p. 8


RACES. Catarrh Victims.
NOSTROLINE Juan Franco Track ATTRACTIVE PROGRAM bers of the Lodge Last Sunday Race Seventh Day AdThe Officer obligated and lastalled are as follows: Meeting ventist Church Brothers: Jarome. S; E Rallez persanded to try Buchner, PS; AJ Anderson, Tren; Nostroline Smith, WC; Dyer, VG; AA Nasal Specic.
The race meetirg at Juan HELD IIARVEST THANKSGIVING Tulioch, NG; PA Lavell, PNG; Thousands he used it with Franco last Sunday was what is SERVICES.
Cummings, F; W Lindsay, Advo.
complete success. Never mlad if you have tried erything else, esta can be cured and we usually called in Spanish hero cate; Be wa PNF; Carrington Sally start that Nowtroline will do in COO, For the first time since TO. MORROW. wur case for faris et are extremely AU On Sunday 14th of the present chets 13. erly 5, frou the opening of the new race Matthews Lats. Luchon, Bristol the annual Bady, to NG; Fergus n, RS track has there been witnessed month, Harvest such a large attendance. The Festival services were held at VGS: Henry, LS to VG; Philpose IG record of the opening event was the Seventh Day Adventist Sunday, January 21st 1923 Nasal Specific broken as the ladies from Pada Church, at 30 in. The platAfter the remony. all assembled and ana a the Canal Zone were out form was occupied by Elder marched to the banquet ball to the tuon AT THE in full swing RJ Sype, Pastor of the church; of Onward Christian Soldiers. ned Sold by all Drug Stores Prof. o. Boyd, Principal of the partook of the too beomethngs that The attendance at that meet. West Caribbean Training School.
were epared. very ni sable time Inx was a striking testimony of at L14 Cascadas; and Bro.
was ayent and toasts were given.
the popularity of Mr. Theodore Grizzle.
War Seems.
McGinnis the Date of Balboa and his charming and amiablo The service was very interest wife. It mnt not be forgotten ing and was successful from all In Loving Memory (Continued From Page 1)
that when Panamanians desire and point. The sacred edifice Don Miss This would be, therefore, inopporto express appreciation to any was packed, and at the end of person they can excel them the activities in connection with In loving memory of our Deartene for the British Enpire or Sister Fearon, who passi any other nation to intervena before Franse is given an oppora whit hapnened in regard to formed the congregation that he away on the 14 January 1927 tunity to find out for herself Wirs Lila Lee and the others in was sorry to announce that bin Do not thif we tuin. what is the real economic sitewhose bogor the meeting was sult and wile would be sailing on of Six Exciting Races That this day will ke one year tion in Germany puiled Foreign Diplomats Thesday 18b jost, on the Bioco you liesslerping The Cables state that Russia and Consuls, Officers of the Metapan for Jamaisa.
Sale within your Father este is mobilising with an intention United States Army and Navy. Bro. Grizzle had been working o we think we hear your footsteps to assist Germany: with this and Cabinet Ministers were in this part of God vineyard for Oft we see your smiling face announcement, whatever the presert Ladies in profusion, the past two years, himself Ob, how hard we tried to save you, differences inay be between It was scene of striking and amiable wife bave ene Prayers and tears were all in vain France and England, Russla beauty ard loveliness to look in deared themselves to th il ppy Angole e me and took you must be told bauds on. The the Grand Sand and see the adherents and friends of the From this world of toil and pain world cannot afford to tolerate pasant manner this semi mission here. The Pastor and Do not skuif we mi you Bolshevic victory, and as much ficiel function was enjoyed. congregation wished him God LADIES FREE Oh there is a vaut still as the British Empire. hates the Here on the Isthmus we are speed and that his stay will be la our sad bears for you sound of the war bugle, if war is demonstrating what some larger an enjoyable ute.
That iha would can never 6! torced on us; and again we bave and more advanced countries are Oar hall is ook, our bearta sto sad to Eght to save civilization, 60 The offerings were removed unable to show, that we can mx to the church yard and sold.
Ob Wein you every day that those who had fallen in the and enjoy ourselves with respect Royal Primrose Lodge No. from Sister Astiges were present, notably last war, shall not have died in and Oficers and members of Guiding vain. then let us go to it so as consideration for each The choir are to be thanked for 10, 106, Brother 1, al(MI) of Star Star Lodge, Order of Druido.
other. This is a practical ex the kind and interesting services of the Jetbus Lodge, Green, to prevent any future cala nity saple achieved through the they rendered. DDM) sad Dr. Conuell, DT of be JOHN, to the Empire: early poineers of racing here.
INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS PGM of the Lilly of Parsiso Lodge Panama Duitriot, Brother Pottinger, Seoty. the West Indians)
who have If you like beautiful hair use Martio, PNF Pemer Union Lodge the rule of the working class in shown the sporting spirit and your countries.
ethical urbanity oi Englishmen. Croleine Hair Producer.
1923, the cfficers and members of the This being the first bovoured visit ot, On Tuesday evet ing January 18 and others.
Germans Ask British The first race was started over The manifesto concludes. Down with the Imperialist scheduled time, but Mr. Bob need suficient time to enjoy Royal Primroso Lodge No. 16106. Bro. Mar. in, tm P. Full honours perce treaties of Versailles sad Maruin speeded up the paddock themseives and to bave a drink GU. F. sesembled in their of the Order was accorded bim. As a Sevres. Continued from page 1)
holders, and the last race was with their friends.
Lodgo room at Druids Grove 20. b, mark of respect and courtesy brothers Down with the rule It is thought also, that the Street Central Avenue, in large number. Siepbeas end Carke, PG s of begun in Germany and will con bourgeoisie and of the un just a few minutes Over reaction is the required lice. Turites are selling of the Pari Mutuel should Tho firet duts performand after the Ludge the due rutreadored their positiva es tinue until we win vittors cost Western Europe expressing dissatisfaction over opened was to give to two Jast it may The German Long live the victorious che horrid manner the various after the horses are sent away trothers to qunlify them for the office to Martin and Green assisted by rades appeal to the working Russian Revolotio events ure rushed. They feel from the starting post. These which cach was elected, they boias Brother Pattenger, who performed the brothers and sisters of Dusland Lang live the victory of the Wat is very little consideration and other minor improvemer te me voida els absend on the regular duties must credible to the teises and Czechosləvik to take up this which will complete the Russian France, Italy: Belgium, and Western European proletariat, should be paid to any sighting will bring racing here to the Degree night.
card. Those who visit the races required standard A good sprickling of Past Offices satisfactoriisto 2010 fight, and prepare the way for Pavolution!
First Race Sstarts p.

    BolshevismBourgeoisieEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismItalyWorking Class

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