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to and under after.
General mining French Occupation of Ger. Jamaican Crushed Το man Territory May Death By Motor Car Cause Conflict While Crossing Street Declare that Peace of Versailles is Controversy On The Sentence of Sapping the Life of the People sad and regrett. ble accident It looks like there is going occurred at Chorrillo en Monday betwen Murderers In Croat Britain Belgium and Italy; against Ger 10:30 mn. James Lamba Jamai.
of the present week at about patch dated the revolutionary struggle in many. All readers who are ac can was knocked down by an London despatch datra including quainted with the trend of pub automobile driven by Arrian cember 13 from the Daily Grapliecoaced. Tapson stands 13 Astiat a cur Pres Communist Prance, where the workers are.
publishes and open met een anderen inlnge Poine orahe dom the results of the decision of hard and unfortunate occurrerce these phone and Fredrick Peab Last Woman Executed pertures of Britaimpetrom the dance, the manifesto proceeds the Conference of the Allied took place in the vicinity of 23rd Water is now under This exacation of a wom1 sentence o suffering Toilers of Germany. to comment on the situation in Premiers on the reparativa were the, and 24th streets.
death, bas excited hated coni. Pogland, was, however, ia Tae German shop Question The appeal is sent out by the Englan British and French plans t) It is reported by persons who troversy on the question of 1907 whea woman. Rios Bhop Stewards Congress of stewards declare that, decide between.
Were standing at the spot that whether or not woman in Wiliis or Leslie James WAS Germany.
We welcome the elestiin vieScuted at Cardid Land was just about crossing Eaglaad should be hanged.
Rods France showed a willingness to Wiliis w39 awonan of forty, It begins by informing the tory of the Labour Party in It needed no other similar case who had accepted for es tha came around the corner, and in forced peace of Versailles bas lish workers will come their bant with bodo naturale care his attempt to clear the way he to concentrate thought on this guardianshintaa tatant child, British Comrades that the Englund and hope that grant a moratoriu nt Grany. the square when the automobile that at of of which she killed.
been pressing heavily on us and headers to fully and rumlessly period for which istiwas Pratte gut into collision with the car and water, but the sentence the German utilise victory on you for years.
workers are perisbing and the the interests of the Bag ish and ed. Germany would discharge was knocked down. The wheels death passed yesterday oa Daisy wassed over his head and body Eoly Wrist and on Ellen Jones atention. Erorts were made international British Versailles cirumstances. hive Rhoda Willis repriaret, proletariat the obligations of the workers are stílied the will guarantee that controversv with high wainst the Eoglish bourgeoisie treaty. Oa the other hand, Ger crushing the vital organs.
but unemployment, many not prepared to Brown immediately applied his will race unabated until these the Home Secretary did not prices, and reaction. Uuder and English Imperialism.
intervene, the reparations the last pfenings Imperiailst Peace Treatles guarantee which would affect to standstill, brought it wonen are reprieved or exe executed her last hour in prison accept the principle of any brakes to the car and and the administration of sacrament, bsve been extracted from tbe It is added that it pockets of the German workers high her national economic resu sicil assistance of some other West of time that there should be a sation and hamper her formal by be tok up the injured man should be submitted Indians who were standing nearIn considering whether women the terror which seized her ani death the picioaing by the brothers and placed in the pockets o united fight against the interna did not see her way to coro And rushed him to tbe Santo penalty, it is necessary to dis Pierpont Ware trade abroad. England your capitalists. The conditions describd at in Germany are becoming worse. tional bourgeoisie. The way is where Major cover sentiment In gland, Kreat length and intensiti the We have not even bread, puta being prepared by the victorious Germany and she refused abso Tomas hospital Bicock, Superintendent and the the pe valty for murdar, i4 desth. agitation against the exation toes, or cost; our children and Russian Revolution and revolu lutely to be led by Franca.
000 physicians did all they so long as that law exists it must of wonen.
lofants have no milk, sugar, or tonary war of the Turkish Italy and Belgium voted without preserve lite but. enforced. Also since women Clothing. Mans unemployinent peasant masses who have shown France, and the results were found that Lamb was mortally ra every where claiming equal has been exacuted in Escland.
