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thullin er for NOSTROLINE ulls Cocais overy ata, price OP 15 by pool, directe (NOSTROLINE was the next Christian Mission the people to worslap; but the per plo by the ber vio and valorous titta com Boy Promisa Juan Franco Race themely a form the eburch triumphant pony, followers of the lowly Nazarene.
GYGYBODY for whom Jesus died, and why duty is, Time and space are slike unwilling to Tak of this enth to present Christ a. Ho really is to the allow us to say more of him here, but let the school was out, and do wa th) stroos Meeting DEDICATION SERVICE.
Continuing, he said tue word inspira noisy crowd come thronging.
did not know Jews Hio divino obaractions given by this worthy ontleman Tas bus of bosta nad Biodaw sweat BRILLIANT SUCCESS SHOULD USE On Sunday last, the new Tabernacle ter, hence they misconstruo Him but it shall liazer long in the wiads of those To evary faca belonging.
righ ly presented peuple will dei so know who beurd him.
e la nicht and morning. be erected by the Christinn Mission of him better.
Ang thon trode a little lad, Elise ainst such yamendurant to Although Sonall Attand fertil forsonis of all ages. Pred and Me an ideal spot in the Pomon Noeley, of Paraiso, spoke Who listened to another, ance.
The next posker was Rev. Kircek nex. Ea said that he visit the Mission and wilaly said buf gra e half sad, city of Bocs was dedicated to the Harold Matthews Co. Clifton, Bristol worship of the God of the Universe. Braham, He said he was glad to frequeatly, but for that there was rea can I promised motor, The weather was fine. Members repre be present; tbat certain mistakable im son. He said he poticed that the people For the first time since the seating the churches from the various pressione bad böen removed, and express of the Caristian Mission attack their Ashour went up, a ringing shout, chce of the Mission from Colon to ed his desire to work co operatively for probleme whole heartedly, that they are But not one moment loft in doub)
of boisterous derisius; reopening of the Juan Franco of race track, weather conditions Params were present. On the rostrom the moral and spiritual uplift of the ferveat in spirit; hence the abuse He closed wiib ad coniTost manly, brava decision. permitted the turtites enjoying were tested the Rev. Kissek Brabam, community. His speech on the whole their success to its fuliest measure, the seven of Panama Wesleyan Methodist, As like that of David to his son tions of continuation, and appreciations G) where you plesse, do wlist you will, events on the card on last Sun 2VIU an UTOT STOLAS the Rev. Stephen Witt of the Chorillo Solomon exborting that the people would of their eifori.
He camly told the other; day. Glorious sunsbine prevailed Baptist, the Rev. A, Odle of the Chris not ogly preach and sing of Jesus, bus Th rspersed But shall keep my word, boy, atill, throughout the day and it was with tian Church, Panams; Commandant eadeavour to live the life of Jasus, an themas sod solos renderad by members can promised mother.
the most striking and picturesWANTED Morris of the Salvation Army Corps, Sister Annie Coope was of the different churches. Acibe end of Abt whu could dabt the futura course que sigh to look upon the Pansins; Ensiga Bennet of the La speaker. She said that her heart was ao the program tho Casirman made bis Oi one wb2tbus bsd spokea? beauty and the loveliness of all Bca corps, Mr, Walters of the fall of gratitude to God that it was conclusive remske, and having handled Through maloud struggle, galn and the surroundings. The day was Good general servant must be Wesleyan Church at La Boca and Mis melted to tesre, Sho said she would the situation in a mist be fisting maaber, lons an ideal one, as the gentle a good cook, apply 3170, 4ta July Acuie Coops, late Missionary to the close by Could faith le this b) brokan?
western sea breeza wbich was Avenue, after p.
San Bias, and Mr. Nely of ways talk of the efforts of the Caris. the actrice was brought to a blowing during the afternoon Paraim. Mr. Austin Ceague pretan of La Bocs, and of their uatiring singing the sug, Aad the end is not Bal towarde God work.
jes, praise the Lord.
God blessing oa that steadfast will, made the grand stand delighteided us chairman Corntandart Morris was the next The church is a beautiful edifice, Uayielding to another, Ladly pleasant and entrancing, Smoke 111 (One Eleven. All Hail the Power of Josu Namo The service begun with tho singing of speaker. Should we attempt to report erected through the usetinted labour of this bars si jears and hughter still Baosua he promised mother Considering the season and the Cigarettes 15 for 10 cents by the congregation. Superintends the speech of this eloquent and re the brethren. Mr. Jamoe Trotmanok glorious and much eojoged day, urealul speaker, it would fill columns Chorrillo is the chief architect, Mr. GEORGE COOPER.
Burko led the invocation. The chair for a daily. He seems tne attendance was very small find joy in Ernest Wilson througa whose endeavours and unsatisfactory, large man was then intrudnced. After explaining his position, not as a individual the success ia mora or is so ieved, is ber of the ladies who usually, with all or the most of tbe eyepts few cpening remarks he called upon or an ofli ser of tho a. but as a An invaluablo sket to his attend the races were conspicu.
