
WANTED Only the Best THE MOST Men Farnishings FOR YOUR MONEY English Woolens white Linen Drills AT THE PALAIS ROYAL Nimbley, 22nd Street Central or anong sa very record NEW YORK CIGARETTES 76 CIGARETTES LU CUL log to their a Do not extract an aching tooth, Good general servant must be decayed tooth if it has at least a good cook, apply 317, 4ta July two good walls can be saved to Aranze aiter p. co.
OF give you good service for many years.
Decorskry 10 FOXO extent to It your teeth are loose with increase taxatio. Itoy pro pus seeping around the neck of posals are acecpied, this will th teeth, giving your breath an priocipally fall oa gouds wbich ofensive odor you are suffering paydacy ad valorem. The ad carried in stock from Pyhorrea Alveolar is.
Tois valorean duties are those in which can be cured. Do not have them tole has been the greatest fallextracted unless there is tvers og ut from the estinate and it is little connection Sbetween the partly due to the fall of values. fine Selection of bony tissue alveolar and the toolb.
is Excellency stated: On the pay of civil servants, If you are interested in saving am reluctantly compelled to your teetb see reiiain from asking for payment AND DR. JOHNSON OF temporary increases to Surgeon Dentist salaries of Government officers 139 Central Avenue la view of this it li ba necas.
Over City Pharmacy sary to correct some anons les JUST RECEIVED basic salaries. For instance a persou promoted from the post Electrical Work of clerical assistant to that of six clasy clerk would sutter a dimi ALSO BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY wo Done the basic salaries of clerical of SHIRTS TIES COLLARS 18:1stants having already been ETC. ETC. ETC.
If you have any ectrical permanently tacreased waile ibe amount of Dermanent increase to work such as installation, trave given to clerks has never. etc, 570E been settled. Although the. Avenue. PERREIRA Since 1920 it is still appreciaale bigber toun it was before tue CENTRAL AVENUE, Corner 9th Street, PANAMA Creoline Hair Producer is the recovered fron what believe war, and wben the colony has world best hair toric and will was only temporary, but very not soll or stain clothes.
serious period of depression, think that the salaries of the Service generally should be increased In view of the falling of revenue and the cutting down of expenditure, it occurred to me tout it uight be advisable down some of of the statt of Government departmesis.
Apart from the hardship 00 particular officers, doubt it tois la economical in view of the inct that believe the deprer.
ou will be only temporary Government officers dispensed with will bave to receive either pension or gratuities accordlength of service Tuis is what happened nea ly 85 years ago in Fiji but wl 01 a short period the walle staf nad been replaced think how ere, we unghe settle tuem on vacancies occurring in certain depariments, they shuult not butiiled until busigess is once more tourishing, am sorry that my successor should bave to take over the Government in unfavourable crcunstances but am satisthea that ino tinancial position is very muce better than it was six months ago that we have gol over the worst, and that tuere is every prospect of the culony en jying a air amount of prosperity during the next administration. Exchangu. INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS, but he who sees that no matter what be does the load of debt cannot be lifted is not going to ST. VINCENT (Continuud From Page 2)
be encouraged to give his best either in directiug tbigs or in of the Commission investiga actual work.
The colony Question of the Fecan only march not be disappointed.
stead ly along the path of pro deration of Windgress when it has propri iors PROPOSAL TO CHECK THIS CLASS ward Isles.
OF BUSINESS BEING CON. Notwithstandi the SIDERED IN TRINIDAD, Bank futter which was at its highest Few years agº, Trindad is an MAJOR WOOD RECOMMENDA.
agricultural colony, and if it is TIONS REST. LUCIA, ST. VINCENT correspondent of the Trini. TRINIDAD REPORT SAYS SCERE not to be doomed to bankrupley GRENADA AND TRINIDAD dod Guardian writes in that or an impro erished state paper. The ury Committee TARY OF STATES FOR COLONIES agriculture at this stage uit has sat twice since taking eriWILL TURN DOWN SCHEME. bave state aided Hancial as FAVOUR OF CHANGE.
