
DAGE TWC THE WORKMAN BATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24 1923 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Book Binding!
MAGNUMS doubt interesting, books when you THE WORKMAN Book Binding Department Coupons Ave Regardless of the LYNTON was of TRINIDAD os, sexsexse 4351583508 SSSSSSSSR DO YOU NEED THIMBLE?
Death Of Mr. TO THE SMOKERS Gordon Gordon.
OF The death is reported of Mr.
KING BEE Why throw away your old, but no William Gordon Gordon at Portof Spain Trinidad on January 7th last, Good Sewing can hardly be Commenting on his death the done without good Thimbles, can have them neatly bound at West India Committee Circular observes thus:Aimong other things at our The death of Mr. Gordon Gor store you ll find a nice assardon removes the most prominent We Will Continue to Cash the ment of Thimbles In Sterling figure in Trinidad commercial Silver, Sterling with Gold Banii life. The subject of our memoir and 14k. Solid Gold.
went out to Trinidad in Novem KING BEE MAGNUM ber, 1864 to join the staff of A, They ara Heavy Waight and Cummings Co. few years correctly designed.
afterwards he left them and joined the Colonial Bank with We also have Toimbles for the object of obtaining experiCENTRAL AVENUE Tailors in Sterling Silver. Seo er. de in banking. About two them at years later he started a merFULLER and No. G Street chant business with another employee of Cumming Co. FINE WATCH WORK ENGRATING AND REPAIRINO 1923 DURING THE ENTIRE YEAR Mr. Campbell Hannay. under 122 Central the name of Campbell Handay Co. a firm ich was very successful. When this partner and was one of the not outs in ship was dissolved he Creoline Hair Preparations was the second innings. No one will joined by Mr. George Grant Expiration Date Shown Thereon envy Flannigan the justifiable Positively Superior to all oth rs on earth.
and subsequently other part pride he must feel at the laurels Try them and be conviaced, ners, and it was only when his which have fallen to his cohealth began to give way ibat BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO Co. operators and himself and we They are the Master Preparations of the World.
bis business, till known as wish them further success, In (P nama. Limited Different from all Others Gordon Grant Co. was turn the series of games the ball bas ed into a private limited liability been master of the bat.
Prices of all goods in the United Stites of America 50c. mpany.
all Foreign countries, 60e.
Mr. Gordon Gordon was a Death from Drinking Creoline Hair Producer member of the Legislative Council from 1893 until 1904 when he Arsenic in Mistake for Straightens rough, harsh, kinky bair with or without hot comis, and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELIVE. Contains 16 found himself in disagreement Rum percent more oil than is possible to be put into any other preparation with the Government over the of its kind in toe world. Patches in places and prevent baldaess, In ounce tins, water question, which gave rise St. Lucy parish was consider to the riots in the preceding Creolina Day Dandruff Remedy WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT able excited last Sunday when it year; but he continued to identiA very good soalp treatment positively removes Dandrut, Teller became known that John Perkins ty himself with the public life No. 78, New Market Street.
and Eczema. It is antiseptic. Grows hair. koaps the scalp healthy a white man of the parish was In ounce bottles.
of the colony as President of the Trinidad Chamber of Commerce, in a serious condition as a result post which he filled for many Jackson Manufacturing Co, RETAIL DEPARTMENT of drinking poison. Perkins hed 455 West Tenth St. Manufacturers and Baportes a quantity of Fowlers Solution or Indianapolis Ind. Не All Up to date Drug Stores carry stock of Creoline.
a most kindly, No. 107, Bolivar Street courteous disposition, and a Arsenic on a shelf at his home sportsman, being particularly where he kept his liquor. SunTHE PEOPLE COMMISSARY fond of sbootlog, and for many day morning be essayed to take his matutinal eye opener but by ficer has been named Rosamond haar, compares favourably with years be used to rent a moor to Bcotland. He was twice married, mistake poured out a strong dose after, we understand, one of the imported article, his first wife being the youngest FULL SUPPLY OF of the poisonous stud instead of the daughters of His Excellency daughter of the Hon. Scott the rum he intended. He was the Governor.
Buche, Colonial Secre Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, taken to the General Hospital in The recent Ball at the Victoria tary, and the second a dughter a perilous condition, where Cabbage, Dairymen Butter, of Bir David wilson, every attempt was made to save Croney Has Crossed Hospital in did of the Rag Fund, we learn was one of the bis life but without ayail. He the Great Beyond and widow of the late Mr.
most brilliant, and enjoyable of ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES died the following day, Monday.
