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BOCAS BRITISH PARLIAMENT OPENS TOWN OF REDUCTIONS MIGHTY EARTH SHOCK WITH USUAL CEREMONIES Undergoing Modern And In Passenger Rate Between UNDER PACIFIC OCEAN Up to date Improvement Canada and West Indies modern inton te passengem porten between Boats Driven Ashore and Ships ware The ceremony in the House and feet.
INDICATION, POINTS TO LIVELY SESSIO From latest information re Direct West India Cable TIDAL WAVES BRING DEATH AND DESTRUCTION ceived from Bocas del Toro, we from Montreal dated February are advised that the town is 7th states an important reduc.
The Ruhr Situation, Near East steadily undergoing and progressive improvements. Canada and the West Indies was Trouble and Unemployment The Government custom pier annoucced to day by the Cana Tossed About Like Cork In has been completed.
Repairs dian Government Merchant In Britain have been effected at the Marine the new rate to go into Harbour of Hawaili National Palace and the Central effect on March 1st, with the Police Station.
Balling of the Canadian Fisher London, February 13. The will be sujected by the strong At present the streets are from Hallfax. The rates from late Honolulu cable despatch (swept out by the rushing water.
session of Parliament was open Labour Party to say nothing of under reconstruction. The pub Mareb Ist will be as follows. dated February states that ed with the usual ceremonies of the Liberals, Many drivers of automobiles lic hospital ander Dr. Alfred Vaz Seven tidal waves this afternoon State setting in motion at noon The Labour Party makes no has been greatly improved and Halifax to Hamilton Ber swept Hilo Bay Island of Hawaii. abandoned their cars when thay the machinery of wbat muda round trip 70 (un The waves reached. maximum towards them. The Standard Taw the huge waves weeping generally regarded as one of the attempt to conceal that they are al present this institution is al the entering the session in a spirit credit to the civilization and changed. height of fifteen feet. Apmost important sessions of of aggression determined to onward march of progress. It Halifax to Kingston 150 quake in the Pacific Ocean, She was believed to be on sand parently the result of in earth oil tanker Deane was in evident Parliament since the declaration force the peace and arouse will be remembered that at the distress in the bay hare to night.
of peace in view of the delicacy liament in an formerly 204.
ehted time Dr. Vas took charge, the brought death to a number of bar, and weight of the problems with whistling for assistance.
building was an insanitary mass which the Government is faced It is generally conceded that of corruption, and thanks to his Halifax to Belize British owing to the unsettled European On the Istand of Mauida tidal Hunduras the round fare the Matsoa Navigation Com. Dc. Smith, whosa automoOne Japanese was killed when wava brought serious injury to situation and the financial trade the present state of national and energy it is at present able to international and labour questions at bome.
is 226 the present rate pany. lighter Wailoa struct, the bilo was hurried by the affairs supplies house the most respectable citi Ramsay MacDonald and his men in that place.
House of followers with plenty of subjects being 850 the Lords was surrounded by all the upon which they can concentrate improvements of which Bocas It is said that much of the The victim fell from the bridge over fence and overturned.
This is the most important and perished in the wrecko The The doctor leg was broken.
splendor which has characteria their activities. Unemployed, can boast to day were secured med neto in passengererates year body ot onu Japanese fisherman The high waters washed over has been recovered. Four others the streets of the waterfront The Prince of Wales aud the among the prominent domestic unflagging energy of that true and the M. oicials are missing Duke of York who were among matters to which the Party is the early arrivals, took their pledged to pay its special atten Neira, one of the most honest West Indies is up to the capacity sons met death was not known shed virtually was demolished and tried Patriot Dr. Rafael stated to day that the passenger trafic between Canada and the How many, if any, other perdestroying the freight in the pier buildings, The whart places among the nobility who tion.
and uncompromislog men in this crowded the ancient chamber.
and the water covered the wharf Lowering skies and occasional Labour great scheme, a levy public. Conscientious to the of the ships on this run. Wero to night.
available Tidal waves also touching at office to a depth of feet. The Bursts of dazzling rain detracted on Capital will also be aggres root of his soul and a staunch there larger vessels least threo other islands of the Kabulni damage is estimated at somewhat from the brilliaco sively pressed. Great Britain supporter of the present ad they would be easily filled.
