
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, 19 2, PAGE FIVE Supreme Deputy printer der er til din brand internetowania orari tener en cuenta con il Keep This In Mind. Resolution Of Sympathy.
We are pleased to announce that we are extending the time limit for the exchange America ther STROLLERS 800 nananana 99 90. panna STROLLERS III STROLLERS (1 Jon. The wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwürde Natural to enliven the occasion.
dry) Slot (Wet and machines NATURAL: LEAF CIGARETTES CIGARETTES drive declared buys NURSE MELBOURNE 30 WHEREAS, it has pleased The fraternal circles and oppecially the Almighty God the Supreme Arche Indepedent Order of Galilean PisberDruid: to take from our midst oa nes will be pleased to lean of the ap December 9th. 1922, our beloved pointment of Bro, Prince W, Harvy to OF Brother and friend, Lawrence the position of Supreme Deputy of the and, thmus of Panams and Central WAS, the said brother We wish you a Happy and Lawrence Ramsey was a faithful be office beov me Vacatwbea BroProsperous New Year.
worker and worthy counsellor Cbse Goulbourne left to the thenk you for your amog us.
Vaited Statee in October of last year that BE IT RESOLVED.
patronage during the past. Britain Pride Lodge, No. 2343 to repruarat District No. 41 o. of with the object of re uring luck We hope to merit a con of the Order of Draids or which favoured him becbtained job and empty paper packages until January 31. 1923 tinuance of the samotbe said brother Ramsey wa did not return.
Quantity of Espi Paolages. PREMIUMS: throughout the coming foundation member and Senior The Appointment was made in Nee years. NGA. deeply deplore his York on the 24th, October 1922 by the 1, 000 Gillette Safety Razors, Milady Decoltee Success is novor a mattor death for in sach the Lodge iar State Grand Ruler Bro, Simeon e.
of accident. We are honest suffered an irreparable loss Aristocrat.
Bro, Harvey is on of th oldes 1, 000 ly working to achieve It. RESOLVED that the Dispen Gallan cn the Isthmus and in very Bostonian Our constant aim is to give sation and popular in the fraternal world be being you the utmost value in Lodge be draped in mourning and Implements of the spapeoted to several orders and boid 800 Tuckaway Silver oonete ihe goods purchased and for six months prominent positions in most of them work done.
Gold 1, 000 BE IT RESOLVED, that a letweb G of the I, 0f D. FULLER ter of sympatby be sent to the aed C, of the enempment of 250 Gold Beacon JEWELER members of his bereaved family said order of LO, of AS, 200 Brownie Silver expressing our heartfelt sympa10. and foundation member of the 122 Central Ave. thy in the time of their bereaveK of 100 Dz pkgs, Blades ment The faternal cirle wish bim FOCO were very much pleased in the BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED and hope be will be alive wire in exmanner their little ones were that a copy of these resolutions leading the wings of his orders remembered.
be spread on the face of our minutes; that a copy be sent to Fancy Fair. Fancy Falr Now Born.
the Star Herald and a copy be sent to The Workman news paper.
There will be a grand fancy Born to Mr. Oscar Brooks and lair. onder Park on Sunday his loving wite Florence Com us at pm unul mid healthy looking baby boy at the New Year Raca Meat.
niga, uuder the auspices of the Colon Hospital on Sunday last. Cound front page 1)
Cior. Local Association of Baden Mother and baby are doing well, Pawell Boy Scout. The St Our congratulations, 5th Race Panams Handicap.
Joseph Band will be in attendDistance furlongs.
ance and it is further expected Challenged Cup Released. Cortez 131lbs that the military band frum Fort Chombo Loca 129 DeLesseps will also be on hand Niagara 116 The Mr. Springer reports to Waterboy 94.
will be many side attractions cricket fans that he is in posses Doris Morton 85.
sion of a beautiful silver cup Refreshment stalls, Mellow 6h Race Red Cross SveepRoulette which was won by the Shan stake. Cattle Industry hires.
Smoke wheels, Post Ofice and the many ok This club being Bow Caten weight.
defunct, he will place the cup oluer things but go to make up the dispisal of any number 7th RicThe Arango Hindi true true lancy fair. The of o ganiz clubs. playing cap. Distano. lurlongs.
purpose of raising funds for series of matcher, Inglaterra 119b3 th: Bay organization, which Ace of Trumps 112 is entirely a self supporting one.
In connection with the Ladies in attendanca free Saturday aud Sunday will be (American Episopal Church)
TAG EAX when tbe attire in their uniform will All empty packages to be mailed to (Sunday After Chrisomas day)
canvas Christobal and Colon.
St. Paui Church, Panama bugging every one with whom PAN AMERICAN EXPORT CORPORATION am, Holy Communion MIDWIFE SICK NURSE they come in contact. So the 10 sm, Matins No. 16, 12 Street East Papublic is respectfully requested 10 30 a. in Holy Eucharist and Permon to do do their little bit in belping BRANCH BEAD OFFICE pm Holy Baptiem, nama City.
the boys.
Colon, Christmas Service of Carols (Next Door Eldorado Theatre Panama City.
And Anthems. This service will be DR. SUMMER MEDICAL Corder of Broadway 11 Street rendered by the choir augmented by Canal Zone Notes.
Calle 12 Este.
members of Agao Guild TREATMENT Telephone, Colon No. 468, Note The rvice af Svensong at 7:30 FOR WOMEN GATUN is suspended and the busl watch night Telephone, Panama No. 726, Bor, No. 1322, Servio (New Year Eve) will be held Specialized in by Nurse Cristobal, commencing at 10:30 pm.
