
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23 1922, THE WORKMAN Panamanian Porto Rican BASEBALL TEAM COMBINED ARTERS Pablished on Saturdays by NI Rates for Advertisement on applies ALROND, AI the office Contral Avotion. Correspondence on all matters Nuo sad corner of Street, Panama, of publio interest invited. de Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must te wrinen on one side of paper only, and RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION us to accompanied by We Dame of Ore Year 40 S. Cy the writer, not necessarily for publlesSix Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
We do not undertake to return Obe 260. erojected orrespondence.
mis Aberty of the Pross is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1922 Three 80 MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!
TO BATTLE AGAINST WEST INDIANS Xmas Sunday December 24, 10. a.
AT ISTHMIAN PARK SCICO CARTERT CARTER TER Tak Eraser AKY RACER Porto Rican Panamanian Team COMBINED Always in stock at An All Star West Indian Team CARTERS BANDS. Grand Stand 50c.
Grounds 25c.
It seems but a little while ago that we wished our patrons and readers the compliments of the Christmas Season. Yet it was twelve months aback. How fast time flies! Within this space of time fate has changed the aspect of things amongst us in many ways. The BETWEEN familiar voices of many who were with us this time last We laid year are now silent, and their forms are missed them away with tenderness and affection mingled with grief. May they rest in peace!
CARTER Hundreds have left these shorts to seek their fortune NKS, PASTES MUCILAGIS in other fields. We said good bye with reluctance, but VS.
how could we ask them to stay when we had nothing to BENEDETTI HERMANOS offer them? Destiny has called them hence and we wish Central Ave a 3rd. St.
them good luck. The world is big, and when conditions PANAMA become hard in one place it is wise to move cut and try somewhere else. Adjustment to changes and circumstences is the answer to economic gtaguation. Surrender Pick of Aviators Red Sox etc. etc.
is folly.
PRODUCTS Christmas this year finds hundreds of people in this country without money and out of work. Last year, dull BANDS as things were, Christmas was a bit brighter as there were twelve months less of distress and privation. Want bas increased and work decreased. From early times, Dr. HOFFMANN Christmas has had associated with it gaiety, mirth and has reopened his clinic, for cheerſulness; and humanly speaking, it is not Christmas diseases of the blood, rheumawhere there is not a feast and other things.
Porto Rican Regiment to Attend tism and urological cases in How can we belp to make others enjoy the merry seathe upper floor of Al Place, son? Let us give a dish to our unfortunate neighbors.
Turn Out and Root for Your Boyz Santa Ana Plazı, Street Let us look around and seek out some family that has No.
nothing to brighten the day, and share our happiness th its members. Let us make it a care and duty so to do and we ourselves will be happier for the fact that we Wesleyan Methodist contribute to the happiness of others.
It was explained that various CHURCH SERVICES Panams. 11. au Roy Kissock Braham This is the spirit of benevolence which is, indeed, the John Bull Makes American correspondents with true Christmas spirit. We cannot be truly cheerful if war experience have been invited (American Epi copal Church) 30 Rev Kirsock Brabam others are not on account of our indifference and coldness. Conlinued from page its enroll as reserve officers in Colon 11 a v С. Surgeon the military intelligence depart(Fourth Sunday In Advent)
It is an obligation devolving upon us to bring joy to the 7:30 Rev. Surgeon destitute, the distressed and the afflicted. If we fail in made by the War Department went. This. however, is only: La Boell am Mr SK, Walters to night.
St. Paul Church, Panama part of the general movement or this duty we cannot claim to be tied with the bonds of p. Mr Louis Lindo spokemen fer the depart developement of American re 6 a. m, Holy Communion New Providenca 11 a. Mr. Markbass brotherhood and imbued with the spirit of charity. ment declared bathani Bacteur en rolling would be called only in 10 30 au Holy Eucharist and permon Empire 11 am Mr. Layne serve, and 80 10 a. The Litany Paraiso 11 am Mr Gorge Laynia Again, Christmas is the time to be benign and mag hink for moment of emtar the event of war, it was explainWeeks po cfficial would pm Holy Baptism, nanimous. Let us forget the offences which have been a rassing American correspondent ed. Sunday School Christian Mission Of Panama committed against us. Let us forget the wrongs we have by asking them 10 supply Note: Toere will be no service of Even Ammie Coopo Missionary in song but the Christus servies of Choral Parma, 11 am 7;30 Burka Sapt suffered at the hands of others. May we not remember information regardir military They would be inactive will be held Chorillo 11. Rawlins 7, 80 that we, too, have done wrong to some one? And as we matters in the countries in which peace times. It was this which Euchariot and Ser mon would desire to be forgiven, should we not, likewise, they are engaged in newspaper is believed to have prompted the commencing at 12 o clock, mid night Trotma Job Bull story.
Sunday (Carism is Eve. La Boon 11 am C, Taylor 7;30 AL readily forgive and forget? NIGHTÊNGALE Rector Cragirell In our daily intercourse with our fellowmen we frePersiso 11. am 7:30 Yard COCO St. Alban s, Paraiso. Gatua 11 Miller 7;30 Disb quently fall into the unhappy experience of misunder11 am Matins and addrou.
