
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY DECEMBER 23 1922 PAGE SEVEN Interesting West Indian News.
REAL ECONOMY When you buy a package of hardly (Continued from page 30. 000 par anum. To Goy ernment on the other hand, Contributes 8000 as a subvention to the roads of Georgetown; but this, it is contended, is more than would be necessary to maintain a trunk road through the city. It would seem therefore that the Municipality has claim the Government which it taken back for period of twenty years, would be about the equivalent of the sum non required to put the city road in proper order on permanent The best Tonic in the World VIGOR TONIC This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution.
It promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or times a day.
JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
heavy against FIFTEEN 111 FOR 10 CENTS CIGARETTES busis, The opinion has been expressed that a joint commission should be appointed to establish some equitable relationship between two JUST OPEN You are making a wise investment You are getting the biggest and best Cigarette value on the Isthmus.
ST. LUCIA The Lindo Bargain House Carnegie Library Under Discussion AT We know the Quality No. 105 Bolivar Street, Colon Where you can secura at the lowest possible prices everything to solve your millinery needs Ladies Hats in the Latest Modes from 50 to 10. 00 We are pleased to note that Mr James Plummer; the succes.
sor of the late A, Reilly as Town Clerk, is taking a very keen interest in the work of the Board, and this is not from hear say, but from personal business transactions with the Board.
He is courteous and from the ubiquitous nature of his work which brings blm in contact with all classes of the community, we may venture to state that the Belection of the Board bas been a good one.
You Can Lose It!
KOLYNOS ALONE HAS THE VINCH ONT CROBES CAPTIVE CAP parents A meeting of the Castries YOUR INSPECTION INVITED Town Board was held on the 2nd inst at which meeting a good Open from a. to 12 noon and from p. to p.
number of voters, and Taxpayers attended to hear the decision LOUIS LINDO, Proprietor.
CIGARETTES Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
Cigarettes 15 for 10 cents Incomparable.
arrived at regarding the Petition NURSE MELBOURNE give up the lot of land, and in case they agreed, if they would MIDWIFE SICK NURSE make the Carnegie Library Municipal Institution and main. No. 16, 12 Street East Patain it in the future nama City.
The Hon ble George Williams (Next Door Eldorado Theatre)
first addressed the Chairman and in turn the Hon ble William DR. SUMMER MEDICAL Opens Degazon, and Messrs Harris, TREATMENT Romeo, George Palmer This and Hon. Henry de Minvielle, FOR WOMEN with the result that the prayer Specialized in by Nurse Way of the Petition was not granted.
Weet tween the Chairman Mr.
all, and the Degason so far for the present closed.
ensued, in which the chairman On or about the 18th of Decem.
reminded the Hon. Degazon next, there will be four outgoing that when in 1918 the lot was members of the Board, and the bought, at a meeting over which election of Candidates will then he the Hon. Degazon then occupy us.
presided, as chairman, he Mr.
Westall moved that the be repaired at an estimated cost Remember the Poor of 150, but this motion was opposed by the Hon ble At Christmas Deg azɔn and his supporters were morally responsible for the loss of 600 to the Board.
The Christmas Season is once H, Mr. Westall was willing to commenced more on ns and the stores have give 150 to the Board if the to remind the Ba ble Degazon would give for the little ones. This will not of Santa Claus coming another 150.
te very bright and interest The Hon ble Degazon then ing christmas for a large numAVE roue in defence of his honour, ber of the residents here, they and said, that if Mr. Westali suffered terrible daring the year dental cream? Has it ever dropped and rolled could afford to give 150 to the from the economic wave of away in the sleeping caror hid under the washhe could not afford to depression and unemployment stand at home?
169 cents, but he had as obtain on the isthmus at presalways given to the Board his ent.
Then you will appreciate the cap that is held capsiacara opinions. Wes tall tive and which holds the properties of Kolynos secure known to be a able condition of affairs, several Notwithstanding the unfavorvery pla in speaking man, but in societies, the clubhouses on the until you have enjoyed the last bit of cream from the com unities one cannot Oanal Zone, adord to be a lways too plain, and Cross, and committee of West American Red whan you say one, you at times Indians operating in this city We now furnish you with a package of the same 3an two, and we will not let) are doing what they can to high standard as its contents.
out a little bird from its cage to vide pro pleasant Christmas wucola out the fact that Mr. the little children.
he Tbe THE KOLYNOS CO. New Haven, Conn.
Wastall is po sitively otopinion, poor and infirm adults that th onourable William Diguin was opposed to the here the Rotary Club, can if they Gwecan ent granting the lot wish, demonstrate some of that oppaita the Government Ofice liberal mindedness which has (know a locally as the Coolie yard) made them one of the most restor tå purpose of building the pected organization in Panama Carasgie Library. This latter and Colon. They are credited iasid at it was that roused Mr. for dolog big things in a big W33tall to know that all his views And it is with serious arop. ed by the Hon ble interest we take this opportunity Dogz. of reminding them, that while they will be sitting to a sumpFor ourselvas we are exceed tuous table on Christmas day ingly sorry to see that there is there will be others who will be pp5. bility of getting a in need of bread.
Orazia Free Library in The Rotary Club has done a Custrias, as in other colonies.
commendable amount of creditIt waldos, immaterial to as able good to this community wuthor th3 Board built, and during the present year, but kep, ap the Library, or the there are stl avenu of useful Goranaat built and kept it up: ness to which they ean extend buton taas we know we would their sympathy.
in any way be liable as Taxpayer för aay ebt incurred, Creoline Hair Producer is the world best hair tonic and will The Carnegie Library since is not soil or stain clothes.
89 cap KOV Bosrd, he giva VOLL sm tube. bould be considered and is KOLYNOS way.


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