
PICF Tun THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30 1:22 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands LYNTON MAGNUMS Valuable CASH Coupon Grove KINGBEE plark from the MAGNUMS roped other DO One CIGAR Extra raid TES His attention mule on BENGER FOOD GOLD or 20 CIGARETTES The Book Binding!
Hea colony Mr.
over the tie This He represented the The American Pharmacy JAVIER MORAN took we Book Binding Department JAMAICA dation of the Civil Service Asgnciation, novided the Legislative Council is agreeable.
Young Man Killed WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT Death Of Mr.
No. 78, New Market Street Cox Baih. December Yesterday enging between and 30 RETAIL DEPARTMENT IN UNITED STATES.
an accident resulaing fataily, No. 107, Bolivar Street happened here. William JohnNews has been received in the Son, young man, bad just THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY island announcing the death in returned from the Golden Boston on the bun instant of Mr.
market with his cart, and asked to take down a G. Coa. The sed intelli FULL SUPPLY OF gence is conveyed in a letter the Fountain Road to Bath. The written by the widow of the plank. measuring 14 feet long Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, deceased to his brother, Mr, inches wide, was placed on the Cox, barrister at law, cart, but was not down.
There were two Cabbage, Dairymen Butter, young practising in this island, men in the cart with Johnson The decease had been ill for ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES about three weeks, but Coming down the grade near to the cart house of the deceased expected that the end would just a distance of 31 chains, the come so soon. Mr. Cox was born in Jamaica 51 years ago, the plank began to slide 01 the Call and see us before purchasing one and ho entered the Public Ser cart, while at the same time one vice at an early age. He was of the mult elsewhere.
mules attempted to enter IN EACH attached to the Judicial De the cart house being divided between the partment for many years servLinx in different parishes in the PACKAGE and the plank, the latter got ed, and on capsizing izing Johnson Audied for the Bar, aud He went to England tell on the head, an eye being ueneau knocked out and the brain scat bis au mission as a barrister he returned to the colony and conud on the ground. Death we instantaneous.
Linued uis duties in the Public Service. Ditferences between In a few moments a vasi SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR bimself and the Government led Cuwa gathered. The D, who was in the vicinity, was Infants, Invalids and the Aged to his leaving the Service, and then be launched out in private approached, and the post mor practice.
tem examination held.
Every tin contains an interesting leaflet of the body was committed to the He also devoted a considerable gave at p. to day, by the marvellous use of this great Food.
time to political acuvities and he Rector of the Anglican Church formed the National Ciab, wbico Rev, Smythe, assisted by Mr.
was one of the most popular Purely Án English Preparation. Becisford, the catechist political organizations of the day.
of whose church he was a memalso conducted mouthiy ber.
MANUFACTURED BY magazine called Our Own and The church was packed with Why throw away your old, but no during the period he figured in those who attended the funeral, BENGER FOOD, LTD the public lite or the and there were as many persons MANCHESTER; ENGLAND Cox swayed remarkable intience doubt interesting, books when you outside as would nearly fill the a large section of building a second time, FOR SALE AT masses of the country.
the al goes to show the estimation can have them neatly bound at parish of St.
in which family of the Thomas in the Legislative Coundeceastd is being held cil for several years, and stuYoung Johnson was the son of dents of the public lits of THE WORKMAN Mr. Isaac Johnson, a very re Jamaica will remember the citizen of this town completely enveloped the pro regrading should ta re efect as De episode which body. Quiet, unassuming, kind to the dwelling house of Mr. this proposal is carried out it iueu Governor, Sir Sidney and respectful, he welt de Felix Wilson which adjoined the would mean that the assistante Olivter. Mr. Cox was subseserved the love and esteem of shop. For the tirist time for a and junior members of the quently unseated, and after that the community.
Less than a couple of years water was Government Service (below the he left for ton, where he CENTRAL AVENUE year ago the unfortunate young ayailable, and so the fiend.
rank of a second cla clerk) settled down with his family man tarried Was quickly Put Under Con Regrading Commission has not wisa Caristian Science workee not benetit since the There hu practiced as an Attor ney at law, was identities and No. G Street trol recommended that they be Another Fire Breaks Out thus preventing the destruction regraded He survived by of surrounding dwelling.
