
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16 1922, Tortola Bay THE WORKMAN RACES RACES. DANGER SPOT TO MORROW Sunday, Dec. 17 Three THE PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB Attractive Events CARTRU Fifteen years ago, apart from an occasional squatter JUAN FRANCO TRACK CARTER Ink Eraser bombo First Race starts 2:15 live NKS PASTES MUCILAGES accesor: bing Gifts for Men Radio sorod Lucky Strike CANAL ZONE Executive Ofice rublished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on spplies Balbos Heights, ALROND, AI the ofice Central Avotion. Correspondence on all matters and sorger of Street, Panama, of publie interest invited.
December 6, 1922 do All copy for publiention must to TO ALL CONCERNED: Box 74, Panana written on one side of paper only, acd The lalind of Tortola, wbich RATBS OP SUBSCRIPTION CARTERS mus bosocompanied by the same of lies in Panam Bay and is part ce Year 40 8. Cy the writer, not dessarily for publier of th, Cansi 20, is hereby Six Months 20 Hon but as a mark of good faith set aside to the exclusive use 800. do not undertako rana of the United Saw Army.
arejooted orrespondene. aotles Krouad for bombing, and all ps 80s. exsp: those who owali culve pission Tu Lberty of the Press Is the palladium of our rights JUXTUS ratha Comarading General, Paauna Onel Dapartment, are SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1922 Presents tne Sixth Meeting with expressly forbidden from enter ng upon lendiox at said saud, or from casing within TELU SUBURBAN PANAMA UNDER 7 ona wulle of sad island at such Nine as a red flag is displ wed DEVELOPMENT.
Dhoreo. All possible procaitis being takea to prevent any accident as a result of live bombs being carried by airplanes, and found, here and there, in the districts lying beyond the city be Army has expressely agreed limits, industrial activity was observed in scanty evidence, To Morrow, Rain or Shine that no live bombs null bo and the people of the city, except hunters and pic nickers, carried wtbuat tas uwa o suitable safety devics so that knew little or nothing of the possibilities and values of the will.
not funcionin fertile lands which lie in these areas. City life absorbed all case they drop acedents; and of the time, interest, and energy of the residents of Panama; in addition, woen necessary to and those who lived on the Canal Zone were too busy cross the channel. places curry CARTER iog bombs will not fly over digging the canal, to pay any attention to the few families any sbip, lock, or Canal Always in stock at who toiled in silence and patience in their inevitable soligor over any abaotxd ares. BENEDETTI HERMANOS tudo. The Pur Captala a: Balboa Central Ave a 3rd. St.
In those days there were no tram cars, no jitneys and will be adviscu, in advance, whon no motor busses. The people who lived away up in the is the intention to bold bom.
PANAMA suburbs had to content themselves with horse back and practice in the vicinity of pack train transportation which was rather tedious and tbis Island, and this information will be broadcasted by the Naval uncomfortable. Visits to the city were only made under CANTER Station at Balboa for tho circumstances of pressing necesity, such as sickness or information of shipping In PRODUCTS trade. On account of the primitive mode of transportaaddition, the Army will maintain a Patrol are and this island when tion the country folk felt no exciting desire to come to GIVE HIM CARTON combing is going on to keep town, and town people experienced no eagerness to go out tishlog boats and other small into the country.
OF erait away from this vicinity There was an unaccountable isolation of the suburbs during such a period.