of the procession of State fron foreign policy will furnish at ministration, Thomas Cree. the passenger Hawaiian group occured shortly 500. 000 dols.
the The people at Bocas appreciate manager of Buckingham Palace t) West least an equal number of con Several large lumber cows O, after woon to day, and in reced minster, but the weather failed tentious topics and MacDonald is fully what Dr. Neira has done stated to day that the main puring, left scenes of desolation and were driven ashore against the to keep away the huge crowds expected to call upon the Gov. and is doing for the advance pose of the rate reduction is to considerable damage in their boulders at Kahului, Mud covere which always lined the streets ernment to take the initiative, ment of that Province.
make the trip to Jamaica possi wake. They took a toll of lives the streets, and fish of all sizes and cheer the Royal progress, with the co operation of the ble to a much greater number of estimated at from four to ten were found in the roads swept It must rot be forgotten also Canadians than formerly.
United States, it possible in an and tossed ships anchored in the by the waves.
Half an hour before the pro: endeavour to bring about the that Don, Eusebio Herrera and bays or tied to docks about like The Aaleiwa tidal waves occur.
cession was to start soldiers took eyacuation of the Ruhr. The Senior Federico Rose, are leaving The winter season at Halifax corks.
conturned to in the will end on April 12th, when the On the island of Oahu four The largest of the waves ca ne. 12, 40 and 10 up their position along the British position in Palestine and no stone route keeping guard. small wesopotamia has a prominent National Assembly in securing Nassau Kingston, Jamaica and waves struck Haleiwa with at 12. 40. The one procession of the unemployed Honolulu harboue catheta: Sweet Hall with sandwich boards read rega ds the evacuation of Meso to a modern standard of the Proton. Bel zu. The service is now olulu Bay, where the water rose well established and receded a maximum of six Eforts to reach Samos potamia the Labour Party is not vince of Bocas.
by ing out of work and we are alone, for such a step is being wireless had been vain up to a late determined to see Bunar Law.
insistently demanded by mem hour this afternoon. section of the Oahu rallroad It was notable that a few bars outside the Labour minutes later King George was The attitu le of the lih. ACQUITTED ON MANSLAUGHTER tracks, skirting the ocean at Two Shocks Of Terrific Violence Mokuleia, about four miles west reading the speech from the both th, Independents led by CHARGE of Haleiwa, was washed Washington. February out, as Throne which declared that the Mr. quith and the National were several bridges, Persons (Associated Press. Two distinct state of unemployment was Liberals whose leader is Mr.
who observed the waves said earthquakes, one of tremendous causing the deepest concern to Lloyd George is regarded as one WHEN DEATH FOLLOWED that the who. e sea seemed to anduv usual proporifons, the other His Majesty and must continu, of the chief topics. The Liberal ROW OVER 3d.
DR. SAMUELS rise up.
of moderate intensity, occured ously engage the attention of position is somewhat less clear to day, but their exact location Heaviest At Hilo bis Ministers than that of labour for it is could not be determined from the somewhat overshadowed for the Joseph Nairne ie dead. pleasant visitor to the Isth An Important Session.
mus during the past few weeks Hilo where the only deaths, were and scientists differed widely in The beaviest damage was at records of delicate seismographs Pune moment by the question of a re Him dead, sir!
Dr. bert London, February 13. The duion of the two wings. There Yes Surgeon Dentist of Kingston, reported. At this place the tidal affected.
Samuels those of Japanese fishermen, were their opinions as to the regions session of Parliament which are many Liberals under both due Lord, my God Jamaica, who wes on a short waves swept out the railroad opened to day promises to be leaders who are eager to reunite whicb was spent with The first quake, the greater of but the DetectiveVassall to his owi: hisa brothers. ch Fred and willie bridges over the Wailuku River the two, was estimated to have dication that its deliberation will yet been over come, neverthele. Chiaro di Wednesday related and Panama respectively and interest There is also in such a reconciliation have not donce in the Kingston Careweit residing in the cities of Colon and pamped. practicarbour the bean centered 5, 000 miles from sampans in Hilo. One Its.
this brtet him sampan was seen on the crest of tinued for more than three hours conceded that the Governm. nt to be in the Dr. Samuels is no stranger to a wave running at full speed. It and before they had ended the direction of self kod Edwin Hibbert, who faces an exacting task, Its re ution. This has already been was in the dock charged with the Isthmus having resided for disappeared and those aboard it seismographs recorded a second majority is only about 70 strong rtually accomplished in the being responsible for the death many years at Colon whence he are missing.
series of shocks estimated to be proceeded to. and Its Whips will need to apply House of Lords where the of Joseph Nairne in Kingston.
