
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17 1923 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands LYNTON Book Binding!
Book Binding Department KING BEE MAGNUMS Coupons Company Regardless of the DEMERARA WILKINSON Contractor Demerara War Memorial WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT and Builder No. 78. New Market Street House No. 20 DEATHLESS EPITAPH.
28th NOV. STREET, RETAIL DEPARTMENT SAN MIGUEL Why throw away your old, but no Honouring Old College No. 107, Bolivar Street Box 411, Panama, R, doubt interesting, books when you Boys.
THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY Plans and Specifications Free can have them neatly bound at war memorial of some char.
First Class Workmanship acter bas been erected in FULL SUPLY OF Demerara and one only repreGuaranteed.
THE WORKMAN rentative of a section of those Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, from the colony who laid down their lives in the great cause.
Day (December 26th) a very Cabbage, Dairymen Butter, This memorial which has been serious motor car smasb occurisubscribed to by the Old Boys ed on the sea wall, at GeorgeALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES of Queen College in honour of tow merara, resulting in their fellows was unveiled by very bad injuries being suffered His Excellency the Officer Adby six well known members of CENTRAL AVENUE ministering the Government the community viz. Mc Call and see us before purchasing the Hon. R, Popham Lobb, at Adamson, a Directer of Messers Queen Coilege on Friday after elsewhere. de Abreu, Ltd. provision and No. G Street noon last in the presence of a merchants of Water Stret, Mrs. Adamson, Mc. Exsbaw who large number of ladies and gen.
is interested in tha diamond intlemen.
dustry and Mrs. Exsbaw kr. The tablet which is of brass 99. 3: Sociek SEX Speight, who arrived from was made by John Underwood England on a yisit to the colony.
and Sons. Baker Street London, and Mr. Dien, acting Sub Creoline Hair Preparations and its cost was subscribed to TO THE SMOKERS Accountan of the Royal Bank of by the Old Boys of Queen Oanada, who has Positively Superior to all others on earth.
been in the College. It bears the following Ty them and be convinced.
colony for only three months.
Inscription. OF They are now patients at the They are the vaster Preparations of the Wr3. This tablet is dedicated by Colonial Hospital, Different from all Others the Old Boys of Queen College The party were taking an early to the honoured memory of the morning drive after leaving a Prices of all goods in the United States of America 50c. following Od Boys who died for dance and dinner of the previous all Foreign Cutrios, 60e.
their country in the Great War night.
Creoline Hair Producer of 1914 1918 Abraham, Straightens rough, harsh, kinky hair with or without hot combs, But, Bynoe, and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELINE. Contains 10 Curruthers, The Argosy of November 19th MC, Coomba F. Foresbaw, Hunte, states that if the recent decision percent more oil than is possible to be put into agy otwor proparation of its kind in the world. Palohet in plases and preveai, balddess, Jones, Kelly, of the Georgetown Council to In ounce tins, Payne, MO, Rainer, We Will Continue to Cash the adjust water rates according to T, Rickford, G. Swain, the size of the supply mains be Creolina Day Dandruff Remedy Weber, Wrong, carried into very good scalp treatment positirely re noves Dandruff, Tetter edect, waoy Water and Busin. It is antiseptic. Growshale kuips, the scalp healthy KING BEE MAGNUM Streets properties will find ther.
In ounce bottles. Their names livetb foreverselves paying four and five times more Twelve non Commission.
the amount of taxation under Jackson Manufacturing Co.
ed Officers and men represent this head than they have been 153 West Tenth St, Manufacturers ana kaportes du polis Ina. ing the Artillery Militia under accustomed to Water Street All Up to date Drug Stores carry stock of Creoline.
Capt. Austin, twelve merchants have decided to pr non. Commissioned Officers and test against the new rates, and it men representing No. Iofantry necessary to replace their under Sgt. Mejor present three inch pipes by JAMAICA evaporated banana factory, beManly and twelve non Commis three quarter inch pipes, longing to Mr. DeLisser sioned officers and men of the DURING THE ENTIRE YEAR 1923 at Rio Mango, miles from Police under Inspector White, FIRES AT AND NEAR Riversdale, destroyed both together with the Band under The Damerara Government buliding and plantation on Sun.
Lieut. Fawcett paraded at the two million dollar loan which RIVERSDALE day evening. Times.
