
THE CIGARETTE WITH PEP SUR SUR an open PRI PRI en cost SING SING but this Government LY NEW YORK LY into levying GOOD GOOD day.
16 CIGARETTES the graveside.
16 16 traftic OF THEM OF THEM Brakpan Min Mine officials leaving Unrest In South West Indian News.
Africa (Continued from Page 3)
Police TIONARY SONG Jobannesburg Nov: 17 The GRAVE CONDITION OF AFFAIRS bitterest feeling prevails among IN THE SISTER COLONY OF the workers over the refusal to BRITISH GUIANA reprieve the three men, Long, Hall, and Lewis, who were conThe Daily Chronicle in a recent demned to death, for murder in ineue under the caption Disconnection with the Rand revolt, graceful Police Decadence com.
aud were executed at Pretoria webts as followe:to day. For some time now we have Appeals for mercy poured in been calling attention to the almnet the last moment, and air mass meeting was held decadence into which the police force has fallen, but without Puent communist took part: At this meeting angry apparently producing any effect and threatening speeches were on either the posice or the made the names of Executive Government though General Smuts and Sir Lionel Phillips we have to contess that the police have been quick were booned, and the crowd attempted to break into the ecouch to resent the criticism, Town sev mly injured a since some effort is occasional: ly to ide to baulk the news ser doctrinas y vice of this paper by densing perrea by a police. The intormation conceded elsewhere; public generally approves the this will not deter us from firmness. The exposing, what, it seems to us.
condemued men sang the Red Flag on the scaffo, bas grown into a public scandal.
Incidentally, we might state for Scene at The Graveside the information of the police.
Johnnesburg, Nov. 19. Reand other departments, that if CIGARETTES markable scenes recalling the it is thought to intimidate us funeral of the victims of the silence, by great strike of 1913 were witspecies of back mail upon our nessed at the burial of the news service, we are prepared remains of Lons Lewis, and to deal with the threat as blackHull. who were executed on Frimail ought to be dealt with; but The coffins, in separate we will not be silenced Quite hearses, were followed by recently we have bad to comment thousands of workers, with in no uncertain term terms on the banners and regalia, representlack of trattic regulation in the crewery trade union.
city Our satisfaction Red Flag was sung at was a innickiog minute from the nand addresses spector General, addressed to were delivered, in which memthe Coloniel Secretary, contendbers of Parliament, of the Proing that the of George vincial Council, and Town town was controlled in the best Councils participated.
of all possible ways, by the best General Smuts is ill. and has of all possible Police Forces, ben ordered a comple rest. He No doubt, Colonel May believe is much affected bs the appeals what he wrote. Indeed, if he for mercy whicb be was unable had seen the error of police ways to grant.
it is reasonable to assume he The most important of all the would save mended them; but treason trials begins on Tuurday, since he has not mended them.
when nineteen men it is not surprising to see blin will be charged with the murder of the hugging himself in snug selt: complacency, The arise, it the Police Force is The interest developement of Communists propaganda in convicted of decadence and Johnnesburg is the distribution inefficiency, how much of this broadcast among children and must be laid in an ugly parcel students as they are at the door of Colonel May.
their schools and colleges of a What illustrates police decaDauphie denouncing as legaliz dence in this city ed murder and a blt on history nified in the country districts.
the execution of the mn 000There the police levy open and victed of murder, at special unblusbing blackmail; those who treason courts, suffer with good grace may Race Riot In Diamond Field break the law to their heart Jobonesburg, Nov 20, fight content. those who resent are between a European diamond made to face vexatious, and ex.
