
Condemned To Die For London Murder Red Tank Clubhouse Health Activities that more like it. 10 of lesp frog PO The chilg night of Saturday, Dec. 30, 1922, the last day by that same in the year we enjoyed by the men and boys of the Community Health and Athletic Club of this district. The regular program for this night was put the ugb lte clockwork by the able and energetic Physical Director, Mr. De Burg, ia his usual systematiesl way.
1st. The class went through a regular of body building exercises with dumb.
bells, socluding medicine ball drille Gol bing up with the gatan and running around the ball on all fours, 2nd. Meeting eslled to order, the Director addressed the members on the kreat need of bo diog regular meetings auch week as the educational side of the dib.
Mr. Ne. wkins and Mr. Steenson, acted as Chairman and Secretary, respectively, After the regular business was gone through re: the arrangement of gume, etc, te following was rendered dress by the Director on Physical.
mental and moral advancement. Adurere by the Cosarios on the great need of Physical culture for men, women and children Mr. Alex Taws, the well known athlete in cycledom told of how various exercises belped bim to overcome much dfficulty in racing and that he betieved that physical exercise is th: only sure thing in the world for keeping one in good ebape. Mr. Cornelius Seales, a veteran of ibe late World War told of how much be gained through systeinstio exercises and discipline in The British Army and that when the war was endad be found him better man than when bo went in. Mr. James Walford the ambitious and never say die Scoutmaster for this district, expounded in very able manner the good te be got out of disci pline. He asked the boys and mon, one and sil to co operate all possible with their Director, who is working like buman dyonno to maintain and improve the health of the people. Reading by the Director. a) Be a Man, Not Sbel Fish. Dr.
Frank Cane. b) Is Superb Health Worth Whilet (Bernarr MacFadden Viewpoint. highly beneficial program was there fore brought to a close; the members completed the program for the night with peppy game of indoor baseball which ended at 9:35 The Club meta regularly on Wedoce days, Thursdays, and Saturdayo aod both sex are seked to jolo in the Health Activities, All sre welcome It is free to all Start the New Year Right.
Cigarettes Continued From Page One heor she was not the person who upon a man or woman found took a hand in inleting the blow. guilty of murder.
These cases were not uncommon, This sentence in Mrs. Thompbe asserted; history was full of son case may prove to be but a fifteen (15)
cases in which husbands in order frim formality of the law. Woto marry someone else want to men are not exempt from the BETTER get rid of their wives, and wives hangman rope but it is such a for the similar purpose to get rid considerable time since a woman cigarettes of their busbands in the interest was sent to the gallows that it is of the fair sex it must be admit matter for speculation as to ted he said that it was more whether the death penalty will often the man who was in that be enforced in this case. Since position.
Miss Rhoda Willis was hanged, in the Republic He said the jury were trying a many women have passed different case, to which they most through the ordeal of the death of sentence, com bon sense. They had been extreme penalty been enforced.
in the Zone told that this sa case of great Pose and they had bad for days of passion for which a For another sensational crime, woman both in speeches and in questions was found guilty, one has to go reference to this The jury back to 1880 to the famous case shoald, however. Tot allow them of Mrs. Maybrick, who was conselves to be influenced ty the demned for the murder of her streept noteras. husband, by poisoning him with Denour. persiun On arsenic. Mrs Maybrick was Marrizge.
not exécuted, but it was not her the sex that savert her from In one of her letters the Judge scaffold. The gallows had already recalled the woman prisoner been erected for her in had written be (the bus band)
has the right by law to all that jail, when the death sentence was commuted to penal servitude you bave the right to by nature for life. The reason for the and by love.
Home Secretary intervention If that nonsense means any in an interesting official statethirg commented the Judge, Jment at the time, read while means that the love of a the evidence leads clearly to the husband for his wife is some conclusion that the prisoner thing improper because the administered and attempted to Every cigarette full marriage is recognized by law; administer arsenic to her husthat ilicit love, the love of a band with intent to murder yet weight and full size woman that is clandestice for it does not wholly exclude a her lover is something grand reasonable doubt whether his aud voble, think you will feel death was in fact caused by the diaquat at that observation administration of arsenic.
Made by But your feelings of disgust Liggett Myers Tobacco Co.
Mrs. Maybrick wag will not run away with you.
an that means quality.
American woman, and a good Aiter concisely explaining to deal of pressure was brought to the jury the law regarding bear by private citizens in the murder and manslaughter, Mr. United States against her execu Justice Shearman dealt with tion. She was pardoned after the actual evidence regarding some years in prison.
the cmmission of the crime by the male prisoner, By waters.
He then took up the case of Mrs West Indian Racing said, came to the conclusion that Association murder was committed by By waters, the question then would arise was the woman AMERICANS TO TAKE 100 party to it? If a woman asked HORSES AT TIME TO man to murder another man, CAPITAL OF THE BAHAMAS and she believed he would do it, and he actually did it, then she also was guilty of murder, the Nassau despatch says: It Judge declared, if Mrs. Thomp will be seen from an advertiseson bad told Bywaters that ment in another column that a evening to be there that night, company called the West Indies saw bim there under per direc Racing Association has been ticne and information, and incorporated here. The capital dnew perfectly well that he of the company is, we are inwas there to murder then the formed, 100 000 and it is possible question arose of aiding and that this will be increased. The abetting which meant giving principal directors have been help to murder.
associated with racing in Havana The evidence showed that By for some time, and they waters and Mr. Thompson met desire to make a race track with 5:30 in the aiternoon of the day stands, clubhouses, etc. in on wbich Thompson was killed Nassau and carry on raciog with and at 12:30 the husband was foreign horses on modern lines.
