p. 8


DA PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MARCH 19 Resuit Of Last Sunday contestant des e me in tho wianer President La.
Race Meering, GEORGE WASHINGTON news ulto. half ler.
For New ConstituThe fourth rice, brought quite (Continued from page 1)
ad amount of speculation, as hopes were expressed favour designed, may be the bed.
ably to Darling, Paudellia and ing impulse be sind tua dan al (Continued from page 15 With intense excitement, the Quien Saba. At the rising of the the Nicaraguau prejetuar barrier is known thruout the tim of represent in sboud b, made the idea in soma circles that wer crowd at Juan Frando on Sunintroduced into the Bislative world as a model on pace, but unfortunately was ua hips Panama restiveness oruri Council.
day witnessed some of the best able to continue. Glorits took var title to the Cut Zae, and Months lave elpad and most satisfactory racing, a way since the adoption of the resolu.
the lead in the third ber disappolotmat at the aza1 tion; and as bobing was heard The way was an ideal oae furlong, but within the next of prosperity the craal TRUTH AND INTEGRITY for the intention of the Colunta!
The sunshine was basutiful and furlong Qaien Saba made for brought to the republic, is Otice in the matter, the taxe pleasant. There were quite a home and kept the lead to the unrelated to the announcemaat papers Associator, in Nove to large number of people of the Judge Box One considerauea that has During the five years that we have ber last, pássd a resolu tun that cosmopolitan class who enjoyed lth race was the sensational weight is, that it is not corrus themselves iminensely. fewd information should, it possible, been in business we have endeavoured be obtained from Londou on the neval otticers were present and and classic event for the day that the largest mercbet sap Over doe mile, Buck Dancer, co Laviathso tor ximpie, subj et.
they wok lively part in the Chileno and Raby Qasen faced is length of 95) festa At the last meebag of to follow the example set by this illusits tbe sociation a letter setting day proceedings the starter. The trio were sent bata of 100 old th ealet trious statesman, out to intormation contained The first rac was almost a away pretty good Ruby Queea traverse the present emi, the in the tres paragraph of this item. tor wbieh this certalıt: by a large number of and Chileno got on equal terms eks of which wouls 000 tortite: wis bse ced Mc. Raul for the first furiongs, but feet long, and 100 feet wide jouroal is indebted to The Espinos. vneno for all he was atter the baltvolle was passed not stopped that sort of thing It the Arms Conference had Clariou of the 25th was PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY worth. a backe were not Back Dancer went up read from the Secretary of State for the Colonies disappoinud, tur at the rising remained with Chileno ap to the would have had the super AT YOUR SERVICE of the barrier, that horse had seventh and a baltiu long. Com dreadnoughts withia tiva tect as The presentative Goverthings all his ow: way. Baby ink to the howe stretch Buck wide as the canal ment Assue atio o. Doni ica, at Chagres made several challenges Dancer shot ahead and inaintain new canal. whether of the a receni meung, adupted a reso.
but was unable to get on an ed the lead of half a length com sta level ditch, without locks to be iation that the organ zauvo take (qual score with the winner. ing bome an easy winner. shot at of the Nicaragua project FINAL ATHLETIC weer placese mare not bebind. such measures by way of publie with locks Sixth race, Super Gloria, od to be safe from tire from tna We give them credit for their m nstration petitions, quesIn the second race there were MEETING. sport in anlike conduct and their tions in tbe House of Columns, or five entries and although Ade accouot of the bandicap allow would be big enout tak cure veneral deportment during their other constitutional mas as lante and Landro were carrying ance given by Capitana bad bes of anything now ad at, or, kdy oriet stay on the Isthmus. All may be considered expedient for top weights, it was anticipated race marked out. Chagres, carba built At Isthmian Park Was of them have done well. They the purpose of urging upon the that Adelanta would have been ried sevea pounds over weig IN will be taking the Goodyear Home Goverwent the necessity an easy wianer, as May Be and and this did not give him a Monster Success. ChampionsLip Cup with them, for the early concession is tax.
