Monday afternoon, Mr. Canal Zone. Granum presiding.
Ounanney, Secretary of the British Union Oil Company, Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York City Owned by The NATIONAL CITY BANK Or New York 28 SUSPECTED LUNATICS AMONG appeared before the Board THE NUMBER 20 SENT TO and gave information relative to JENKINSVILLE the laying of the Company pipe line in conveyid their oil trom Turner Depository of the PANAMA CANAL By the Favorite. charter. Needham Point. The course ed by the Canal Zone Govern which the line will take will be ment for the purpose, there by way of St. James parish, arrived here on Thursday 102 Black Rock, Eagle Hill, Bank Hill Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of destitute Barbadians deported Cross Road Hindsbury, Bridge by the Canal Zone Government. Road, Carrington Village.
THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in Of this number, 72 men woman Road. Calleden, to the Savannah, ENGLAND FRANCE and children, who were merely and thence either by way of SPAIN ITALY BELGIUM destitute were sent to their Bush Bill or cross by the SavanCETTA IRAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES homes; while 28 who were sus nah Club on the Needham Point pected lunatics, ARGENTINE aken The pipe will be laid at a minlBRAZIL were taken CHILE CUBA PERU PORTO RICO charge of by the police and con mum depth of 18 inches. The URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA veyed to the Central Station Com missioners approved of the where Boards of Lunacy were plan and stipulated that an held over them, the following agreement in wriung embodying Doctors and Justices of the the terms and conditions under Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World Peace, conducting the examina which the pipes should be laid tions: Drs. G Deane, JD down should be drawn up and Alleyne, Eh Bannister, RM kept on records, order Johnson, IG Williams. D protect the against liabile Fb Clarke, and HD Skeete an accident or danger rising ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE ris, AG Bancroft, C Hutson, ity for damages in the event of Messrs. Boyce, and M through bursting of the Seon, Police Magistrates; Capt. pipes on the highway. ComINTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM A Reid, Lieut. A Goddard; mittee composed o Messrs Messrs. o Wright, and A Maughn and Wright was elected WilAud question Lewis, clared odborne rondinelowed litorament of the temporary building Our Medical Services. Frambling on the part of the world pagaling went on the respon by from togesterday afternoon, the Up International Banking Corporation Captain Pine in to Pass parish


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