p. 1


of the and Cars numerous to the The cele contrary sions VOL. 10 No. 28 PANAMA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1923.
PRICE Cts. Cy.
End Of This Month Allies Pay No Heed to the Orders, London despatch dated Feb. Direct West India Cable des: No Desire In Britain That Methods Given to Warships by the Turks. Wife ate Viscount Praecelles, gave fourg states that the trial of states that Mary. patch from New York birth to a son on that night.
Marcus Garvey, belt styled Pret Applied By French Should Fail MAKE NO ATTEMPT TO ENFORCE ANY OF THEIR Princess Mary son was born at ilong was adjour needs antil Bebra PLAN CALLED FOR ALLIED SUPERVISION OF GERThe bulletin announced that siềent of Africa end promoter of a number of negro organizaLATEST DEMANDS.
11 15 The Princess and in fant MANY FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION condition.
for use of the mails in an alleged From London it is stated that ar baur while the Allied com miso the children of the King and gators to stock of the Black Star By Diroct West India Oable instructed to remain in the har. lent are reported to be in excel ary 26th. Garvey was indicted Princess Mary was the first of attempt to defraud the investi London, January, 1923. There prised. It is increasingly felt nemnt has been reached pioners hava demanded that the Queen to enter into the marriage Steamship Line.
can be no doubt that the Gov that the British pian submitted Gereen the Turkish authorities Angora Government countestate, and this is the first grandernment in dissociating itself and advocated by Bonar Law at le Smyrna the Allied navel and its order for the depart, child of the British Royal Home. Panama Carnival Belguim in the Rubr has she contained the only principles from the action of France and the abortive Paris Conference Commander, says an Exchange yre of the ships.
Telegraph despatch, by way of Treat Cifferently.
vast majority of British public upon which money in large letant tipople, Under which the supporting its attitude. It is suns could be obtained from status quo would be maintained cial advices yesterday showed Washington, February 01 Casualities During Brilliant Success disappointing to every Germany with any degree of geading diplomatic negotiations that the Tuckish authorities at The Week. FLOATS AND DECORATED been such a direct cleavage of the risk of further political as one here that there should have certainty and without running Constantinoplo Speaks. Smyrna did not include the views between the Allies, but well as economic upheavals Constantinople, Febreary United States destroyer ElWe regret to announce that a the disagreemant is frank and throughout Europe. The main So far as is known here, the sall as among foreign warships not ordered out of that port. large number of casualities were Ingeniously Constructed. diminish the desire et united British plan is that it depends Angora Government has honest and it cartainly does not argument employed against the sfied to the Allied protest con Th9 Turkish commander recorded during the closing day action in other directions. It entirely upon German Promises cerning the Turkish decree for elected to const: de orders from and night of the Carnival. Some se departure of Allied warships the Government, closing the were the aftermath of the con th ree Carnival has become his here have by no means forgot guarant es.
Nineteen hundred and tweaty is well to emphasise that people and does not insist on any is The criticism Eno Smyrna barbour The port to foreigo warships of more gested condition of not than one thousand tons burden city, and situation at myrna has tory.
and there is For three days the splen ten the war both inaccurata and unfair. The particulir sympathy for the plan definitely stipulated Alchanged. Several foreign war as not applying to the United others were due to circum. dour of the festivities ships remain in At nights, the illa Government who, it is felt. have lied saper vision of the whole the harbour States craft, although as a mat stances over which no one had unrivalled Chile a few British vessels are ter of official record, the ship any control, they were either mination a Gac outside. Signals of the mailshi» does slightly exceed that size accidents or coi. cidences. view to look on. The foats and much to provoke any such so many until the restoration of Pierre Loui, for a lot toallegorical were It was assumed by officials more son to insist that Germany shall threatened coercion of Germany Britato has every rea, her credit and equally definitely as were umansweredienos cen here that the action borbe Turks about Teodoro alternagehad hot years Fifty six floats and deco pay to the danost limited her should she default after attain Tuesday afternoon inued voyage without isb military Bering the harbour here.
took and the earliest pos ability to pay. The chauffeur rated cars Smyrna ia ex :mptiog the Ei leg fractured.