dence on money leading the tance. Iabab tanis of the cool rates of interest, methids of at mass ineetings and in jet:loans, repayment, etc. and writer in tbe. Trinidad tons abould skeit abundanty Poopie o Smaller isiands Would although they have perhaps Guardian states. Throughout clear t; tas growers that be. Agre. Provid Their Idanmore weetings to call am sure the colony the deepest regret is tity Not Lost that up to cow they have had a being felt at there being a possi Agricultural very good idea how the borrow. bility that the DEM ERARA Tae St. Vincent Times in its issue of December 34. er is fi eced by the Sbs Bank scheme will not be ap lock type of publishes the following editura: money lender. ro the autborities at Evidence was taken in private Downing Street, British Guiana The question of Federation of which is necessary in Comwis one who has taken the tha Windward Islands, Damals Any one BIOD OL tbls sort but if it was trouble to study conditions careDeficit St. Lucia, St. Viac nt and Gren possible for the evidence to have fully in the colony must kuow ada with the Colopy of Trinidad been given in public, persone inat the one scueme to place FAREWELL ADDRESS BY Sir Wil Major the Honourable and Tobago, as suggested by unconyinced et the present Trinidad agriculture permanent time as to the absolute necessity ty on its feet again is the AgriFRED COLLET TU MEMBERS OF Wood, in nis report on his mission to the British West Indies, for some restriction of the ex. cultural Bank scheme which has THE LEGISLATURE aud British Guiana, is engaging tortionate money lender would be recommended by the coas.
the attention of the people of the have been satietied to the lit. nittee and forwarded to the There have been cases were cretary of State for the At the opening of the last Windward Islands.
the magistrate had to step in Quisies No echeme of tem ppual session Guiana under his The matter is being discussed and order a money lender toporary reliet born of impending regime, Sir Wilfred Coliet, who generally, and the opinion is.
Federation of the repay a client interest, which he despair and disaster will do is no doubt by this time on his that the bad been drawing at buavy what is wanted is a schemue boy with the fall in the sugar in will be beneficials ago, deslt islands with Trindad and Tobago Our people rate for a long time and, un which a man can gradually and those of St. Lucia, and setisfied went forther to at become real owner of his estate. dustry Be said:tempt to recuyer the capital. Thin millstone of mortgageSo beavy a blow to the industry Lucia Bud of this Island are in Greneda, also the press of 8, friend of mine has a vigorous but unfruiltul of the colony bas naturally been tavour of the change, provided for payment which has been efforts have been made to get rid reflected by a faling og of re that the identity of the islands banging fire since June. He of it, foepires the foaction born venue, which will show a deficit ba not lost, and that the cost of has not been pressed for money of impending despair and disas of 000 000 on the estimate. administration be not greater till now and in the period of the ter rather than that cheerful Saving have been made in ex, inan the present, money lender benevolence ness which created a spirit of penditur. end think at the end Grenada is however bustilo to The press of inteiest bas been paid amount. enterprise. To put it another of the yeat Or balance will not the union.
ing to one and a half time the way the man who sees that have been completely exhausted; amount of money borrowed by working regularly he can but it is necessary to frame the tbat Federation loose or close In St. Lucia, press opinion is, Victims and dependents on become absolute master o1923 on the basis money borrowing for business bis land by paying off bis the trade done ducing the present is necessary if the West Indies and other reasons are oking debts by subali instalments 1s year in order to make the revenue afe to have a voice that can be with hopefal eyes on the results soil lost incessanuls. teet expenditure, and it is! Continued on Page 77 ALBOA EST EER REWED SURPRISINGLY GOOD Operations of Usurers tions and am sure they will That Agricultural met boretus toture before Creoline (Hair Preparations Positively Superior so all others on earth.
Try them and be convinced.
They are the Master Preparations of the World, Different from all others Prices of all goods in the Uited States of America 50c. ail Foreign Couotrios, 600, Creoline Hair Producer Straightens rough, harsh. kinky hair with or without hot combe, and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELL Contains 10 percent montou than is possible to be put into any other prosion of its kind in the world. Patches in places and prevent baidass.
lu ounce tins, Creolina Day Dandruff Remedy very good scalp treatment positively removes Dandruff, Tetter and Betis antiseptic. Grows hair. koeps the scalp healthy.
In ounce bottles.
Jackson Manufacturing Co, 155 West Tenth St. Manufacturers and Ball Indianapolis Inc. All Up lo date Drug Stores curry stock of Cronice. proved by Treat Yourself BY TAKING DR. SANGER CAPSULES WONDERFUL CURE FOR BLADDER IRRITATION It Contains East Indian Oil of Sandal Wood and other ingredients note after Gives Positive Relief in 24 hours BUY BOX TO DAY AT THE CHORRILLO DRUG STORE No: 48 Street Corner Ancon Ave.


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