
carried in stock Do your shopping early and you will get the best Bargains fine Selection of Interesting West Indian Nesw Continued from page 8)
ehildren. Years ago we advocated asystem of properiand regular inspection of school children, and we are glad sometime ago to see Mr. Lobb, now Chairman of the Medical Com mittee, was in favour of the idea. very splendid appointment will be that of a Officer This is och preliminary requirement of modern life that it will be a waste of time t) stress it. 3) Boldly enquiries into the facts in order to ascer tain a helber the expensive post of Colonial Surgeon is necessary to day, and whether all the work tu ba done capnot well be done without the title and the waste of of public money (4) Letting the tuada public know and plainly whether the Colony Hospital is or is not to be a use.
fut tostitution; whether it is to be properly staffed and equipp ed, or left as a thing of bapa hazard chance, The Committed is to enquire into the the Windditions obtaining in Islands as a whole, so that we hope efforts will be made to collect evidence, from persons in St. Lucia and St. Vincent. This, we hope, is but a begining of a big program me for putting afairs of govern ment on a solid and satisfactory basis. The West India, English Woolens AND frankly White Linen Drills JUST RECEIVED Walk Over Shoes ARE THE BEST MADE Then why be satisfied with less than the best ALSO BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY SHIRTS TIES COLLARS ETC. ETC. BTC AT THE PALAIS ROYAL PERREIRA CERTRAL AVENUE, Corner Sth Street, PANAMA American Bazaar Stores Our Constitutional Changes.
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YOUR TASTE AND cause they Your Pocket Book Medical THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY time pubelected (From The West Indian. The return of the Governor.
we teel sure, means full speed ahead with respect to our constitutional changes, and perhaps will soon be sufficient before the puble to justify the calling of a meeting of the Exe.
tive Committee of the Grenada Representative Government As sociation for the consideration of inatters, We had an interesting discussion with a friend yesterday over the proposal adopted in other islands which closes the door of elected membersbip of Council against criminals and priest and ministers, as he pus it. Ou friend thinks that the clergy should be eligible for election at they desire it, first, foremost and finally, be are citizens. He Instances the sitting of members of the clergy as elected merabers in the Jamaica Lºgislative Council, and the Rev. C, Lala wbo is a nominated member in the Trinidad Council, remarking with respect to Mr. Lile that it would be unthinkable to say he could only be fit as a noni.
nated, and not as an elected member Of course, we have our own views on the question, and Blail be very sorry to find heads ot religion in Grenada sitting as members on Counci, for the reason of our fears that the Council in that event will :8000 be turned into an arena for the mere exbibition of denominational rivalries. Government has every right to begin with all reasonable safeguards in the introduction of the elective scheme. It is only begin and greater develop ments are to take pluce as me goes on. This not the time to make priests and ministers of Churches eligible candidates for election in Grenada. We speak of Grepsda.
Besides the possibility of such candidates using undue influence their denominational flock, for the purpose of election, it will create friction disharmony which may deal a serious blow to the scheme. Zeal for mere Church interests is very likely to characterise some such candi dates, and, meeting with success, other beads of churches, not represented on the Council. will be led to feel that they too should be on the Council to protect the interests of their respectivo us Churches. We should be sorry to find the Council. becoming a magaified Board of Education, which until recently, was the scene for ugly and noisy demominational squabbles.
Everything cannot be done at time; some things must wait, and one of these thing seems to us to be authority for clerios to stand as candidates.
We predict an electoral break down in a short while if the rule is persisted in that candidates for election must have properly qualitication in the electoral district concerned.
bnt we are prepared to give even this a trial We know what good is intended, bing 16 16 TORK CIGARETTES 16 but it is likely to result in nar. resolution was adopted by the rowing down some particular majority: district to the choice of one or That the travelling allowance two men, and pat electors in the of medical officers should repre position either to tike Tweedle sent the avearge actual cost of aum or Tweedledee or none at travelling on official duties.
all. It is better that Grenada be It was decided to sit at the represented and not a parisb. Court House at Greenville Is it too late for us to take a at 10 a. on flying start and lead Great November, to enquire into the Britain by introducing Propor. Andrew District and to return Administration of tional Representation. to St George vis the Western Coast road. it permitted.
The Committee resumed in The Medical Service lic session, at pm The Committee adjourned at 30 of The Windward and will resume tu open segsions at 10 an on Monday 18th Island. November. Gleaner, THE FIRST BITTING OF THE ST. LUCIA MEDICAL COMMITTEE OPEN ED BY THE GOVERNOR, SA Bt. Lucia ccorrespendent writing in the Barbados Weekly Herald nys inter alia:Grenada, November 13. The first sitting of the Wind ward Since the return of His HonIslands Medical Committee was our the Administrator from opened by His Excellency the leave of absence, accompanied Governor, at York 1922. ance has transpired for us to Addressing the meeting. His the Colony to this present chronicle. From his arrival in Excellency said that with the the Colo ce of the Secretary of woment we cannot but own that State for the Colonies he had ap our Administrator is in every pointed a Committee to enquire whom not a single grumble has gentleman into aud report on the salaries, emoluments and ters incidental to the official nts and all other mat: been heard from any bend of Department, or any ordinary of medical officers in the ward Islands, as to the To us he has left no door open advisability and practicability of to censure or praise; be bas amalgamating the Medical held the reigas of AdministraService of of the Windward Islands tration evenly and has made no with that of Trinidad, and to deviation from the course which wake recommendations in re he set out.
gards thereto. The Committee He has shown (uolike his presat from 10. 45 m: to pm. decessors) 10 hobby what and deliberated in private. After soeyer by which we can guage deciding on its procedure, the bim He has no penchant, for comraitice considered two ques es: roads, education, agriculture Lions of principle in reg or regard to otherwise and when be shall have salary and travelling allo war ce. Lrned his back to St. Lucia be The will unanimously adopted That this tbe kadministratorem who red will. Committee is of opinion that St. Lucia without an enemy, and there should be a Hoitormed left it just as he found it minimum salary, representing a out a stone unturned by him to living wage, for medical officers link his nama with anything in the Windward Island, based concerning Lucia during his solely on the vație of such Administration therein.
services as they shall be requir.
ed to render to the public, Mr. George Williams, merwithout regard to any other consideration. The following (Continued on page 7)
as 10. November approval on and and SURPRISINGLY GOOD vers QUE with ORDER BOOKS FOR FRIENDLY SOCETIES Kept in stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY


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