p. 1


body was Sir act of arouse ren.
names of 88. Moses 9 Vol. 10 No. 21 PANAMA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1922.
PANAMA NEW YEAR MOURNS RACE MEET Death of Ex President Don Promises to be Big AttracErnesto Lefevre, tion Next Monday.
preProminent Officials Receiving parations for having a good time at Juan Franco Race Track, 01 Monday. Yew Year Day) Nine Persons Burnt to Death and wag sadly, disappointed in the grand meet of horses will take Posted Packages Of The homes of those nearby connect. placa Seven races will be conSeveral Badly Injured. Woman ed to the social circles, and those tested for by some of the crack Deadly Sweets.
under national obligations to thoroughbreds that are in full Found Alive After Days this country. The morning news announced the death of training for the meeting.
The Poisoner is pt Work known that he Ernesto toe Lefevre. The events will be full of Quite a saddened gloon was are all insured, and were occaexcitement for the torfites, as cast over this city on Sunday pieù as tenement houses.
poisouer, secret and daily in the chelatos naturally feil under Foreign Afaired Ex Minister of the handicapper his given all morning the 24th inst. As the It is further stated that threa London, November 28 The from the effecus of poisoning the the horses entered in the various Another hard blow had fallen races an opportunity to have throughout startling news accomplishment of this vile pur suspicion, and were sen to the flashed days after the fire waila clearing this city, One of her most lair competition. This will be a destructive pose. is the most dangerous Home Office for expert analysis. on Panama.
of away the debris a woman was whom fire which cuthorities have ever to cope. had been cleverly ai cred old; just at liberation bewnem bit doy of the year, you will have no city of Colon. Many hearts to the Colon Hospital where she was found alive, but in a comotoze It was at once seen they distinguished for only one this record ineeting for the first day sweeping over a portion of the condition, she was harriol of when he or she is actuated by They were large swe and service would have been most opportuniy to spend a good time trembled for the safety of their is being taken care of.
the prompting of a disordered from the bottom of each quare useful to the nation, the cruel and those turfites whose dear relatives and friends who braip, tao danger becomes of chocolate had been removed. hands of death has seen it to religious sentiments prevent are residing there and many Eyewitnesses who visited tha infinitely greater.
Some of the cream had then remove him from the activities them attanding the races on who had gone to spend their barat area bave described most Such a persov, at present is at been taken out and arsenic insert of his country needs.
Sundays, will be given an oppor: Christmas holiday on the Atlan. were seen roasted as though heart rending scenes. Bodies large, and working in London, ed in its place before the choco Another planet in the firma tunity of seeing Juan Franco on tic side of the Isthmus.
ment of the national life of this appears to be striking indis late was replaced Monday baked in an oven; the skin not criminatiy seeking in a frerzy Eich It was indeed an unpropitious stripped of at the fiesh crisp chocolate contained country has ceased to shine. It It would be a gracious thing if to murder apore who looms enough to kill two men. is regrettable, but the time for such a calamity to have like. One little ony was not ced whole the Panama Jockey Club would betallen on the inhabitants of the in a standing position large in the public natioa bewed their heads to the consider as though Prominent officials of the police was this reckles of the inevitabis and trreparable 1098. Stand entrance for the day along city. 1922 will never be forco ten in the act of getting out of the force seem to bu in particular agentiel couple with his come in is a nations sorrow, and in with the concession of allowing on the Isthmus. Quite a large burning building where he was domitable courage that probably sympathy we rourn with tham. danger from this pernicious saved Sir Willian life. Arsenic gentleman to take a lady tree, pumber of persons have been trapped by the tice, the poisoner, made destitute losing, all their intact but roasted. very stout The body of the deceased was The public appreciate the kind belongings and nine lives have woman was found with baba in administered in large quantities The most notable causes extensive vaniting, which removed trom the Panama Hosness and consideration of the William Horwood, Chiat Comunis ejects much of the poison before with detachterts of the Nation an opportunity to enjoy them. The community What can be ped by the times in the pital and there laid in state, Jockey Club, in giving the ladies parished in the terrible blow, on her hand also appearently trap sioner of the Metropolitan Police. It has had time to be absorbed al Police and tha Bomberos as selves on New Year done to The poisoner went very cunning into the system.
to alleviate distress of escaping from a fiery death, but guards pl bonor Presents of In the first to work in attempting the life of race there will be those who bave suffered? We fate willed it otherwise and both venture the opinion that the her At first sight the anoymous wreaths were sent by the Presi Grecia, puzzle to gubi nibe reaidents in Colon ought to get to cinders, Others were found in the herself and the babe were burnt the polic) chief.
