
91. 800 90 99 1. and 30 Wii Wiwwwwwwwwiivikürtidei Strollers STROLLERS STROLLERS Gilet STROLLERS got IN aan got the KATS NATURAL LEAF CIGARETTES the well PEP in connecting reading of the CIGARETTES will THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1922, PACE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE ins District Court Of Bank of Canal Zone 200 The Canal Zone Harvest Festival at Creditors of the aboveELIZABETA DURHAM. EM that checks corresponding to Bank are hereby notified BROSE DURHAM, No. 401 WESLEYAN METHODIST the second dividend, agreed CHURCH, COLON.
NOTICE upon at General Meeting of Only two weeks more to exchange your empty packages of Creditors held on the 17th October 1922, will be disTo Enbrose Durham, tributed on and after the 22nd From ell point of view the Harvest Tharksgiving Services Defendant: Your are required eonducted here on Sunday last to enter your appearance in the December 1922 at the Offices 17ubinet wete a decided success.
On Saturday night church Clerk Office at the above of the Judge of the Third named Court at Cristobal. Canal Circuit Court of this City. FORmembers were busily eng ged Zone, is an action for Divorce between the hours of and in receiving and arranging the therein pendir brought against pm.
several gifts and on Sunday you by the plain til above named: morning the sacred edifice pre and to answer the complaint EDWIN CHANDECK, sented a very pleasing appear SAFETY RAZORS AND BLADES therein, a copy thereof attached ance. The gifts were varied and to a copy of the summons thereSecretary, 3rd Circuit valuable con: Isting of fruits and in having been mailed to you at Court.
provisions of all descriptions in and out of season. fancy cakes Quantity of Empty Paskages. your residence, No. 259 Court PREMIUMS: Street Brcoklyn, on or ternal feelings and brotherly and puddinge, velvet cushions, betoro March 22nd 1923 1, 000 Gillette Safety Razors, Milady Decoltee love.
wraps, table spreads and all the nica little tbings that only ladies 1, 000 Aristocrat. And you are further notified that it you fail to appear and know to prepare for use and Song Service.
angwer the said complaint. as 800 beauty as well as boxes and Bostonian above required, the plaintit will o her one presents from the Tuckaway Silver take judgment against you by The usual Song Service was obinet makers of the congrega.
default and demand from the held at the Silver Clubbouse ou tion.
1, 000 Gold Court the relief prayed for in Sunday afternood and was conThe Rev. Kissock Brabam, 250 Beacon Gold ber said complaint ducted by Stephen. who gave took the tervices at 11 am.
Dated at Cristobal, Canal Zone, a very hopeful talk on Obedip.
and preached 200 Brownie Silver this 15th day of December, 1922. ence.
eloquent and practical sermons to large congregations. The 100 Dz. pkgs, Blades J, S, CAMPBELL, attendat ce at the night service Asst, Clerk District Court, Grand Christmas Functions.
was record one even for this Dec, 16 23 30 church, and rapt attention was paid to the lesson drawn from Final preparations for the the Psalmist exhortation Canal Zone Notes. Clubhouse is well under way.
at catained in Psalm 67, verses 6 Let the peopl; praise thee.
Men and women of the town are God; let all the people praise taking an acuve part in the ar GATUN thee.
rangements and a e showing the Then shall the carth yield her real Christwas spirit so that Increase; and Gud, even our God of Lodges this day will be the best that bas ever been observed in this No. 34 and 35.
sball bless us.
town At p. the Choir and Sun The following is the tentative day School rendered the Cantata DEFEATS program: Oo Sunday 24th at Creations King. to a crowded The pm a Sacred Concert with house and the children presented Walural their baskets of fruit and Surday December 17 Inst. Charme special in usic There will be no wers, which elicited the Mellow wirb known amungst ali tur ad made ON approval of the whcle congreSmoke Fraternal Brothers both entitled In Santa Claus Land.
Tuesday, a Christmas Cantata away and on the Isthmus of This is of the highest cast anu gation.
This presentation was rightly Panama, as a a day which was will recognized in this town by with ocher attractive items or be very interesting along adjudged the most touchisg and picture: que that has been made SHAVE the G. of Lodges the in the of Crystal Paradise for and Betbel program Tabernacle, vs. the OM The Grand Christmas Childknown as St. Bernard Cantata were rendered by Miss ren 15 No.
Treat also take placa.
Doris Rodney and Miss combined with Scottish Me on that evening wben there wilt and be a charge of 25 cts. US, Cy.
Louis two of the talented and chanic, from Colon, in a All empty packages to be mailed to a friend, for adults. Refreshments will active young members of the 15 game of of cricket, which took Church PAN AMERICAN EXPORT CORPORATION place on the ground of Cornwall be served free of charge, but Never before was there a wall there will be no chagre for the These ladies certainly inter larger crowd seen the oval as children at Gatun.
preted the piece very intelligenton this occasion. They both On Thursday evening BRANCH 28:b ly.
HEAD OFFICE came to a clash just to show there will be the regular Com Monday and Tuesday Calon, their fraternal Brother as well munity Night, Rev. Fisher, night the Vestry was converted Panama City.
as out to a into a beautiful Bazaar of delectwatch the game which side was the colored boss, will give an Corner of Broadway 11 Street a ble articles for sale, but on address. The other attrae.
Calle 12 Este.
the best.