Calon 11 am Bro. Grant 30 Miller, standing and personal injury. Sometime unintentionally, Sunday School pm Rov JW BURKE Supt.
sometimes inevitably and sometimes uncharitably. It is 30 Evensonz address one of the misfortunes of the buman race. But when in Christmas Service of Holy Bucharist Panama San Miguel St: our better selves we think upon our relationship as childwill be held at am Christmas Day.
ren of the Great Father of all, the desire to love one NIGHIENGALE Priest in obargo Gospel Sermone 11, 30 7:30 bulding 18 another becomes supreme amongst our eartbly aspirations. With whom Quality comes La Sabanas Mission Sunday School p. This is superlatively true at this tme.
LE. Bailey Pastor We are all conscious, or, at least, we ought to be, First; who want a Fine Cigarrette. p. Church School a 4, 15 Eronsong and address Church Of God G St Colon of our individual selfishness and littleness. We struggle to A, NIGHTENGALE Priest in charge 11 30 7:30 Gospel Samn overcome these social defects and in the struggle let us St. Peter Church La Boce, Sunday School pm.
study the example of the Heavenly Babe who, although Sis. Brewster Pastor Evang.
posssessing all things, emptied himself that he might Morning prayer and address 11 am New Providence perform the work of the eternal sacrifice. Holder Two days more fand Christmas 1922 will be here. It!
Sunday School distribution of Christ Gospel Sermin 11 30 a. 7. 30 It is the fulfilis the birthday of the King, not a king.
Will Make an Unusual Appeal. mas gifts 3:30 Sunday School pm Evensong and memra 7:30 Sis Elliot, Pastor, ment of the age long promise that a Saviour would come Christmas Day: The service will begin to the world and change the fate of the human race, bringat am precisely, with Matins followed Gatun CZ ing us out of sin and death into perfection and immortality.
by a Choral Celebration of Holy Euchar Gospel Sermən 11, 30 7, 30 But the world is in a state of social and political disist. Benediotus will be sung as Quartet Sunday School. pm (To setting by T, Morley) Agnus Dei Gsorge Griffith turbance. Bolshevists and Facisti are ripping Europe will be sung as a solo by Mrs, Maleare into political shreds. Mohammedanism is menacing (Gounod setting with three Amen. Seventh Day Adventist Church the East and threatening the West with a new movement Holy Baptist will be administered a. STREET CALIDÒNIA ROAD, claiming to be national, but, really, religious, These MULCARE. Rector (near Isthmisa Park. PANAMA, exercise a telling effect upon the economic conditions of the Sabbath (Saturday) 45 sm. Sab world everywhere.
St. Barnaba Church Empire. bath Sohool; 11. 15 am General Worship, The Eastern controversy bears on its surface the look Morning Prayer and Holy Communion 30 Spanish Class; 30 pm of a political squabble for territorial control, but under the 11 a, ca Young People Mooting; 30 Sunday School and distribution of Vespers, veneer lies the real character of an anti Christian moveChristmas gifts p. Sanday evening at Reading ment in which the fellowers of the Incarnate God are per IT TOASTED Evening Prayer and address 7:30 Class All are welcome both young and secuted by the emissaries of the Moslem superstition. By (J. Johnson)
old. 30 m, Preaching Sarvios.
this and other upheavals, the Christian Faith is passing Chrisms day Morning Prayer and address (8. Holder am Baptist Church through its grinding test.
Yet amidst all these disturbances and misfortunes we JT, MULCARE Priost in charge Colon 11 am. Pastor Thrift p. Christmas Program will bave courage to look forward to better times when He St. Bartholomew Church Las Chorrillo 11 am. 7;15 Pastor Wits that was BORN KING OF THE JEWS will establish an Cascadas p. Caristoss Program universal and eternal kingdom, not to be worshipped by a and who, in the fullness of time will overcome all things Moming Prayer and address 11 am Corozal Rod 11 am. Dəacon Lintom With this hope in our Daley 7;15 triad of oriental magi in a cradle at Bethlehem, but by an and put them under flis feet.
ме Gallimgre Empirelt a. Mr. Yearwood innumerable company out of all the nations and for all breasts we welcome Christmas Day to partake of its joys Sunday School and distribution of time.
7:15 Mr. Yearwood and merriment.
Obristmas gifta 2;30 pm Pueblo Nuevo 11 am Descon Smith It is for us to catch fa glimpse of that triumphant To all our readers, advertisers and subscribers we Evensong Prayer and address 4:30 pm Christmas Day Morning Prayer Cativi Dancon 11 a. Dancea Fostar7;14 Sapplied glory of the Annointed One who, in the fullness of time, express the wish for a Happy Christmas. May the great and addrew (M. Daley) Now Providenos 11. Don Browa came to the nations with the unfading rainbow of hope, est joys of the season be yours! T MULCARE iest in charge Now Gatun Thursday 7, 30 Pastor Thrilt TO MENLucky Strike ра Good to the last Puff LUCKY STRIKE


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