How Poison Was Inserted gili of poisoned chocolates would dent, Municipal Corporation, singer but we are of opinion bus Beem to box at chocolates, metly attempting the life of be a clumsy way of plombie Corp. various cor that toere is going to be a sore busy and do something calling similar positions it is stated man porations, societies, zado hom Pegaso and Lead Us.
contest Zipi Zape on this city at the same time to which affected many of those wrapped in white paper and ad trained in the science of crime individuals. The Yellow render material assistance. who visited the scene of destrucdressed in handprinted charac detection presented the appearance of a It was too early to know the tion for days after ters, resched him through the RACE CARD The names of the dead arBat the would be murderer well laid out and picturesque origin of this conflagration, Was chocolate post. It contained had timed the despatch of that flower garden. The citizens 1st. Race five furlongs. aa accident, or was it the sel Beatrice Davis, and three childSylve? ty, Jamaican; them to eclairs, nothing about package so that it reached Sir passed in and out all day to Maiden Pony Handicap. fish motives of a wicked crimi suspicion William Horwood just when he catch a last farewell glimpse of nal? If the fire was the act of a Jamaicao; Ethel Savage The Commissioner himself was expecting to receive a box the dead patriot. The solemnity Zipi Zape 1091bs Panamanian.
criminal, then the miscreant years old, The Pegaso opened them. and after helping of chocolates from a near relative of the occasion was touching and 98.
should be speedily brought to of the other two victims. Wild Life will be long remembered.
could The fact caused the police chief justice.
not be ascertained, his lady secretary. She noticed a Land Us Among those who have suffered The funeral procession was bitter taste, and mentioned the to regard the poisoned sweets Veto 88 It it a matter are as something above suspicion. started at 30 going from Whiskey 86. for praise how a siduously the inaicao, had his two legs badly matter to her chief.
the National the Tempting Sweet Cake Palacs to Mine all right, he replied Cathedral where the funeral Bomberos worked to prevent the burnt; and Maria Vilians, 2nd Race Juan Franco Handi spreading of the fire. The water Panamanian, had ber left leg and continued to eat it. Nou very The box of chocolates was not requiem was sung by Father cap. Distance Furlongs.
loog afterwards, he became very the first packet sent by the pressure was at 95 and main. badly iojured and burnt. Other criminal to Scotland Yard. Oaly tie Cathedral the procession Quiroz, and Dr. Molaad. Fron Super Gloria ill.
112lbs tained its standard throughout shocking informations have been Capitana 116, the conflagration. Four build received without any official When, after the Commissioner week before another innocent proceeded the strangers (Continued on Page 4) Delfin cemetery where the remains of 92.
removal to hospital, it became ings were destroyed and they confirmation, tne distinguished citizen was 3rd Race Lilliputians Handicap. Distancu furlougs. DEATH OF JOSEPH Children Function 150 Ladies of Ex British Consulats Notice Blisario Porras, Presi1 Trapichito 112lbs dent of tau Republe, bis staff Shortcake 106 BROOKES Sultan Harem the Cabinet Ministers May Be Was a Success.
The below named pople are assisted at the interomeutthe Checkers 78. requested to call at the British Consular and Diplomatic Corps tis with sad regret we record ARE LEFT IPROVIDED FOR Consulate General at Panama at of all the nations represented dicap. stance furlongs.
4th Race The American Han the death of Joseph Brookes The function given by the the earliest possible monent here. Colonel Meriwether Walker native of Actigua, British West Bank Literary Society on Doc.
with regard to the registration Acig Tio Caiman Governor of the Canal 129ibs They Are All Beautiful Indies who passed away yester. 24th was an unqualified success.
of their children ae; Military and Naval detach Lady Peerline 123 day in the Ancon Hospital. The doors of the Clubhouse was Girls GEORGE BURNETT menus of the United States Glorits 117 Brookes had been in failing opened promptly at 30 in.
Governmen; the Honorable Delin health about three years ago The children and their parents for JOIN TALLEN late cable despatch from Inglaterra Deputies of te National Assemwhen he was attacked with an came froin all parts of the VIDA M, ALLANY apopletic stroke, Constantinople dated De (Continued On Pann 3)
Cont. on Page 4)
village. The building youth was filled MARY M, THOMPSON being he rallied to its seating capacity and there favor States that Rafet Pihu is try ing to find husbands for 15) AUBREY R, WARD somewhet was able to about discomfiture all those whɔ mau bers of the forner Saltan EDWARD LYNCH teachicg on the Canal Zone. could not enter the building.
haren The women ranga in MARY CLARKE ago age from 17 to 35 years. All of a Sone months TO OBTAIN LIQUOR The decorated Xmas tree was them are penniless.