George Bushe, who, with a son The Barbados Herald of Jun its kind ever held bere, Dow in his ninth year survives uary 6th records with regret His Honour the Administrator bim.
Norman Roach Co. In the death of Mr. and his wife as also the elite of Call and see us before purchasing Croney after a fairly pro the Colony and those too numerBankruptcy Mr. Van Buren Qualified tracted illness.
Croney ous to mention, who like to find elsewhere.
began life on the lowest rung of themselves with the elite on sucb.
As Barrister The long established firm of the commercial ladder and after occasions) were present.
Normaa Roach Co. the Ice branched out on his own and met telegram has been received House Establishment, was de with great success. He was a from Mr. Barris Van Buren Branch Depot established in shadowed in the first inninge. the application of a creditor. busines habits and is reputed to was to assist the Fund being clared bankrupt on Thursday at man of meticulously careful The object, as aforomentioned, announcing that he has passed Barbados.
his final examinations in law The respective totals wert: St. The firm has for over seventy have left considerable wealth, raised to provide an Ray for Vincent 91 and 58; Barbados, 58 and is now a fully qualified bar.
and 193 for wickets. Capiala mercial circles in Barbados.
years been a land mark in comrister Mr. Van Buren. who is Sea Scout Troop at Trinidad Plannigan and his men hale the use of the Colony to be plac ed at the Victoria Hospital. The Magistrate of Caroni, left TriniST. LUCIA apparatus it is stated dad in April, 1921 to study law certainly made a good showing, The Launch Rosamond.
something like 800; since last In order to qualify for Magisterial Sea Scout Troop has been and displayed grit and dete: Flannigan has not Mr. Lionel Deveaux is turning the Fand. and other amounts year besides aubscriptions to Promotion and it is much to his started iņ Trinidad. Port of mination.
made The motor launch recently out some native 52 be Spain being the centre of the only proved a leader, but a credit that at the age bacon raised from various public enhad the energy to undertake activities of the new organisa. tiyely in both innings of the test the use of the Port Health at la 6d. per. Ib. and which we cricketer. He trundled effec received here from England for which he has put on the market (Continued on Page 7)
such a severe course of study tion. In celebration of the and successfully to complete it launching the movement, within two years. Mr Van Buren arrangements have been made will return to the colony in for holding a Regatta on Easter April. Trinidad Guardian. Monday. of leading citizens in Port of Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 Spain have been got together The Port of Spain Gazette and there is every promise of announces that Mr. C, Mar. the function terminating bril riot, MI Senior Inspector of liantly. The Port of Spain Schools and Assistant Director Gazette states. In connection of Education, has been offered with this Regatta it is proposed the post of Director of Education Sierra Leone, which he has de from Barbados to compete at the to invite a team of Boy Scouts cided to accept.
Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York City Sports. Communication on this Owned by THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK matter is now in progress, and Mr. Justice Russell Recelves everything seems to indicate White Kid Gloves. that it will be an au fait Depository of the PANAMA CANAL Mr. Justice Russell was presented with the white gloves at the Tobago Criminal Assiges for BARBADOS on taking his seat, he was informed that there was no case Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of to try. It THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in glve Me Justice Russell or other Professional Cricketer at Trinidad Judges black gloves in ENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN ITALY BELGIUM the home colony.
St. Vincent.
CHINA JAPAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES ARGENTINE BRAZIL CHILE QUBA PERU Frult Depot at Port of Spain PORTO RICO Under the headline Notes and URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA Under the direction of the Comments the Herald states Agricultural Society of Trinidad, that the Barbados team of proa fruit depot has been started fessional cricketers, under Cap in Port of Spain, and will be tain Flannigan, now playing a Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World conducted in conjunction with series of matches in St. Vincent the previously established probave, up to the present, had vision depot, which has been much the better of the two run with success and profit. fixtures concluded. In the first ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE The Gazette referring to this rew engagement. a draw game activity of the Trinidad Agricul they appeared to be in the bettural Society says: It is also ter position, and in the second INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM hoped at a future date to de contest the test match we velop an export trade with Bar, believe. gained a splendid vic.
bados And Bermuda and a tory after being somewhat overwill east strong Committee International Banking Corporation accompli.


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