The Civil Service Association children, and Corporal Bloomfield endeavour brothers, and ed to rescue some of the goods went fully into the proposal and we are sure the many friends and admirers of the deceased The fruit is of very poor Jamaica full fruit is being semat of the doomed shop premises, they felt that some bant will learn with regret of his quality, and as it is impossible to New York and other centres but owing to the fierceness of should accrue to the junior emise for our bananas to be sold by in the United States; but it is PROVISION SHOP AND ENTIRE the flames he of the Service. In only succeeded the weights in the American market, not likely that Jamaica will be in circumstances tney recomin getting out a bag of rice and mended that the STOCK OF CHINAMEN ARE some other articles.
with anything like a profit to the a position to send away babanas regrading of Banana Trade Poor shipping companies the latter of proper quality until next COMPLETELY DESTROYED veny the second and first class clerks short time the entire stock and have been forced to reduce their Februarv.
building of the Cuinaman were etc, should take effect as from ALARM IN MORNING. completely demolished, whilst from shipments from the island to a whilst the 1st of April last instead of SHIPPING COMPANIES FORCED minimum. Some of the com On the other hand, it is antithe dwelling house of Mr, Wil from the 1st of January a grant in aid should TO MAKE LARGE REDUCTIONS panies are only sending away cipated that at the commenseWilliam Goldring and Tom son was partially destroyed. sad IN SHIPMENTS FROM ISLAND employees 20, 000 bunches of fruit each per ment of next Spring the banas portion of the furniture was be given to the trade will be brisk. Some of the Hung Ara Arrested on a destroyed. One or two articles as from the 1st of January to the The banana trade of Jamaica Charge Of Arson.
companies anticipate that they The demand in America for will be called upon to bandie were however rescued by will 31st of March last. This proposal is regarded as mag has reached an extremely low Jamaica fruit is limited when more bananas than they have ebb, as a result of the protracted compared with Thanks to the vigilance of the naminous one. from done this year. Jamaica Herald police It is learnt that the Govern. Prought in St. Mary and other Central America. From the That the Ancient Capital, se. Burces, wodootingerea non major ment will act on the recommen sections of the banana belt.
Republics to South of (Continued On Page S)
Jago de la Vega, is getting in When Constable Wisdom first the front rank with regard to went on the scene he encounterfire is obvious. Hardly a month ed the Chinaman, Goldring and elapses now a days without the Hung coming from the back of cruel fire fiend breaking out the provision shop with some Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 somewhere or Lume, fire in June last which constablo, ho was on fire things. The them that their destroyed the dry goods and they and provision stores of Mr. Gustav set fire; we see fire and we saying We no Boettcher, the origin is traced run. Both Celestials were la to a Chinaman shop.
er apprehended on the charge of At 12. 30 this morning the arson and lodged to Jail. it is Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CITY alarm of Fire! Fire! was given understood that the stock was Owned by THE NATIONAL Crry BANK OF New YORK and the inhabitants rushed out covered by Insurance, but it can of bed to the scene of the fire, not be ascertained if the shop which turned out to be at the premises wbich were owned by corner of of Cumberland Road and the family of this town, William Street, where a couple carried any Depository of the PANAMA CANAL of Celestials named William The house and furniture of Mr.
Goldring and Tom Hung kept a Wilson were covered by inprovision and grocery shop, surance it is learnt.
Constable A. Wilson who was Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of duty in French Street, on THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in hearing the alarm of fire, ru shed Work of Regrading to the shop and saw smoke FRANCE ITALY issuing from the roof. He tried Committee.
JAPAN to burst open the front door but JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES failed, and so he turned his ARGENTINE BRAZIL CHILE PERU PORTO RICO attention to the rear of the NOW BEFORE LEGISLATURE.
His efforts URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA were re warded this time for he saw the The Gleaner of the 12th inst.
door of a room leading into the states that the Legislative CounHe went into the cil will consider the question of shop and discovered a bundle of the regrading of the salaries of Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World empty and rice sacks heap Public Oficers. The report of ed on to a empty cigarette pack the Regrading Conmittee has ing case; all these were quite been laid on the table of the ablaze and a strong smell of Council.
ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE kerosene oil issuing forth. It is understood that His By this time the Fire Brigade Excellency the Governor recent INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM and Police were on the scene ly caused a letter to be sent to and set to work in real earpeet the Civil Service Association in to put out the fire which had which he suggested that the two In Old Capital.
And that junior week.
IoR bands.
the they replied International Banking Corporation Hewitt insurance.


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