01xger and a native of Kaalplaats pensive withi ut last night culminated in an at In some districts tack by three hundred natives hucksters ply their trade openly on two policemen.
number of on Sunday, not om immediately arn.
commodities, ed the digger but and staples of everyday use, somewent to the Head Office: 56 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CITY police. In the ia active competi. in with essed traders who are general disturbance ed, two patives were killed and pelled, and rightly compelled.
three seriously wouoded. The DEPOSITORY OF to keep their doors closed, la remainder fled and took refuge case on the West Bank here in the surrouuding Kopjes, someone who had offend Thirty three arrests were made.
ed the police in making certai Police reinforcements are being departmentai representations, burned to the scene of the diswas prosecuted for an alleged order breach of the law, the evidence clear that the case vexatious and unsupported by was The Need Of Reany evidence whatever.
02 What is the redress? Nothing! The finers defendant was puto great expense and indignity in dfending the charge, since it was FOR FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF of a very serious nature, but the SUGAR INDUSTRIES IN THE police simply used the process WEST INDIES.
of the law to grauify a vendetta It is this petty tyraany which is The Hon. Brown, shaking the confidence of the returned to British Galana reoutlying districts in both cently from England, la a bona fides and the efficiency of the force. It also transpired interview with a representative of The Argosy. Mr. Brown stated in evidence inat that the police conthat while in England he stable, selected by the to carry out bis plan vensome brokers who handled West Indian sugar and they geance, was a veritable bad egg who bed firmly of the opinion that there been found guilty on chargea which, in hope for sugar, some life. would have her him in of them suggested that refineries the dock; yet he was retained in might be established in the the Force and given carte colonies so that sugar migbt ba blanche to molest and annoy law placed on the English market citizens. In every coudin a refined state. It was pointNOTICE lack of moisture.
IN LOVING MEMORY ed out to him that when sugar establishment of refineries The LEBLANC try district the same charges are was exported in its raw state the West Indies was considered beard graft, or in the alternative UNDERTAKER October 29, 1922. All members of the Eureka persecution. It seems to us that in transporting it to the refiner. be the best way of improving CORNER AND 16th ST REET In loving memory of our be Lodge No. 9879 of when the Government will have time les and from the refineries to the situation, and it was pointed Member of the loved father and grandfather, are asked to attend meeting on the market on account of the out that as labour in the West determine what The people who Indles was cheaper than in Universal Negro Improvement Prince Albert Padmore, who Friday night January 5th 1928 to institute a rigid inquiry to the bigh rates.
who England the refining could be tho departed this world on Novem as very important business will benefited most were Association African Comdone at lower cost. Jamaica the ber 6, 1920, at If the age of 76 be transacted. Also, Noraination she dry rot which had set in sugar were munities League years, we, therefore mourn his and Election of Officers for the since Colonel McIngls handed over the most efficient instroretined in the colonies it could Herald loss, which is Heaven gain, ensuing terms, meeting starts at ment in the West Indies to his be placed directly on the masket 30 sharp Valversal Africaa Black Cross Nurses Though parted from among us, undersized successors.
and the freigut charges would NOTICE Tis tae life thou lived sublim: Special Rate for Members be eliminated. He saw a sample D, Mose. Continued on page 7)
And the parting words behind us Per. Secy.
of white sugar at the Com Footprints on the sands of time, mittee Rooms which was made Smoke 111 One Eleven Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
Correspondents are requested at one of the factories in Trini PHILLIP, JULIA AND SYBIL. Creoline Hair Producer is the dad. It was an excellent to send in their contributions Cigarettes 15 Fer 33 Cent)
P, PADMORE, world best hair tonic and will Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents sumple, the grains being quite pot later than Thursday evening is comparable Its great point was to ensure publication.
1128 St. James St. Montreal. uot soil or stain clothes, regular.
Incomparable BUY THEM NOW AND SURPRISE YOURSELF is only magThe American Foreign Banking Corporation redress perishable white assistance of of the wbich follow are com was The United States Treasury Panama Railroad The Panama Canal Panama Government United States Army and Navy Agents for the Banco Nacional the ot Baw Were PANAMA CRISTOBAL walks of was stili abiding railway companies.


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