
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY DCEMBER 23 1922 Treat Yourself DR. SANGER CAPSULES ground and parties in the vel in the Commons that then they request devoid of sensations Judicial systems bought of dump. cat JOB PRINTING 80 second in the nearly Webb be Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Cards a clever and und after a present how go to the WEEKLY LONDON LETTER. eller to dearende monill poinde Save That Tooth!
West Indian News.
of the Circus from which one will be able to reach Loo(By JOHN GORDON) don suburban dormitories (Continued from Page 3)
without delay. The total cost of Do not extract an aching tooth, the local Judges her appeals.
the contemplated programme of decayed tooth if it has a loost The New House Of Works estimated to tall be two good walls can be saved to BY TAKING The Attorney General: That matter is regula ed hy Englih tween 000 000, and 7, 000, 000. give you good service for many Commons. pounds sterling and with the years.
expenditure which has already Il your teeth are loose with Provisioa for the appoint of the President of the London. November 1922 The been incurred, will represent a pus seeping around theneek of improvement the Under the teeth, giving your breath an to WONDERFUL CURE FOR Until that ap by the Crown new Parliament contains 844 system pointment is made the Chief Conservatives, 138 Labour, 60 amounting to nearly 17, 000, 000 trom Pyhorrea Alveolaria This BLADDER IRRITATION Justice of Trinidad is automatically President of the Court of Asquitb) 67 National Liber Bundessterling since the war. can be cured. Do not have them wben besits; in his abseden als (followers of Lloyd George) number of the unemployed will little connection between the By these big schemes great extracted unless there is very It Contains East dian Oil of Sandal Wood the Senior subsistent Chief and 16 others (including one be absorbed.
Justice present is President of They bend, of bony tissue alveolar and the solitary Communist) who pin course, to facilitate the tendency tooth.
and other ingredients be Court There is no doubt their flag to their own exclusive of Londoners to live further that if the colonies who belong brands of Independence. Total If you are interested in saving to this Convention thought it 617. The Conservatives thus bave away from the site of their work clear majority of 70 over all the search of authentie rural surit that a special Judge and to penetrate outwards in your teeth see Gives Positive Relief in 24 hours ed as President will be of appointDR. JOHNSON of great other advantage to the Court conThey also, of course, preponder roundingsSurgeon Dentist BUY BOX TO DAY venience of the colonies concern 189 Central Avenue ed a. very strongly in the House should The Glider Aeroplane 200 of Lords where Lord Cuizon Over City Pharmacy AT THE a special President should will lead for the Government.
be appointed. There is no doubt The election, as a whole, was When competitions in gliding about it that this particular Smoke 111 (One Eleven CHORRILLO DRUG STORE singularly Judge will have the opportunity were being held a few weeks. go No: 48 Street Corner Ancon Ave.
the greatest surprise of all young flying man named Gray, Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cent)
of going from colony to colony the defeat of Winston who had done great things in belirchill, and will thus get Incomparable the ex Colonial Sec tha air during the war. put in a Ledce of the Cole sederal knowlaws and which will be retary, Dundee by the only casual appearance with a glider Probibitionist candidate is the of his own design. He had bam of great advantage to him as President of the Court as a election a zealot named Scrym mered it together with a few odd so than Judges who are permamore geour. Labour was exceptional wires and aeroplane sheeting off a disposal nent Judges of other Courts In y successful, and now posdintor a number of both its will be likely to obtain. think ntel: fact, his whole machine cost lectual and fiery if the colonies were prepared to in the House. Among the minha precisely eighteen bave such a President appointed particularly worthy me and ninepenge, string includes a good many of the objections to of mention is Ramsay Macdon and his machine as a quite was regarded as a humourist ald who has promptly replaced amusing joke until one evening.
the Court will vanish. In theory the idea is an excellent one, the J, Clynes, as the Parliamen without any previous trial, he of every description only trouble bas been that in tary Labour Party leader and sailed up into the air on it, practice it has not worked out will doubtless, as head of the What is more he stayed for The English Act takes largest party all appeals from the Court of the a couple of hours and DONE WITH NEATNESS AND Colonies to the West Indian 100 Houseb ta be power the despite the came down simply becaused. take opposition was getting dark Indian Court of Appeal and he wanted and Lloyd except in so far presence of Asquith as the local statutory bis dinner. Well, Squadron DESPATCH George, the two ex premiers on Leader Gray has now been deare exempted from the Jurisdicopposition benchesAnoth tailed by the Air Ministry, as tion of the Court. In this colony er notable figure is in 1921 an Ordinance was passed very intellectual Intellectual, bead of small experimental enabling, everything in the in collaboration with bis tions into the lessons to branch, to continue investiganature of an appeal with very brilliant wife Beatrice Webb. learned from gliding. These few exceptions to go to the West has written an unlimited num may be considerable. Inciden: Indian Court of Appeal and the of books and pamphlets and wally, tney may bring us within Full Court abolished.
manifestos and committee re reach of the small cheap aerial Full Court To Be Reconstituted ports on sociological and eco cunabout with an engine equiva.
