
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JANUAUY 20. 1923 PAGE FIVE area. యసమజయ జయణ Boost The Carnivals The February Athletic And Cycle Meet.
Lucky Strike COSTUME Lucky Strike COSTUME American Legion Carnival American Legion Carnival Built.
Lucky Strike COSTUME Lucky Strike Do You Know Things are sbaping nicely for the Acaietic and Oyele det Panama Carnival Colon Carnival Schtuuled for February when Jamaica will send a formidable team to compete for bonours 20, 00, FIRST PRIZE 20, 00 FIRST PRIZE Prom the way things are going 10. 00, SECOND PRIZE we are quite sure our atbietes 10. 00 SECOND PRIZE are not underrating tbe strength of the visiting to FOR THE BEST FOR THE BEST Dot less than 50 boys bave already taken watters seriously and can be seen hard at work even at miday when the sun is bot. Arrangements are being inade for two days sports. we publish below a list of events.
100 yd. Fiat). Scratch 220 8440 880.
One mile Five Marathon 75 yd. Flat Handicap Boys under 16 years, nd 100 yd. Flat Championsblp Broad Jump High Jump One mile walk.
PACIFIC SIDE ATLANTIC SIDE Tur cf WariBoy Scouts) only Pacitic vs Ailantie. 20:00 FIRST PRIZE 20. 00 FIRST PRIZE 10 milejmarathon 10. 00 (SECOND PRZE Ose wile Cycle, Novice. 10. 00 SECOND PRIZE. Scratch.
One FOR THE BEST FOR THE BEST Three mile Handicap (Scratcbmen excluded.
Five mile cycie Scratch Nine.
Scratch Quarter Mile Scratch Hall Heavy COSTUME service members only.
Filteon the Marathon AN IDEA OF COSTUME The Honorable Judges of the For Carnivals have very kindly consented to act as Judges for te Eight impressive ThreeBest Costumes in the Four Different Parades and distribute the fold Ceremony 120. 00 TWO PRIZES TO EACH CARNIVAL OPEN TO ALL MEN AND WOMEN COURT PARADISE NO. 3232, F.
Se 98345 sexsexss kasos 05 53 sec svo ssssssssss It was indeed an occasion that will long linger in the memories of those who were privileged to to do Treas. Williams, SD; take part, even though in a pas ATLANTIC SIDE a trip across the road somu track work soon.
Maloney, D: Alder sive way, in the magnificent Mc Applewhite. Chaplain; triple ceremony which came of and Ward, Dist. Secty last Saturday nignt at the lodge Left For College Champion Cyclist Bisting the instaling master.
rooms or Court Paradise.
There were also numerous Preceding the main event the Among the passengers who visitors from siater lodges.
That Dairymen League addition of three novitiates were VISITS COLON sailed from Cristobal on the duly inducted into the ranks of Tivives on Thursday last the august order. Succeedink were Masters Duoston and Loyal Success insfalls this the installation of the melk Mr. Harold Bancroft Hollis, Sidney Thompson, sous of Mr.
Officers who will be required to lead this Champion Cydis of the Repub Thompson teacher of Cristobal organization aright for the taran.
Coloured lic of Panama, paid a week end. CONDENSED EVAPORATED)
ending June 30, 1923 was begon.
These two lads after a five The lontallation of the Loval Sucorso rbis observanee was fittingly risit to the Atlantic side.
years course at the St. Josepha Lider, 10 135, GUO F, took conducted by Bro A Stamps Harry is a naturally merry College, Cristobal, under the place on the 11th January 1923, when Is manufactured the retiring CR and Bro Me boy and after spending a pleas: Christian Brothers have left for the following iflicers were insolied: Bayne, the erudite PCR of the ant night at Miss Pearsoutbeir homeland to unter the Bolulu, G; McClermat, by 72, 000 Far said Court, ably and cred tably Birthight parts he was. famous Jesuit Institution, st. PG Bowen, 5 to NG; rested the next morning by George College, Kingston, Davis, 8 to G; B Bewart. R8 assisted by Aropresentative mers ownning the cycling members of the Jamaica. We congrats to their to VG; wen S to VG; number of past officers from League CYCLONE CYCLE CLUB, and parents and wish b younge Clarke w; about 1, 000 000 kindred Courts on tha Isthmus. M y. IG: Next in the after making preparations, down sters a successful college career. Kirton: WC 1, Brath wale, ES: order was cows which propresentation of jwels by the Court Bolivar Street serong six Aarons, PS; Hill, T; LADA duce to Bros Thorpa and Stamp, both Cyclone boys surrounding HarH. Ordines, PNG; Pitt, NF; past officers, for meritorious ry. scorching pace was set Birthnight Celebration James, PNP; Cespedes, Advoservices rendered. The ia vesti by some troublesome Cyclonite Sweetened Condensed ONLY ture was impressively preformed which met the bearty reciprocaMiss Dolores Pearson arclyed by Bros J Alexander of Court The ceremony WAS performed by tion of BARRY Randolph was Now the at ber 19. Birihday on the 13th Bros. R James of oid Lodge and Minerva and Bro A Rux less of the first mark.
Court Paradise.