SAD moomoth procession.
sible moment. But Englishmen the plan was so drafted as to There has been rumours of the sall from the order, was taken escaped and up to the present do not see how the application make it advantageous sinking of one or more mers on tonnage grounds for the pur no arrest tas been made Qualat, curious and ingenious of chantmen by mines, but these pose of military measures by the Germans to meet their liabilities costumes were seen in attend French is going to help to this in the shortest possible period, passing upon the more Vough the foreign commis States neutrality. In any event of 29 years old a jitney drive. ce: The various club out end. They fear it will bave the and offered without any nfirmation, delicate question of the United Percival Stewart a Jamaican return for a final rivalled themselves effect; that not only settiement of the problem with are in constant wireless the question which the Allied was almost killed instantly from bration was a grand and strik will it produce little or nothing all its consequent advantages to Buch with Smyrna.
nations have to face in connec the sbatt of a machine gun ing medium of advertisement in the way of immediate pay Europe at large definite and It is announced that Mastapha tion with the Smyrna order is carriage at Fort Clayton The Lucky Strike, Chesterfield, Mag Kemal Pasha will 180 to Is mid to put before the United States mule which was drawing the nums, Victor all the most mentabat may probably delay substantial Betish meet Ismet Pasha returning Government. The Edsall or cart run away and collided with popular brand of cigarettes, considerably all the hope of sacrifices on the score of interof Allied indebted e39. That plan from the Lausanne Conference some other destroyers will re. the Balboa Beer and other commo: getting substantial sums sad accompany him to Angora. maio at Smyrna to car, the shaft, piercin dities took prominent places in ooney 02 of Germany for is not to ba forgotten although look out the win windshield Stewart chest crushing his and mentering the tinal parada on Tuesday last. troy it tim: and conceivably des: it is temporarily; at all events, Paris, February Wait nu for United States interests, altogether. Ronald out of the field. Meanwhile, this Murder Church Head heart and fracturing several of si Ismet Pasha reaches Angora Queen Zoila and the Ameri MeNeill, the Parliamentary Ua covatry waits on events and to the suggestion of Ferid Bey, Warsaw, February The chief of Company 83rd Intentry the personification of beauty fairs summed up the situation considerable anxiety.
his ribs. Private Clarence Wall, can Legiou Queen, Anita, were der Secretary for Foreign Al watches then with interest and Turkish representative here of the Russian Church of Poland who was a passenger on the car and affability. They certainly chacerning the apparently alarm. the Metropolitan George was a day two ago by aphearts of the vast plying the legend of the goose ng turn of aưairs in the Near assassinated last night by the at the tine, was severely bruised captured the lined the streets to and the golden eggs to it. We Silver Tree Entertainment Russian Monk Smaragd. Toe about the head, body and chest, torene whom London, February A re assassin belonged to a group of Two Spaniards attacked and them honour.
believe the Frenca are going to port that the Turks now demand the clergy who opposed the wounded seriously The conduct of the crowd was starve the goose or even to cut because of the en and dubert Parles Good Silver Tree Entertainment time withdrawal of Allied war Metropolitan on the good humoured, courteous and its throat he said. We want salinips from Ismid was received latters pro Polish policies.
Miraflores Road. Gooden is a friendly, and as a result the to feed it enough to enable it to together with Songs and ReciHere to day from Constantinople.
Big Mine Tragedy.
chauffeur and bad apparently Carnival was immensely enjoyed lay. We have no love for the tations by the School Children, and Musical Selections by the The entrance to Ismid and Cumberland, February agreed to convey the two bloody The Committee deserves a meed goose, but we want the ex. Choir will be given at Geddes assassin from for their Panama to that of praise Smyrna harbours are said to Twenty eight bodies have been destination.
brilliant The Alternative Method Hail on Saturday evening 27th Giwe been mined. Ismid, located recovered, and it is feared that was a dispute over the fares On arrival there achievement and success.
There is, however, no desire inst. begining at 80.
tae head of the Gulf of Ismid, about thirty other miners, en. which resulted in the serious here that the methods long adThe Silver Tree will be unveil556 miles east of Constanti trapped in the second level of wounding of the two men who ro MORROW RACE vocated and now applied by the ed by Mrs. A, Harris.
the mine No. 3, as a result of an were charge of the car.
French, should fail.