We are endeavouring to set lent in that right if the Court of Policy den, another clever and acidulat of a motor bicycle To fact, ed Labour man accepts a Bill which has been is back in the understand several British depublished and will la House; Good Assortment due time be has also charming wife who, incidentally, on signers are at present worklag come before it. Some of the this combined type of cbjections which you a long visit to Russia about aeroplane and glider, and when a year ago. wrote some very the winter has gone we are like TO SELECT FROM AT THE will pass away and a great many damaging impressions on the ly to see some interesting ex things which now Soviet regime. Everyone Court will go to the Full Court.
periments with them.
The object is to reconstitute the agrees that the Labour party full Court again and so increase in the House needed a few such If you like beautiful hair use the efficiency of the West Indian is recruits and the feeling Court of Appeal and make it in general that the responsibility Creoline Hair Producer.
practice more the ideal that it of legislation usually tends to should be. The Herald dampen the excessively ardent Dres of extremists who have been free with irresponsible Hon. Hector Josephs Arbicriticism. It would seem, however, that the country is in for trating Actions Against Peveral years Conservative rule.
Railway Company This will mean little, change in the broad outline of British Arbitration proceedings in foreign policy Head Office: 56 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CITY respect of the twenty three actions brought against the New Ambassador Demerara Railway Company persons said to have been inby One of the first acts of the new DEPOSITORY OF jared in the railway accident ot Conservative Government was to November last were begun by the acting Attorney General, appoint a life long Liberal. the Marquis of Crewe. to the Paris the Hon. Hector Josepb at the Em that ex Public Building, on Thursday tremely brillant diplomat Lord 16th inst. The first action heard Hardinge of Penshurst, Lord were two involving claims of 500 and 5, 000 respectively.
appointment came rather as a surprise and the general interpretation placed Demerara Finances will upon it is that the Government desire foreign affaire to be lifted Have Big Deficit above all question of partisanship, Lord Crewe was, indeed.
of the opposition in the House of In bis recent inaugural address Lords. As a public speaker, at the Demerara Legislative, the must be confessed, his efforts Governor mentioned that the 1ead better than they sound.
beavy blow to the sugar industry But in conversation Lord Crewe of the colony had naturally been not only extremely polished but also delightfully witty as which would show a reflected by a failing of revenue Also, indeed is Lady Crewe (a more than 1, 000 000 on of estimates. He hinted at the literateur and ex premier. The necessity for increased taxation, but admitted that he did not record of public office.
He filled think the colouy, during the both under Mr Gladstone and coming year, could very well bear such increase of taxation Lord Roseberry premierships, CRISTOBAL the difficult office of Viceroy of PANAMA as would provide for the expenIreland; diture estimated for 1922 and he President Lord was reluctantly compelled to King Privy refrain from asking for payment Lord Priyy Seal ana Cheaper Moto. bicycles of car and paticularly signif LODGE NOTIE.
successively Colonial Secretary of temporary WILKINSON increases cant were the exceptionally salaries of Government Officers.
Secretary of State for India, and President of the Board of Edece numerous purchases by foreign tion. Also, for a time, he acted Incidentally, the moto bicycle visitors, Members of the Green Bud Contractor Panama Lodge No. 7779 0. as deputy for Sir Edward Grey show (November 25th December Municipality Claims From when the latter owing to illness 2nd) is to contain a number of are requested to be present at and Builder Central Government had temporarily to relinquish now cheap models, for all the JUAN ILLUECA their ment a General Meeling the Foreign Secretaryship.
principal British makers which will take on Satur 15th STREET, WEST reducing their prices to a defe Attorney. at. Lawle Business of Importance win day night the 23rd inst. Among The Demerara Argosy says House No. 90 that with reference to the conLondon Underground remarkable reductions we saw No. 44 Central Avenue be the Nomination and Election Box 411, Panama, R, troversy now proceedtog; with of Oficers for the ensuing term.
the moto show. The last named Trains respect to the City Improveevent was financially a TELEPHONE No. 64 BOX 76 Meeting starts at 7:30 pm sharp mer scheme, and the obligation great success. The motor manufactur Practices in all Courts of Members are asked to be on ti me Plans and Specifications Free. fair share of the burden, inof the Government to assume Another big scheme for ex ers were repaid for catering 80 Pans me tending and improving London adequately for the family man NOTICE Pormation has been gleaned.
First Class Workmanship The traffic licenses, wonderful network of under with limited means who required English Spokon Fluenthe which now go to the Government instead of ground railways is shortly to be reasonable car Guaranteed.
economiSmoke 11 One Eleven put into operation. One effect cal in petrol consumption relia.
Correspondents are requested lae Town Council, have been will be to tarn Piccadilly Circus ble and good to look at and Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cent) not later than Thursday evening to send in their contrifutions computed by If you like beautiful hair vse authority to be close upon competent into the roof, as it were, of a vast comfortable to drive. There station into which one will be were very big sales of this type Incomparable to ensure publication. Continued on Page 7)
The American Foreign Banking Corporation Crewe The United States Treasury Panama Railroad The Panama Canal Panama Government United States Army and Navy gents for the Banco Nacional deficit of daughter Lord liter atembassador Roseberry has a long was twice of the Council twice Lor to are wat priced Creoline hair producer.


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