CYCLONE ECHO would bretza instant and ber large circle of B. McCor wock of 9897, alve the pass and Harry would qual za friends were the happy guests ceremony the bretora ruired to the Then dawned the period of.
to find the CYCLONE STARTLE of a bruh night party which was banquet ball and did jus io to the good convivuility. Here the entire as protesting to such to a lisrity held at the residence of Mr. and thioge provided. Brac Pittsted Try itſand be semblage adjourned to th and when things would assume Mrs. Burosey after the strains. Tot Muster, the Were various speeches given on bell of the oder spacious banqtiag ball and tate nutlock. ZIP and the ot Prescott Orchestra.
convinced lavishly refreshed CYCLONE FLYING DART All went meris until mid and the Republic of Patum, Tas funthemselves with an excellent would cash by and aro ber night when the welcomed suintion was brought to a close by singing Agentes: FIDANQUE BROS. SONS menu which reflects great credit upon those scorch would jollow. At one moos was served the guests to the National Anthem ISAAC BRANDON BROS responsible for time it appeared as though repair to the bangart hau where its preparation In gedatels Harry was making love with the the best wishes and high est ap.
following this course, the an. L, TOLEDANO, Colon (for preciations were expressed P6 CANAL ZONE nouncement the toasting Cyclone BAR TENDER what reasons we do not knot the amiable yourg lids, after program was declared to be 18 and so as to avoid suspicion tbe which dancing was resumed.
order; concurrently: Bro Mec Bar Tender got away from the Miss Pearson was the re Bayne was unanimously voted crowd and away they speed for cipient of many appreciative Toast Master, duty which he miles. Alter baviog corapleted presents.
RED TANK CLUBHOUSE prea bine pleasure in being presenting av statletaan for his very for address ex cuted with incredible ability.
response to the solicitation of the Social Mesto A, Parchment and Myers de proved himself to be abuut 22 miles of riding it was Literary Society. At tho coul1813n of his preliminar followed in the strain of the Presiden Incarnation of courtesy be decided ther no place like Instaliatiua.
remarks the Rev. Rintien in iatroduced and expressed their deep felt appreciation bumour and rhetoric every with, houe snd to town their tieThe regular Weekly Meeting of the his topie, LITERATURE IN OUR o iba addrus delivered. As the gen aptly introduced each tion was turned.
The Semi annual Installation Red Tank Chettuu Literary Society, LIVES. Thus topio was ab y baudied therman had other business oa haod bok verskuility and liberdity.
which Herry may be a wet boy when fby ita mediately aft the remarks of Meers showed he was well equipped for he is ready but Gosh when it of the Flower of the Istaines sekton Monday at January 18.
The entire address ww binful of Pacchusnt and Myers, but left in the the colossal, yet, pleasant under comes to bone dry drinking to Lodge No. took place at their 1923, when the new oliore the fuligt wing, rish, health and espub taught boat of the meanbars of Society tho taking assigned him every two laps he could Isp the lodge ball No. 6) Street, on a rand ning teens, Cyclene boys olce alihough the the 15th inst. when the following inbilie. do priated out to subias often asteanor of the returning to them in the The following is the Cabiant fasures of ile rury near future. The rest of the time for the term January Jane 1223 the eveniag wra and of the rio in 38 cvatsias.
Cyclone boys can set no mean Bros. were installed in the mw dress of Rev. Esthar pola led out at tas gress of measte web was lefs at the disposal of the PA Taylor R; MA Giscombe paco after their regular rides. respective offices: Bros. Tares, of Pedro Miguel those who walk shots of id wection of the remaining officers; Hipniss Treasurer (re elected Susity was devound to the nominsti ORJ Taorpe Secretary wbere it all went Ouly the cye IG. Gittens, M. Gor3. fore the address was delivered, the because when they don, SD; Briggs, JD; pribles les may be able to explala.
to be bo van Mt. Phillips was electe Critic and Sealy, B; Brimsles, JD. Guy. (re electer. B e. lied, and the minute of ton Politis, Rdio or The remainder of the day was Asst. Seety. Rabi reting read up coafir med. 15. stried the men of literature allo siw. yo He. noon Asistant Secretary. Alter spent st ine Rendezvous of the Tr02. Greenwood, starosidit: thra thank ad th) taarab ora and amok. Ia ste concluding pet ossh expressed sentiments on the part McPherson, W; Weeks.
of toe membans regarding the Good and w.
Osclone boys lounging in the Lander, Tyler; and Smirl oficor: whbad offisiatad at the Instal This editar by enphared the impor. Water of the Society and the arranging The ceremony was We wish this administrations in Conway. The was followed by ince of good rosdug austters. He also pleasant Atlantic breeza and Cosplain.
Harry ain no mean entertain cably performed by the following To Prono Selestion by asis, Wo appiled ide par aks regarding their of the program for tie com ing meeting, an unqualified success and rest There was one regret and that compristig the Grand Lodge, Pomst of the city. As this Jupesure responsibility in ancing that the sir childrea Monday January 22, the meeting was it wilt alve up to past tradit 008.
1eturn to James, DG. Install the prendeur in Ben was that he had to bruglit to diose.
thrusby Panama on the p. trala Sun ing Master, Allwan, Dist, orahlem aner weter med and is tudseresd clas bayi boka endast Alter the Rant eceipt Books ta Span day, Treas. Grand Tyler; 8. Al tha Bemap to the sociary. Ieuad Corat 18 moveis.
If you like beautiful hair use ish and English forale at the It is Intimated the Cyclote unan, DD Grand Deputy: Sulematu a suitable tenner rospudse kess the picuideat ca bubult of the and es secác is returned a vora of thanks to the Creoline hair producer. Workman Printry.
boys ste ontemplating making Smith, Samand, wed conteaza dess of soms Creamy Milk School DAIRYMEN RINNSLU OYUNCA cute.
MILK THE Spusted here BEST?


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