Melbour, no Gatun Colored Clubhouse. Bor, No. 397, Ancon NIGHTENGALE Rector Box, No. 156, Colon, St. Alban s, Paralso. Electrical Work 11 Matins and addre Children Christmas anmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Sunday Sobool 30 Done program which was rendered 10:30 pm Watch night on Sunday the 24th was in every way a great success. ch child Business At Commissary Wa NIGH TENGALE Priest in ebarge Il you have any Electrical played bis part well. The auSatisfactory.
work such as installation, redience showed sigos of being La Sabanas Mission much pleased at the The residents are very thank 3p. Caurch School wairs, etc. etc, phone 570, The Cantata Cantata and Treat on fal to Mr, Metzer, Manager of 4;15 Evensong and address Nimbley, 22nd Street Central Tuesday night was witnessed by the Commissary for the accom A, F, NIGHTENGALE Priest in charge Avenue.
a record breaking crowd regard.
modation which was provided lass of the downpour of rain.
for the customers on December First there was a short musical 24. The attendants were kept St. Peter Church La Boca.
program by some of the Gatun busy with the long line of pur Matins, 8:rmon Holy Commanion friends, then the Cantata was cbasers at the cold storage 11 am rendered on a stage illuminated counter and elsewhere, but in Musion Program 30 with red and green lights, which spite of the big demand everyone Wateh oight Servios 10;45 pm at the made it all tbe more beautiful was attended to courteously. Sereios ths Holy Communion will be CIGARETTES The treat began at about 9:30, colebrated This is the part of the program Monday, January 1st 1923 Accident To Mr Conrad Lord. MULCARE Rector the kids were longing to see, for real treat it was.
Each child was St. Barnaba Church Empiro.
sent away beavily loaded with With regret we have to report candy, cakes, nuts, peanuts, apan accident to Mr. Conrad Lord Morning prayor and addres 11 ASK FOR THEM ples aud oranges. We are very aylor, who came near losing Children Service (J. Johnson) Hunter grateful to Mr. Boyd for his life on Wednesday 21st Inst.
the apples given us by the ELIAS PRETO. Agent 10;45 (J.
at roon. Mr. Lord was on his Wach night Service Shriners, also the oranges and OF EXCITING RACES Johnson)
way to Colon in a bus which the furnished us through came into a collission with an MULCARE Priost in charge Gatun Mr.
Heil and Mr. Forb. We are instrumentality of Mr. Bilgiston.
ambulance truck belonging to Fort Davis. He received several St. Bartholomew Church Las Gospel Sermon 11, 30 a. 7, 30 to greatful our white very wounds and bruises both on bis Sunday School pm Cascadas friends, who not only belped to AT THE face and legs. His condition Watch night Service 10 make the colored children of has been much improved. Morning Prayer and address 11 am Georg Griffith feel the spirit of Christspeedy recovery is anticipated Seventh Day Adventist Church but are co operating in a for bim.
Childrea Servies 30 pm STREET CALIDONIA ROAD.
Wate night Service 10, 45 pm for the colored population of this (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA, community enjoy such facilities Cricket Match To Be Played.
JT MULCARE Priasi in charge Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sab that will mak them good and bath School; 11 15 sm General Worship worthy citizens.
On Monday next. January 1st)
Panama San Miguel St 30 pm. Spanish Class; 30 pm We are also much indebted to First combined team of cricketers bulding 18 Young Peoplo Mooting; 30 o.
the teachers and many other Vespers, men and women of Gatun who Sunday evening at u. Roding100G. and of will School p. ru took an active part in belping Clase. All are welcome both young and meet a team selected from the Bailey Pstor Oddfellows Lodge.
The game Watch nightServica 10 secure such good things as old. 730 m, Preachiog Sarvice.
needed and help to serve the will be very interesting and all Christian Mission of Panama large avdience was the friends are invited to come Panams 11 am Cragwell Watchsurely a spirit of co operation in and have a god time on New Church Of God G St Colon night 9;30 Miller putting through this program, Year Day 11. 30 am 7;30 Gospel Sarmon Chorillo 11. am Wilson Watab And we trust that such a spirit Sunday School p night 9;30 C, Taylor may ever predominate in Gatun Watch nigh: Service 10 pm La Boos 11 a Rawlins Watch night and Pacific ends, who bad come At the morning service Mr. Gifts For Children Sis. Brewster Pastor Evang.
0;30 J, Burke Supt Christmas Fittingly Celebrated over to enjoy the festivities of Laurie, Cathecist delivered Parsio 11 a. 8. Pollard Watcht night.
the season. Early on Monday stirring and suitable address in New Providence The children were not forgot9;30 Mosley Christmas day was fittingly morning St. George Church which he called attention to the ten by Santa Claus as many gifts Gospel Sermən 11. 80 a. 7, 30 Gatan 11 am Grazetta Wa ob night celebrated in this town by the bell pealed the merry announce birth of Christ and what was of toys and other presents Bunny School pm 9:30 Niebola the Advent of the expected of the Caristian in his soitable to the season was band Wate night Service 10 pm Colon 11 sm Watebnight Trots.
residents, ibeir families and mint of daily life.
ed to each child. The parents those friends from the Atlantic anniversary of Jesus Christ.
Sis Elliot, Pastor, Rev. W, BURKE Supl wiwite The rendition.
Gatun Diley Juan Franco Track Race starts 2:15 frommelaget Nos se orde compel Strana 14, 00 20 7, 30 Ladies Free we There


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