p. 1


CUBANS HOPE TO SOLVE AGED FURTHER PROPHET BURNT HOUSE AND DETAILS PRESENT LABOUR USUE WAS SENT TO PRISON INIS Pe sho case for of sugar bas OD provinces la vestine operation but the from their employero nang NATIONAL ASSEMBLY TO MORROW RACING bera me round his house on are the accused the based on Hond Sees America Tom By Of the Loot of The Royal Great War Mall Steamer Orbita JSSION GIVEN TO COMPANIES TO GET (By KARL 8, VON WEIGAN, Lata details in connection with EDWIN GISCOMBE TOOK THIS MEANS OF FIELD HELP FROM OTHER ISLANDS Staff Correspondent of the New York robbery of Liquor from aboard the Royal Mail Steam Packet AVENGING HIMSELF ON WOMAN.
American. Co Steamer Orbila an account Berlin March 11 Tbe interna of Foreign Labourers Have Not For tiopal brotherhood, dream of issue is giving in the following Given Three Years Penal. Serviwell meaning and cable des. gotten Treatment Accorded Pacifists, is stih far of World New Yor New York, March 10. Ose of tude By His Honour Mr.
Dace is not to come Them Last Year.
blinded civilizid nations bleed pirates since Prohibition west until she the boldest robberies by rum Justice Orpen.
themselves white, and perhaps into efect was then it will be dominated by viril Thursday night when eleven perpetrated The Havans Correspondent to GRAN IS MADE TO IMPORT coloured races.
armed en bjarded the steam In the Home Circuit Court, alumber and abe found the house the Louisiana Planter writing to ANTILLIAN LABOUR. There will be another genera ship bila of the Royal Mail yesterday afternoon before mis on tire. The accused was angry that periodical under date Feb.
ruary 22nd says: Since our tinues also, but daily grants by States will be repeatedly lo volv pier at Morton Street. The shortag, of labour con tioa of war, in which the United Stew Packet Company at her Honour Mr. Justice Orpen because she left his house.
cowed Edwin Giscombe was arranged CROSS BXAMINATION Last communication; only Central Pe located in the province of government are being given to od, three Watchmen on board and on a charge of arson. The accus In oross examination the witoperations. As consequence severapante do tillian labo. Johanson, the aged pensant seer Scotch whisky valued at pro following jurors were empanelled nest said she had knowa Santa Clara, has begun grinding suger companies for pear missina These are prophecies of Autoa mado way with twentse cases of od pleaded not guilty and the There are now one hundred and Beveral days ago permission will would become a sail dollars prophetic rerning that hititoa prices at about 2, 500 Mesars, Archibald Lanigan (fore acccused for about tvo ygard.
also seventy eight centrals operating Sugar Company, to the Cabs in Germany collo and whose given to the Punta Alegre mad. Ivan Llwellyn Morand, accused did my he would bug Benjamin Edwards, Albert Auld dows David Roberts houst in the island compared to Cane Sugar Corporation, and to urgings against the great war The Orbita arrived from Ham and Clinton Davis sne hundred and saventy three the Cuba Paatations Operating which he foresaw caused burs de Wednesday afternoon.
The prisoner: Do you know how at the correspond ng period Company to bring into 30 Mr. St. John Yates. Acting many letters it takes to conviot At midnigbt, Thursday, wben of last year. According to Island 000 Antillian Isbarers the much talk in court circlen bo ashore leave of crew had expired Anishat to the Attorney wier?
ice crede 1907 and 1914, but were and the sbip was quite sale for General, who conducted the proWitness: don know.
Follo) od follows: Ia Pinur del Rio the regular At thie rate the labour short patrol of threo pecution, outlined the provlace, nine; la H264 prothe former watcoulon, motor boat evident the Crown Dr. Dryander, wn and proceeded to call His Honour: What is the intervince, seventeen: Man anzusce problem should soon be Kusor chief captun, becsma ly rowed to the side of the Orbita, the evid the evidence, prota Hon to that question? have province, twenty nine; in Santa wo ved satisfactorily. The Beatly intaronte ia the peasant made fast to the side of the ship Davis Roberts was she dret wit never heard the expression before?
Clara province. Hip in bourers, however. It le reported. Prophet and introduced bım at ness called! He said be rented a Camaguey province, twenty are demanding much gher wa that time to more than a dozan Al eleven men climbed from piece of land is sc.
