
COMIMG VISIT OF WEST Treat Yourself Do not extract an aching tooth decayed tooth if it has at least BY TAKING two good walls can be saved to THE give you good service for many FOR years.
DR. SANGR CAPSUL II your teeth are loose with pus seeping around the neck of If Real Representative Side WONDERFUL CURE FOR th teeth, giving your breath an Is Sent English Critic offensive odor you are suffering Thinks We should do Welt.
BLADDER IRRITATION from Pyhorrea Alveolaris.
C10 be cured. Do not bave them extracted unless there is very NOTED BATSMAN: It Conta ds East Indian Oil of Sandal Wood littlu connection between the and other ingredients bony tissue alveolar and the tooth. Tarilton of Barbados If you are interested in saving Compiler of Centuries.
Gives Positive Relief in 24 hours your teeth see DR. JOHNSON The Port of Spain Guzette in its Surgeon Dentist EUY BOX TO DAY issue of January 29, published 139 Central Avenue the following article from tha AT THE Over City Pharmacy nen of the Gentleman in Black who writes for an English CHORRILLO DRUG STORE journal: No: 48 Street Corner Ancon Ave. If you like beautiful hair use It is many years since wa Creoline Hair Producer.
bad the pleasure of entertaining a team from the islands, and eince the last time side cama over the game is said to have improved much. That, of course, remains to be seen.
With two plavare who first came into note in this country as members of West Indian combinations Englishmen will still be quite familiar.
CIGARETTES One was Smith, who qualified for Northants and settled in New Zealand during the war and all round nlayer quite the first sight. The other in was Ollivierre, a batsman with a beautiful pair of wrists, who threw in his lot with Der.
byshire. On three necasions the former made 1, 000 runs and took more than 100 wickets in a season. Ollivierra best feat was to score 229 and 92 for Derbyshire Essex, at Chester.
field in 1904, when the latter were beaten by nine wickets after playing a first innings of 597 (Perrin 843 not out. If a thorougbly representalive side comes over, it may very well prove strong enough to win as many matches as it loses. Their visit, too may afford Warner an opportunity of reappearing in first class cricket for he would be qualified by birth to assist the team, and one may he sure that his help would NOTICE. SURPRISINGLY GOOD be welcome. If there is one cricketer more than another whom followAdministrator of Estates ers of the game here would be Office Plymoth in e rested to see it ls Montserrat, Tarilton of Barbados. For years past he has been making woniF IT NOT THE BEST 8th January, 1923, derful scores, bis chiet success In the matter of Estate of being an Innings of 804 not out George Skerrett late of Panama against Trinidad on the KenDairymen League deceased (Unrepresented) OF sington ground during the season 1920 21.
Take Natice that you are to It the wickets are hard he come in and prove your debts will be almost certain to do well, against the above Estate on or for he is a watchful player, with. CONDENSED EVAPORATED)
before the 28th day of July, 1923 a very strong defence. Next And further take dotice that in month he completes his thirtydefault of your so doing, you will carried in stock eighth year, but he is probably Is manufactured be excluded from any benefit as good to day as he ever was.
by 72, 000 Far arising from such estate. All communications concerning any DAIR MEN ownning debts must be sent in to me at fine Selection of Ho Ro Co Products the above office.
League about 1, 000 000 (Sgd. AGAR Contest.
cows which pro Administrator of Estates duce To all and singular the Credi AND 100, 00 TO BE GIVEN AWAY tors of the above Estates, ONLY IN PRIZES.
Sweetened Condensed THE LEBLANC JUST RECEIVED January March 1923 ConDERTAKER BEST?
test Ends March 31st, 1923.
CORNER AND 16th STREET ALSO BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Try it and be Member of the SHIRTS TIES COLLARS Rules Governing Contest.
convinced Universal Negro Improvement BTC. ETC. BTC. Agentes: FIDANQUE BROS. SONS Association African Cons1 Each purchaser of in Ho Ro Co Products will be given ISAAC BRANDON BROS munities League AT THE PALAIS ROYAL a coupon.
I, L, TOLEDANO, Colon Uulversal African Black Cross Nurses PERREIRA All coupons must be placed in sealed envelope and sent to Special Rate for Members Alexander Sanchez, General CENTRAL AVENUE, Corner 9th Street, PANAMA Retailer Ho Ro Co Products, O, Box 879, Ancon, not Over One Hundred adipe Dodge Corporation, own. The coming in the largest in the o clock to from the over ater than March 31st, 1923. The It The competitors of the Perish in Coal force of the explosion was terri explosion in 1918, in which many WILKINSON Evening School beatr dedembe prizes ou polo wil!
largest number of coupons Mine.
fio. One hundred and forty men lives were lost all the heavy checked into the workings this concrete work at the mouth of Contractor 1st Prize 20 00 morning, but only 122 were the main entry was to 2nd 17. 50 inside when the blast came. ruin by the force of the explosion 3rd EXPLOSION ENTOMBED 122 AT 15 00 More Than 100 Dead indicating that the extent of the and Builder CHRISTIAN MISSION SCHOOL DAWSON CALIDONIA 4th 5th Denver, Col. Feby. Rog blast in the deeper working was House No. 20 10. 00 6th 00 Rescue Parties Find More que parties entered mine num tremendous, according to infor. 7th 00 ber one early this evening and mation received here.
28th NOV. STREET, 8th English, French, Spanish, 8th The debris choking the mouth Than One Hundred 00 found the bodies of more than of the entry was partially SAN MIGUEL 100 dead miners, according to 9th Bodles.
Latin, Geometry, Algebra.
3, 50 report received by the Denver removed at foar o clock, and a Box 411, Panama, RP 2, 50 Post from its correspondent rescue party which was acoomThree competent judges will Dever, Col. Faby. 122 in Trialdad, Colocad. Com panied by Brendan, TERMS MODERATE be appointed to cbeck the men entombed in a coal mine di musication witha Dawson Maderal entryager of the mine. Plans and Specifications Free coupons on April 5th, and award. an Impossible, telephone com an. Apply to the prizes to the successful this afternoon, are still in the pany reports. There is but one If you like beautiful hair First class. Workmanship Teacher at School, Monday, ners will be published in this owners. The names of the winmine, according to telegram to line into the town and more than Guaranteed, ho Associated Press at 45 50 emergency calls are belga Creoline hair producer.
Wednesday and Friday paper.
Your Money Back Olny the Best Men Furnishings Creamy Milk mers English Woolens DANYMINST ILLIN White Linen Drills MILK Propected herds Cofrom GENERAL OF ASSOCIATION DAIRYMEN LEAGUE UTICA, ING 12. 50 10th


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