p. 1


PRICE Cts. Cy.
THE MUNICIPAL LOTTERY PROPOSED FOR JAMAICA revi was all slates shipp lis two ons loud with iron a all GHASTLY TALE OF MURDER SLAVE CIRCULATED TRAFFIC FALSE STORY FROM BOCAS DEL TORO Be ng Revived Thousands That Bar Keeper Wins of Human Being sold in Panama Grand Prize and Slave Markets, Got Jail. entonce.
In 1, Necromancer Hanged Old Jamaicans On The Isthmus Writes Man Then Roasted And Ate Direct West India Cable Toformation from Bocas states despatch from London dated that on Monday, March 28th Promoter Heartily Endorsing Jack, March 24 states: Revival of the Nicholas Panamanian His Flesh.
Slave Trafic in Africa on wbich klephone man at the Almirante New Project. corresponent from Bocas lodians on the mouctalnr, over ber is causing the French and about la this way. Late Sunday subject the League of Nations Central was ordered into arrest Books bas promised to act next Septem. for three days. The jailing came The following Correspondence that the prºza drawn on Sunday del Toro writing the Jamaica which be supernatural British Governments Gleaner states that savage sway. Some years ago, Muert concern. Thousands of human told the manager of a popnlar relative to the establishing of snostly West Indians. Jamaicans serious night, the Mayor of the town from Jamaicans on the Isthmus the 11th Inst, were paid out to murder of the Voodoo type ani washni xed up bei einer der beings are being marketed in Third Street obar that he che Lottery in the Isle of Springs including, and it is a well known welca occurred on or about the among his people, but then no Abysidia, It is declared, and liquor man) who was known to be has been sent to Mr. Bain Alves fact that not long ago a Sed lash, among the Indians, of one da ed denounce bim. the Franch Government bas di the holder of ticket 2690. draw. and to the Gleaner in support gentleman scd bis wife won the Oricamolo Mountains some Tae Roman Catholics now bave covered that montbly shipmonts ing 200 of the Panama Lottery of the project: part of the Grand Prize and elgtaty of ninety miles away, a large following in that region, of slaves are passing through the effected in Panama City, that day Colan, Rep. of Panama.
regretted very much they did no cime to tight here a few days the Wesleyans are also doing port of Ladjourah in French had won seven pieces or 7, 000 some work there.
buy more tickets.
Somaliland from March 19, 1923.
which traffic dollars Cy, of the Grand We do not want enemies and Bain Alves, Esq.
The story told us, the that an local Sultan, it is alleged, Prix. This the bar owner did Kingston traltors in our campe, therefore, Indian named Juan Jose Sada se Of Drowning. derives a fee of 43. per head cn not believe. So the Mayor got we are asking our opponents it shipped the had carried Arabia Long ill.
to Jamaica, they wish Jamaica and Jamaihim to one Mueratool, who is a British naval units are endea by the Company town Sir. We, the undersigned Ja cans well Please stop fooling for Zoquia. that is com bicing the very unfortunate circumvouring to deal with the situation agent, wbo questioned Jack over On the strength of waicans, residing in Colon, Reif such a grand scheme should ceiple capacities of parson, doctor stanc occurred last Tuesday in the Red Sea and Persian Gold she phone: wad necromancer. Arrived at the evening, Three Panamant and are meeting with some men bis advice, the bar manager public of Panama, beg to tender fall through, we would bid goodhusa tind festeck in the was a bound girls left this city at about 33 sure of success. British vessels spent nearly 50 dollars Os to you our spirited congratula bye to the Land of Spring been in to friends tions the to who slipped a rope around his bith.
laad and feet by the doctor for the Jann Diaz river for villages along the Oman coast lo and well wisbers, celebrating the grand scheme The Municipal Yearn after: but should it sorgeed The girls ara Juana Lottery.
we would all say with uplifted neck in the shape of noose. Riviera, Maria Louise Bolorguis, connection with the campaign good fortune which had come to But Monday morning it mokratoni tied the rope to a tree and Clematins Romas. They against slave running operaticos. turned out that the number well thought out scheme has land that is howing with milk We can assure you that your HIP! HIP! HURRAH! for the bands and in choruses HIP and comanenced to hoist Jose, hired a car and after reaching They recently discovered cons drawn was 2004.