College and took part in the nas ciused in July last year ceremony. Capt. Matthey, acting Staff Officer was in com Expiration Date Shown Thereon when the full amount was sub Buildings and Provisions scribed wis fully paid up on Fri Destroyed, mand, day, last week when an outWatchman Vanishes: His Excellency attended by BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO Co.
standing balance of 13, 750 was And Evapsrated Banana Capt, Irying, D. arrived at (Ponama) Limited m, and was received by the Factory, FEARS HE DROWNED.
staff of Queen College who The total estimated expendi conducted him to the table SO SEXO cossos es so ko The Gleaner of the 1st instant ure of the Georgetown Town At Riversdale in St. Catherine which is placed on the tirst flat Cuel for 1923 says an Ex last Saturday nigh, the shop (reports that Kingſton Harbour and near the steps leading up change is 492, 535 premises owned by Mr. has within the past fortnight the tabler, saluted it while the Cım sined Ceut it wil not be crease of 89, 961 over the pre Delisser in whica Mr. it would appear claimed ans her Addressing the gate ering Mr. Pust. This done the band play: suariou 21 (3G don) or Meryer seinereage occurse in the vision, was destroyed by fire. case however being as mysterious he brigades suunded The List possible to pay gruts under vious years expenditure. The Meeks kepta larga stock of pro vistim, the circa instances to this D. Mulder, the Principal. ed Land of Hope and Go y under guration 24 (1. Menua City Engineer D partment, which fanned by a strong it is.
gentlemen, the posed victim (for so it soms is tablet which His Excellency has and ibo Phanwm Brigades. during the wawcial yer wuose estimated expenditure bretz, passed on to three rest 19. 28 eotsented to unveil, for which or next year 245 315 against donces and totally destroyed. Joboson Richardson, a nativ) of 18. 531 for he present year.
that belonging to Mrs. Cold Nova Scotia, about 55 years of we Od Boys are extremel. Demerara TeachBuring Mɔtor Car Sinash.
grateful to bum, bas been sub Tou manager of Mr. age, and was employed a; a weeks bualaess is Mr. McCal watchman of the Remlik, scribed for by the Old Buys ers Salary If you like beautiful hair uso lum.
which has for soma tima uw as a memorial of those Old Boys Another fire in the In the earls hours of Fox ng Creoline hair producer.
who gave their lives during the (Continued On Page 5)
war. or these fifteen. Old Boys ATTENDANCE INCREASE REthree. Curruibers, Payne and Wong during the course of the MOVED.
war were awarded the Military Cross. One of them Mr. Butts Result of Electives Action Capitai and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 is a former Guiana Scholar and one Mr. Wong a Govern ment Primary scholar; aad According to the Demerara thick must say to those wboChronicle, primary school teach knew and loved them in life thaters are very much concerned though our bearts may be sad over the following circula: when we look upon the names issued to School Managers by those who have gone we cannot the Commissioner of Elucation: Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CITY but feel proud that they were Sir. With reference to cause Owned by THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK ready to offer themselves for 25 of the Bluestion Code 1919 service when their country wape the honour to inform you called upon them. now ask His Exceller ey kindly to unveil Suction in to votes for grantsia consequence of the ruthe memorial alter which the aid for the year 1923 TO Depository of the PANAMA CANAL buglers will sound The Last increase in salaries due to in.
crease in average attendance for His Exceliency sald: The tablet he scool year ended 30. Juge Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of was an honour roli of men who 1922, can be allowed from 1st by their death wrought tor them January 1923 THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in selves a deathless epitaph. It all Consequently Head was such as these that oue of Teachers and First Assistant ENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN ITALY BELGIUM our Boglisb poeus commemorat Teachers who have been in reCHINA JAPAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES ed in his laes op Clation Coanels ceipt of Increased salary since procul hinc ARGENTINE BRAZIL CHILE the legend 1st September last solely the QUBA PERU PORTO RICO writ. che frouties grave is far above ground must rovert to th: URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA Away) Qui ante diem pergi sea salary they received prior to that milda se pro patria They learned the greatest of life a late.
lessons unseldishness to set). would ask you therefore the same above the priz) the to be so good as to take steps Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World cause above renowo, Thep did to ascertain whether any teachnot stop to count the cost. They are employed in your school saw their duty, and they died in are affected by the terms of doing it, so left to us a shiuin this cirealar and it so to render ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE and imperishable mecaery. May the seaol aosomats for January it tever be forgotten in their old 1923 acoordingly.
school or in the land that gave INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM Farther as all grants are inum birth.
dependent on the amount voted His Excellency, who unveiled annually for that purpose by the paid stairs.
large International Banking Corporation that


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