Dr, HOFFMANN from the city which bore responsibi ity for the ignorance JAY J, MORROW, has reopene his clinic, for of the part of townsfolk with regard to the life and occuGovernor, diseases of the blood, rheumapation of the habitues of the country. Yet, much of the tism and urological cases sin foodstuffs that appeared daily on tables of the residents of CHURCH SERVICES the upper floor of Al Place, this city came from Juan Diaz and Pacora with other out(American Episcopal Church) Santa Ana Plazı, Street lying districts of similar character and general inaccessibility. Third Sunday In Advent)
The advent of motor vehicles and the inauguration The gift will be appreciated, the St. Paul Church, Panama of the Electric Tramway service to Las Sabauas have sm, Holy Communion removed the aspect of isolation that kept town and coun man will be pleased and the donor Chorillo 11. am Mise Ammie Coopo 10 m, The Litany 10 30 Holy Eucharist and armco La Bos 11 am Missionary 7:30 C, Taylor try apart. The inquisitive mind of the city folk commenced will receive the thanks of a man pm Holy Baptism, Moseley 7:30 Brewster to penetrate the seclusion of the squatters, while the coun3. Sunday School try people became awakened to the fact that the residents Paraiso II. am SC Taylor 7;30 who has received the sort of thing 30 pm. Eventong sad Sermon Burke Supt of the city hold no monopoly on the advantages of modern 7, NIGUTENGALE Rector Gatun 11 am Burke 7;30 civilization.
St. Alban s, Paraiso. Neblet Pueblo Nuevo and a few other villages of recent which men buy for themselves.
7415 Holy Communion Oslon 11 am Dasb 7:30 MW.
growth are living evidences of the attention given by city Holy Baptism Noboto people to the opportunities for prosperous living that can Good to the last Puff 11 a. Matias and addreo.
be found in the suburbs. Flourishing farms and poultry Sunday Bobool pm 30 Ereosong address Panama San Miguel St yards are now the result of industry, application and de NIGHTENGALE Priest in charge termination. Hundreds of families who before thought building 18 that country life was impossible are now living in comfort Good to the last Puff Sabanas Mission Opel Sermas 11, 30 am 7:30 in nature storehouse, honestly plodding and seeing the p. Church School Suadsy School pm 4;18 Evensong and address Bailey Pastor results of their labors, The city of Panama will become over crowded in the 58S NIGHTENGALE Priest in charge Church Of God G St Color next ten years at the present rate of increase.
There are St. Peter Church La Boca.
11 30 7:30 Gypol Sstosa two progressive and healthy generations that will have to Sunday School 3p.
Sis. Brewster Pastor Ering meet the problem of adjustment elsewhere than within the Remember The Big Bicycle Races Holy Communion 6:30 am Matins and merman 11 am dimited environs of the city, and there is nowhere else for Xmas Bazaar At Night.
New Providence Sunday School them to go but into the suburbs that are fast becoming Ered song and wormen 7:30 Gospel Serm 11. 30. 30 identical with the experiences of the city. In other words, A: El Campo situated on Thursday (St. Thomas, Apostle) Holy Sunday School pm the city of Panama is in need of expansion and this Communion Sis Elliot, Pastor, Sabenas and the neighbouring villages to the status of St. Paul Church, which will time in Isthmian Circle a night Moralng Prayer and addren 11 o, expansion is destined to lie in the transformation of Las Calle José Montenerla between is to come oft on the night of the Gatun C, and Streets, opposite 22nd Dec. when for the first St. Barnaba Church Empiro.
take place on Tuesday, Dec 26th, Athletic Meet will be held at Sunday Sahol pm Gospel Sermon 11, 39 sm 7, 30 Sunday Sobol pm Already the Juan Franco race track is proving a con under the auspices of St. Agnes the Isthmian Park. 25 inile Evening Prayer and addrene pm George Griffith is the main feature necting link between town and country. Lying within the Guild. The admission will be MULCARE Priest in sharge suburbs it is yet only a stone throw from the heart of the 25 cents which will bring out the biggest Seventh Day Advantist Church city. Its location lends admirable aid to the advertise there will be decorated stalls lot of riders ever seen in a race St. Bartholomew Church Las STREET CALIDONIA ROAD, ment of the suburban districts as possible residential areas and fancy goods made by the be generousls arranged to make Morning Prayer and address 11 am with an assortment of curosities on the Isthmus. Handicaps will Cascadas (near Isthmian Park. PANAVA.
The question of distance from the city has been eliminated dexterous bands of the young an interesting contest. 45 a.
by two potent factors. the tram car service and the con ladies of the Guild. Also tishing maminations have been procur Sunday School and Confirmation class bath Scho l; 11 15 um Busrat oratio 23 pm wells. poet ofice, 30 pm. Spanish Class; 30 pm struction of new concrete roads.