Proceeds in aid of the WesleyThe British and French naval explosion of fire damp, will not Gooden right lung was pierced MEETING succeed British Opinion will be an Sunday School.
raft now at Smyrna have been be taken out alive.
it is not expected that glad, but surprised very sur Admission only 10c. gold.
he will recover To morrow racing will record the most brilliant struggle STRIKE AT DEMERARA case of suicide by a Latin Ameri drome. The best to can along Central Avenve.
arrive in this country up to the Among Police And Junior Post Office present will meet to test their The United States Atlantic opportualty of witaassing under superiority over six furlongs, fleet arrived in Isthmian waters military and naval discipline the Employees.
Jamaica Athletes This contest will be watched on Monday last and proceeded with more than passing interest through the Panama Canal to special to trained men who It will be an opportunity for the Pacific entrance where the Army. Their conduct during the manned the Navy the Special cable to the Jamaica the careful and sympathetic WELCOME TO PANAMA. this country to select from ships are now laying at anchor days of the festivities was excelaileaner from its correspondent consideration of the Government, which place she ought to build in Balboa harbour, Ia a few leat and it continued to the at Georgetown, Demerara, dat both the policemen and Post up her racing stock, Four of days the annual practice will end of their stay here will be a february 9, states that some Ofice employees returned to rived and are guests of the which has ever gone over the attack the defenses of the Canal The Jamaica athletes have ar the best horses in recent times begin, and the Pacific flyet a credit to the American Nation: members of the Police Force their respective duties.
and junior members of the Post We welcome the officers and The whole matter has since mus That island stands out in and three well be in this berene and blow up the locks and for men of the fileet, expressing the Indian on the racing in the hope to secure a landing Nice Department, went on been discussed in the Combined bold repute as having always lean contest. Dad is from Caba ficatious.
desire strike a few days ago, in conse Court, and the men who struck enjɔyable and pleasant time in quence of drastic reductions, have not suffered any pecu ziary sent out men to represent her in and in the racing of Sunday 11th especially in respect to wages. loss as was first contemplated. colours have not been lowered Is a horse with a lot of speed and the late Earopean War inomna vai balts, wish them delightful im.
All the experienca gained in this country; and on leaving will. he In view of the threatening The Legislature bas granted the and that they have on all pre stamina, Chileno is of English military strategy, and the dead. lections of this beautiful country. improvements in pressions and memorable attitude taken up by the strikers necesssary relief vious occasions returned to their blood from Peru; with Buck od their ly and destrusive inventions and sympathisers, the The marines of one of his home as the champions in the Dancer, Dad. Forget me not will be tested so as to make sure conditions, its cosmopolitan social Government deemed it neces. Majesty warships, which came various contests and events for and Chileno there will be a great that the Canal will be im.
sary to call upon a number of bere to preserve orders are now which they had competed. international make up which Tha men of the feet hava vilians, who were sworn in as engaged in keen football matches Conceding these commend will worth the energy ot going pregnable against an invading been having shore leave making special constables, to hold them with members of the Looal able distinctions and while we miles to witness. All the star party. This will be red letter this city to have quite a busy selves ready in the case of even. Forces extend them a cordial welcome Jockeys on the Isthmus will be day for this country the results looking time.
oalities, and to assist the and anticipate for them chival having mounts in this race, and of which will demonstrate our cathorities in preserving order.
Star courteous treatment, when the barrier is listed here afety under the sbe REMOVAL NOTICE Biters precaution was taken by British Consulate Notice we hope also, to give Jamaica than was ever seen at any sport Bava u Palude in the Canal Mhe Executive much more excitement Stripes, the guarantee to bave re infoeresurprise of sports in ents from in and outside Treaty which We have Westing meet in this country, was recently The Rev. Nightencountry, like colony, but happily there Panama desire to know of the Indians here who can out You will hear men and women Senate and which is still further Church Panama, begs to abrogated by the United States gale, Rector of St. Paul were no demonstration or dis whereabouts of Jestina Red class the premier islands and yelling hoarse for their favorite. the subject of discussion for a order.
wood who is said to have left those other islands which It is not our intention to give new and more equittable The strikers were remonstrat Jamaica fer Panama in 1914 and have gone down to defeat before any tips as we are in a tight box ment with this R:public Pree. botify the publtc that his new residence is No. Domingo with, and on the assurance have not been heard of since to name the winner ourselves, On the day of the Carnival Diaz Street. next door to has their cases would receive 1918. Continued on page Continued on Page 8) this community was given the Cumberbatch Bros. Tailors. a neatly or If they and There was also an attempted met een an fhuan Franco shima ARRIVAL OF FLEET.
aud rous and will be the that them,


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