Andrew on The Acting Registrar: The seven; und in Oriante province gen than was paid at he begin university professors, writers the motor boat and heade their which he erected house. He three latura aro a auglue forty one ning of the harvesting season, and specialists in oceult science way to the dock, Before the know the accused. He was living tar. watch was aware of what was with a woman named Mary Aon but as the price of AMAZING YULPILMENTS happening, gun was presed to Imogene Benndtt testified that CANE SHOWS EFFECTS OF Cisea zore than tw cents above Johanson insisted that Tae to his side and ha was ordered Lynch. On the 23rd of October on the 24th of October last Mary DROUGHT.
what it was at the beginaing, the Weather conditions have replanter can rendily meet these Vaico instructed blm to warn be quiet under pain or death the woman came to him and in bim he allowed her to stase gone bd and she remained up house. The other occupants bad maine ing operations belog cool and it bas been dificult to get some Kiser, of impending danger antow and found two other wateh bis house. He retired to bed at me wipg. At about 10. 30 she guits ideal for harves: desde sis stated tral ruling sovereigos specially the Six of the bootleggers went be consequence of what she told Ann Lynch came to stay at her men patrol. They were about p.
on the 24th of dry practic ly throughout the of the tillian labourers to against going to war.
in Details of his visions, as rela brought on deck and lined up. October The occupants of the beard crackling sound. she of local showers in the western the cane telds, because of the teda ne that di me, were amazing wheeleverde e been leven, bool house were Imogene Bennett, looked up and saw the thatela eatire island, with the exception come to Cubs at all for work shote harrowing experiences moy of fulalled, and that fact is creaung leggars waarded the three ship her two children, Mary Ann root of the house on fire. She parts throughout the week. In Camaguey and Oriente them had during the past two (Continued on pa ge Continued on Page 4) Lynch and witness were in the gave the alarm and they all cama but the drought con campaigas when on account of bouse. He was asleep and when wages was from slumStewart said knew It is excellent for failare growing canais suering con. With finaacial conditions having them almost to death.
AT JUAN FRANCO Alter the tire be went to the rest October last she heard the siderably NEGATIVED BILL.
dence of the accused but he did accused say that he bad brougbt The siz, of the cane now haing barvested also shows improved toroughout the entire not see bim or any one there a girl there (Mary Ann Lynch)
the effects of the lack of mois Island over what thay have baen Womon Shall Not Be Will Be a Grand Contest of never saw the accused again and he did not know who had until in the Polise Court.
Imported Horses, inade her leave him. If, howture during the past growing during the past two cam signs, Lawyers.
ever, be did not catch her to kill season, 18 the cine is very short it may not be so difficult ja, Cross examined the by To morrow. Sunday) at Juan to induce toese toreigners once ta length.
On Tuesday last, the National Franco, will be the second not see the accused set the fire. 24:D of October last there was prisoner the witness said he did ber, he would set the place in more to try their luck ia Cab.
whicb she slept on fire. On the LOSES FROM CANE PIRE HEAVY.
Assembly of this Republic nega important day of the series of GREAT SUGAR COMBINE uved the project ut law prvo sed international rac. ng which is Nosir, hor mane letters are at David Roberts yard.
In cons. queue, of the long NƏw York, Fabuary 21. Ru by the Government for aumit being run for large priz given it iskes to convict a totet? After the tire she went to the continued drought there were current in Wall Ling women the pracuce of by the Panama National Govern I don koow.
residence of the accused along many cme tires being reported mura as having occurred in the eastern Screet circles to day that a large law. Among those who opposed ment and the Pan. ma Jockey Mary Ann Lynch, said she met with Roberts, but they did not provinces. Os a colonis of the sugar combination will be formed the second reading was the Hon. Club. There will be seven the accused in st. Catherine. tiod bim. Ais place with his Central Agra donte, one of the with a capital of aproximately Deputy Manuel alvarado who interesting events on the pro They became friendly and she things were locked up.
largest tires of the present ser 100 000, 000 dols.
was very uncompromising in gran me. There will be a mile wert to live with him at Constant In cross examination the wit non occurred during the week, The principals involved were stating. that while the pro Laga a half race for a prz) of Spring, The accused treated her ness said the accused used to when over a million and a half not disclosed, but it is understand posed law merited bis sympathy 750. 00 and a Flying Handicap badly and she left bim. The day work at the Constant Spring arrobas of cane were burned, ſo that most of the compacies in the he refused to be a party to allow 5t turlongs for 500.
before she left bis yard the water wor Не her.
Buck Dancer and wonen entering the domain sections of Oriente province it is reported merger are located in Dad have accused said she must not stay in went away after the fire and said that the numbers and the Cuba.
shown a great deal of improve the locality because it he could never returned. Women were extent of damage of cana tires is destined to ment since the first grand contest not catch her in one way he Coarles Mitchell, president Eustace Dixon entered the much greater tau in former of Cae Nacional City antes das their proper place and in that and will b) on the track to mor would catch her in another. The wit Bess boer yuare, and that as a rernlto!
broad to row to try conclusions with La accused also told her that if sbe Accused these los ses a number of centrals a Cuba recephely, but he could not whice ber sex belong To permit Victoire and Forget Me Not.