The prostrated determination of who struggled for freedom to the river they went for a bato presenet Saves proceeding trom went to Almirante and took up ninety per cent. oto us bers, and and boney, and your name sbali protestedthe but French Somaliland believed the matter personally. Jack its the best inducement that our Zaqala biome 80 enraged, current was too strong for them to have come from Abysiuia.
go as Moses of Jamaica and your that the younger man had to dee, and all tree were in fomicent defence was that he was told so litule island of Jamaica has ever scheme means a chance for the being drowned. British Consulate Notice by a prominent gentleman whom and also her prodigal sons and calling home of thousands of JP but not before one of them had danger of ofered to her people at home, rich as well as the poor and a severed his hanging fatade fram Blunda rosemena, a detective The British Consulate Generai batelieved ought to know. This daughters.
she tree, Muerawai next act was on toe spot and succeeded maicans who did not expect to was to take a mol. no (tone in rescuing two of the wonen information respecting the where ber as a joke, because of constant be lots of at Panama would be glad of gentleman said he gave the nom Sir, we know that there will return, through lack of Ioduceased for grinding corn. watery grave.
which be pulled both eyes and view of the hard work, he was Benson who is suid to have left Prizes. But all the same Jack lieve they belong to the Angelic which will help the cause that nonsensical opposi ments. Let us have a lotteryabouts of Shirley Alexander molest to him about lottery tionists who would like to be that useful lottery by all means pounded all the ueth, wh ch to exnaasted to save the third the flesh adhered, from the girl and she wene 13 the battoin Jamaica for Panama in the year got the blow.
Hi bat kalig: h: invietim, Tae Zuqar ended the and was drowned. Her lifeless creased so much to day that the needs assistance, Jamaica fujob by applying fire to tbe body was recovered appat ten wolves had better come in their ture in the distance. And the benefits Kingston stands to achead and breast of the dead minutes later and taken to the own clothing, for we would quire.
body. Tots is the latest aceea Santa Tom is Hɔspital. WOULD MAKE EASTER FIXED take better stock of them. Sigaed) JAMAICANS ABROAD Lotteries are carried on gives by one who says he was 12 eye witness of the tragedy.
over the world, with very little lothes signatures of many thouP. Lack of space prevents Other versions more or less British Consulate Notico.
demoralising results(if any at all) Sands who would aflix same.
corroborate the foregoing story, Furthermore, the Panama however, adding that CALENDAR EXPERT SAYS CHANGE Governmen there is proud of its Mueratoni albo roasted certain The Acting British Consul at WOULD HELP TRADE AND BRING FEARNOTS PHYSICAL lottery, which is one of the the Gleaner runs thus: Another Letter aedressed to parts of the decease body, Colon would be glad of informaMORE GLADNESS mainstays and which induces which with the eyes and heart betion as to the present whereCULTURE CLUB.
many of the people to remain THE EDITOR, abouts of Cuarles Lanchland here with that grand idea Sir me little Accused is at present lodged in Alexander, a nativ, of Jamaica, Moses Cotsworth, the calen the town jail. is an old mau who was employed on the Pacitie dar reformer, wao recently did. Held Successful Meeting at hope to Win, and there is no space in your valuable paper jude absolutely demoralishing effect to say a few words about the and until nis capture last week, Steam Navigation Coun pany covered that the obelisk in Cen Liberty HallGuachapali.
on the public.
proposed lottery scheme for coatesilad not less than 000 boat Salvador in December 1919. tral Park was not on rectly placed, Sir, we are also glad to state issued a statement yesterday, In On last Monday night at the (Continued On Page favor of celebrating Easter on a ball under the auspiceg TO MORROW New Mounted Police at the believe the time, the Superiore te the newly organized clot, Sunday Afterno un con.
Las better weather, knowa the Farnots cert.
flowers and the effect on trade Physical Culture Club. tre MESSAGE OF RACES.
inaugural meeting ww quite a THE HOUR Easter was creed by the success! The attendance was brilliant military parade grand Sacred Concert under To morrow (Bunday 15th Inst. of the newly organised Mounted council of Nice in 325 to not as large as was expected the auspices of the Future Hope change with tha moon, according but it was a there will be seven tine races to Police was held at Las Tablas 10 Mr. Cotsworth, because the appreciative and intelligent and Lodge O, S, will be given in audiepse their Hall at 20st Central Avenue All Should Hear It.
be contested, at Juin Franc 02 Tuesday last the 10th instant moon was a matter of such great Mc Wynter was request on Sunday afternoon 15th inst, the classic thoroughbreds are should prove a useful unit to the liportance to the Christian pil ed to take the chair and kindly The well known Primrose Choral over several distancas. None of the men were well trained and consented. The speakers were. Union will be responsible for the grims of that period.
On Suaday, April 15th Tie listed bu istine opportunity is local Police Döpartment.