The stores on the Hilo water at another point between 600 Special vigilance to keep this Liberal peers bave agreed to Lord have mercy. Poor me Surgery, at Howard University, streets, their foundation begin ton.
and took up the study of Dental front were thrown into the and 3, 700 miles from Washinggroup together in view of the serve unitedly under the leader. boy. Look what a 3d. do.
energetic attacks to which it ship of Viscount Grey.
These were the concluding Jamaica and started practising aiter graduating he returned to words of the accused in his state and it is claimed that he has HORSE RACING TO MORROW AT mated the jury when he nar commanded quite an enviable THE GORGAS MEMORIAL the he could JUAN FRANCO led to the tragic end of Nairne, only absent himself for the three INSTITUTE VOTEX There was a quarrel over 3rd sbort weeks he spent on the JAIAD lent and wlich accused was not Isthmus. Dr, Samuels returned TWO ONE MILE EVENTS in a posluon to return to the de to Jamaica on Thursday last, WAS INAUGURATED ON visiting delegation of Surgeons, and Major Edgar Bucock repreWILL FEATURE A, BRAGG AT SCHOOL ceased when requested to do so.
Nairne flung a brick at accused, Benting the Santo Tomas Hospiwho in return threw a piece of THE VERY BEST Address Delivered By Presl. Dr. Franklia Martin, repre.
tal, Dr. Augusto Boyd and To morrow the Panama Jockey Word has been received from iron at deceased.
Club, will present a very inter Mr, Cecil Bragg, who is at An artery of the right leg was dent Porras.
sented the medical profession of The popula of Dairymen Panama esling card of seven races. The present attending the State cut Nairne died In distances have been increased University of Blowa city duwa hospital the day after his admis such rapidity that in lis hardy Fellows of American College After the arrival of Presidente. milk moving with to some Mr. Bragg is studying necessary to mention that it is of Surgeons Present, Porras National real and enjsyable fun among Medicine, profession for which Hibbert tale was told by now caaried in all the Panama Anthen was rendered by the the thoroughbreds There will be shows commendablo aptitude.
At p. on Sunday last in band. Dr. Porras then ascended 0313 be two events of one mile each, In bis recent examination he himself in a manner which caus: Canal Commissaries, because it two six furlongs and one seven captured the first place in his ed His Honour to remark to the has been discovered that it is the the presence of very large the rostrum and said Ladies class for chemistry and physics.
very best and the cheapest. One and appreciatiwe gathering of and Gentlemen. experience He (prisoner)
my trial is sufficient to convince of citizens and foreigners who had profound satisfaction from the 24 The88 prises in the card of tomorrow should make a mark among his too, as well as the sympathy of Condensed ought to be some rerum and ambitious young man, who sympathy. know he has yours the merits of Dairymen League assembled to do honour to a fact, that it is my privilege and Evaporated dead philanthropist, one who to lay the corner stone of the and turfites will watch had done so much for the sani Tastitute of Tropical Medicine events with more than passing has our good wishes for his fellow collegiates. Mr. Bragg everybody in the room, tary condition of this country which Panama dedicates Sall the jury were not to be to Interest.
tature career. requests to carried away by mere sympathy. In the court room.
was truly bafitting and demon William Crawford Gorgas to Quite a large crowd is ex. be remembered all his friends The verdict of the jury strated a commendabte sirit pa petuate lis memory here, on was pected as the races has become in this city.
the shores of the murmuring of unanimous; not guilty.
Outside a lady friend greeted of gratitude very popular and on Sunday bim thus; At the function there were the Pacific, and in close proximievening Juan Franco is the place Hibbert left the dock free What something you go the President and his Cabinet to that thoroughfare which to spend an evening. The first ALL ABOARD! FOR JUAN FRANCO man, and was greeted by his pall through. Look how you look bad. Ministers, the Diplomatic and hurriedly informer days as arent will be started at 15 TO MORROW with one of whom he shook bands Jamaica Times Consular Corps, Members of the Continued on Page 8)
was a SU. DAY. AS 100


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