
PACE TW THE WORKMAN BATURDAY, APRIL 1923 Time Interesting News from The West Indian Islands LYNTON Book Binding!
THE WORKMAN Book Binding Department It so.
to was 436 West Tenth St.
Magufacgurers and porters Indlauapolis Ind. that the result JAMAICA Evening School THE BANANA CHRISTIAN MISSIO SCHOOL MARKET.
No. 107, Bolivar Street Latin, Geometry, Algebra. doubt interesting, books when you The Herald states Jamaica is THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY TERMS MODERATE can have them neatly bound at assured of a good supply of bananas for export purposes Apply to from next montb; and if the FULL SU island is saved from the ravages Teacher at School, Monday, of a hurricane during the sum Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, YE Wednesday and Friday mer, it is safe to say that the trade will continue at high Cabbage, Dairymen Butter, water mark until November.
ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES Interesting West Indian News Six companies were in the market this week purchasing fruit for the United States alone.
though we might be permitted CENTRAL AVENUE This is in addition to the Elders Call and see us before purchasing a guess. Perhaps it is that the Fyffes Co. who are in the corpulency of some members English Trade.
It is confident and No. G Street lor thfacuity o!
others ly expected that another corpordeseryes some support, ation will soon enter the field to they hare it. Bat why not a sbip bananas to the States; and modern, electrically driven lift, it will, therefore, be seen that competition should be extremely onwards with a little cost as it was clear that he was not with pushed seats and bevelled possible to them in the way of pushed between the machinery, be surprised. As it is, we glass We promised not keen in this particular trade.
Creoline Hair Preparations paying for the transportation of What remained for them to their bananas shipping consider was whether it was recommended some improve Positively Superior to all others on earth. Municipal Lot centres, possible to prevent a recurrencement in the tint selected for Try them and be contiaced.
Toe first improving the appearance of the The Government should pro of such an accident.
tery. vide harbour facilities instead of mind was that the engine might precaution that struck one Iron work.
They are the Master Preparations of the World, leaving it to shipping companies Different from all Others Referring to the establishing to concentrate their activities at ook astepped to do the balles dia: Reply to Governor Prices of all goods in the United States of America 50c. of but. engaged, but had to con Speech.
all Foreign Countries, e.
being advocated at Jamaica hement should seek to protect the sider that firstly, it would take Herald diecountenances the ides individual growers instead of about a quarter of an hour Creoline Hair Producer in the following terms: The ship stop and restart the engine, and shipping companies.
plug companies should be forced secondly so far as he knew, Straightens rough, harsh. aky hair with or without hot combs. From the Globe)
and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELIVE. Contains 10 Advocates of a municipal lot to send their ships to as many there was no factory in the The followiog is a copy of the percent more oil than is possibl: to be put into any other preparation tery are either shouting them ports as possible for fruits. world where an engine of its kind la tas world. Patchet in plac) ani preveai, baldness, selves boarse at street corners Mr.
Simpson said he was not it was proved in testimony that ordur Inagural Speech at the stopped to change the pulley. reply passed on Teusday by the In ounce tins, Legislative Council to the Gov or are spilling a good deal of ink Creoline Day Dandruf Remedy in correspondence to the daily opposed to the resolution but be be this belt ought al be very good scalp treatment positively removes Dandruff, Tetter press on the subject. lottery komedhhe Government woulido shifted by two men; and indeed opening of the Legislature: suppress trade and Becema, It is antiseptie. Grows Lair koss the scalp healthy in side of charitable institutions combination and trust concerne such was the instructio: of the The Legislative Council To His In ounce bottles.
a different Excellency the Governor.
Such concerns were not wanted owners of the company, Jackson Manufacturing Co.
sal that the Governor should edo bere. Foreign companies were thought that it was perfectly The Legislative Council thank act a law which will bring JaAll Up to date Drug Stores carry a stock of Creoline.
maica in line with Cuba, Panama trying to get bold of all the lands clear that what happened was Your Excellency for the Speech thie: The deceased had been delivered to them at the opening Costa Rica, or Monte Carlo. Let there could sem tbeercoTondopting working alright; bis time was up of the Legislative Session of 1923 advocates of the scheme say it some of them were adoptiog and he was anxious to go home, 24.
destructive the setting up of common The Council are pleased to wel. proval by the Council, The The measures outlined in Your raming houses for this is what to the best interest of Jamaica and in order to save a bleste or so, he attempt to shift administration, the come Your Excellency on your auxiliary supply will not only Excellency Speech for the one or the ideas of British admin Those corporations were destroy balaccountabilite de andr, 16000m2 returu from leave and trust that relieve anxiety for the future. erection of the Northor Point to in Jamaica ing mannergot his to been. hoped, allow a improving tration. If they can point to with the sad beneficial to yourself and family, newal of the water supply to the the Civil Service and the sanicorner of the British Empire should not be permitted. He foot entaogled On the facts be did not desired an assurance The Council note Your Exce approaching reaping season.