Mr. James Trotman of Charillo to read co worker with the Christian Mission in ganization. Sister Ceva sa oid member Aatbem In the Bagioaing was the Word ousiy absent.
at each meeting, there will vary The spirit of the leren for the day which was taken one Common Cause for one Common added much to the interior attraction by soon be The Choir from 1st Kings 8, 22 30. The next Goal.
hor renowned skill and bandiwork; and Salo Nazareth Mr. In:0p enshusiasm was not as brighilj ckays and trainers would huva aod on previous no employment.
sumber was Song by Miracs Barker, so do all who in any way heve contribut Duet Love Massage Eariga Bennett was next called upon. ed of their time and money dserve the Missos Glads occasions. The races were Clarko, The effect of the with clock like In referring to the one para reciters and the performer was very is celebrate it become bedeliberated words bighest compliment. We congratulate Quarto Tell tho Christmas Stary Mina precisioa gad all the averats came ticular ios tence reference is here striking and well received hold of his hearers that they Mr, Burke Wroir ufle others sat we though spell bound. He finally of in schedula fina.
made Wild Organ Solo Mis Stell Westerm caps remain at almost the same Mr. Ernest Wilson, Clerk of the exborted them to continuo, in persever. worthy addition to his work.
Church was now called on to give a brietence and unity.
la the third race Murray com standard for several meetings history. He drew the minds of bearers The plained that Myton, Chagres although this horse has shown Musical Treat At St. Peter Chorus Eehoes of Angels Song epoko next, Hospoko back travents that transpired eight Mr. Olle Choir Jockey, bad fouled him and very poor form, of the battle fought, with much warmth and sincerity. Church, Tomorrow Aiternoon Solo Christu u Rose Rev. Mulcare made it impossibla for his year ago; be told It is stated that the conduct Dust The Gift of Lore Miisa Niyrtle mount to have gone forward.
ho vistorice lost. the ounqusete won. advised his christain brethren that in To morrow afternoon at 8:30 Barnes Master Westerman AS tha result ot the privations endured, deter fact they had ba: of some of the trainers and fondo de la cared here siled ful up to the propeat time, they would o clock Mra. Mulcare will give Quartet Bello of Joy Mca. C, Walcott occurred. Chagrea was slight Here nuca rude and insulting what jockeys to Me. been with sorrow, eyes wet with at the not devil to be the general public.
others by injured on one of his Mr. Allen is not here to please hoaring of tis mental pio ure, white undar estimate but by Treat in St. Peter by the sea sole the Beautiful Gate Me. Alulcare foreleg. In this race individuals. He is here to do the crator and artist made the master much prayer and perseveranc maroh La Boca, The following is the Quartet and Chorus Angele sang the Loca agrin made the distance in inst stroke with the sweep of his brasb by on to foai vistory.
program:to the publio Biessed Story Mn Hleadiay and 7: and was not asked or press when he fails to comply aying, Hitborto bath the Lord brought Mr. Walters of Ls Boos wa Opening Remarks The Chairman ed to go at any timo.
others with his duties shall be harably Fore we raise our Ebenswer.
now called upon to speak. As be stood Opening Chorus. Welcome to the Royal Solo Heavenly Song Miss Woodryte There wore some complaints and uncompromisingly criticisThu kv. Witt was then sind befute the audience, we thought of the Stranger, by the choir Antbea Rejuice, Rejoice Toe Capit about tas bandicapping but Bal the opinion is ex upon to speak. His speech which cannot great Saint Paul before the Hebrew San Organ Solo sprassi Miss Lydia Holder Closing Remarks The Chairman except in one particolar lastance ed that if racing is to maintain de produced here for lack of space, was bedrim, or in the aet of making his Quartet. Star of Hope Divine Miss DOXOLOGY the spiaia is expressed that the the high and reputed standard braiul of christian appreciation, defenor before the learned King Agrippa.
Edna Brown and others raadios pper diu jastica to 50019 achieved in other advanced ac. owledgement, and incou agement Truly all bearts were stirred the silver collection will be taken of the hors8 wao would have contries. The Panama Jockey Artery obet bieg to amphosised broad minded pedagogus pake in all Solo Jerusalem Mrs. Can lins Eatwick up in aid of an outing for the had a 2088 ibla caduce. If one Caub yangico role. ro say tu no: building in issett sincerity, and in glowing terms, paying Duei Beautiful Tidinge Miss Sunday School Childreu cu Newstable wag peraitted through secundact Doc La Mont Weert is at secondary aportan e. place it higa tribute to the laudable work donu Gisrespect to Yoar De fauorabis Laagicapping to tons of this cificers.
to styled bisorbis subtety; and wa ed


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