slept in anyone place be would (sternly. Your will be compelled to cease grad bs learned whesher his trip to her to enter th: pruiession of a Below are the eveats for burn it down Od the 24th of Honour, please let that wituess ing operations much ea ler voe islaud republe bad aayaing jariat, sou will us abtedly aban to morrow programme. October last she went down to stand down. won have him at was at first expected (Continued on Page 8)
and it will then com necess: Horses, whiskey, Pato Canso. stayed There. During the night. 1st Ric. Furlongs Native Imogene Bennett house and all. He is going to lie (laughter)
Dixon was sworn and gave evi, ary for the meo to attend to the Lipac Wotan, Coca Cola. she was awakened from her (Continued from page 3)
SUPREME COURT 000, 000 Subscribed To business of the home. Let us 2nd. Race: The Jockey Club ke a view of the men taking up Horses, Qalea Sabe. Glorita, Loan For Jamaica. 19. domain of the weaker sex, Paudellis, No Se aud Darling of Future Of Cuba. Fearnots Physical Culture WII Hear Appeal of CapThis will indeed be a borrible Mr. Valencia stable.
Club WIII Entertain On tain Solis.
condition of faits, 3rd. Ric: 12 Furlongs 11 mile The London money market Several other deputies spoke Imported Horses. La Victoire, Montreal, Canada dated March? late cable despatch from Monday.
Lost Monday the Honorable seems at present to be deeply against the proposed law watch Backe Dancer, Mayaro, Johanie states that great prosperity for Supreme Court of Justice, at interested in the conomic de was lost in the baliot; 17 voied Walker, Crusader Cuba was predicted to day by Fearnots Physical Culture Club On Monday at 30 pm the m, carried through the ballot velopement of the British West against and in favour, Cortez.
with the Magistrates to secure a ladies and the inves:ors Sir Herbert Holt, president 45b. Rice: Furlongs. Native have of decisioa as to the competency of realised that the island is a the fiftli Magistrate to hear the valuable asset to the Empire.
Fancy Fair and Dance Horses. Chilmark Baby Chagres, the Royal Bank of Canada, wbo which has been recently organiz May Bs. Mountain Boy, Veneno, tion of the Cuban branches of meeting at the UNI Hall.
has just returned from an inspeeled will hold 2: grand inaugural appeal against ex Caplain Solis Postponed. Glenrock, Tigrillo Zipi Zape.
of the Police Department charged The over Subscribing of a loan the 5th, Race: Furlongs, Im.
The value of this Guachapali. Several prominent The promoters of the Grand with the offer ce of having abused to Jamaica is an indication at the Fancy Pair and Dadee which ported Horses, Capitana, Super Year a crop will be in the excess person interested in tho physi.
the individual rights of a person confidence in the coumercial 400, 000, 000. be said, and cal developement of the young was to come off on April 14th Gloria, Chomba Loca, Long Shot, speculative conditions have been men of this city will give ad.
ander arrest.
political status of the countiy.
We beg to state that same has Chagres dresses necessity of On the tirst ballot No. was In the Legislative Council on been postponed to May 12th. Au 6th. Race: 54 Farlongs. Im entirely eliminated.
physical culture: drawn doctor Mascotte who Wednesday, the acting Colonial those who have purchased tick Crusader Quien sabe, Rəflejo banks bas added greatly to the ine prepared for the occasion ported Horses, La Victoire, Dad, Elimination of weak local splendid programme is bewas to take place of His Honor Secretary made an announcement ets and others interested are Forget Me Not. Avispa.
Senor Grimaldo Oa the second which was received with cheers asked to take notice.
prestige to the Royal Bank of and an invitation is hereby ex ballot No. 10 was drawn, Señor by the House, He said two days Canada and the National City tended to all friends and those of Anastacio Raiz It was necessary after the loan of 645 oco for the British Consulate Notice.
Dance Postponed Bank of New York, Sir Herbert similar organizations to be préssaid.
for a third ballot as those pre colony had been placed on ent.
Please be advised through this viously drawn had relationship London market, applications The Acting British Consul at medium that the Foresters of British Consulate Notice. British Consulate Notice with the accused The third ballot from investors were made for Colon would be glad of informa Lebanon Dance which resulted in the drawing of St for 000. 000. In other words, it was in as to the present where arranged to take place on the The Aoting British Cansul at Fornadez Jaen as the magis The Acting Beitish Japaul at rate competent to sit on the ap Over subscribed times, The lo huo u Bostace French, ai 28 sb inst. is postponed until the Colog would be glad of informa Colon would be glad of informanative of Jamaica who left the 29th proximo peal as there is no legal impedi sue of 25, 000 in Jamaica towards Island in 1908, and who is stated tion as to the present where tion as to the present whereAll holders of invitations are abouts of Caroline Thomas, a abouts of Samuel Young, a nemeat excisting between himself the loan was also over subscrib to be working at the Cristobal respectfully requested to be native of Jamaica, who was just tive of Jamaica, whose last adand ex Captaia Solis.
ed. Jomics Herald)
guided accordingly, heard of from Cristobal. dress was Cristobal, o.
are with 10 of men men.
was OLOT


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