eugar factories 10 time for the tary condition of the Colony.
where this is permitted under Government intended to protect think they cald come to any the patronage of the State, wel the people.
especially the enactment of the verdict but that the deceased llency reference to the recurrThe Council heartily recipro and the proposal to endow the registration of cause of death, and good; but until they can do this, they must be told that it is After farther discussiɔn. the met his duash as the result of an ing aitticulty in convening the accident. Legislature in time for due con cate Your Excellency confi. Venereal Disease Clinic and the Incumbent upon the governing resolution was carriel. Herald sideration of the Yearly Estimate, dence in the improving figancial Baby Welfare League, which authorities of Kingston to enturned a verdict of accidental will have their careful attention, the large estimated deticit at the Women Social Welfar League The jury unhesitatingly re and any proposals to remedy this condition of the Colony, in that were established by the volve a more humanizing scheme BARBADOS death, for the raising of money to reThe by Exce model our streets, than to allow 11ency gratification that an in. converted into a substantial four for nearly two years, will have toe City Council to organize a Improvement to Council creased rainfall during the past plus. iekod they concur in Your the Council careful considera lottery. But, for the communTerrible Accident At season has improved the pros Excellency suggestion that the tioa in due course along with ity good, before many days Chamber. pects to the sugar crops and indebtedness of the Coloas any of her propusod legislation roll by Councillors who think has relieved the scarcity of should be paid off as soon as laid before them.
that nothing is too demoralizing I, Ice Factory to be beld up to the people as The central stairway leading districts during the early part of formed to provide for water so severely felt in many practicable and a reserve fund future With regard to Your Excelmoney making enterprises, will to the Legislative Chambers has last year contingencies, lency reference to the agitation be shorn of their authority to ENGINEER BODY MANGLED its border walls, a serpentine recently had added, to each of The liberality of in a Foreiga Country for the tbe Britisb The improved oil production sale of the West Iadian Colonies speak in the names of the Citizens of Kingston, for amalgama hand rail, painted in a most Union Oil Company in opening of the Colony and the opening of the Council reliad coa di dently The premises of the West violent a bilious yellow. It is up pure and extensive supply the West Indian College in on the statement made in zion is almost an accomplished India Ice Factory, situated at noticeable, witbout being at of water at the Belle Plantatiou Drinidad are potable events of Barbados by His Royal Highness Bolton Lane and Victoria Street, tractive We are yet to learn of with the kierous corporation the past year which the Council were the scene shortly after the cause of its inspiration, or the owner, is noted with ap are pleased to acknowledge.
Continued on Page 7)
day break on Tuesday of a ter SAV LA MAR rible accident, by which Harold Mayers, 21, of Balls, Christ HARBOUR Church, met an untimely death under very tragic circumstances. Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 GOVERNMENT TO CARRY QUT young man, of whom bis It appears that the unfortunte emSURVEY WITH VIEW TO cloyers speak in terms of sorIMPROVING THE PORT. rowful praise, was, prior to his departure from the factory In the Legislative Council on during the preceding night.
where he had been working Tuesday afternoon, the Hon. demonstrating to one Williams, Member for day bands that the machinery of the Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York City Owned by The NATIONAL City Bank of New YORK Westmoreland, moved: controlling the pump was work That the parish of Westmore ing all right, when, in shifting land being without any railways a belt, his foot became entangled with which to move produce to with the result that he was other ports, and having at bedragged over a shaft and was Depository of the PANAMA CANAL same time no harbour accommo thrown with terrific force be.
dation suitable for the con tween the pumping machinery, venlent loading of vessels that snabing his skull by the force surveys of the barbour of Sar, of the blow. At the same time Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of la mar should be made and an engineer assistant ongthe improvTHE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in ing this harbour so as tombre premises saw one of his lege hurled by the revolving machin.
ENGLAND freight and fruitery few yards away. HorriFRANCE ordinary SPAIN ITALY BELGIUM steamers to call at tbls port died by the occurrence, Mayers CHINA JAPAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES Ebould drawn up.
fellow workers lifted his body ARGENTINE BRAZIL CUBA PERU Speaking to the motion, Mr. Crom between the machinery PORTO RICO Williams said it was felt that and laid it on the floor. The URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA Sav la mar was cut off from the Police were commupicated with market. It had no railway, and, and they in turn notified Mr.
therefore, it was felt that bar. Jackman, Cononer for bour improvement was what the District A, who associated Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World parish required to enable, ships with a jury beld an inquiry into to enter the port to load fruit, the circumstance attendant upon Mr. Ewen seconded the reso the occurrence.
lution. There were other ports After taking depositions from ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE that required improvement in employees in the factory the order to enable land owners in Coroner in summing up to the certain parts of the island who jury, said it was quite clear that INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM were extending their cultivations the deceased bad met his death in bacalas to be able to dispose by an accident: There was no of their fruits from next year one near to him at the time and fact.
International Banking Corporation CHILE


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