
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY DECEMBER 16 1922 PAGE SEVEN Interesting West Indian News.
REAL ECONOMY When you buy a package of The best Tonic in the World VIGOR TONIC This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution.
It promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or times a day.
FIFTEEN 111 FOR 10 CENTS (Continued from page 3)
chant, to whom shall give all his oficial affixes, viz: Justice of the Peace Member of the Legislative Council, Member of man of N) District Rond Board, ad Member of the Agricultural Society ber is one of tisose very very few native color ed men, who has risen to a poltion in his native laad, and bas not foua hia self giddy at the height he hus obtained so as to look down with contempt at bis less fortunato couatry men.
His memcy is not blurred into forgattolaess, of all those whom he kaew in poor estate.
He is the same plain salling George Willians to all, and It would indeed be more advan In const)
who has risen in in life to follow the example, and, deportment of McGeoge Williams and not try to ride the high horse, to the ridicale of those who knew them in their cradles.
JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
CIGARETTES JUST OPEN some colored men You are making a wise investment You are getting the biggest and best Cigarette value on the Isthmus.
The Lindo Bargain House We ynow the Quality The Electors of the Castries Town Board, and ratepayers have petitioned the Members of the Town Board to give up the lot on Columbus Square for erecting the Library to whoever should undertake the building of the Libary, whether the Gorernment or the Castries Town Board.
AT No. 105 Bolivar Street, Colon Where you can secura at the lowest possible prices everything to solve your millinery needs Ladies Hats in the Latest Modes from 50 to 10. 00 AND WE WANT YOU TO KNOW IT BUY PACKAGE PACKAGE TO DAY THEY ARE INCOMPARABLE FLOWERS, BRAIDS, NETS, WIRE, CREPE, STOCKINGS OF PURE ITALIAN SILKS, THREAD THE BEST FOR HEMSTITCHING At a recent meeting of the Castries Town Board, one of its members in the person of Mr.
Romeo gave notice of a motion to the effect that the lot on Columbus Square be sold, and the proceeds be devoted to the reduction of the debt Towa Board to the Government.
15 111 for 10c.
of the YOUR INSPECTION INVITED Open from am. to 12 noon and from p. to p.
LOUIS LINDO, Proprietor.
CIGARETTES Xos Xoc SSSSSSS Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
Cigare ites 15 For 10 Cents Incomparable La Boca Athenaeum Young Ladies Social Al Success.
You Can Lose It!
Opens This KOLYNOS ALONE HAS THE Way inst, Esch were EFJORDEN CAPTIVE CAP ODO FINCH ON vierro prefaced bit, are un certo müthor, Ehemselves in and out of the KOV AVE dental cream? Has it ever dropped and rolled away in the sleeping car or hid under the washstand at home?
Then you will appreciate the cap that is held captive and which holds the properties of Kolynos secure until you have enjoyed the last bit of cream from the tube.
We now furnish you with a package of the same high standard as its contenta.
THE KOLYNOS CO. New Haven, Conn.
To the Editor of The Workman.
SHAKESPEARE Editor: Kindly allow me space in the columns of your journal to say a word of appreciation and give one of With but two exorptions to the pro oncouragement to the members gram. piano selection by Miss Susie ot the Young, Ladie Social Jump and a vocal solo by Mrs. Wm Carr, Club.
an enjoyable evening was spent with Shakespeare, the world great dramatist Having had an invitation to the, Athenaeum on Tuesday the 6th pay a visit to this newly formed ora organizstion, did so on Sundy member present gave Shakerpearean quotation at roll call and last, was very pleased to see Shakespearean spirit ww maintained up manner in which this social to the closing observatione by the promovening was conducted, dont At. moment notice, an impromptu program was got up There many contribution, and the Young Ladie assured Iaken from the various plays besides the audience what they intend notes and obeervations from the works to do in the near future, of eminent Shakespeare scholaro OTHELLO.
olare. The chair lady Miss Ellen of Shakespeare Joshua exhorted the members greaten worko, wwe the first subject, what course they should take.
presented by Mr. Geo, Pierre, with Mr. if they want to succeed and the of the life of general way they should conduct th special reference to the pronounced Society, There can be no doubt abilities of the man, who, it is mid, was that noves bighly educated. After summaria guaranteed, if the members will success is 99 per cent ing OTHELLO, he quoted from only work and be faithful.
various writers diverse opinions with regard to the principal subject of the tribute to the Sunday Evening All members desiring to conplay, Othello the Moor and Desdemona. Program, are asked to drop in Messrs. Jump and Fontenelle con Guachapali. No, and lea yo during the week at 23rd Street tributed instructiva rending on the life of Shakespeare, and Mr. Robertson their contribution.
read some interesting features of the And Mr. Blitor. hope to be life of the dramatists, leading up to able to tell you something more and including the Merchant of Venice. about this Society at an early brief estimate of Shakespeare and bla date, as mean pay regular work was then by Mr. visits from now on.
Whyte who, in accordance of Thanking you for space.
writers. informed that remain, rko, was not the original author of them, but on account of his credited with all ability in that direction be was employ. British Consulate Notice ed to review and pass upon the origiuala.
Mr. Whyte said that Shakespeare is not bie favourite poet and accordingly was The Britisb Consulate at Colon not over enthusiastic, would be glad if Mr. Kerr, Trunk The President. Mr. Reynolds, Consulate as soon as possible.
maker at Colon would call at tbe expressed much appreciation for the program. He had intended to give general review of the life and works of NURSE MELBOURNE Shakeupenre but as the time would not permis he spoke briefly on the intelli MIDWIFE SICK NURSE gent contributions of the evening gram; but with regard to Shakespeare Noag 26, 12 Street East Pag he thought that aside from being the greatest dramatist of all tim, bo was a nama City.
master mind, in that it was posible to (Next Door Eldorado Theatso)
quote from his works to every occasion; and that bo vw the DR. SUMMER MEDICAL master interpreter of human nature TREATMENT with all its various characteristics, seatiments and emotions. mort enjoyFOR WOMEN able time was spent.
Specialized in by Nurse Melbourne Creoline Halr Producer is the Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
world best hair tonic and will Cigarettes 15 for 10 cents not soll or stain clothes.
then given Mr.
while his special KOLYNOS pro suit almost DENTAL CREAM


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