The fac he said that Lord Mr. DeCoteau; Dr. Juan programme; the members of International Bible Students piak form and are Associatiou proposes to deliver offered to the native horses. Three conpetent authorities are on th: Das borough, President of the Tinker, Attorney at Law; Mr. which are distinct events have been listed right patinete a nakon dvancourt by Bitish Coumber of Commerce Physion cature. Instructor at their money worth and more. ject. Satan Empire FailingHouston, and. prepared to give the Public lecture to the world on the sub programmprogressive ard French and is ex. ste thas public interest bringing about the necessary It behoves the lovers of good Millions now living will never will continua to supp»rt the quirements to hold crime and sentatives, have bun impressing Red Tapk.
the authorities in Rome to call a music races as a large amount of 11e a wlassgess in check.
provements have been proved conference to fix Eister raises was arrrnged to which wt. Collable titoe witnd have an enjoy die th In Panama, Court Wallace men as and the Chorrillo Lodge will be thu. rendered two songs Adams. Bates Lorenzo, Simper, the place used for that purpose and will be curried out if inconveniences caused by leaviog and there were two recitations Wildermere Ramler etc. It is a cheerful and hopeful ronage warraats the large inCAPTAIN CONTE such an admirable festival as by the Misses. Niles, which Doors open at o clock Concert message, and deserves the vestments and necessary outlay.
Eister to wander about the cold ware intelligently delivered Mr. starts at pm sharp serious and thoughtful consideraTomorrow Events, wiada of March are being 10 DeCoteau subject was Modera tion of the public. Evangelista Promoted in Police Force. creasingly felt Snivers cool down tion and Abstinence in Physical British Consulate Notice. Seala and St Hill are the speak18t Race. furlongs WhisThe speaker was emthe spirit if thanks and njicing Culture.
ers key, la Girl, Lapac, Ormond the The Acting British Congul at places. We are liviog in a Sword Dicce (Surprise) Capauwhich should brightened our lives phatic and instructive, and Tranca.
We are pleased to report that as growing evidences of Spring Dr. Dioker in an explicit mun Colon would be glad of informa momentous epoch of the world under oficial designation of the develp.
ner described mental develop tion as to the present where history; thoughtful miods won2od Race; Quien sabe, Dar President of this Republic atd Mr. Cits vorth sald the changement as the result of Physical abouts of Caroline Thomas, ader and ask themselves what ling, Glorita, No Se, Plaudellia, by an Executive decree. Mr. would help workers and business Calture. Curative exercises. native of Jamaica, who was just next? Kingdoms and Empires farlongs Conte has been appointed Chiet people who lose largely in earn muscles building exercises for heard of from Cristobal.
Captain of the First Section of ings and enjoyment when early resistance, falling, so the Churches, where heavy weight are we? The bible alone answers Sabe, Save Your. Sasafras public will be stationed at trada, and. Bird Boeke bit monteras is the National Police of thished: Esters come and spoil Spring exercises. The speaker demon andarearing the strong, healthy for martia en rond de witta hope strated a into world ReRef jy and Long Shot, the Central Police Department Which lose in this city, information on the subjack and much by non4th Mr. Houston mada a general deemer. Tae Bible Students Rice. Chombi Loca, wandering Easters, which in part was listened tɔ with marikad appeal to the audience for the therefore issue the invitation to Avispo, Chagres, Capitania, Captain Conte is popular and cause congregations to decrease. attention.
support of the Physical Culture the public to attend the lecture.
Reflejo, Long Shot furlongs. well respected and from his un reduce coll ctions and detract Mr. Debourg address was on Club, and declared that for 12 The hour is 7, 30 Admission 5th Rac. furlongs Glen diaching perseverance and de Easter observances. New York the general principles and the Consecutive years he has been free.
rock, zipi Žipo, Trapichito, yotion to duty, has won for bim Times.
good to be derived from physical following th: instructions and Adelante, Llandro, Coca Cola, the considerrtion and appreciaculture. The speaker expressed takiog the ex srcises and how he Birthday Luck.
Mountain Bəy, Juan Manuel, tion of those in authority, New Attorney Gets Degree the opinion that the time was bas enj vyed health thereby. Mr Checkere.
As the result of bis sinfast approaching whep parents St. Louis the founder of the club The La Salle Extension Univer will dem and a clean bill of health gave the announcements and exemplary 6th Race. Mitabai, Johnny conduct he has been promited sity has conferred the degree of before giving their daughters in returned thanks to the speakers ter much ill luck in searching for Caleb Headley of Demerara af Walker, Oh Pah, furlongs.
to a well merited distinction. It Bachelor of Laws on Mr, David marriage and that young men for the service rendered and to diamonds happened on a record 7th Race: farlongs. Veto. is felt sure that Captain Conte Leon who was a law student of will demand that their expected the audienca for their kind stone on his birthday. It we ghCosaco. Veneno, Baby Chagres. will assist improve and main that school on his being admit bride must be physically fit to patience, interest and attention. ed 43 carats and is the largest Cailmark, Dainty. Lipsc.
Cock tala the dignity and respect of ted to the Canal Zone Bar Oon. undergo the responsibilities of pleasant evening was then and finest dia mond discovered in tail, the Police Department. gratulations mych:rhood and the bringing brought to a close.
British Guiada.
one, ate.


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