For titteen years von31 also stands at our door.
that the rapacious peaca treat that the British plans fell at the injared us his neck was brokerights of citizenship with men Now The Reparation we have three death The manifesto goes on to deles. can only be done conference.
with by international Commission soon after declared injuries that medical skill coul were other violen follows that they must be sentences on women in two clare that the shop st wards away ready to accept the sam penal day, and if the sentences are solidarity, by the masses of the Germany a defaulting nation, Movement is demandios ies for the saine crimes. It is sustained whall have advance Workers Government in Ger. tight against the bourgeoisie bas the workers finnlog together, This and with clock like precision, ac repair. Ha died two hour levant to note that in 1903 rw ud far towards the elimination French Army maty, supported by the shop Degoutte (Continued on Page 8)
Brown is now under arrest at women were put to death. for of the sentimentality which has rec ived stewards. After references to that with hitherto clouded the subjec, orders to occupy the Rubt the Central police station. It is crimes stmilar to and industrial dis.
die an unfortunate accident for been Om Brown as he was out of enploy.
Hon. Constantine BIG RACE MEETING plished. but the Germans contenant for some months and was Position of Leeward Marcus Garvey To burden of mili jast out.
Graham Weds. TO MORROW tary occupation by a forelyn Islands.
Since the above report an in Make Trip To morrow at Juan Franco Fraace suffered during the late Criminal Judeoefenbe Circuit IN THE PROPOSED CRICKET AROUND THE WORLD army. They have forgotten what vestigation was held by the The management of this jour there will be seven races on the European War; and like children and Brown was given bell in the TOURNAMENT hal take the opportuu ty of ex card for the day. The usual they are howling against less sumn of 500 00.
tendme. congrata attoos to the excitement will be at the Part severe pressure than what they ACCOMPANIED BY PARTY Hon Constantioe Grahain on the Mulu and the ladies will again inflicted from 1914 to 1918 British Consulate Notice To Take Place In Englard announcement of the cel bration turn out in large numbers at Germany requested EngEarly This Year The British Consulate General of his nuptial this week. Mr. this popular pleasure resort.
intervention to bring would be glad of information In Interest of Organization Graham has been Charge First race will be started pre remembered that France doabi is alleged to have been employed An offer has come from Barbaabout a solution. But it will be Ataires on two respecting Richard Carter who The Dominica Guardian says: dating the absence of the Hon Owing to the continual misrePercy Bennett, Bis Britannic are asked to be present on time: Germany inability to pay. It Oompany and to bave died Leeward Islands might have of the Universal Negro Inrove, Majesty Resident Minister to Some surprises are expected as Panama and Costa Rica Continued on Page 8)
the content in the various entries recently chance of taking part in the pro. ment Association by the enemies have been splendidly bandij. cted cricket movement ant by the During the two occasions on which Mr. Graham was locum capped.
place in England next year be le opiaton that certain Negro tenens for Mr. Bennett, he en FATAL SHOOTING EXPEDITION West Indian Summbination. The and ersloiters have created in tween Eaglish and Oganizations, so called leaders deared himself to all those per Change of League Meeting Bons with whom became into ON NEW YEAR DAY writer to when we are indebted the wiads of a large nunber personal contact. He is a fearfor the proposittion has this to of white people of America lor the purpose of such organize less, independent, and conscien say.
Members of the League of tong and individuals feecing tious diplomat who has always collegians and Prospective Col VR. MOSS CLERK AT PORT. to have the leg amputated. It It is fairly evident that the from the white race through shown a willingness to investi legians of British West Indians ANTONIO DIED, ACCIDENTALLY wight here ba mentioned that Mr. people of Barbados. not the patronage and charity, contrigata grievances; and to are hereby advi ed that efective Mos3 was a well developed man, whole SHOT HIMSELF.
public, all that great butions and support for their redress whenever such griev. January 21st, all members of the and despite the great quantity of in jority who are noted for the owa movements and themselves, ances are an honest League will be held rom 00 of blood lost be pre mn:01: retained con love of the English name of the gorable Marcus Garvay, in to 7:00 m. sead of 4, 00 STORY OF TRAGEDY, scausiness Indeed when his cricket are anxious to son their President Genaral of the UA It is Englishmen of Mr. Om to 00 m, as heretofore.
friends went to his rescu, be Graham type, on whom the told them he was a dying man. foreixa element on their local ciation, has decided for the Port Atonio, January 3:Empire can safely depend for swarus. Barbados hus for the purpose of presenting the 1390Paid the Death Penalty Own on New Year day, when Ann Bay, 30 years ago and against their parer neighbors, proper light to make a speaking Quite a Rim was cast over this The deceased was born in St, last couple of years played ciation before the world in a preserving the laysity and at tacoment to the British Crown, the fact was made known that come to this patish a youuzster, British Gauna and Trinidad, tour of te world, startiok from We anticipate for the newly Ms. Richard Moss a clark er was employed to Messra but their team ias bad to cross February nexs and coatinuing wed couple a life of continued The latest report by Direct ployed to Messrs Sohnston Johnsan and Company for 13 the water to take part ia thase for several montas.
happiness and prosperity, West India ble dated Januars au cumpa ay of this town, was years and by dint of hard and matches, and in fact the last speak for tive moo. hs in all the 113 Will 9th states that Mrs.