In less than an hour one can go from the National Girls and Votice, fairies, fluwered for the occasion, and intend Evengong Prayer and address 3, 30 m Young People Mooting; 30 voting contests. ing Competitors are requested JT MULCARE Prist in charge Veepers Palace to Las Sabanas Police Station, and return on the Ice cream and cake will be on to send their names in before Wesleyan Methodist Sunday evening at a. Rosdiag.
to arrange Class. All are welcoms both young and car line. ln considerably less time a motor car ride will sale and a dina combination of Wednesday so as old. 30 m, Praschio, Sarvios.
take one from the same point to Pueblo Nuevo and back. West Indian Band with the the handicaps There will be no PanamaM. Surgeon 7:30 Rev.
charged the Calon 11. 2, Roy Kimock Braham Christian Church Service This proves that the places now spoken of as suburban very latest of musical produc Entrance Fee Athletes to the competition; as BD districts can readily be included within the city radius by tione, Ebeneuar Christina Church; Calidosis point of distance, and it shows that an outlet for the city BUY YOUR TICKETS EARLY this is a benefit meat for the pm Special Concert Colon Wesleyan Ryd, Sunday 11 am morning wor. hip Jamaica Boys who are expected Church Harvest Festival Services Bunday School pm congestion is not difficult nor far to be found.
THEY ARE GOING FAST. 30 Rev Kimock Braban Evangelistic service pm It would be a brilliant proposition for the landed proDANCE CAN DONE! hare in February La Boca 11, in Mr Johnson prietors and real estate business men to take up the ques7 Mr Waltera Monday night 7:30 Believer meeting New Providence Il. a. Me. Va Tuesday evening 7:30 pm Christain En tion of constructing dwellings along the road, on either mercially, its business affairs are known all over the avour Moodie side, from Bella Visia to Las Sabenas and beyond, as far world. As a health resort, it is now an established fact, Parsiso 11 am Mr Waltero Wednesday evening 7, 30 Gospel address 89 Juan Daiz, forking off from the police station into universally recognized, that the Isthmus of Panama con Banpire 11 am Mr. Layne Thursday ero ing 7pm Choir practic Pueblo Nuevo. People would just as readily live in these cedes nothing of salubriousness to any other place. As a Christian Mission of Panama Red Tank, Sunday School 7;30 sections of the suburbs as they would in the city, and, in highway it commands the movemonts of cominereial tices Paasma 11 am Yard 7, 30 Mise RY. ODLE, paese in charge many cases, more so. In fact, as a residential locality, lof North and South America and conrrols the eur Ammie Coope Missionary the improved suburbs would be more preferable than the rents of business that move forward and backward from Salem Christian Church 3rd St dusty precincts of the city, east to west.
Colon JUAN ILLUECA Opportunities and possibilities for agricultural occuSuaday 11:30 moming worship In view of these facts, Panama cannot afford to enBaaday Sohool 3, 30 pm pation and work are the best incentives to the develop courage the existence of suburban wastes. Every square Attorney. at. Law Svangolistic service 7:30 ment of any place. These opportunities and possibilities inch of land should be put to account; first, because it is No. 44 Central Avenue Monday evening 7, 30 Believar masting: exist in the suburban districts under discussion. The arable and, secondly, because it is necessary for the Weduesday svening 7:30 Prayer renting public markets are filled every day with vegetables that country development. prosperous line of settlers situat TELEPHONE 7o. 64. BUX No. 16 Thursday evening cottago in seting are grown there, and these products are rich in quality ed in the districts mentioned will be the solution to an Practices in all Courts of Within the dear fature, a Christina Ea and taste.
des your work will hearted in conoseconomic problem which, ten years from now, this city Panama tion with the Church This country is on the advance in every respect, Com with its increasing population will have to face.
English Spoken Fluently Buy. F, B, WILKINS Paolar in obatge be Bicycle Race Bright


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