Telephone, Colon No. 468, each evening Jupiter Pluvius The Mechanic combination will will be movies and uun bad bis say and practically musical Box, No. 1322, over the bers. It is hoped that the wbols bad the advantage Tolophone, Panama No. 726, Washed out anything like a large Samaritan s, in the very strong community will tıke advantage Cristobal, C, line up. They won the toss, and of the arrangements that are Notwithstanding; most of the Bor, No. 397, Ancon Bon, No. 156, Colon, with such ideal batsten and belng made to make the Christ perishable articles were disposed good bowlers as Lynton be Please turn out in large numbers of, and from all appearances this Brewster and E, Green from the Harvest so far as money results anananananananananananananamwindy city, they seni a good pair to the several functions which to face the bowling of are concerned will cap that of Lynton, are posted on the telegram board, and last year whilst for the spirit Workthe the of Mechanic c. man. We now join in wishing of giving and enthusiasm it by XMAS MUSICAL CONCERTI e Captain ker, the latter was and published also in the far surpassed any held for years The wicket proved very tricky 10 the proprtetor Mr. Wairona past.
the fire six overs, for the bats and his office staff a merry, merry men, Linton succeeded in send Christmas and may their good With these excellent The majority of the fancy At Cristobal Silver Club ing back three of the G. work continue throughout the work donated were hand made of for one run, when comlag new year, little Stoves, Supplied by the young people of the On Sunday afternoon Decem Jones and Richards, put. church and demonstrated some free to those having vaber 24th, at p. there will be stop to the rut which was going useful talent.
Death Of Bables cant Gas installat ons given at the Cristobal Silver on, and brought some confidence The elder ladies of the church Club a Grand Musical Entertain and reassurance on the faces of wbo helped to dispose of the in their kitchens.
ment. The programme which the fraternal brothers of With regret we have to chronigitts and Miss Amy Morgan and follows is one we are sure will the Samaritan 0. Jones cle the death of the twin babes her belpers wbo worked hard in interest the community as they certainly mastered the belonging to Mr. and Mrs.
arranging the sales room are known artists. The bowling of Linton and which Belle, of high St The little ones deserve the thanks of the renowned SILVER WE HAVE PROVED TO THE DOUBTFUL CITY BAND caused change. Linton were looking very promising but uostinted church for of La Boca will render special was put on to bowl and he all the care glven them both interest.
selected pieces, and Mr. ceeded in dismissing Jones for by mother and father, they rathThat GAS is the Best Fuel Alfred Rouget the Director is a well played 22 runs. Richards er preferred to go to sparing no pains in having the made runs, but his wearing home of rest. They died on CEARLY in first class shape. down of the bowlers, places him Thursday evening Dec. 14:h. We UNTIL THE 31st OF THE PRESENT MONTH 1, March True America Silver City as a batsman who is able to in tender mother and father our Band flict a considerable amount of condolence and heart felt BUYERS We will continue giving away the balance of these Opening remarks by the Chairman punishment on a bowler. sympatby in their loss.
Stoves where there is a vacant Gas Installation Mr. Gaski Ater the dismissal of these in the Kitchen, Overture Fraternity Band. two batsmen the others fell one LEBLANC Recitation. Mr. Reid after the other and Or we will sell them at 10. 00 each and make the Saxophone Quartette II Traviata 15 to the score The UNDERTAKER Installation FRFE Band Band Mechanics boasted that this Big Bargains for you In Jewel6. Recitation. Min Louis was a small score and could be CORNER AND 1661 STREET ry and other items suitable as Selection Maritans Bund PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY easily wiped off, but captain Recitation Mr. Kinni Small of the Samaritans along Universal Negro Improvement Member of the Gifts for the coming Season.
with Jones gave them the Special selection of Ladies PANAMA. OFFICE. AT COLON OFFICE. Piano Solo. Miss Smart Association African Comdisappointment of their lives.
Wrist Watches, In a variety of 10. Ricitation Cathedral Plaza YOUR Mr. Parker So well did Small bowled 93 Bo ivar St.
water munities League 11. Over ure Friendship Band that in less than an hour the cases, that are priced at a Tel. 798 SERVICE 12. Song Tel. 364 figure which will clo e them. Mise Eilsto whole team was dismissed for Universal African Black Cross Kurses 13. Recitation. Mr. Ferreira 85 runs, with Lovell making out in a jiffy. Guaranteed Special Rato for Members.
14. Selection Mirths Band top score for 11 runs. All the Watches for Men, that fit any 15. Remarks By Chairman, Mr. other batsmen did not see Wrist or Pocket, also any Pocket Gaskia double NOTICE.
figures BOOST Book.
Bonus 16. March Under Fire Band, second innings was played, Our supply is limited, So. the Samaritan went to the bat and when the last wicket fell All members of the Eureka HURRY HURRY Dec. 23rd 1922 Lodge No. 9879 GU. of After the distribution of Bonus the score was 75. Hall making The Colon love Chariot Benevo refreshments were freely served top score of 20, and Small 13 FULLER are asked to attend meeting onlent Society held a special to all. Sentiments of satisfac not out. The Mechanics started CIGARETTES JEWELER Friday night January 5th 1923 meeting at Court Brock Lodge tion were fully expressed, all to play and at the call of time as very important business will Hall Street Colon De stating that they had enjoyed a 122 Central Ave.
be transacted. Also, Nomination on December 22nd 1922 at p. well spent evening. wickets fell for 18 rone, closing Best on the Market and Election of Officers for the for the purpose of distributing This organization has stood the their two innings for 48 Smoke 111 (One Eleven) ensuing terms, meeting starts at the Annual Bonus to all entitled test, surmounted all passed an enjoyable time was spent At the close of the game quite 80 sharp.
ASK FOR THEM Many Cigarettes 15 Fer 10 Cents encountabilities, yet standing around the festal board, Mose, All members were invited and like the proverbial Johnny Walk: speeches and toasts we given, Per. Secy.
Incomparable attended.
er still going strong.
ELIAS PRETO. Agent demonstrating the best of fra 100)
meet well he suc their appear in XMAS GOOD Only added runs mouth.


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