MIRIAM GREENIDGE lof much of the enthusiasm for and it was about 12 ft, in height second attacle which robbed him presented by Mr. Josephs Rafet also is anxious to solve BRATUWAITE which he was noted and those and occupied placa in the the fate of the former moueret EDWARD WILLIAMS The Panama Canal be noted that the allowance of of his friends who knew of his numerous progeny as well as Canal Zine would not exceed one pint per first affliction began to des pair centre of the platform. Mr.
JANE FOLKS Aberdeen, President of the that of twenty princes and Health Department person per year.
he of him. Just a few days ago princes of the royal blood. Since Literary Society, precisely at CHARLES HARPER the Sultan flight the NationalIt must be borne in mind that had the third attack and Balboa Heights, was addressed the audience and WAT ILEY the Chief Health Ollicer is rushed off to Ancon Hospital on introduced the Chairman ist Government has been supin addition December 21, 1922, authorised to approve the im Thursday last where he lingerea porting these women, DORIS NOVILLE portation of liquors for sacra until yesterday when the end Mitchell.
to 100 eunnebs and many serThe program was very much ALEXANDER PAL MER TO AGENTS FOR UNITED mental and medicinal use only, came.
The Governmeni now vaats.
enjoyed as the many items and can not consider amounts STATES SHIPS: bus decided that these people JOHN HOGAN Brookes was quite congenial appearing thereon Provided must shift for themselves.
and affable to all who knew him, quite a satisfactory amouot of ALBERTHA BELLE Referring 10 lettar from this desired for any other purpose.
Ladies of the barem who are office catert Dicember 14, 1922, It is therefore requested that and his death will be regretted fun and pleasure for the occaAMELIA REID regarding able to find husbands will be applications from you take such stepe as may by host of friends and acquain sion.
CAROLINE BROWN who he made on United States ships for permis be necessary to see that applica tences permited to remain in Contbe Mrs. Aberdeen deserves a stantinople, but the remainder 5102 to obtain liquors for medical tions to place liquors upon board Isthmus, EDITH LAYNE meed of praise for the painstakUnited States vessels in which of them will ba sent to their stores in Canal Zone ports: you are interested. do not His remsins will be removed ing manner in which she made Moat of call homes in the interior.
In approving such requests the for amounts in exceas of those from the con Morgue today at all the necessary preparations, the women are Carcassiang, and Chief Health Officer will be indicated above.
about o clock for St. Paul At the close of the program ne are described as strikingly coloured hair. All of them are guided by the law governing the Church and thence the Santa Claus entered with his FISHER, attractive.
very religious, faithful amount that may be prescribed Herrera Cemetery for intern gifts for the children who the United Chief Health Oscar It ought not to be dificult to affectionate, ment. To bis sorrowing wife and received the gifts with joy and and husbands or helpmates for Since their imperial master States. This law allows phy Approved: children the Workman tenders did very much to make this. Among those who these women, said a palace has left than without support sicians to prescribe 40g pints of M, WALKER, siacere condolence.
Tanctionary to day, They all we must fiad husbands for them liquor per year; most physicians grand affair a success we beg to Actieg Governor.
were selected for their beauty, or they will starve, mention Mrs. Edith Skeen, Miss Al they and this amount in excess of puryouth and figure. Most of them expact is a modest dowry. This, their need for medicinal Christmas Giggles To get a License to run an automobile Lilian Wilson, and Mr. Brova.
one has to prove ha were gifts to the Sultan from under our law, will be returned poses.
has had some Mr. Mitchell was an idaat Garernor of the provinces. They to the husband it he should Assuming hat nach physician Ho You ao a very singls: gi. EXPERIENCE But to get married chairman and did very much to Care mistehless complexions, desire to divorce the woman he serves comteunity of 100 pers! Shaa. Veli it is up to you to make Why you just get the Lioonse and the keep his audience amused nad iz 2013 (2 smali clientela. it is too plural dark eyes and long chessau marrios EXPERIENCE COMES AFTER, order.
to entered.
and 100.
Zouti 104 8 but in his APPLICATION FOR PERMISSION belle vocation of school is of and to the Will to sud by pbysicians in


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