Hylng dead. Two minntee after it is proposed to apply for the murder bappened special legislation to realize Thompson was shielding the man racing on the Pari Mutuel and was not speaking the truth. system and we understand that Good Assortment it was perfectly clear that she negotiations are soing on for was concealing things and was the purchase of Hobby Horse some other suitable pracciaio ile per le vicdeceptions real name TO SELECT FROM AT THE will not convict ber said ground for a track. If the the Judge, unless you are necessary legislative sanction is satisfied that he and she agreed obtained the company propose to murder the wan Thompson; bringing as many as a hundred that she knew By waters was horses at a time to Nassau, this going to do it; tbat she directed being one of the points in a u to do it, and he was doing it circuit commencing with New by arrangement between With the two of them.
of The Last Woman Hung Was 15 only to be expected that enterNassan as a tourist pesort it is NURSE MELBOURNE JUST OPEN Years Ago prises of this sort will be pro MIDWIFE SICK NURSE moted with the object of affordsince a woman was hanged, in itse racing on the Pari Mutuel is more than fifteen yearsing entertainment for visitors No. 16, 12 Street East Panama City.
Great Britain. The last to suter this to was Mrs. Rhoda Willis, system Norbb but the introduc. Next Door Eldorado Theatre tion of baby farmer and murderess, who Nassau must be viewed from DR. SUMMER MEDICAL was executed in Cardiff Jail on every aspect before decision is TREATMENT AT August 14, 1907.
reached as to whether it will be If the Ilford murder trial had altogether an advantage. While FOR WOMEN No. 105 Bolivar Street, Colon taken place 150 years ago, the racing perhaps is desirable as a Jungo would, in all probability, form of entertainment If conduc Specialized in by Nurse have dealt with Mrs. Thompson ted on the rigbt lives great care Melbour, nə Where you can secura at the lowest by baving her body burned after will bave to be exercised to pessible prices everything to solve hanging at the gallows. In those prevent any undesirable cless of Extraordinary Small Fishes days of ruchless justice such was tourist being attracted here and your millinery needs the fate of a woman convicted of those in authority should require husband murder, a cri that every assurance that the best WHAT is probably 8mallest Ladies Hats in Latest Modes was regarded as petty treason interest of the Colony will not fish in tho world is found in the and punished accordingly. Until be ondangered by such an in Buhl Lake of the island of Luzon, from 50 to 10. 00 the law was altered in 1798 there novation ss is proposed. which forms part of the Philipwere many women wbo paid pinos It is called by natives this penalty for Saking a short smarapan, and is the most minute FLOWERS, BRAIDS, NETS, WIRE, CREPE, cut to widowhood. It was the WANTED vertebrate animal known, its rule in such cases that strangemaximum length being only STOCKINGS OF PURE ITALIAN SILKS, istion should come first, but in halt an inch. The natives catch THREAD THE BEST FOR HEMSTITCHING that of at least one of the women Good general servant inust be these fishes in nets of very fine 30 condemned, Catherine Hayes, in 1925, ine executioner dropped a good cook, apply 3170, 4th July mesh, dry them in a mass in the sun, and, after seasoning them YOUR INSPECTION INVITED the rope too soon, and tho WC Avenae, after p. un.
with pepper and other spices, mau was literally burned alive press them into flat round cakes.
Open from a. to 12 noon and from 2p. to p.
in the presence of a grent crowd 304sef was 20 pfos zou One of these may contain as Today, all this is changed, and a many as 8, 000 of the Ssb. Toe LOUIS LINDO, Proprietor.
sentence to deata on? y is the sole 11M pur ap:803 484 3824 0110m eggs are so small that 1, 798, 000, Denalty which a court can pass Sp vaonpoid EH 09. 15 000 of them go to the cubic inch.
a JOB PRINTING of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Cards Cable Rates To The West Indies.
now Mrs.
the Orleans London despatch dat Dec. h states that in order to maintain cable communication throughout the British West Indies, an agreement been entered into between the British Government, the Dominion of Canads, and the Crown Agents fog the Colonies and the West India and Panama Telegragh Company Limited, allowing the company to increase their charges Treasury minute issaed last night says that the Treasury had considered various proposals to prevent the cessation of the corapany services, iceiudig purchase of the undertaking by the Governments concerned, and bad decided that the best course was to authorize an increase of ra es chargeable to the public.
The agreement provides for increase in the existing maximum rates of sixpence per word on through rates, and an increase of one third, with a maxlmum of sixpence, for inter island rates, Deferred Press and Government telegrams are to be carried at half the ordinary rates These increased Tates are authorizeb uutil March 31 next and the future rates are to be decided by circumstances.
The Lindo Bargain House BOOST EMU CIGARETTES Best on the Market ASK FOR THEM ELIAS PRETO. Agent

    Death SentenceWorld War

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