Checkers, were scratched. At favorable chance against Super Llandro second, and but despite the plueky deter payers of tae cooay of a measure the rising of the barrier Liango Gloria. But in spite of the fear linte third. Pool paid 50 mination stated by Mr, Sangster, of popular representation in the Third race: Prºze 500. 00 die The mastia of a hletes was Panama will bring back that local legislature.
took the lead. but was over ful odds, Chazres made a plucky we wioner. Time 314.
taken by Glenrock which horse tight and succeedeš in securing tance fu clongs, Victoire continued to lethem in Perle con caputoabe Isthmus before it is In Mr. Wood report on his came home an easy dest, Tigre second, Creundes Saaday last, The 10De seu ta captured as a final priz. The seventh race of one milo unirà.
paying the biggest pool for the of investigation in the Pool paid 70 The tives from Jamales were out in day.
Wu accb race between 1 32.
tell strength and they cleaned Tho Unique Cscle Association West Indies it was stated that The third race brought out Pah ana Coruz. This was the Fourth race: Prix: 185. 00 all the events into wblea they has decided to pull of benetit there was notiso to indicata entered.
prettiest event for this day, distance furlongs. Quien sabe Seuded. Correas carried overy. abe purpose ot purchasing some public opinion in Dominies aud Davis the meet on suoday (o morrow) for that was Strony three of the imported borses: From the rising of the barrier ist, Darling second, Crusader from Jamaica, and two horses fought games third pool paid 86, 10 and 71 und before that his appola. cy for the bigla appreciation in group in favour of a change or istbmian souvenirs a token other coloutes of the Leewalu Tigro and La Victorie from for first pl 103. It was now on the first hörse, and Raw muccasion that has suprowary which the Jamaica athletes the existing foria of Govern Poru. This was a race it would Cortez and then On Pah, toe in second.
this in have worn the expenses to go tinish Blank got away from It is anticipated that ment; and 80 the memorials any distance to see Fifth rac. 15) bicycle are beld.
victoire Corte aud did urge this locet mama. Biar Salto pelos contest when Aslis alles sco. ch unto meeting will meet with sena to the Colonial Odice from rising of the barrier La Victoire da. This being those Colonies have been refus.
and Tigre blazed away but was modal, and brought himne homme Calle suegru, Rooy Queen one page homes e determinacion var last publication prior to being heldon carry of we.
overtaken by Crusader, winner amidst the highest or wird. Pol paid 480 soon representatives leaving for which tackled Tigre and com element, god enthusiasm wit 117.
Bals was truly an exciting Jaagica. Wo Lake us oppor menced a strenuous struggle bedsed at Juan Franco, race. Prie) 50. 00 antes Davis, Sangster, tuulty of wishing them on.
Result of Events, 1or supranacy; for five furlongs JUAN ILLUECA Gloriace first. Coagres second. rode for toele lico, here was no dents in this Republic bon Attorney. at. Law furioags. Suxr Sichloss. Johnson Holdia and Hall, babait of all West Indian resi.
and ball the result was doubtful At the conclusion of the sixth First raca Six Furloage: Von Capitana third. Puol paid SA BO slacking of energy or gipoxlogago, ad but they furlong Oru rader showed a noterest Bible Chegros second and 60. Poul 50 on the wiane: and a way of opportunties. That to be wortby West No. 65 Central, Avenue slight seventh furlong superiority, but in the end :3 10 th wiader, and 35 40 on the. coad borse. Time Jamaica was umiy represented Indian representatives.
wben about 052.
as in by, TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX No. 78 20 on the second horse. Time Sveath 800 yardstrom bome, La Victoire 37.
race: Pix 13800 saging. In the days of Johnson, CAWA with a rush as if she was a Practices in all Courts of distance mile. On Pab first Wear and Parchmeat, they were Rent Recolpt book in Spanmighty avalanche and putting Second race: Prze 110 00, Cortez second. Pool paid 160 errors of the wheel. The Ish and English for sale at Tho berselt between the other two distance furlongs. Gianrock Tine 51.
sowager men wbo have taken WORKMAN Printery: English Spoken Fluently wioner, second place.
tour Where Six. dis Panna WONDERFUL CIGARETTES FOR IN THE REPUBLIC 91 wo 10c.


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