Thompson and Frederich By wh, despite the best medical position of sales man of that bis played at Barbados was in States, to accidentally shot by a gun, and honest abour be attained Baby Walters Arrivo later colonial canes that were principal cities of the United waters were exocuted to day tor kill. died within a few hours concern. Ha vas regarded by January 1920.
white and colored the murder of the woman after.
Johnston, Mr. Sharpe, and Mr. audiences, one month in the Born ton Means that is can be a buzband. Percy Thompson on The facts briefly are: The de Phillips, the present manager asiatis bilder och ta sit from.
Danision of Canada, two months. the 18th instant jolly baby boy weighing lbs. By waters ws4 exeruled in ceased along with Messrs Warren an enterprising young man. He Leeward XI would be general. Is South and Central nerics, Papa Walters is all suites, while Pentonvull Prisou at o clock and Phillips, left for Sprink was a prominent figure in the ly welcome, and the came od one month in the West Indies, two in England, Scot mother and babe are doing well. Mrs Thompson was hanged a Garden about eight miles from community and by his jovial dis there is a possibility of a player few minutes later in Hollowy jail this town, to indulge in a pastime position, he was held in the high. or two who showed ability and and Wales, Ireland. Erance, Boy Brigade At Culebra, that most gentlemen love 80 est opinion of all.
would ba considered in a selection Italy, Switzerland, Spain and dearly, that of shooting. All As a mark of respect all the of tne projet visit of a West Germany, one month in AastraA Boys Brigade was formed Salvation Army Activlties went until after the luach inter business houses of Messrs Joho. Iodian tean to England next lie and one month in Japan.
val when the deceased left alone Hton and Cog. trading in the sacamer.
In America, Mr. Garvey will.
at ibu residence of Mesers At La Boca Carter and Outien all boys to continue his shouting. About towa were closed.
It is also believed that Barba speak to the majority of wbite half an hour after he was gone, dos would be agreeable to pay people for the purpose of honestly who are wishful to join will The deceased leaves a wife and the entertainment expenses of informing them of the real proplease call on Mr. Outten who week the direction where he was. His two children, ano a baby a few stay not extending over a fort grau of the the report of a gun was beard in Udiversal Negro will give tbem all particulars special evangelistic services will companions hurried on to the months old and other relatives, night and perhaps would be in improvement Association. In pertaining the same, be conductod in our Hall some scene, and there they fout the, to whom the writer offers much a position. if gates receipts Europe he will lay before the of the most popular Ministers on unfortunate tan wuttering from sympathy.
Birth allowed, of paying a portion of working classes Deed for the Isthmus will be present to a gun shot wound on his leg. Mr. The funeral took place last ere. the steamship charges It co operation a nong them to give addreses. Tuesday 23rd Warren rendered firat aid, and ning and was largely attended would be well for the Confedera to make Africa the land of the Born to Mr and Mrs. Elman Rev Witt of the Southern Baptist Moss was placed in a motor by a representative gathering of cy to act on the suggestion and blacks. Mr.
Garvey shall also Clark. on the 27th instant, at the Church will preach, Wednesday car and taken tº the hospital the town folk. The Berries we believe a tean divided the while in Europe, continua Samaritan Hospital, Colon, Rvs Odle and Barclay cocial where he wis attended to by was conducted by the Rev. anong the four Colonies would work of the delegu:ion from the (9 lhs) nine pound baby boy invitation is extended the Doctors Moseley, and Wallace The int rment took a Fair: Association recently rournid Mother and con, Elxan general public to all these Gideon ot Buff Bay. After cour place at the Norwich cametery, Antiga: 6, Dominica. 4; from the League of Nations. Is both doing well, Services sulation, it was found neccessary. Gleaner.
Kitts Nevis, and Montserrat is rumored that among those tu land Dateh to take of the seek and intelligent months the we 30

    BourgeoisieCommunismEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismItalyRussian RevolutionSpainWorking Class

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